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Posts posted by Mell.4873

  1. 1 hour ago, Tazer.2157 said:

    The utility skill has a shadowstep and an entangle. The pet unleashed skill also has a shadowstep. Giving the spec more gap closers is not a good idea. I remember the complains to the soulbeast owl and GS when pet swapping was a thing. Everyone wanted it nerfed and they then removed the pet swap mechanic simplifying the spec. I would rather have the hammer give swiftness along with cripple on its No 2 skill.  I agree with you partly on merging the pet unleashed skills. But only f1 and f2 should be merged into one. I like having control over the f3 for the projectile block. And we do not need more quickness. With quickdraw on the skirmish line and the quickness on disables, the lowered CD on disables,  this class has enough quickness application. 

    A portal won't improve mobility, and the pet already has a teleport on f1 just make the second click set up the portal on another family.

    The quickness application would be group based and not just self. You want to set it up so you give up alot dps to even attempt to apply it to a group just like most other classes. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    Mirage does more in Twin Largos and SH  ; even on Matthias and the "DPS golem" MO.

    DPS isn't the main problem here, free sustain for no investment from Desert Empowerment / Sand Cascade is a larger problem I think. If you made the scourge have 32-33K DPS people would still run them since it has high DPS uptime and free barriers (which are stronger in fractals due to agony and where there is poison application). That's not even counting tormenting runes.

    For CFB the average performance is skewed due to most people running them for quickness (which is less DPS than 8 page CFB).

    I think that is enemy size? I don't know I don't do raids, only fractals. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    37K is a pretty average cDPS benchmark. Don't confuse DPS uptime with DPS.

    I'm not opposed to scourge being reduced in torment damage modifier, reread my post...

    Its more from experience and not golem numbers. In most fractals with my mirage I pull about 80% 90% of scourge dps, we have the exact same gear too. 

  4. On 10/27/2021 at 5:35 AM, Infusion.7149 said:

    Your suggestion is near meaningless because the bulk of condition output is coming not from crits but from skills. If strike damage meant anything people would not be able to run trailblazer on scourge at all. Torment changes result in far lower threat than before for condition variants in competitive modes as well.

    Scourge in WVW is exclusively run as power unless you are roaming (which means core condi is stronger and so is reaper if you have swiftness/superspeed from other people). Therefore the added benefit to scourge over core necro is minimized: your large power skills are wells and axe skills. It isn't as much a threat in WVW as before because of how prevalent scrappers are after 2019 gyro rework. My squad fought a guild group last night running minion reaper with spectral grasp on some of them as a strategy because they try to cap out target limit to minimize incoming damage while using scrappers and spellbreakers to rip more boons.

    What Telgum wrote is spot on. Support scourge is a stronger archetype than condi scourge. This is true even in PvE now that plaguedoctor scourge does ~27K DPS which is close to what a full condi scourge did before torment changes.

    If you want to nerf it in PVE (to reasonable amounts like 33K on par with condi soulbeast camping shortbow as opposed to 37K) that's really easy:

    • Demonic lore torment bonus should be cut since it already gives added value via burning, the fastest condition damage possible. ~40% of damage is coming from torment. A reduction of demonic lore from 25% to 10% would be a start.
    • Desert empowerment / sand cascade should have lower base barrier and more scaling.

    I will defer to you for WvW since i simply don't know but in pve it is different story. 

    They deal way to much dps, they can outcompete a full shatter torment mirage which has a much harder rotation and is squashier. That and firebrand are a bit to strong, high dps should require a much harder rotation and lots of support boons. 

    • Confused 1
  5. I think the main problem is we have not seen how the other weapons unleashed versions look. 

    They will probably do unleashed versions for each pet family and I'm willing to bet they will also merge the unleashed skills with the pets f1 to f3 so they get preformed at the same time(I don't see why not). 


    The final thing is they will probably give the hammer some mobility especially on the 5 which will be a leap finisher or something.


    I have mentioned this before but imagine if the Devourer unleashed f3 burrow gave you access to a portal or the bird family providing aoe quickness and alacrity at 30% uptime. 

  6. On 10/24/2021 at 4:14 AM, SkinnyT.5382 said:

    True, but the job of a dev team is to no only come up with new ideas, but also addressing existing problems. If a spec has been nerved to the point of being  lack luster, It's their responsibility to makes the changes necessary to bring it back to viability. Even if that mean an overhaul.


    Perhaps I didn't convey the point  as clearly as I could but, it's not about not wanting to play other classes. I do have one of each profession for this exactly reason. The Specter looks like it will be really fun to play and I'm excited about that.


    The point is that the Chrono have gotten nothing-but nerfs since it was released, to the point if it being dull in comparison to other specs. When you focus solely at the Mesmer profession, Chrono has nothing special that only it does, other than giving itself alacrity on shatters. Virtuoso will have lots of ground target aoe, as well as unique shatters (no need for wells). Mirage has great condi spreading, with unique change to all #1 weapon skills (more skills and variety). Even base Mesmer can have great shatter focused game play. Chrono has alacrity. That's not a unique feature, that's a boon. One which many other specs now also have and can give not only to themselves but other people around them.

    All the suggestions, requests, and ideas people had for the Chrono over the years seem to have been compiled and put on another spec all together. That it self is fine; that specs looks fun to play. But when you take all that the Chrono could be, its' whole theme basically, and place it elsewhere, what is there left for the Chrono? When I'm playing my mesmer why would I pick Chrono as oppose to base mesmer or other specs? Where doesn't the Chronomancer Elite Spec fit in the game anymore?

    Chrono should be able to share both quickness and alacrity on shatter, I think that would fix the spec. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    This is anet we're talking about...they added Daze on WH a few patches ago seemingly randomly.  It turns out it wasn't random, they wanted it to trigger the untamed GM trait (among other things).  


    So as far as they're concerned they 'updated' the WH to work with the new spec and probably won't touch it again for the foreseeable future.  

    I think the ranger weapons have some of the most interesting abilities. In terms of being top dps, heals or boon ranger is not the best but where it fails it makes up with being jack of all trades.

    Untaimed should just be a class of everything but be excellent at nothing. 

  8. The pets unleashed skills should preform their non-unleashed ones too and then all the unleashed skill should do is something related to the family. 

    An awesome example is the Devourer retreat f3 is now a targeted teleport that provides a portal on a second f3 click. That would provide ranger a real portal and use for that pet which is exactly what they wanted for this spec. 

    I could go on, maybe the bird provides alacrity or quickness on is abilities and so on. 

    • Like 1
  9. 16 hours ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

    All good. I look at it this way, Druid is a lost cause, it’s never getting a rework. Untamed on the other hand can be improved before EoD release, so with any luck, anet does make a few changes and improves the espec. If they don’t, then I doubt I’ll buy the expansion and I’ll just keep with soulbeast for pvp.

    Druid is fine, if the rework hammer and provide each pet family and weapons with an unleashed version I will be happy. 

  10. I believe what is needed is to make all the other pets and weapons viable. I mean most other classes get alot of there weapons and mechanics used in all game modes except ranger. Some pets and weapons get barely any play, like sword and warhorn. 

    By providing every pet family there own f1 to f3 unleashed ability especially if it gives access to buffs like alac or quickness (bird? ) then that pet family will now be usable. Other things could include a pet family portal (Devourer burrow?) or pure power damage (wolf) 

    The final thing this elite spec needs is more of what makes ranger weapons awesome, unleashed versions adding to each mechanic. Imagine a greatsword with ammo on its maul. That could provide huge synergy with a bunch of builds like maul into swoop (leap), then maul into hilt bash, then maul into weapons swap.

    Another example is Sword it is in dire need of something more than just leap in or leap back. I suggested the unleashed version provides quickness on the leap and extra might on all other attacks. That would help speed up the weapon while you dodge. 

    Warhorn is obvious, let it provide alacrity and quickness but at 70% up times with full concentration. Then let a pet family (bird?) provide the last 30%.

  11. On 10/26/2021 at 3:45 AM, Nephalem.8921 said:

    I wanna see you doing 14k dps on mama. 8k on skorvald. those are ok alacren numbers. Maybe you just play with bad players? the ones the other groups try to filter with those lfgs.

    Yup that is possible. 

  12. 15 minutes ago, Vidit.7108 said:

    A lot of stability as compared to what? Core Revenant can upkeep stability on it's own with alacrity and full boon duration. Core Guardian can upkeep at least 1 stack of stability for half the fight. A firebrand without any alacrity can have one stack of stability up forever. Not that it would need to but a firebrand can put out about 15 stacks of stability out all at once. 

    Neither class needs to leave celestial avatar or worry about a spirit dying.

    True but I'm all I'm saying is there are other options. I main ranger and mesmer and would be useless playing anything else just to try and conform to the meta. I don't play enough to learn other classes.


    When I join a cm as a dps I normally offer to heal or alac and we normally win when I do preform these roles (except cm 100 due to hard mechanics). 


    I mean mantra chrono can burst heal more than any class in the game, even druid.

  13. On 10/25/2021 at 10:31 AM, Vidit.7108 said:

    A lot of this topic is overfocused on alacrity/quickness, which is a very dps-er mindset. They help with dps but that's only generally true. Those boons don't benefit all builds equally. The more dps skills you have on cooldown the more alacrity is important to you. The more chained skills and combos you need to do the more important quickness is. In the right set up neither is really necessary if you can one burst a boss or reload before the next CC. What is actually necessary for a 5-man fractal group is 25 stacks of might (vulnerability too but that's less of an issue), fury, and stability.

    If the healbrand couldn't do quickness firebrand would still be a major part of fractal group comps and possibly still required. Why? Because core Guardian has very high stability upkeep. Firebrand can upkeep fury and 25 stacks of might on it's own. Not as cleanly as staff mirage can with might but I do it all the time. With it's mantras and it's books it can upkeep resolution (or protection but not really both at the same time on top of other boons) and stability. The only class that really matches the stability of firebrand is Renegade, which one reason why they get paired together, you can actually kit out a dps firebrand with quickness and a heal alac ren just fine.

    Scourge could probably substitute the Firebrand Aegis nicely but it's stability upkeep isn't great. Druid is tacked onto a dps core class and basically has none, spotter isn't all that important to fractals because of mist potions. Tempest has a lot of it's stab on overload cooldown which just doesn't cut it. 

    Fractal design has gotten more treacherous over time. T4 has a lot of knockbacks that aren't in the other tiers. Instabilities are kind of ridiculous now which is why Aegis is so valued. Some say mechanics are being trivialized, these are all people who have their dailies going perfectly. This last month at least a 4th of all the Scourges I've pugged t4 dailies with have refused to be in range of my boons and are doing trash dps as a result. So I don't agree with that.

    This is exactly why I say other classes can fill these roles I mean any distortion for mesmer can provide aoe aegis (trait) and chaos storm is amazing at granted aegis. 

    Druid can grant alot of stability with natural convergence aswell as the spirit of nature which can be kept alive with heals the entire fight.


    I have run both of these classes cm just find, it's more about knowing the mechanics rather than anything else. I mean most cm's don't have dps checks. 

  14. 6 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    Not really.  My static had been trying alacrity-mirage for weeks, and the best it ever pulls is around 70%, even with Eggs Benedict and Concentration Sigils.  This is due to many things, such as the randomness of the distortion mirrors, vigor uptime, and the chaotic nature of the bosses that we usually bring alacrity-mirage to (Matthias, Twin Largos, Soulless Horror).  They certainly don't buff alacrity very quickly, either, since around half the time spent in that 3 seconds is done by casting Chaos Vortex itself.  Unless we end up with two mirages somehow, we just stick with Alacrigade.

    I believe the recommended raid build is wrong rather you want to shatter 3 clones with distortion right away. This is you main source of alacrity since it can produce 4 mirrors if you have the staff phantasm up.

  15. 2 hours ago, Zoser.7245 said:

    And you are tied to a boring staff/staff build with a suboptimal rotation.  They killed any diversity when they nerfed the alacrity to 2.5s duration.  I prefer play something else more funny, flexible and without stupid trade-offs.

    Very true but it does amazing dps, they really should give chrono back its alacrity and then it would be fine. 

  16. On 10/27/2021 at 5:14 AM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    I think chrono wells need a very big rework because

    1) They are bad
    2) They have no identity and are not interactive

    If it was up to me, they'd get a "flip effect" to collapse them prematurely and do something else. Honestly nobody's excited for 1s chilled; these flip effects would play a lot on the theme of time (with past vs future and what not) and would thematically fit very well with the chrono design, I think. Designers talked about how they liked these kind of contrast when developing chrono, and I'd like to expand on that

    pulses condi cleanse, you know it.

    • If it ends correctly: same as now, you get a big healing
    • If you collapse it: smaller heal, but you get resolution and protection (maybe even stability or resistance? I don't know, just throwing ideas)

    The idea is that well of eternity should be used to either rewind back time (and bring you back when you were healthy) or preserve the stability of the current timeline (and prevent you\your allies from being wounded in the first place); I like this contrast of past vs present for such a skill.

    Casting this skill gives you (not your allies; just you) 0.5s evade, just because chrono gets no distortion and I got this thing rupted so much it's enraging.

    • If it ends correctly: people inside the well get endurance
    • If you collapse it: enemies inside the well are inflicted with vulnerability and blinded

    The idea for flip is that, instead of allowing your allies to predict the future and block, you prevent the opponents from foreseeing the future. So, they can't defend against opponent's hits (hence the vuln), nor can land their own hits (hence the blind).

    Those two skills become one because they really need to be imho. Pulsing slow and chilled on foes (think it's too strong? Well of darkness has much less cast time, much more chilled and blindness)

    • If it ends correctly: grant alac and quickness to allies
    • If you collapse it: you give switness and vigor to allies, while foes get cripple and weakness.

    The idea is that the well can manipulate the time of skills, but collapsing it manipulates the time of movement.

    Right now it can crit for 800, and last tick can crit for 4k. This one needs the biggest rework IMHO, it's very uninteresting. I think it should pulse cripple\weakness (like now) and 2k regular damage if critting with zerk amulet.

    • If it ends correctly: Enemies inside the well are knocked down, but no further damage is dealt; no last tick big hit.
    • If you collapse it: you teleport to the well's location and knock back (not launch: knock back) surrounding foes.

    The idea is to create a very debilitating skill to allow further attacks, like winter's bite does (differently) for rangers; however, if collapsed, it would give chrono some mobility, in a different way than blink.

    We unified two wells, so there's room for a new well, which would be a condi well. Every tick inflicts poison and vulnerability

    • If it ends correctly: enemies are immobilized and tormented.
    • If you collapse it: enemies are dazed and confused.

    The idea is to age your opponent's body (kinda like what Dr Strange does with the apple), decaying them alive by slowing your opponents healing and increasing the damage they take. On well end, your body is most definitely old, on its death bed and can't do all of these young things anymore, like running around and what not. However, you may decide to collapse the well earlier to age the mind instead; hence the confusion and the daze, for full dementia.

    We all love this skill. This doesn't need really any rework, it's perfect as it is. I'm just throwing ideas for the flip mechanic, but I really love this thing as it currently is.

    • If it ends correctly: enemies are pulled and damaged (0 damage in pvp but whatever)
    • If you collapse it: allies inside the well get stability.

    The idea is to totally disrupt your opponents via the gigantic pull or to preserve your allies from disruption with stability. It could be used as a weird contender for guardian's stab? Cooldown would be too high to do such a thing, but it's an idea you can toy with; guardian's monopoly over stability isn't really healthy IMHO.
    Will probably not be done because it's a massive effort, but I really like to imagine "how to make chrono interesting without making it brainless AoE spam"... and wells are at risk of becoming very boring, because they're just pulsing the same thing over the same area over and over and over.
    I think this rework would make wells more fun and interactive without bringing chronobunker back, since players would now have an active choice to make.

    Necro wells are core wells, so they're very plain (strong, but plain). Elite specs, however, are a different thing; scrapper wells move with the scrapper; the new thief wells all have a a shadowstep attached. They're exciting because they have some utility beside "pulsing a thing". Chrono wells are attached to an elite specialization... but nothing about them feels elite at all right now. This flipping mechanic would give chrono wells a separate identity from wells of necromancers -just like the moving wells of a scrapper and the porting wells of a spectre are still wells but feel vastly different.

    Honestly, "you spend 3/4s casting a skill, then you wait 3s, then you get a real skill" is not a very strong identity. Everybody hates it. It was done with CS in mind, but getting the privilege of playing like a chronomancer once every 105s is definitely not enough... and this can't be fixed by just buffing wells, because otherwise they'd become unreasonably strong with CS.
    Wells need some more use outside of CS without turning them into skills that do everything at once, and I feel like bringing this kind of choice would definitely do that.
    One of the design points of chronomancer (which I loved) was "place the wells (or shield5) in continuum split, then reap the benefit on continuum split end, then place them immediately again and reap twice the benefits". If these wells flipped like mesmer sword3 (which goes on cooldown when casted, not when flipped) this kind of interaction would be preserved; the cooldown resets correctly with CS, even if you still have to use the teleport when CS ends.

    All great ideas, I suggest a small fix of providing the buffs first and leaving the trait heal as the only thing you have to wait for.

  17. On 10/27/2021 at 11:15 AM, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    Well, there's 3 things that can happen from here on:

    #1: The alacrity generation from the Mechanist gets nerfed so they don't sustain it permanently in berserker gear.

    #2: The alacrity generation of Mirage gets buffed so they can sustain it permanently in Viper Gear.

    #3: Nothing, because Anet hates mesmers for some reason.  

    Vipers Mirage can maintain it 100% with concentration sigils and food. They also can buff roughly 20 seconds of alac very quickly which is more ideal for most content. 

  18. On 10/27/2021 at 9:39 AM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

    OP, I take it you're new or "new-ish" to the spvp. If so, I tell you as I tell other newer players: stay out of ranked. Ranked is full of cheaters, win-traders and bots and is not a good environment for anyone, even other cheaters and win-traders! ANet has basically let it go to the dogs. It's a dead mode walking. Unfortunately, for new players, they would come to spvp at its worst that it has ever been in the history of this game.

    I barely see any bots except for the very rare minion Necro train, which don't preform to bad if you know how to use them. 

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