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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 7 hours ago, KrHome.1920 said:

    Define "effective"!

    Either killing or escaping successfully.

    I usually play rev in wvw (renegade or herald, depending on the team situation) and sometimes it happens I have to go from a to b alone or with someone else, like when resupplying or going to the squad from a wp. And sometimes there are 1-3 enemies farming the single ppl and at least 1 thief is among them (had 3 thieves once too).


    I survive a while but that's play for time, when the thief gets to much dmg he hides and ports away just to return like 5 seconds later and it starts again and I'm not getting anywhere. That's frustrating. Herald doesn't have the mobility to escape. Thief jumps faster and further.

    I don't know whether rev has the possibility to kill a thief (unless the really incompetent ones, but they are not the topic). Maybe a shiro/mallyx combination, but I guess it lacks burst damage. When I play renegade I wear mainly celestial with bit condi, as herald I wear either marauder or full berserker.


    I know I can escape a thief as thief, but I like team playing in wvw and a thief is useless in that regard and tbh thief is the only class I can't warm up with in any mode and I tried every spec, it's only useful to me for Halloween labyrinth.

    The class is an absurdity in WvW.

    Other classes I'd play in wvw: warrior, necro, ranger (though latter has no value in organised squads I know).

    No ele, no thief, no guard.

  2. On 4/22/2023 at 3:48 AM, Vindred.1352 said:

    The problem being that I can't play every day, due to life circumstances. I'll still get 8-12 hours in, but they'll be clumped up in two to three days.

    Back when I stopped, that was a huge problem because the grind demanded daily attention

    The grind or the chore, that it may be, is only in your head.

    You took a break of 2 years? Think about how much missed time that is. You would be further along if you had played 2-3 days a week for 2-4 hours.

    Do you understand why this is all in your head?

    For projects with a timegate, you have to plan ahead and prepare this time kitten and only then start with the project.

    It doesn't matter how long it takes.
    My first skyscale took me months, I had 0 preparation and was constantly pissed off about all the artificial delays that were put in my way, even though the mount was standard everywhere when I started it. Totally unnecessary this harassment of new or returning players. Because it has not been a positive experience.

    With the second scale, on account #2, I was smarter and there it also went quite quickly. And so I did that then for ascended and legendary armor pieces. Equipment that is a lot of work, I did not do. I don't run a thousand NPCs and complete achievements. I chose the items where you can buy a lot and don't have to do much work yourself. So I can play my favorite mode (WvW) and the rest does itself by the way.

    I played for 1 year after release and then took a break for 7 years. Just think how far the veteran players were when I came back.

    I have caught up a lot. And I know WvW veterans who play PvE/Story/whatever so rarely that I'm further along than them in that regard.


    4 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    Well if they told you to kitten off you can report them for that. At least thats something they can act on quite easily.


    It was on Discord, I didn't even look at which ingame character the voice belonged to.
    Of the things I would report, that would be the least of it. It's very unkind but the ignorant matter of course behind it is what upsets me not the potty mouth.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

    Turning off post processing gets rid of a lot of environmental and other effects while also shutting off bloom

    And it also removes the discolored effect when you are dead. But I kind of like this effect xD

    Without postprocessing to the max, the world stays ugly colorful and dying was for nothing.

    Can't someone somehow activate this effect as permanent? So that the game thinks you would always be dead.

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  5. I just had a discussion in my WvW squad, because the healer of my group ran for an hour afk into a wall and the map even had a queue. For me to block a map, if there is a queue, is an absolute no go, but for the squad leader and his guild (was widely a guild squad) it was ok.

    The argument was, that this player is worth more to the squad than any randoms who want to get on the map and thus it was ok and my opinion was annoying. One literally told me to fk off if I've a problem with that. And so I left.


    What is your opinion?
    Is it only me who finds such a behaviour totally unfair to all players who are sitting in the queue?

    I would like to report such antisocial players, but somehow no category fits.

    Is it already botting if you have afk autorun active (just not to be logged out)?


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  6. 13 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

    hrm a gw2 Enhanced Natural Beauty mod?  Folks have been making ENBs for the elder scrolls games for decades.

    Hm, didn't think of third party textures. GW1 had such a third party tool too but not for desaturating.

    It would only need to apply to 4 wvw maps.


    13 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

    how would that be different from lowering the saturation on your monitor?

    I don't know how to explain this. The monitor would affect everything, not just the background and effects. The names and tags/commanders were still in full color. I could tell the important things from the unimportant things much better, just like the background is rather unimportant in WVW.

    Today I had another run like that in sm, all three servers were fighting over it on all three levels, in the commotion I couldn't keep track of my commander even if I targeted him personally (with the personal tag) in addition to his commander tag.

    It was all multiple chaotic, garish explosions of color everywhere. But when you're dead, it's much better.


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  7. Today I lay dead in the stonemist fortress (wvw) and watched how all 3 servers fight it out and I noticed how clearly everything is visible. Otherwise, I have problems in such a turmoil to keep track due to all the brightly colored effects and colorful environment. But when you are dead, all colors are dimmed except the important ones.

    Can I somehow set this as default when I'm alive? In the GW settings there are some graphics options, even gamma, but not something like reduce saturation for backgrounds and effects.

    Is it possible to realize this with the settings of the graphics card (AMD Radeon)? Does anyone know?


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  8. On 4/10/2023 at 6:14 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    You need only double-click the tool to equip it for each character.  To me, it seems amazing that slightly moving a finger is such a chore nowadays. 

    Thats not the challenge, the challenge is to not forget to unequip them every time before you log out.

    Or the challenge is to remember on which character you forgot them.

    Been using them for 3 years and just yesterday I had to use gw2effciency again to find my clock tool... before I had to concentrate to remember how that thing was called to actually be able to find it.


    And if you dont have enough shared inventory then the chore really begins.

    Thats why I dont bother buying them on my 2nd account. Only 1 shared slot, hell no.

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  9. On 1/1/2023 at 6:01 AM, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

    Most people that complain about thief aren't actually complaining about thief itself

    I complain about thief; not mesmer, ranger or whatever. Thief. And it cannot be fixed since it is not just a single thing or two that are annoying, it wouldn't be a thief anymore if you try to adjust the class for wvw.

    It just needs to be removed from that gamemode.

    No-one will be sad but a thief.

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  10. Random team set-ups are better now due to experience.

    I did the meta 3 times before the wintersday festival started, 1 failed very narrowly the other 2 were success. It wasn't even my plan to slay the dragon, I just needed events for the achievements. Just happened. I went with the flow.

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