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  1. I think part of what makes it bad outside of what you mentioned in your full post, is the fact the flip side of the skills share a cool down. I can't think of any other flip over skills that share a cool down in the way ranger spear does. I almost wonder if they removed the share CD part, if that would fix most of the problems. At the very least, by default it would see a damage increase by that 1 simple change. Simple in concept, not sure about coding it
  2. So I don't know the answer to solving this, but most of my matches have been paired with players who do not play the objective at all which gives the other team, basically a guarantee win whenever I die as i tend to be the only one doing the objective (with the rare times i queue with a partner, then theres at least one more doing objective with me). I keep getting your basic stereotypical pvp partner who only wants to smooth brain run into a group of 5, die and then complain they aren't winning while they are making zero effort to play the objective.
  3. You proved my point boo. You dont have an idea what you are talkin about.
  4. Tell me you don't know what an identity is, without telling me you don't know what an identity is. Also, shift signet is an engineer skill (mechanist), not a necro skill. And with no quote as a buffer between the two statements, that tells me all I need to know with this.
  5. There's a different route they could have taken instead of deleting the yoink in transfusion. They could have gave a 1-2min debuf that prevents yanking. They could give you the revive orb debuf for the same amount of time. They could give a debuf that prevents being yanked the rest of combat. They could reduce the radius to like 240-360 range to add more risk/ reward play style. There are other options than just deleting. Removing a unique feature to a class is lazy balancing. The route they're going, I wouldn't be surprised if they lose a large number of players when there's truly no more unique classes and the player base goes find a game that does have unique classes
  6. It goes much farther back than that. Necro isn't the first class to lose their uniqueness and necro has already lost one identity. Now it's about to lose its other one.
  7. Im not a fan whenever GW2 removes class identities. In the near future, the class choices will no longer be, necro, guardian, etc. Instead, it will be more: what color skills would you like your alacrity/quickness in? And to me, that is boring. Having unique classes is what made GW2 great, not the current route they are going down. Instead of stripping uniqueness from classes, why not do some meaningful changes instead?
  8. So I am not sure how I feel about the change to what they announced on the livestream. On the livestream, it was said we would get multiple copies of the decoration upon purchase, but now it is 1 copy and a recipe. The recipe for the plush themselves are okay in costs - 10 homestead fibers and 10 homestead wood. The price though for it seems a little high since it is just 1 copy of each and the recipe, if it was like 5 or even 10 (5 would be better) the price would be more appropriate in my opinion. The decorations themselves however are super cute πŸ˜„
  9. This isn't what they mean by the saying, "make something out of nothing."
  10. unknown atm, but you can save boxes now and once it is launched, it will effect all boxes in your inventory/bank
  11. It would be awesome if the homestead settings, both stayed as we put them (day or night, gliding disabled till enabled, etc.) but also those settings effect party. Right now only the host gets effected by the disabling/enabling stuff (like mount/glide/damage)
  12. I think homestead skins would be a cool idea and treat like a vip pass. Like a halloween themed homestead and it equips in its own tab like with skiffs, fishing rod etc. A cantha themed one A wintersday themed one etc. It can keep the same general layout but the terrain and house changes to fit the theme. Have them cost between 1-2k gems. This would add more creativity to the homesteads πŸ˜„
  13. Requesting a wolf theme skin for warclaw and a glacial feathered raptor skin. Also would like to see the all of the mounts get a bioluminescent skin that fits in theme with the raptor and skyscale ones we currently have (same with lucent). Thank you πŸ™‚
  14. I stand slightly incorrect. Today they worked, but 6 plant nodes didnt. So it might be something with the feature itself doing the auto gathering, but not entirely sure what it is
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