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Everything posted by Disney.7826

  1. U saw how impossible it was to explain to that scrapper guy his build is horrible.
  2. Yes, so we can have 5v5 revs only, 5v5 necs only.. good idea
  3. Toxicty is everything else than a major problem for pvp being dead
  4. Be happy u have bots otherwise u would never get queue on NA
  5. He wants that only rev can have sigil of cleansing, only nec can have sigil of energy, only engi can have sigil of purging…. Same for amulets and rune… Degen idea
  6. Even if top players dont show their build, the first person that fights them can know what he is playing till the last trait… also streamers usually show builds of other people in at/mat
  7. Why are u saying im clueless then? What i wrote for current dh is true, and current dh has trapper rune.
  8. Agree, i have worst winrate on that map including bell it has too small range between points (like djinn without 4th object) Bell grants too many points and it favours necro buids which can stalemate it for very long even if they are bad - like 1. point OP wrote 25 points each bell would be reasonable, instead of current 25-50-75, because it can make u lose even if u are steamrolling sides as a roamer, it puts more rng to matchmaking Its also harder to rotate on this map, so not the most suitable one for ranked its bad map just like djinn which was removed from competitive and spirit watch removed from competitive and ranked (remove sw from unrank also pls)
  9. dh has more sustain than other classes doing less damage. And no raid build for holo doesnt do damage in pvp, neither raid build for renegade or herald
  10. He is LR, not support. He can duel. Its a bit worse version of LR weaver…
  11. Imagine LR weaver complaining about prev… right u are tempest. Prev is weak to condis and cc.
  12. Thats legit worst build i have ever seen and i dont have reason to talk to you. u run explosions without explosion kit, its full dmg 0 sustain build just stop posting stupid things on forum and l2p
  13. I can also make build full of 1s ccs but thats trash build. NONE CLASS HAS kittenING SPAMMABLE CC, U ALSO WONT CC LOCK ANYONE WITH UR BUILD
  14. Out of ur 5ccs only supply crate ever lands. The stuff u are talking makes no sense, u have no clue. No class 100-0 u. If u use ur ccs on engi u will swap 3 weapon kits in that time and all ur CDs without doing any damage in meantime. war only dagger f1 is unblockable and gs f1 does like 5-6k, nothing close to oneshot
  15. Prot holo is sidenoder and in none point of view support.
  16. Were u afk so u tanked full whirling wrath? This guy is literally calling unviable build being op (-dps core guard). Guard doesnt even have cc except gs5??? And even that is 3/4s cast time Either stop talking or tell which class can spam cc really The answer to your problem is, dont random dodge for mobility, dont dodge AAs, dont use stunbreaks when u arent stunned. Its L2P problem, not “cc meta / spammable cc” or anything similar.
  17. Its not hard cc. Its 1s daze. Power block trait gives mesmer power at roaming, without power block its bad build. Try healing urself after he powerblocked random skill, when he is blinded, when u have stab, when u arent in line of sight or when u are invis.
  18. U dont spam CC. Also u dont spam other skills. longer cds make game go slower into the bunker meta
  19. As long as u think top stats are important u shouldnt suggest any changes in game
  20. No thats braindead, u are asking for game to be easier. There is also cc in LOL. Play clash royale if u dont like them. we have stupid patches because of u, OP, that rifle ft guy and similar people
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