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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. I love longbow ranger for PVE and is my most played farming class and I'm so excited to get Virtuoso as well. ignore the others who down vote on the Mesmer forum section.
  2. This is what I'm hoping Virtuoso will fix since i want a fast content Mesmer. Looking ford to kitting a Virtuoso out and trying it.
  3. 3 years and 6 months old Created May 30, 2018 12:04 Next present in 5 months and 2 weeks 507 hours and 9 minutes playtime 23 minutes and 38 seconds playtime per day I have been away from the game for about 2 years roughly so most of that the playtime is within a year. My most played class is ranger but only use that for pvp now and sometimes for PVE
  4. Dude Virtuoso is fine when I was playing I was easily able to pull similar dps numbers to my chrono and mirage. 10k in open world across the board and Virtuoso has more dps on groups and large bosses making it my ideal PVE spec for most content. Cant wait to play it on release with grieving armor set.
  5. Again that is the only change I want, Mesmer has a lot of self boons already. The ability to share them somehow would be nice, Bountiful Disillusionment is an self buff that would make an awesome 5 man buff.
  6. Do all new elite specializations need to get top 100 in a tournament. Let it come out and then we shall see, there are no broken mechanics and it does do something different even if people dont like the change. That's all the elite specialization needs to do. Even the condition and power line problem is fine since core Mesmer has a lot of condition traits so it makes sense that every elite specialization should have a condition line. My plan is to roll Grieving with full bleed duration.
  7. I have been overly positive to counter the utter salt that people had about losing clones. Virtuoso in my opinion is very good at the moment and not much needs changing. The only thing i would like to see is aoe might, swiftness and regen to make it more bard like. The developers agree since they barely changed anything about the spec, maybe at next beta we will see something.
  8. I will also agree it is amazing pve but pvp it is a pain. The one dodge thing is fine since its a bit op the main problem is it plays like a thief and generally are a bit useless in team fights.
  9. I believe the main reason there is a condition line is due to core having so many condition skills especially for offhand.
  10. I 100% agree with you and i am even a Mesmer main, i would say don't listen to the other players on this forum for the moment they want a 2 dodge mirage and Mesmer to become some sort of god tier class and only the elite play. This is pretty much why i hate scourge since its a high DPS support class that gets exclusively picked for CM fractals.
  11. I don't see ele on t4s much but I see them quite often on lower tiers and theif is common in t4s since its the highest power dps in fractals by far. I can see them pull 50k on some encounters.
  12. It doesn't mater they have never mentioned bringing it back since they removed it, no mater how many times (including me) it gets brought up. The obviously know something we don't.
  13. Yeah pretty much, ranger and guardian are the aesthetic choice since they are most qoute on qoute normal classes.
  14. Dude Necro is fine, you can't complain when people counter you. I mean Necro is the second most played class and I don't think it's because they are cool, that would go to guardian. They play it because they play style of having a high health class mechanic. I mean people play mesmer the third most played class since it has clones. Hense why no one likes the new spec.
  15. Well there called likes but the image is a love heart so meh
  16. Hmm yeah but atleast it's better than this forum where the opposite is true, if you praise Arena Net then you get puzzled and laugh emotes.
  17. Good some people are bringing some sense to this thread. Basically they will never return the 2nd dodge unless they massively buff other classes. Mirage is fine as well, it has massive burst still and is still used in high gold where I am. I have used mirage in pvp but its to fast for me.
  18. I will say this does not really happen on reddit unless you call for nerfs. To add to this I have seen arguments where both sides get thumbs up on reddit here it's a dog pile and only one side gets love hearts
  19. My gosh you are 9000% right, I post one thread about how I enjoy playing the new Virtuoso and get comments like, "Yeah okay ANet employee" and I'm the problem with the game.
  20. I don't have to agree with everyone, if people came out and said virtuoso is amazing I would probably point out why it is not. I just tend to be devil's advocate. I like Virtuoso because I will most likely use it in open world vs bosses and that's about it. I only use mirage for end-game content anyway, I don't like chrono at all for end game.
  21. Mesmer is my main and I still like Virtuoso. I guess we agree to disagree, the block seems more useful for me, more synergy with traits. I will probably run boon duration sigil with Virtuoso. I will say with beta gear I was not doing my normal 10k in the open world like with Chrono. I was getting roughly 8k dps on bounties but I'm sure I will get above 10k with full gear. (10k self buffs only)
  22. Distortion is useless for dps and atleast blocks can provide you with a few boons. The cast time a slow projectile speed means nothing when you have quickness going. You just need to stun or aim you shatters better if you can't hit enemies. Hybrid would be the best use for this class since you won't need to run expertise if you have only Bleed damage, just run a Bleed duration rune.
  23. Well atleast you are doing some damage with this shatter and get boons via blocking. Distortion gives you nothing for dps.
  24. But they behave completely differently since you have 5 separate attacks not 3. They all aoe and can pierce which means large bosses can get hit multiple times. I also notices F1 animation is different to F2. F1 is in a straight line F2 seems to fire at the ground, heat seek F3 one big attack F4 an aoe around the player. this is arguably better than old f4 that does no dps
  25. Yeah he obviously has never tried to use dagger, it combo's really well with the poison life steal trait. You can just auto attack downed enemies and no one can resurrect them. The other strength is the amazing synergy with hybrid builds, you have eastily get 15k dps with auto alone.
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