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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 12 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    The point I was trying to make was that reward tracks were added to PvP and WvW because they were less rewarding overall than PvE.

    I think this was one point, but not the only one.
    Or why can you complete PvE achievements in WvW via these reward tracks? I think it's to allow players who don't enjoy these PvE maps to complete certain achievements and still have fun. For example, I've repeated the desert track a lot because you get the desert skins. I think 3 or 4 complete sets, which also included a PvE achievement per set. Or the emote tracks that you would otherwise only have to do in PvE.

    I even unlocked the weapons in WvW and not in SotO. Though via an NPC, 10 seconds and done.

    Imagine you love playing the HoT maps and don't like the maps of the seasons. Imagine playing your favorite maps and completing achievements on the season maps without having to play them.

    That's what it feels like. Play what you want and choose the reward track from somewhere else.

    Get dungeon tokens and their weapon and armor skins without having to play the dungeon --> Reward track.
    (And I know all the dungeons and paths, except Arah, where I've only played one path)

    I have already saved my Tarir 100x for the achievement and also done enough other metas. I do it from time to time as a variety. But it's rare. This motivation only increases with certain events that promote this with achievements.

    I've never been hooked with fishing ;D In any game.

    • Confused 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    If you want a legendary weapon, it's much faster to farm gold in PvE than WvW, and there are many different ways to do it.

    I know. But it's no fun for me. And fun has the highest weight.

    Every now and then I do a bit open world, just for fun 😉

    If I was after gold I'd do bauble farm in Aurin Basin by now.

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  3. 11 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Map completion is required for legendary weapons.

    I'm 1 GoE away from crafting the party mace. I estimate that by the end of the year I'll have the 100% done for the GoE. Most likely.

    In the meanwhile I bought 2 leg. weapons from the TP and am collecting for Vision atm. Was almost to give that one up because the Kralki Ore from the bugged Istan map is even more a pain in the kitten than a 100% map completion. But then I saw that I can get it from repeating the Istan reward track, one stack per completion and I need over 3k.

    11 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Sure but then you're trading gold farming for map completion. It's still a grind, either way.

    And I didn't grind gold..

    I mainly play wvw. And have 4 accounts.

    My gold income is certainly not at the level of farmers, but at least I play what I like best and reach my goals on the side.

    Isn't that how a game should be? I mean it's a game. Not work.
    I do have a job. Not looking for a second one 😉
    Reward tracks are the best thing Anet has implemented in the game. Too bad pve players don't have them so they can't play what they want, but what they have to.

    • Confused 4
  4. 16 hours ago, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

    Two of my paid accounts (one started at launch, the other started about 10 years ago) have no free transfer option. My third account does have it, but that one was a free one that I upgraded with a Heroic Edition code (and later with HoT/PoF bundle). I have two other free accounts, but they're not upgraded.

    The overwhelming consensus (based on reddit/forums results and the wiki) seems to be that only free accounts that upgrade get that free transfer.

    Acc#1 - soon 12 years old - no free transfer
    Acc #2 - soon 3 years old - was PoF bought from the start on some third party side - free transfer
    Acc #3 - bit over 2 years old - was the Complete Ed bought when it was on sale on Anet store - free transfer
    Acc #4  - soon 7 months old - was heroic Ed that was given away from Alienware Arena - free transfer

    Main acc is up to SotO, rest up to EoD.

    I would say at some point a free transfer was added, but older accounts were not included in such an update.

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  5. The first Pre fell at my feet when I was a newly returned newcomer and didn't even know what it was. Of course, I wondered why this boring looking exotic longbow cost almost 200 gold. I gladly sold it xD

    I guess that was 3-4 years ago.

    I've gotten 2 more since then. The last one just a couple days ago. Ofc now most are pretty much worthless.

    But when it comes to dropluck, Tequatl is where I had my peak. For a while I had always killed him sometime before 6 a.m. (if enough came together at all) and probably got a total of 10 ascended chests. At the time I thought that this frequency was normal, until I once complained to a friend that I had never gotten the Mini Teq, but had already gotten 8 chests. He couldn't believe it.


    • Confused 1
  6. When I think about the questions, I have to say that nothing Anet has changed is any fun. Whenever I have fun in WvW, it's the players, not the system. Especially when it comes to fights around and in fortresses. The real fun starts when the 3rd party gets involved.

    If Anet wants to bring me fun with an update, then the thief should be banned from WvW. Stealth as well. That would change a lot for me. I would start with roaming. Voluntary. Maybe even with fun. I think I'd have fun. No stealth = fun.

    Since the last beta, or shortly before, I always have skill lags at prime time, so that WvW is not playable in a useful way. Unfortunately. As a result, I have had to shift my playtime from the evening to the morning. I now play before work from about 4:30 to 6 a.m. and there's not much going on. Smallscale and PPT.

    I still have the weekends, where there's action at all hours.

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  7. 22 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    People choosing to fight on its back (never seen that)

    I've only seen that.
    I didn't see anything else, except maybe in the first few weeks after release. But as soon as people found out that you can stand on it comfortably and do your rotas without being disturbed or interrupted by any mobs, that's exactly what they did and do.

    22 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    It was designed as an underwater fight.

    May be. It's harder underwater. Chill over water.
    You don't get swallowed. You don't get attacked. You stand there, pressing your skills and watch it die.

    • Confused 2
  8. 12 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    Hearts are very quick in most core maps though

    Compared to what?

    It takes 4x longer to finish a map with hearts than without. At least.
    Then there are awful maps like Queensdale...

    And the other day, on some Norn map, we were 3 people doing a heart and taking the banners and other stuff needed for it from each other. I quit it after 10 minutes and came back a couple days later when I was alone. And that wasn't the only time I experienced that.

    With luck there's an event going that counts.

    I have 1 char that has everything but the hearts. That is quick. Doing the hearts is what eats time. Otherwise I'd continue that char and not start a new one.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    I've never transferred (playing since pre-launch) and I just tried it....no go, cheapest is 500 Gems. 

    Same with my main account. Created with release and had to pay for a transfer and I'm pretty sure I've never done a transfer. (Because then I would need a transfer back since I was still on the same server I started on)

    My other accounts are between 1-3 years old.

    • Confused 1
  10. 9 hours ago, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

    There is no free first transfer, except for free accounts that upgrade to paid accounts. You could transfer for free for the first few months after launch, though.

    3 of my 4 accounts can transfer for free, and none of my accounts was ever a free account. All bought. Unless you count the heroic ed as free, that's how acc #4 started.
    (My 2nd acc, 3 years old: https://i.postimg.cc/3RkTMhJy/gw494.jpg)

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  11. 14 hours ago, Obito.3294 said:

    its such a pain :classic_blush: how long it can take to complete all of it that have to be done for GoE ?


    I started my second 100% about 3 months ago and have about 1/3 done I think (all Charr and half Norn).
    Since hearts are such a pain, I'm not very motivated as you can see ^^

    You can see your progress on the map (M). Map progress as well as world progress.

    • Confused 2
  12. On 4/28/2024 at 6:20 PM, Codename T.2847 said:

    Weapons and armor are full marauder, on main I have it all ascended and with eagle runes. Celerity sigil on focus (important for setting up quick combos after CCs) and energy/cleansing on scepter depending on mood or enemi(es)

    I take it your weaponset is scepter and focus.
    A second set you sometimes switch to?

    What relict? I like the speed one but I dunno what swiftness upkeep your setup has.

    (Last time I played ele in wvw is like 12 years ago [hello soldier equipment ^^] and nowadays I play ele only in festivals like dragon bash)

  13. 7 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    There is in fairness the Adolescent Leviathan which is the only real underwater mob they added and is a boss in Cantha/End of Dragons.

    Which is fought over the water 🤣
    Either from your boat or standing atop of the monster part that's slightly out of the waterline.

    8 hours ago, DarkK.7368 said:

    How is water content after Core Tyria?

    There's none.

    Orr has the most water content in the game.

    Unless you count fishing.

    I didn't even bother with a 7th leg. rune, because breather pffft *shrugs* 🙃

    • Like 1
  14. 46 minutes ago, Hirasaki.6208 said:

    Say you joined a WvW guild on Dragonbrand while your on SBI then SBI relinks to Darkhaven,  Then you spend 1000 gems to transfer to your current guild's World then your penalized for 2 weeks on rewards for doing WvW content..

    Apparently a hint is missing to suggest that you join a wvw guild that's on your server. How shall a new player know that.
    If your wvw guild knew that you are a newbie (and after such a long break you are), then they should have told you that after relinking you'll lose your wvw guild.

    The first transfer is free though. Maybe you transferred in the past. I had to pay gems too after my 7 year break (and I can't remember that I ever transferred; for my other accounts it's free).

    49 minutes ago, Hirasaki.6208 said:

    World/Story Completion is Character based.  Nothing is more annoying than having to redo all that story missions on another Character.

    There is no need to do that on another character unless for fun. So let the ppl their fun who have fun with that.

    If there's something to complain about GW2 story mode, then how it's a single player story mode even in a group.

    50 minutes ago, Hirasaki.6208 said:

    In my opinion, Hero points, Map Completion, Story Completion should be account based.

    But then the maps will be empty.

    51 minutes ago, Hirasaki.6208 said:

    Relics, Inventory Bags and other Soulbound things should be account bound. 

    Agreed. Soulbound shouldn't even exist in the first place.
    Bag are account bound though, aren't they? Unless you mean story/levelling rewards.


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  15. On 1/16/2024 at 5:57 PM, Kiki.9450 said:

    Please Anet, implement a method of turning off NPC chat bubbles for those who wish to have that disabled. Thank you!

    And NPC whispers. They can send me a letter, by pigeon, if they want to tell me something. Maximum one pigeon per day. And short, max 5 sentences.

    And please let me disable the Rev Legends chatter as well.


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  16. 27 minutes ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

    It's about new players/fresh level 80 players (obviously).

    Well of course.

    Everybody else wouldn't need that way for some exotic armor and wouldn't need a newsletter bag or an easy achievement. Would all be done.

    Ppl a bit longer playing have stats select armor chests in the bank and can buy stats select whatever-you-want from an npc in wvw. Along with some ascended stuff.

    I've 4 accounts and equipped them like written. From tp and map merchants.

    Since the vault exists it's even easier and faster because of the gold you get there.

    I played them like a new player. Doing story, equipping what dropped or I got from level/story rewards and buying either the lvl 80 berserker armor from Orr or buying stuff from the tp. Even my breathers were from some Orr merchant.

  17. 10 hours ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

    like a set of exotic armor

    Each Orr temple has one. Trade for karma.

    Temple of Grenth/Cathedral of Silence, south in Cursed Shore, has the popular berserker set. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Keeper_Jonez_Deadrun

    But I rather bought the berserker set from the tp. It's cheap and easier to get. https://gw2efficiency.com/tradingpost?filter.search.term=devona&filter.category.value=0

    10 hours ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

    A 20 slot bag

    You get a 24 slot bag for free https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/free-24-slot-bag-with-newsletters/

    A 20 slot bag from an easy achievement https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Uncanny_Canner


  18. 33 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I thought I'd be ok with a 100% representation guild, because it was my only active guild at the time, but I didn't realise how strict they were. I switched to my personal bank guild to put some items in the bank and less than a minute later I had a whisper asking me why I'd stopped representing.

    And I was playing the core story on a rarely played low level character, in an instance, when a whisper like that popped up.
    That really annoyed me. Interrupting my story mode because of some silly poppycock. (And this was a WvW guild! What do they care about PvE)
    The next day I had no guild xD And the day after that I was asked again in WvW if I was looking for a guild, by the same guild.

    Yours didn't start with B and ended with E?

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  19. 5 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    I do realize the game is 12 years old and naturally probably have to set the bar lower to get players in

    Or the players also age and the game adjusts.

    My reaction is not as good as it was 20 years ago. Eye–hand coordination has also deteriorated.😄

    However, the changes were/are a nice diversion in the game. But the reasons behind them are not clear to me either.
    With all the things people complain about in the game, things got changed that no one even thought of before.

  20. Maybe you didn't wear the guild tag 24/7.
    That happened to me once.
    I don't recommend a guild that insists on this. (With the exception of guild raids)
    Unfortunately, there is no guild history.
    If you haven't just taken a screenshot with hints, then you probably have to go to where you were recruited and see if you come across anything.

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