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aikatara.3462's Achievements

  1. Happened to me and my friend too. We had to restart the instance.
  2. Thanks for the explanation. I wasn't aware that the two achievements were this grindy (and expensive). At least now I know not to bother with those lol, since I already have the skyscale anyway. And put A New friend as a the time limited Special in the Wizard's Vault feels kind of evil considering how expensive the collection is since it adds an artificial pressure for those who are susceptible to that. There is no time limit on the collections themselves after all (I think).
  3. My feedback/first impression on the expansion so far: Overall I liked the story and I grew fond of some characters quickly (although there was a certain dramatic point in the story I could have done without). Peitha and some other demons spoke a bit too slowly in my opinion though lol. The maps are definitely very beautiful. I am personally in general not that fond of the Skyscale (Never was - I prefer the Raptor) but maybe this changes with time. I did love the vertical design and the updrafts in HoT after all. I am somewhat upset about the changes made with the dailies though. While the new rewards are nice, I quite frankly don't understand why the choice of dailies is limited the way it is. Why not have all game mode dailies available like before, but just let give only three of the count for the reward? I am one of those players who'd do WvW dailies very now and then when I felt like it but this is probably not going to happen anymore. Also I dislike the "tutorial dailies" / dailies you can do while playing, like "dodge X times" or "do X combo fields". I often treated dailies like "mini quests". Something to do if I'm tired after work and want to play just a little bit. Dailies I do automatically while doing other stuff take that "mini quest" aspect away, if that makes any sense. As to the rifts I am unfortunately already bored of them after just doing the onces required for the story. So rift hunting isn't for me. They are just too repetitive for my liking. As to the relics: I have 30+ max level characters, many of them having more than one build/armor set. So when I think about having to revisit every single build/armor/rune set a second time ... I am getting tired just thinking about it SIGH. So I will take my time with that. I find it confusing why some classes seem to have dedicated relics, while others don't (Ranger - my main class). And I will really miss my rock dog 😞. I also don't quite see the point why I am "supposed" to do the Skyscale collection again. While I actually enjoyed doing the original saddle collection (I am probably a minority in that regard), it was VERY long and I don't quite see the point of a long and expensive saddle collection a second time. And from a story telling perspective this new achievements make no sense in any way when you already have the "original" Skyscale unlocked: I already have a skyscale saddle, I don't need a second one. The NPCs around us seem to have no shortage on saddles. Finding abandoned eggs for someone else to hatch .. fine. But crafting a second saddle? No. And please, please tune down the tutorial pop ups: At his point I hit the Esc key out of reflex whenever a tooltip pops up again - and miss those that are actually useful. I don't need to be reminded about leylines or updrafts very single time I look at one sideways. One reminder is enough. I have no opinion yet about the rest of the expansion since I haven't played that far yet.
  4. The event is still bugged, it doesn't start and blocks access to the POI and mastery point.
  5. The event is still bugged, it doesn't start despite 5 players being in the group, and blocks access to a POI and a Mastery Point.
  6. No, please don't. There are already far too many pirates in this game, be it sky pirates or water pirates.
  7. Apparently the amount of achievment popups got reduced (?), which is appreciated, but I am still waiting for an option to opt out of the CAG for people who have done it once. I don't appreciate being forced through it with all my charas, since I have so many. Sigh. Maybe one day... Hope dies last.
  8. You can turn of the UI-Sound in the options, that gets rid of the sound effect of the pop-ups. But of course that doesn't remove the pop ups or the achievments cluttering the "recent" category or the much higher XP gain. It's a tiny band-aid solution for those (like me) who find this sound effect extremely irritating. It should be noted though that this turns off other UI-sounds like event notification sounds as well.
  9. Ah, I love self imposed leveling challenges. I haven't done Iron Man though ... Maybe I should give it a try... The higher XP gain will definitely influence such challenges. sigh. Yes, it's probably a minority issue. sigh. But I also hope they see it as a compliment and implement a solution for the "odd ones" among us GW2 players who love slower leveling. sigh.
  10. Yes, please. I'd like to have an account-wide option to turn off the new feature too. I also enjoy leveling slowly. I actually deliberatly start at level 1 despite having many level boosts from all the birthday presents. And I have enough tomes of knowledge to level 1 chara to level 80 in one go. I don't use them on purpose because I don't want to speed up the leveling. And as someone who has a lot (35+) of characters and makes new ones all the time the Character Adventure Guide will now be my permanent companion in the early levels with all these constant pop-ups and ping noises. I turned off UI-Sound for now to at least get rid of the ping-sound, but that isn't a very good solution either, since event notification sounds are now turned off as well. Not to speak of all my level 80s will now run around with achievements popping up on the side all the time for a while. SIGH. This is going to be sooo annoying. I really hope they implement a turn-off option. There is really no point in repeating the new player achievements 30 or 40 times.
  11. Sigh, here we go again. I don't like PvP, I will never like PvP. And making me play 10 matches will not change that. It will just annoy the people who like PvP, since I don't know how to play it. SIGH.
  12. I play more or less like that as well when I enter a new map/new content.
  13. I already have the content guide completely disabled in the options. The new Character Adventure Guide is not tied to that, it works like regular achievements and every time you complete one of them (or if you complete a step of them, like killing 1 when the achievment says "kill 10 enemies") an achievement popup appears at the right side, accompanied by a "ping"-sound. When you have a lot of characters (like me with 35+) or level a lot of new characters (also like me) you will have these pop-ups all the time during a sizable chunk of your gameplay, since it is character-bound not account-bound. I personally find it VERY annoying and also would like to have an option to turn it off accound-wide.
  14. I deliberately took my time with these old tutorial achievements. I though I'll make them with new toons, so it will be more fun. Would I have known that they are temporary I would have made them immediately. It is apparently a mistake to save achievements you could do immediately for later. Instead now constant pop-ups will accompany my gameplay from the new tutorial thingy. I have a lot of characters and always make new onces. I am already tired of the constant "ping ping" at the side after playing for 6 hours, and I only used 3 of my 35 characters. Please, please let me disable the new tutorial thing accound wide. I don't need it for all my characters, once is enough.
  15. I posted this in another thread too. I think that the Character Adventure Guide is a great addition for new players. But I am not a new player. My account is 8 years old and I am an altoholic. For me these popups from the Character Adventure Guide will now be a constant companion of my daily gameplay. I have 35+ characters, a third of them low level and I make new ones constantly. Leveling up new characters is one of my main activities in the game. From now on a sizable chuck of my time in GW2 will be accompanied by constant pop ups at the side. I find this prospect very annoying and frustrating, since I find them too spammy and very disturbing. Also I don't want the additional experience. For me the additional XP-gain from the Character Adventure Guide is far too high. I like to level slowly via map completion and for me personally the XP gain until now was just perfect. With an 8 year old account I have tomes of knowledge en masse, but I never use them. Until now the leveling speed was optional, the player could speed it up via tomes or choose not to.. Now it isn't any more. I'd like a) the option to disable the achievement popups for the Character Adventure Guide b) get rid of the auto consume of the XP, make the consumtion of the XP reward optional. c) Quite frankly idealy I would like to see the the option to opt-out of the Character Adventure Guide altogether, since I don't want to do it for every single character I already have (and will make in the future) I have the feeling my GW2 playing experience has been changed quite a bit because of the Character Adventure Guide and honestly I don't like it. I am currently not looking forward to play the game with this addition. Making the Character Adventure Guide optional for players who completed it once with one character would benefit everyone, new players and veterans alike, in my opinion.
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