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Posts posted by difens.1326

  1. The only thing that makes my trapper DH WvW build working is 6th bonus on the Trapper rune. So upon launch I'll lose that, the build will be rendered unplayable and I'll have to do God knows how much grind/pay how much gold to TP barons to restore it back? And I'm not talking restore performance but to make it work at all...
    And they will graciously give one relic box for the entire account? Oh, that's sweet ANET. I knew I could count on you.

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  2. I play open world PvE and some WvW. I couldn't care less if banners are better or worse after the patch, I refuse to use them anyway. I don't play group content, so I don't care if I get the spot in the group or not (that's why I still don't have the turtle, maybe they'll add it to WvW at some point).

    My expectations from this "balance" patch were simple (or maybe not) - I actually expected weapon skills changes (I know, silly me).

    I want hammer and mace to deal damage with cc skills in WvW. I want rifle to actually deal damage in any game mode(maybe like current engi rifle AA). I don't want to be stuck with GS or Axe/Axe, because other weapon options are just inferior.

    That's it. I have no other expectations, as any additional changes are apparently beyond skill of "balance" team.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

    It dont stop you from getting spirit shards you just cant see the bar move anymore.

    As an experiment go do two dungeon paths after you maxed out the exp and you will see 1 spirit shard awarded during either the first or second one since they give about 75% of a level if I remember right

    Dungeon paths are not EoD maps. I'm talking about EoD maps. In other maps (like LS3, LS4, PoF), I can get shards and XP just fine, but not in End of Dragons maps. It will unlock only after activating turtle masteries, which I don't have because of this strike mission. It's BS.

    • Confused 2
  4. On 4/26/2022 at 4:02 AM, Veprovina.4876 said:

    If you've bought into the propaganda that those strike missions are somehow hard and require specific groups and you need to be a raider to complete them, rest assured that i completed that same strike mission like 5 times with random people who just showed up for their turtle mount, never raided, never did strikes, never did anything other than open world, and we finished it.


    And please don't pay people to "carry" you into strikes, they're doable with literally anything.

    That's probably not going to happen as Anet clearly designed multiple things in game to be only obtainable in certain modes exclusively. No matter how much people cry over Gift of Battle, it's still only obtainable in WvW, Raid armor and raid rings requires, well, raids, and turtle requires a strike. 

    And a really really easy one at that. 

    The fact that people are so scared of them is because all the raiders artificially inflating their difficulty so that they can sell "strike clears" for 250 MC per run. Pathetic.


    Youtube the strike mechanics so you know what's in there and do the strike. 

    If you need a build, there's tons of low effort buidls that do 20k DPS with autoattack, pick one and just avoid red circles while you 111111 the boss.

    I don't like instanced content (especially in this game). I do not play content I don't like. It is a game, not a job. I play at my own pace and so far I have everything I wanted without playing content I did not like. I don't care for turtle mount, it's stupid. I DO hate that I'm not getting any XP/spirit shards in EoD maps, because of this stupid requirement.


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  5. Reading all of this made me even more angry at game devs. I don't find any instanced content in this game to be fun at all. I will not play content that is not fun to me. ANET can keep their stupid turtles locked behind this BS. I accepted the fact that I'm not going to have this mount. But I DO NOT accept that I am not going to get any XP/spirit shards in OPEN WORLD PvE until I do this STUPID instance. I stopped doing anything in EoD maps, because it's a waste of time.

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  6. The closest thing would be Heavy Aetherblade pants. I actually have one war with those pants dyed pink. Scallywag top match nicely. And I run shouts 😛 All I really want now is WoD replaced by elite shout. The skill is useless anyway (as are all warrior elites, except maybe Headbutt). I really miss elite shouts from GW1 like "Charge", "Coward" or "Victory is Mine"...

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  7. On 3/10/2022 at 4:29 AM, Vexona.6452 said:

    If you fail you have to ask yourself why you failed. Then you adjust. You communicate with people who have won. What worked, what didn't, how to make the wisp phase quick. You practice your CC during the escort event and make sure both teams can make the breakbar limit on platform splits because we can't use EMPs. You adjust your build so you have personal CC to break the bars and give you more time on the main platform. You breathe in and out.

    People are getting their eggs in less time than they did on the Skyscale and they're getting them because they're working on bettering their mechanics and their awareness. Is that so wrong?

    I can tell you why we failed our last attempt.

    Every time after we broke her bar, she stayed put for about 3 seconds before deciding to flip. We could just not break it and it would have not made kitten difference. Two or three times we got tail up together with her break bar active. My ability to break bar, do damage and move did not matter at all due to sheer amount of invuln phases the boss did.

    What exactly can I learn more where the whole encounter is controlled by RANDOM number generator? I know what to do and how to do it. I cannot do it, because RANDOM number generator does not offer me the chance to do it.

    I do not have the luxury of multiple 2-hour windows (each time with different group) to try my LUCK and get into the battle where RANDOM number generator is fair enough.

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  8. I don't need to know precise numbers. I play power spellbreaker since I got PoF. I used to run GS/Daggers, but now in EoD I had to switch daggers for Mace/Axe for extra CC. My utility bar runs stunbreak, bulls charge and the signet to regenerate endurance (basically Vallun's build for open world PvE). Full ascended Marauder gear with two legendaries thrown into the mix. I can do well on my own in almost every open world place, except for HoT HP champs (most warriors struggle there). I dodge when needed, do damage when needed and rarely die (usually when I overpull or my GS5 throws me from some mountain). What I don't have is the reflexes to perfectly execute stupid raid/strike dance the devs are designing. Yes, I call it dance, not playing the game. Gimmick mechanics and phases that often make no sense from story point of view. That's why I do not like instanced content in this game (and did not like it in WoW as well).

    Turtle is a PvE mount, specific to the open world, not raids/dungeons/fractals/strikes. You cannot use it there. So it does not make any sense to have to participate in said content in order to finish the collection. And yes, I consider DE meta to be a raid, not open world. They say at some point it might be usable in WvW, so I suppose it might end up as a reward track. This is my only hope of getting the mount, as I will not place a single kitten banner anywhere.

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  9. 12 minutes ago, carrolltech.9215 said:


    People should be able to play how they want. A huge part of the fan base is people who come from GW1 which is completely soloable. Even GW2 was soloable when it came out apart from Dungeons which you could complete with a group of 4 friends.

    The problem remains though, I am trying to get into a strike mission on the EU servers. Everyone wants Li's as proof I have raid experience, which I do not. 

    I managed to get into a strike yesterday by saying I was DPS Banner, I am pretty good at it in open world and rarely wipe. But after we got Minister Li down to about 18% I completely wiped and then started to get bitched at and nasty messages by the other team as I failed for the group basically. 

    I play Guild Wars for some escapism from idiots when I am at work, I do not get much time to play as it is, I do not need more stress when playing a game, it's not fun for me at all.

    Yet, I still want the turtle mount as its a nostalgia thing back to GW: Factions.

    I admire your willpower to even try playing as bannerslave. I refuse to do it and I will have to accept the fact that I will get kicked out of potential strike groups. I do not consider placing kitten flags around as fun gameplay.

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  10. 19 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    Bladesworn can take a crazy CC on burst skills with mayor trait Unyielding Dragon. Youll be breaking every veteran bar in one hit, elites usually require one additional CC as for champs you will need a bit more but if you have your flow going you can break champs bars with 2 x burst + 1 bullcharge.

    Rooting myself in place is a no-go. I hate Hundred Blades due to rooting component and don't look forward to playing Bladesworn due to that.

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  11. 4 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    Not that I'd recommend "go hammer" as a solution to warrior issues with CC (particularly not in the case of bladesworn), but am I mistaken or were the changes nerfing damage to 0 on CC not specific to PvP/WvW?  Those skills still deal damage in PvE, do they not?

    I agree that bladesworn is an issue.  They're sort of in the same boat as ele/engi due to their class mechanic removing the weapon swap.  However, where ele/engi are compensated with a larger skillset via attunements and toolbelt skills, bladesworn is not.  In my opinion, the entire spec is just poorly designed.  The dragon trigger that roots you in place and encourages you to charge up a big hit is antithetical to the action combat system the same way losing weapon swap versatility is to the warrior class.

    In my opinion, this is a spec they need to seriously rethink.

    Yeah they do in PvE, but the damage is stupidly low. Earthshaker's base damage is like 400. This basically requires you to take Discipline traits, so one weapon = cc and the other one for damage. This creates some problems like in fight with story bosses. When bar appears, I would have to swap to cc weapon, try my best to break the bar, but in order to exploit broken state, I need to swap to the "damage" weapon and it needs to be done really quickly before boss recovers. With discipline, it's fine at 5 seconds, without it, it becomes unbearable. Would probably be easier if bosses would somehow telegraph their bars to become available.

    That's why I stay away from cc on weapons.

  12. 19 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    While I agree that the RNG aspect of it can be annoying, it is still doable with enough time left if you play with people who know their stuff.

    We finished yesterday with approximately 3 minutes left on the timer while having quite a few annoying side-switches and whirlpools. It was a well organized run with an experienced Commander, and everyone filled the roles required, i.e. raid-structured 5-player subgroups, which currently is the only viable option to make it - no idea if this is exactly what ANet had in mind for this encounter, but it sure looks that way.

    So it's still RNG - this time affecting group composition

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  13. Kind of stupid that my Bull's Charge or Stomp do not break the bar on their own. I have to use both of them and in case of story bosses it's not enough. Third utility is a stun break, so I can't switch it to another cc skill. I actually missed all story achievements that require defeating the boss in certain time due to weak cc damage I do.

    Hammer is not an option, as due to fantastic "balance" patches, all its cc skill don't do any damage. Mace hits like wet noodle too.


    Bladesworn has even less options due to majority of the spec focus is in the gunblade...

    Looks like it's my fault after all. I insist of playing the worst class in the entire game. But I won't give up.

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