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Posts posted by Mell.4873

  1. 15 minutes ago, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    i thought illusions was replaced by chaos since a while ago, it doesnt really match what either chaos or dueling has to offer atm. MtD honestly just isnt enough compared to duelings bleed on illusion crit or chaos overall condi dmg output increase

    besides, if you want to match scg, you need to build for more overall dps, not burst. building for burst would mean that the boss is dying too quickly, and cfb is far more oppressive than scg in that regard

    I run Dueling and Illusions, most fights don't last long enough to benefit from not being burst.
    unless people run regeneration Choas doesn't add much over Illusions, The Pledge (Reduces recharge on torch skills. Flame bursts from torch skills inflict additional burning). Again its all raid build stuff, I play stuff that suits fractals.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Except in 9 years, classes that have high DPS haven't been a problem ... and neither has low DPS classes either. 

    I mean Infusion posted the links to the gw2wingman to prove me wrong but it shows that the only classes played in fractals are Necro, Guardian(healer) and Renegade(alac)

    For example https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/fractal/enso


    This is definitely wrong, something does need to change.

  3. 1 hour ago, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    wait this seems counter-logical, doesnt condi mirage only shatter f2 (for confusion) now? what benefit are you trying to achieve by shattering without intending to abuse confusion? and if trash isnt important then whats the aoe for?

    if you truly want faster damage, then youd want to spam axe ambush as much and as fast as possible because its 16 torment each with 3 clones, youre already looking at 64 stacks of torment (not including 0-36 bleeding from clones) if you manage to get 4 ambushes off quickly

    (and before people rage at me for no reason, yes you do need to know whether or not you can expend those dodges)

    I run with this Maim the Disillusioned which applies torment on shatters. outside of the burst and aoe (mostly for bosses with ads, not trash), I do this so I can use all the shatters without lowering my dps, especially distortion during CM runs.

    I have played with other mirages with the snowcrow build and so this is mostly my observation. If anything my build does better with scourges in the group since it is so focused on burst rather than long condition stacks.

  4. 2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    More like you are getting kicked because you are playing with people that tell you how to play. 

    ... and to be fair, it seems some of the reasoning for how your mesmer build works isn't exactly inline with why you are doing it. So maybe this is less about not playing a scourge and more about what you are doing and people knowing how it's going to (not) work for them in a team ... because I have a suspicion that if someone put a scourge in your hands, you wouldn't be breezing into 30K DPS either. 

    I don't really know i don't have the gear for scourge outside what i have tested in pvp. I just see the dps and came here to voice my concern, it seems way to strong at the moment and basically 80% of fractals dps is scourge.

  5. 1 minute ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    The golem doesn't even trigger confusion, what are you on about?

    You do realize 50%+ of axe mirage is torment right?

    Yeah that's why don't focus on confusion, most of the dps I get is from torment just like scourge but I can't get as many stacks. You are right it is rough 50% of my damage.

  6. 5 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

    well there are lots of ads so it can be that the aoe dmg of scourge really helped.

    However on single target bosses it would be better to see.

    Mesmer is also not a class that shines on multi targets because the clones/illusions just attack 1 enemy and get destroyed if the enemy dies. So that is maybe a big part of that issue.

    I play a shatter focused mirage for that exact reason, I get more damage at the start of fights and aoe compared to the snowcrow version since I use all the shatters off cool down. The snowcrow build can roughly do 3k more than me on long fights but I normally get more over all damage since I think the clone aoe damage gets messed up in arc. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    There's zero context for this post, are you playing axe mirage? I sometimes team with a guildmate that plays axe mirage and pulls reasonable numbers relative to meta classes. There's nothing stopping you from playing power chrono (even with condi food running) on trash mobs portions and just swapping to condi axe at bosses. Yesterday was Vengeance/NPNG if I remember correctly so scourges get free damage from boon rips.

    The analogous build to condi scourge is not condi staff mirage or power chrono.

    Power chrono is stronger than power reaper against bosses ; staff mirage puts out far more party/squad might than necros do on scourge.

    The only case you'd see condi scourge pull far more without epi is against exposed breakbars since the damage distribution on cScourge is 90% condi meaning exposed is extremely skewed. Incidentally the cMirage on axe also has that damage distribution.

    If you look at wingman stats the data doesn't support what you are saying:

    Arkk doesn't have enough sample size this patch but last month cMirage had similar numbers to cScourge. On Ai it is important to check the logs, many mirages are on staff.

    Have you considered you just aren't performing as well on mirage as you think you are?

    I don't really care about doing more dps on trash, just boss fights. 

    The video has nothing to do with fractals since most fights don't last long enough to get most of this damage off. Confusion is a not a thing in fractals, it's all about torment. 

    The damage numbers in fractals prove my point aswell, since mirage is always behind scourge on the data so you proved me right? I mean just look at how many post scourge numbers compared to the 2 mirages that post. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

    Which fractals exactly did u play?
    If you say 30k I think you mean thaumanova bc its also a daily today?
    I think other than thauma there is only chaos, urban, sirens reef and uuuuh idk where you could reach 30k.
    Most bosses as phase bosses and at these you mostly cant reach 30k dps.

    T4 fractals and since I was the only non-scourge dps the fight is very fast. Snowblind was probably the obvious where at every point on the end fight they where getting 30k, I guess part of that is epidemic but the boss is not there for part of it.

  9. On 11/19/2021 at 2:36 AM, BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

    Depends on what you need.

    If you need boons with your heals, Renegade delivers permanent alacrity on top of heals.

    If you want to prevent your team-mates from getting one-shot, go for Scourge.

    If you just need as much raw healing as possible and/or your team-mates have a habit of fleeing from the healer, pick Tempest.

    To add to that if you need burst heals chrono mantras can do something like 20k+ over 10 seconds

  10. No mater the fight I cant get much more than 20k dps on my Mesmer and all the Scourges are getting 30k. I know about Epidemic but some fights have zero adds and they can still get 30k. 
    I guess this is why I get kicked in CM's for not playing scourge. Doesn't having one class being the only dps go against ArenaNet's design philosophy?

  11. The simple fix is to copy the mechanist with traits modifying the unleashed skills. I don't know why I didn't see this before but it would 100% fix the problem we are having.


    Venomous Outburst base: pet teleports, poisoning enemies and applying vulnerability if disabled.

    • Debilitating Blows: Teleport applies more poison and now bleeding, then vulnerability doesn't need disabling effect.
    • Cleansing Unleash: A Teleporting retreat with a conditions cleanse on itself and from the where it teleported.
    • Blinding Outburst: Teleport now stuns dazes the target and blinds them

    Rending Vines base: Aoe remove boons and slowing enemies if disabled. (mostly the same as trait but aoe)

    • Enhancing Impact: Aoe quickness 70% uptime with full boon duration 
    • Bolstering Unleash: Aoe might and protection
    • Corrupting Vines: Aoe convert boons into conditions on enemies

    Enveloping Haze base: Aoe field that destroys projectiles and chilling enemies if disabled

    • Fervent Force: For every enemy hit inside the aoe field reduce the cooldown of all pet skills by 1 second
    • Restorative Strikes: Gives friendly target life steal on hits for 5 seconds
    • Ferocious Symbiosis: You and your pet grant each other increased damage for a number of seconds


    Any Weapon skill 1

    Nothing needs to change

    Weapon skill 2

    • Debilitating Blows: Cripple (same as hammer)
    • Cleansing Unleash: Condition cleans
    • Blinding Outburst: Blindness 

    Weapon skill 3 (copy hammer 3, 4)

    •  Enhancing Impact: Daze 
    •  Bolstering Unleash: immobilize
    •  Corrupting Vines: Slow

    Weapon skill 4

    •  Enhancing Impact: Quickness
    •  Bolstering Unleash: Protection
    •  Corrupting Vines: Convert boons to conditions

    Weapon skill 5

    • Fervent Force:  Disabling a foe reduces the cooldowns of all your equipped skills. (same)
    • Restorative Strikes: provide aoe Quickness
    • Ferocious Symbiosis: Damage bonus 5%
  12. On 11/5/2021 at 2:21 PM, Jables.4659 said:

    I'm not saying that the post lay-off development team isn't unfair to Mesmer (they are), but I don't understand why anyone would care about a meme build like Alacrity Mirage.  We are talking about a build that functions by swapping between two staves and spamming ambushes.  This is the lowest IQ build I've seen from the Guild Wars franchise since Spirit-Way back in Guild Wars: Nightfall.

    No you have to shatter f4 and eat the mirrors at the right time to trigger ambushes get more alacrity 

    • Haha 1
  13. On 10/30/2021 at 7:01 AM, Borked.6824 said:

    Here's the thing.  I'm one of those pesky non-mesmer mains lauding the changes.  I play my Mesmer somewhat frequently, but every time I do...every time, I ask myself the question.  "Why would I play this bloated, overly-complicated, outdated class that takes 10x the effort to get 1x the gain, over my other classes that at most have to invest 5x the effort to achieve equal gain?  Why would anyone?".  The profession as a whole needs "pruning" to reach people who have not been obstinately maining the class for a decade, and while the Virtuoso is not profoundly transforming it on the levels of some of the other specs, it's doing a very good job of improving quality of life.  If people like their Mesmer so much, they can disown the new spec altogether and continue doing what you're doing now.  

    Mesmer has always been like that, there are so many things you need to learn to play it. Mirage for the most part reduce the complexity since all you needed to do is trigger ambushes on dodge. 

  14. On 11/11/2021 at 1:20 PM, Swagger.1459 said:

    The devs are not going to create 70ish new skills total for pet families and weapons. 


    Raids are dead, and some players have grown very tired of the raid design and balancing shoved into professions that screwed over 99% of the rest of the game's population and professions for every other mode.    

    They don't need completely new skills just offer each pet family a new skill merged with the old one. I mean any pet that is ranged or has ranged attacks should not be provided with a teleport for example. 


    In regard to the raids I more ment a more tank like playstyle. Chrono can stay alive throught anything if geared right. 

  15. First it goes without saying each pet family and each weapon should have their own unleashed skills.


    The raid tank with Chronomancer has a lot of invulnerabilities and of course phantasms/clones. This allows them to tank in raids and generally avoid all damage in a fight if they can keep there clones up or go invulnerable.
    Untamed should be able to replicate this by buffing the pet and preventing damage on them. The core ranger has one invulnerability with the Signet of Stone but i believe giving the new elite Forest's Fortification a 6 second invulnerability would help and allow it to apply to the pet as well.


    The second change that will help with this Chronomancer playstyle is Alacrity and primarily Quickness, a certain pet family when unleashed should provide at least the quickness buff. Moa or bird family are the prime candidates, then provide the Warhorn in its unleashed version Quickness on 5


    I believe this would truly make untamed unique and provide an alterative to Chronomancer tanking.

    • Confused 2
  16. I like the idea but it just needs more jack of all trades. Let untaimed provide all boons with weapon/pet family unleashed versions. Make the healing really good on bears and moas. Provide unique abilities to a pet family like Devourer being able to create portals.

    Give dragons some invulnerability on there unleashed pet family skill for WvW. 


    We could even end up with a chronomancer situation where the pets could be kept alive and tank for raids. 

  17. On 5/12/2021 at 10:42 AM, Obtena.7952 said:

    That doesn't change what I said. You don't have to play meta to be successful in instanced content in this game. 

    You do have to play the meta to be successful at end game content. If I turn up in my mesmer I can condi dps and alacrity in fractals, these are required rolls for end game content . If I turn up with an elemental all I can do is dps, no alacrity, no quickness and poor healing. 

  18. 5 hours ago, sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

    Oh lawd you about to be gravely disappointed. You think they're gonna make drastic overhauls like those in 3 months? The class is gonna come out mechanically exactly like it is now, but with some numbers tuning. 

    They've never stated anywhere they have any intention of adding untamed versions of the other weapons. They've actually stated exactly the opposite, that hammer being the only unleashed weapon is a purposeful design.

    They've also never stated anywhere that pet families will get different unleashed skills.  Like, where in the world are you pulling these dreams from?

    Well as the class it now there is no point I playing it, the Soulbeast in 10x better and has no pet. 

    I believe during the live streams they mentioned they would be doing the other weapons as unleashed but I sounded more like a direct takeover like with pet skills so we shall see.

  19. 12 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    Unfortunately "mirage with imaginary axe" like ou say have a higher dps potential than scourge for a rotation which isn't harder so the issue come from the player and should not be adressed by the balance team. And no, there is no difficulty in using your skills on CD and dodging as often as possible (if you do it smartly you even have more survivability than a scourge).

    You point out exactly why scourge and mirage when played right can be the last one surviving in a fight.

    They both have similar play styles in the fact that you anticipate damage, mirage with its f4 and scourge with its barriers on f3 and f5 (trait). 

    I think the main problem I have with scourge is demonic lore and lingering curse, they both are huge damage buffs without any added skill needed. 

    Mirage has a trait that applies torment on shatters so you have to get your clone game down to be able to benifit from it. 

  20. 2 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    I love the "my personal inability to outdps them with my 'very hard' rotation is why they are OP" argument, It's very refreshing.

    I mean, if you do 80% of the Scourge's dps that must mean you play the condi alacrity build which provide perma alacrity and 25 might stacks for 10 players, something that have been seen as infinitely more important than a bit of sustain support for 90% of the game's lifetime (afterall, a consequent part of the Scourge's dps is "borrowed" dps, dependant on alacrity and quickness that he need other professions to give him. And if alacrity and quickness do have a quantifiable impact on the dps of a character, barrier don't as a player having perfect mastery of an encounter don't need barrier to reach it's optimal output).

    No I ment normal mirage, I'm sure anet have the numbers on this for fractals so they probably will lower the damage like most classes who once preformed to well in fractals, Mirage being one of them with mirage imaginary axes. 

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