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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. A portal won't improve mobility, and the pet already has a teleport on f1 just make the second click set up the portal on another family. The quickness application would be group based and not just self. You want to set it up so you give up alot dps to even attempt to apply it to a group just like most other classes.
  2. I think that is enemy size? I don't know I don't do raids, only fractals.
  3. Yeah that's why I suggest both need a nerf in terms of condition damage.
  4. Its more from experience and not golem numbers. In most fractals with my mirage I pull about 80% 90% of scourge dps, we have the exact same gear too.
  5. I will defer to you for WvW since i simply don't know but in pve it is different story. They deal way to much dps, they can outcompete a full shatter torment mirage which has a much harder rotation and is squashier. That and firebrand are a bit to strong, high dps should require a much harder rotation and lots of support boons.
  6. I think the main problem is we have not seen how the other weapons unleashed versions look. They will probably do unleashed versions for each pet family and I'm willing to bet they will also merge the unleashed skills with the pets f1 to f3 so they get preformed at the same time(I don't see why not). The final thing is they will probably give the hammer some mobility especially on the 5 which will be a leap finisher or something. I have mentioned this before but imagine if the Devourer unleashed f3 burrow gave you access to a portal or the bird family providing aoe quickness and alacrity at 30% uptime.
  7. Most other classes swords are all bout getting into combat and doing big damage on 2 or 3. The main problem is the leap for other classes is the a cast time which teleport avoids.
  8. Yeah it's crazy strong at the moment, I don't see it much in gold but I see it alot in 5 man content along with scourge.
  9. Chrono should be able to share both quickness and alacrity on shatter, I think that would fix the spec.
  10. Yeah the entire mesmer class is a bit messed up at the moment. I do so much more work with my mesmer only to end up preforming worst than most classes. They can't dps, heal or alac at the moment.
  11. I think the ranger weapons have some of the most interesting abilities. In terms of being top dps, heals or boon ranger is not the best but where it fails it makes up with being jack of all trades. Untaimed should just be a class of everything but be excellent at nothing.
  12. The pets unleashed skills should preform their non-unleashed ones too and then all the unleashed skill should do is something related to the family. An awesome example is the Devourer retreat f3 is now a targeted teleport that provides a portal on a second f3 click. That would provide ranger a real portal and use for that pet which is exactly what they wanted for this spec. I could go on, maybe the bird provides alacrity or quickness on is abilities and so on.
  13. Druid is fine, if the rework hammer and provide each pet family and weapons with an unleashed version I will be happy.
  14. I believe what is needed is to make all the other pets and weapons viable. I mean most other classes get alot of there weapons and mechanics used in all game modes except ranger. Some pets and weapons get barely any play, like sword and warhorn. By providing every pet family there own f1 to f3 unleashed ability especially if it gives access to buffs like alac or quickness (bird? ) then that pet family will now be usable. Other things could include a pet family portal (Devourer burrow?) or pure power damage (wolf) The final thing this elite spec needs is more of what makes ranger weapons awesome, unleashed versions adding to each mechanic. Imagine a greatsword with ammo on its maul. That could provide huge synergy with a bunch of builds like maul into swoop (leap), then maul into hilt bash, then maul into weapons swap. Another example is Sword it is in dire need of something more than just leap in or leap back. I suggested the unleashed version provides quickness on the leap and extra might on all other attacks. That would help speed up the weapon while you dodge. Warhorn is obvious, let it provide alacrity and quickness but at 70% up times with full concentration. Then let a pet family (bird?) provide the last 30%.
  15. True but I'm all I'm saying is there are other options. I main ranger and mesmer and would be useless playing anything else just to try and conform to the meta. I don't play enough to learn other classes. When I join a cm as a dps I normally offer to heal or alac and we normally win when I do preform these roles (except cm 100 due to hard mechanics). I mean mantra chrono can burst heal more than any class in the game, even druid.
  16. This is exactly why I say other classes can fill these roles I mean any distortion for mesmer can provide aoe aegis (trait) and chaos storm is amazing at granted aegis. Druid can grant alot of stability with natural convergence aswell as the spirit of nature which can be kept alive with heals the entire fight. I have run both of these classes cm just find, it's more about knowing the mechanics rather than anything else. I mean most cm's don't have dps checks.
  17. I believe the recommended raid build is wrong rather you want to shatter 3 clones with distortion right away. This is you main source of alacrity since it can produce 4 mirrors if you have the staff phantasm up.
  18. Very true but it does amazing dps, they really should give chrono back its alacrity and then it would be fine.
  19. All great ideas, I suggest a small fix of providing the buffs first and leaving the trait heal as the only thing you have to wait for.
  20. I love barrage so I will love virtouso if it replicates that experience in anyway, especially in wvw.
  21. Vipers Mirage can maintain it 100% with concentration sigils and food. They also can buff roughly 20 seconds of alac very quickly which is more ideal for most content.
  22. 1: Wells cast their boons at the start and heals at the end(trait) 2: flow of time should have 240 range like the quickness raid buff. This would make the viable alternative to alacrev since they have quickness while rev still has more cc and group protection.
  23. I barely see any bots except for the very rare minion Necro train, which don't preform to bad if you know how to use them.
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