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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 1 hour ago, Chiral.8915 said:

    Getting this party started now. Minstels's is one of the root causes of the current boon ball mess that we're in now. Reducing the concentration on this stat set would go a long way towards taming down the boon vomit that is dominating group play in WvW. 

    Fight me. 

    OMG, the cele nerf isn't even done yet and boon ball minstrel whine already starts. Also you could push old threads, there are plenty from before cele meta.

    You are some weeks too early!!! It's still cele meta.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Lyralia.2945 said:

    I can't say the cele nerf is a bad idea. Needed to happen. Things couldn't have continued how they were.

    I can't say the cele nerf is a good idea. Didn't need to happen. Things could have continued how they were.

    I really, really liked playing cele meta.
    I didn't like the minstrel boon ball meta before.
    But it's getting back to boring.
    Cele was fun (minstrel isn't) - so you are right, it ought to be nerfed at some point.

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  3. On 9/14/2024 at 1:18 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Then we just need a reasonable explanation why people seem log in anyway and activity is about the same as previous years without WR.

    Different people. New people. What do they know? Nothing. They only know the soulless system.

    Others complain about those new people because they can't do anything right xD

    Well I cannot say much about that. I also only log in when a commander of my "alliance" starts up and pings it in discord. Well and to do daily. And reset. One good thing about wr, I can play in the evening again without lags to ruin the game.

    Don't have much to do anymore with other players, they come and go anyway.

    Apart from "alliance" guilds,  the small wvw guilds I was member of are quite dead. Some I haven't seen online since the wr and others come online like just once a week.
    And I used to play with them (3-4 of them) every afternoon after work. :s

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  4. On 9/14/2024 at 6:22 PM, aelflune.8590 said:

    Defense events are now extremely stupid

    Now? NOW?

    It's been stupid since they removed repairing walls out of the def event variables without adding something else instead (like destroying siege, for a start) or without increasing range of "event". When siege and players are out of the event range, it won't count as defense either no matter if you destroyed their mountain of trebs and their zerg (+repaired t3 walls afterwards).

    Also it's been complained about and made fun of since then too and you know what they did?

    They have made it even worse.

    • Like 4
  5. 11 hours ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

    It's getting changed back to the original Celestial from 2013-2021

    When nobody used cele. It was such a niche and cele players were considered... special, to say it nicely.

    18 hours ago, scerevisiae.1972 said:

    I do think it's being scapegoated by numerous players as an excuse for why they lose fights

    Replace players with gankers and lose fights with didn't kill the victim.


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  6. 14 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

    I just killed an innocent raccoon family by hopping through them whilst going from one place to the next. Not really feeling great about it.

    No need to feel bad about it. Racoons are considered pests in many places of the world (where they are invasive).

    24 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Now, tell me again the Warclaw was "underwhelming" and can't get you over obstacles in the way.

    That only works in situations where it's not needed. Like you doing it for fun. Have a first clean jump that way.
    It's different if you get chased, molested or are in a race and suddenly stand in front of an obstacle and try to get over it and said obstacle isn't even a tenth of the barn.

    • Confused 1
  7. 16 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    They should have added all the Lowland Shore textures on release and not have us wait for another nine months.


    I wonder if the folks at Anet are beginning to realize that they've opened Pandora's box with the introduction of this Sims building environment xD
    The requests will NEVER end. They better release a way for people to create and share their own packages.

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, bq pd.2148 said:

    the wiki has a nice table on the features of each expansion.
    i don't think i have seen anywhere else a better overview about what you get with the purchases so far.

    Really nice and compact.

    But I don't understand why rev is listed as new profession in PoF and EoD.

    1 hour ago, Ryeloc.4817 said:

    I'm so confused on the way this game expansions work, they have bundles, and then restrictions on what bundles you can buy depending on what you own, and then a new expansion that says you need previous expansions to use the warclaw, and chapters which are in some bundles, but not all listed on the gems store.

    I can understand that. When I returned to the game I bought PoF and though I have it all then but I didn't know that there were (important) seasons that can only be purchased in game and were only free around release date. Ruined my story chronology.

    You have it better, you could buy a complete edition with them incl.

    If you just return and want to see if this game will bring the fire back then just buy Janthir. It's new and probably won't be on sale that soon. But keep in mind it isn't complete yet. The trend is to release an expansion split in pieces, and each piece months apart. The story and 2 maps won't keep you busy for long yet.

    When a sale comes around you can still buy the ultimate or complete edition of the dragon saga (the last time it was about 20-30% off) and SotO to have it all.
    The ulitmate ed doesn't incl. the seasons but it comes with other goodies and 4000 gems which you can use to buy the seasons ingame (best when on sale aswell).
    The complete edition comes with the seasons but no further goodies and no gems.
    Both cost same, the ultimate may be cheaper on sale than the complete.

  9. The big cats in Janthir are Journeykins.
    Warclaw has come to mean more. One is the original story for collecting and unlocking the original species in WvW and the other is the container for the skins. There are also non-cats in this category. I got the goat, which looks more like a capricorn. On another account I have the sand lion, which is from the Elonian desert. According to the category, both are warclaws.
    So the Journeykin became a warclaw (just recently). But not every warclaw is a Journeykin.

    Anyway, I'm with you, the name of the species should be used and not the category. It bothers me when everything is named Warclaw in Janthir in the text, even the kittens.

    • Like 1
  10. Having the same mount but different abilities in pve and wvw starts to get to me. I caught myself not dashing through yellow mobs in fear to get in combat mode -.-

    At least I didn't jump of great heights and died like some others xD

    The pve warclaw makes the wvw warclaw look even worse than it already is. Shows all its failings so prominently now when faced with what it could actually do, like jump (wvw warclaw can't jump, I refuse to call that jump, I jump higher without mount in wvw).

    • Like 2
  11. I haven't paid attention how my chars are carrying the weapon yet.
    I like the idea of a weapon that every character can use. Crafted the legendary one from the last vault set because of that. The fish/shark skin on land is quite ridiculous though ^^

    Revenant spear has 3 skills that need to be placed by mouse and only 2 skills that target the target. I like the mechanic of pulling the enemies together, add skill 5 followed by skill 3  through them in hopefully the direction they may move. But it also slows me down when placing over the half of the skills manually. The effects are visually really strong. Shocked me at first. But I always see what skill I'm doing xD

    Warrior on the other hand has it totally underwhelming from the animations. So the ones who don't like weapon effects, use spear on warrior.

    Ranger spear is too slow to switch out skills when using 5 (which replaces the other 4 skills with some ambush attacks). When it switches out its skills I'm already done pressing the skill I actually wanted to execute and have to do it again. Don't like that at all.

  12. I'm happy with the choice of female Charr faces, but males could get some more non-scary ones.
    Rytlock has almost classic fangs but they're hidden (with a bit clipping though). So something like that. They should still look like Charr and not like a tamed cat breed.

    And Norn look like 2-3 default faces that get variants to it. And Norn hairstyles have many bad choices. Norn tattoos could feature tattoos of their beloved spirits.

    • Like 3
  13. 1 hour ago, marquise.8059 said:

    I saw these and they are wonderful, but the pillar moss, for instance, needed for the hobbit house requires 2 reclaimed metal plates each for crafting. Kuddos for that person, but few people will have that many reclaimed plates in their bank.

    Finally a use for all those years of matriach camping.

    4 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I really don't understand why the Homestead area looks so rundown and arid compared to the beautiful Lowland Shore map. No green grass, weird white rocks, no nice beaches, a shabby bridge, rubble by the house...

    Guess you are meant to make it pretty.

    I like its barren look and orange hue. The lack of wild animals is what disturbs me, looks dead.

    Hope the future will bring us something to add more life to it.

  14. So, back to borish minstrel boon ball meta in wvw everyone was complaining about before the cele meta. The whining will never decrease that way when switching one complaint for the next complaint.

    Why's transfusion nerfed in pve? I mean you nerf something like that and send a class form useful to useless. What's the point? Did raid bosses complain?

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  15. 2 hours ago, Gorani.7205 said:

    Well, I took from that old video, that managing resources would be vital, canons and burning oil would be dangerous for attackers 

    Those points didn't change. At least in small scale that I usually play in the early mornings (lack of players).
    Sure if you're a large organised meta zerg you can sustain it, but destroying canons and oil (and mortars and trebs,... whatever dangerous is in range) before dropping the siege is still a thing in large zergs.

    2 hours ago, Gorani.7205 said:

    SMC would "require a major effort by an army of players" to conquer

    Like 2-3 players now if there aren't human defenders.
    I prefer at least 5 though, to make things easier and faster.

    2 hours ago, Gorani.7205 said:

    You would earn XP and loot like in PvE

    Character leveling in wvw and thus skipping open world was so nice a decade ago xD

    But I doubt it was as good thing for wvw.

    3 hours ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

    Would the Old launch Devs Be Embarrassed if they Saw what Their WvW has Become?

    Don't know the old devs.

    But wvw didn't keep me playing GW2 back then. I quit after a year after release. And now I've been back and playing wvw for the past 3 years.

    I like the current meta change experiments.

    I wouldn't want the wvw from over a decade ago back.

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