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Posts posted by Mell.4873

  1. 4 hours ago, phokus.8934 said:

    Even the standard chrono boon dps build can hit ~34k so even with less than ideal rotation, getting 28k is easy to attain in fractals/strikes/raids.

    I have never get that on my Chronomancer with full DPS so I doupt I can do the rotation required on a boon DPS. I only really use Virtuoso now days for DPS. 

    I'm not really saying it is a skill issue more that it is very hard to pull off much like Mirage. 

    • Confused 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Micah.3789 said:

    I don't want to keep derailing this post, but a <10k dps bench is no where close to being a boondps. The builds I'm suggesting all can do around 24-28k dps which is just a little shy of the typical 32-36k that meta boondps builds typically do. Plus they'll do similar healing to your build

    If you're going to publicly theory craft and make build suggestions, you really should have more integrity about it. Ignorant or not, misusing build terms and making disingenuous claims muddies the water for those of us who want to have competent discussions and you may even mislead some of those less knowledgeable. 

    I have yet to see any boon DPS pull those numbers, maybe on a Golem or under the perfect scenario. 

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 3
  3. 32 minutes ago, Micah.3789 said:

    I see. So when you know you won't need much healing, you try to bring a bit more damage. Still, in that scenario you'd be better off with a boondps bringing a bit of healing than trying to squeak out more damage on an otherwise full healer. If you're interested in boondps that can bring enough healing for low pressure content I can think of a few that might be more effective. Off the top of my head:

    • Alac specter with wells and scepter. Take traversing dusk and spam scepter/pistol 3 for damage/healing. Typical scepter/dagger when healing isn't needed.
    • Pwr quick untamed with maces and nature magic/spirits. 
    • Pwr alac willbender with hammer and glacial heart. Even better with relic of karakosa.
    • Pwr alac mechanist with med kit for emergencies.
    • Pwr quick scapper with relic of karakosa. Med kit for emergencies.

    There are possibly more, but in all these cases the build makes very minor sacrifices compared to typical boondps to gain significant healing and support functions. They're also all on the higher end for might generation which is important if you don't take a typical healer. 

    I mean essentially it is Boon DPS with a little healing. 

    I don't have Legendary Light Armor since I have so many left over sets from before Legendary got introduced (like 10). 

    My Boon DPS Chrono is Assassins/Berserkers while my Healer Boon DPS is mostly Marauders. You really don't need much boon duration or even healing power especially for Rifle; food or Sigils/Relics should be enough. 

    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Vetra.1047 said:

    Probably gonna get a lot of biased based opinions but i would like to see where when the target of mesmer clones die or leave combat, that you don't lose your clone charges. But instead similar to virtuoso turning into a damage ammunition for your shatter skills. (Also im not saying to take clones out completely, just when there's downtime)

    I know what you all will probably say, it'll make mesmer broken, or allow some quirky reactions. But i don't believe it will, it works just fine for virtuoso and they get 5 stacks vs 3 stacks, the damage wont come off of clones AND you, they will only come off of you I.E., instead of 3 stacks from you and 1 per clone, its just 3 stacks because of the 3 clone charges. It will make starting a fresh fight just after another easier to pull off in pvp, and in pve if you load into a map and you get 3 charges, makes it easier for supports to start providing boons and so forth.

    Just a thought to make mesmer a little more user friendly and less janky since most of your damage comes from mostly traits that rely on clones.

    Maybe with Chronomancer but Mirage needs those clones to be alive forever. 

    • Confused 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Micah.3789 said:

    I'm all for breaking away from the meta, but that approach would do less than 1/3rd the healing and damage of the respective meta chrono builds. Plus, it would have much less reliable boons than the heal build. I'm not trying to play build police here, but you'd be intentionally choosing a playstyle that significantly lacks potency. 

    For perspective, I calculated the maximum possible healing your build could do assuming no over-healing and perfectly utilized CDs: ~1,750 hps per person. That may seem decent without a basis for comparison, but I did the same calculation for my celestial hybrid mirage and got ~3700 hps per person. To be clear, this is purely theoretical max healing which isn't realistic, but it does give us an objective statistic to gauge relative potency. At less than half the healing of even a hybrid healer, your build will often be liability to your party unless others compensate and sacrifice their own potential. 

    Ok, but maybe the damage gained could justify the sacrifices. Again for perspective, my build has a 15k dps bench while full healing, and technically does a bit more in real combat with confusion. Your build wouldn't get much over 10k dps even if you sacrificed even more boons/support by taking a dps trait line.

    I can see how you might have some success in low pressure encounters, but it's disingenuous to suggest this a reasonably effective build option. If you don't believe me, test it out on the golem with at least moderate damage turned on. Better yet, take it into a boneskinner pug and come back with a log of how it went.


    I keep this build only on the back burner for easy content that I am expected to heal like recommended fractals or certain easier ones. 

    You are right about the damage, but the rotation is alot simpler and it is power so not much ramp up. 

    I even use an Inspiration Virtuoso for most Strikes with double feedback due to many one shot mechanics. 


    • Confused 1
  6. Just pointing it out but regular Rifle Chronomancer can go hybrid with full power gear and either both Chaos/Inspiration or just one depending on your other weapon. 

    The number of phantasms and shatter you can produce should give you full boon uptime with the help of some food or even Sigils. Then the Rifle alone can push out about 2k HPS along with some burst. 

    • Confused 4
  7. It is an odd mix. I guess it is more a PvE thing. You could run Axe Mace then Mace Axe/Warhorn or maybe throw Dagger/Torch in somewhere. 

    If they buff the force of nature stacks beyond 30 seconds then you could just use the off-hand Mace to maintain it. Right now if the boss goes immune you cannot. 

  8. 8 hours ago, Kazze.8405 said:

    you can teach that good 1 vs. 1

    You play it like Deadeye chain 3 for repositioning and use either the mobility pets on Soulbeast or Super speed on Untamed. 

    Honestly reading more of your posts you should just play Guardian since they have more access to stab and have a Longbow. Ranger does not inherently mean ranged any more. 

    • Like 2
  9. On 3/28/2024 at 10:59 PM, Kazze.8405 said:

    No, we don't want to use a sword, mace, hammer, we like archers but in this game they don't work, confirmed, it doesn't have enough survival or sufficient attack with bow. There are classes that are god and it can't be like that.

    You can't have tried an Arrow Cart Soulbeast with two mobility pets or Untamed with double boon strip ambushes. It can devastate most small Zergs and can do pull off some good 1v1 in WvW. 

    In terms of sPvP longbow and Shortbow can be built around. 

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  10. 3 hours ago, Connla Dda.9407 said:

    Why i can not have permanent protection buff as a ranger?

    Like (unkillable abomination 1 vs 1 celestial) harbringers and elementelists have?

    As i ranger, no matter the specialisation i do not feel comfortable in competitive modes like WvW and PvP.

    Ranger have to always choose to go full aggressive with utility or sacrifice it to defensive play and loose competitiveness.

    Give us, rangers, tools to stop being punching bags to all other classes.

    Perma protection for starters at least on celestial gear!

    If we are searching for buffs I would prefer more access to Stability. Right now my favourite thing to do is spam the skills we have to instant get 6 or more stability for big clashes (mostly WvW). 

    • Like 5
  11. 10 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

    Such a disappointment to hear the balance team still apply the pvp small scale hp numbers to the pets in a grand scale pvp mode with much higher damage. A shame as at least the chak seemed like a visually clean and maybe a fun pet to have. 

    Maces do not look like any fun and very spammy with those muddy animations , hammer is a world of clunky. 
    It seems there is nothing in this expansion for me but thank you for the input. 

    I mean it's not all bad they both provide something new to Ranger but currently we don't have many ways to improve pet durability in PvP. I believe the Chak when testing it kept running into melee for one of its skills so turtle was almost always better. 

    It kind of depends on what you are after. For me I want CC and defence on my pets. The extra damage or utility like stealth isn't really my playstyle. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

    sure we get it more  frequent but it worse quality and quantity

    If they do plan on eventually turning GW2 into GW3 then it makes sense they don't want to spend to much effort on the older engine

    • Haha 1
  13. 3 hours ago, hellsmachine.4085 said:

    I really hope that GW3 is just GW2 upgraded with a new engine, like Overwatch 2 or Counterstrike 2. Same game but with more. A lot of players will quit GW2 and be very reluctant to spend money on it if it all their purchases will be nullified with the next game.

    I think that most likely, a GW2 remaster. Why announce 2 more expansions if you plan on moving on. 

    Maybe what happens is GW3 will redo core Tyria but leave the living world and expansion alone, making them something like a vision of the past. 

    I also don't see them abandoned all the cosmetics they have created, an unreal GW3 could run on phones too. 

    • Confused 2
  14. On 3/27/2024 at 9:49 PM, Iustitian.9176 said:

    Yeah, but axe condition damage builds are still the strongest with infinite horizon cause the illusions condition damage hits much harder. 

    True but only if you're clones are alive and didn't disappear due to an enemy dying. 

    They can't be cleaved but they can still die by standing in aoe too. 

    It is also a very easy trait to swap so if you want extra damage instead of essentially another dodge on shatter then change them

    • Confused 3
  15. 1 hour ago, Geronmy.3298 said:

    Elaborate, there was no changes to axe nor any trait related to it last patch.

    Dune clock, gain Mirage clock when shattering and Sand through glass both made Mirage much faster to play. 

    You can burst alot harder with three active clones and then shattering them periodically before spamming Axe 2.

    • Confused 2
  16. 12 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

    Hmm , been having alot of sucsess on druid and untamed latetly.

    Same but I do cheesy things to win like chain Longbow Ambushes to one shot people a bit like a Deadeye. 

  17. 15 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

    I have now goten some hours solo roaming with it on untamed, while nothing i would like to use vs the top roamers ( t1 eu ) it still is realy fun and not unusable as solo roamer.

    Honestly solo roaming is just odd anyway unless you want to play a super fast Soulbeast build nothing works to keep up with classes like Willbenders or Thief.

  18. It is pretty unique but I can speak to the downsides of Mace. 

    It is a power and healing weapon while most of the Ranger kit is Condition based especially if you want to do some real damage in PvP.  Most of the power builds are a byproduct of a few utilities like sic em or the new force of nature. 



    • Confused 1
  19. Ranger has a very fast rotation and has many options for quickly killing players. The problem with Necro is you are almost waiting for people to waste there cooldowns before going into shroud. 

    Ranger when played properly can take advantage of this like waiting for the right time to weapons swap to change there Melee playstyle to ranged. 

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