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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Untamed is the most bugged elite specialisation due to being arguably the newest since ambushes got added a months before launching. Besides that Untamed is amazing in sPvP and roaming in WvW. The pressure you can apply with proper pet management which is an art can not be under stated. The number of times I have had people hide from my short bow attacks only to be blown up by my pet teleporting in such fun. I can also drag fights out for so long by constant teleporting me and my pet around between targets.
  2. Not really, if they a civil they can so any name calling invalidate your point.
  3. Again if you have nothing good to say don't say it. He wanted feedback not an assault on his character. I think he just gave up and conceded his point so not exactly denying the class mechanics.
  4. I will say the ambush mechanic is half complete since it would be nice not ground target the bow ambush or have the axe ambush actually track people. I think you can change the pet attack and return buttons? I mean I don't use F1 anyway so I can set those to pet commands. Hiting the exploding spores is the art of using Untamed. I try and set the spike trap into spore or the reverse. People can endless chase me only have to remove themselves from meleeing me due to the scary spores.
  5. Yeah I needs some work, I think the condition damage is fine if its in service of stocking blades, which currently its all buggy due to trait interactions. I honestly find the burst lacking, rather the low cooldowns means you can get back to the high damage rather quickly. Chronomancer in particular has more highs and lows.
  6. I would agree but when the traits get fixed it will be top damage. Right now chrono and mirage can get above 20k while Virtuoso is about 15k on average but I have a suspect some of the dps isn't being recorded to soo we shall wait and see.
  7. The bugs should definitely be fixed but I will add Untamed is in no way weak in Pvp. I mean the unleashed skills on the pet devistate downed player and running a cc pet means you can chain stun enemy players after teleporting them in. In wvw, you can precast the pet aoe before you send them and the pet swap once they get low. I mean it won't stop a zerg but you can slow someone down to get some good Longbow shots off. Bear is great for this minus the condition damage it takes.
  8. Yeah I might eventually but I will get used to dagger before I do. The best combo is Sword/Focus and Dagger/Sword so you can maintain the Fencer's Finesse.
  9. If anything I'm not trying to sell it since the most obvious use which is burst is really bad.
  10. Well I meant one mob, i mean in comparison chrono with the best rotation in game (no raid buffs) can get about 15k with burst and can be as low 3k trying to sustain. There is massive range with chrono which is bad for pve, you want sustain.
  11. Yeah i have to agree with this, the trait bugs need to be fixed too. Psychic Force should be a 240 targetable pull not a push and have your suggestion of a lower cooldown.
  12. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABgyh3llyYZtsVmLOULdxSA-zRJYiRPfZURFkeKo2q8bA-e The opener you want is to Temporal Curtain on groups or Phantasmal Swordsman on bosses. Then Sword of Decimation (if boss add Psychic Force and Counter Blade until defiance bar broken) then into Rain of Swords Finally Bladesong Harmony. You will essentially repeat this with the idea in mind to have the enemy under a controlling effect (not using skills) when releasing Bladesong Harmony otherwise you wont get the 50% damage increase from Mental Anguish Over all in terms of PVE numbers you can pretty consistently get 6k dps without any downtime. The burst can get as high as 9k without boons but can get crazy high with a group providing support buffs, 15k+. The real strength like i pointed out is there is no drop off in damage like chrono, it has good consistent power numbers much like mirage condition numbers (which are higher) I will add that the numbers might seem small but a couple of traits don't work correctly yet mainly Empowered Illusions.
  13. Okay here it is http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABgyh3llyYZtsVmLOULdxSA-zRJYiRPfZURFkeKo2q8bA-e
  14. Nice ideas so far, i would also suggest focusing on sustaining damage over bursting except for Greatsword opener. The real strength of Virtuoso is it never lets up damage unlike chrono where the damage falls of a cliff when phantasms are on cooldown. Virtuoso again really shines with CC and therefore grouping up can boost your damage especially since their self-boons are not great.
  15. You know what I'm going to pull a 180 and say I am switching back to Chrono. I just can't consistently get my 10k in open world. Taunt on the phantasmal defender is a such a beautiful skill for grouping enemies up and I cant get temporal curtain to do the same (seems bugged on some enemies in EoD) If they fix a few bugs with the damage I might like it more, maybe I'll try a condition build in the meantime
  16. Yeah I have to agree with this analysis. It more suggestion for why, if you wanted a pure sustain spec Virtuoso is a good low difficulty version. I have been doing alot more testing with Chrono vs Virtuoso and without some of the bugs being fixed right now Chrono is still on top. But I am very good at the Chrono rotation so I will keep trying virtuoso and see if I can consistently break 10k dps in open world.
  17. Hmm I guess, I never really relied on the shatter aoe. The bladesong pierce line I do rely on and can hit enemies outside the 240 range so I find it better.
  18. Wow this post went down the toilet. Why must all the new EoD sepcs be garbage. I am working my way back to platinum after reaching there once with soulbeast at the end of the season when no one was playing, Right now I'm high gold 🙂 Honestly the reason I can make is work is because I primarily play ranged with shortbow primary and I swap to axe + torch when I down or root someone. This was my Soulbeast build and is now more oppressive with Untamed since I use and like the pet.
  19. I would enjoy getting the boons from all of the traits, i mean we would have another source of quickness, rather than waiting for phantasms to die.
  20. Oh okay my mistake then I'm in full support, I guess I'm a bit jaded by all negativity on this forum.
  21. So just line the enemies up like you would in pve, again i'm not seeing your point. We have more pierce and cleave skills than aoe ones, i mean even Mesmer's shatters is very tiny aoe circle so you still have to group the enemies up.
  22. I don't use phantasms on Virtuoso except weapon skills so I wouldn't be against this even if I think your trolling a bit.
  23. Melee attacks are in cone, that's how fractals are done. Group them up and cleave through with melee attacks?? I'm confused why this is an issue, piercing attacks would also provide the same benefit a cleave would to. I'm super lost with this whole conversation, I mean this is why I run Temporal Curtain on Chrono and especially Virtuoso. group up and cleave or in this case pierce through them.
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