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Posts posted by Clyan.1593

  1. @"Asum.4960" said:I'm guessing you joined an LFG late where people wiped and left for just Phase 2 of the fight?

    CM is the normal mode fight but harder, and then that whole second phase that you describe after the boss is defeated as basically a super juiced up cinematic Ensolyss finish.

    The Fire phase etc. is all there in CM, way juiced up.

    I did both phases, but with 2 different groups I joined. I didn't know these phases are connected to each other, one dude just told me that the second phase (which I presumed was the CM) starts automatically. So I got trolled by him.I get it now:So on CM u have 2 phases, the first one plays like the normal boss fight, but juiced up and the second phase is where it gets dark and the purple laser show starts. The normal run is just the boss without the dark part and less stuff thrown at you.

    I apologize then. I got home real late yesterday and didn't have the time to examine the fractal too much. I simply wanted to see the CM. I didn't know that the bright and dark phase belong together. As I understand now, I didn't even play the boss on normal mode. The one group advertising a normal run in fact did the CM's first phase.

    EDIT: To be more clear: I joined a CM group and went straight into the dark phase fight. After that I joined another group advertising a normal boss run, which actually was another CM, but the first phase. This explains why after the boss "died" the dark phase automatically started. I guess that one player there was trolling all the others, because he was talking about it as if cm was not even activated.

  2. @Krzysztof.5973 said:

    @Krzysztof.5973 said:Sunqua CM is ANet's definition of "hardcore endgame". If you think it's too easy you are just not the target audience for this game. GW2 endgame difficulty compared to other MMOs is just laughable. But again, it's this way by design not unbalance.

    You miss the point: sunqua cm is easier than normal.

    Which is all the endgame is about.

    It isn't tho. All other cms make the encounters harder. Especially in fractals. 98 and 99 cm have increased difficulty by adding additional mechanics.New fractal 100 is the other way around. It removes a lot of mechs and therefor is easier.

    @Grimjack.8130 said:no its not lmao

    I gave good reasons for why it's easier, so would you pls elaborate on why I am wrong? How is this CM harder than normal when it lacks all the basic mechanics and doesn't add any new ones?

  3. @"Krzysztof.5973" said:Sunqua CM is ANet's definition of "hardcore endgame". If you think it's too easy you are just not the target audience for this game. GW2 endgame difficulty compared to other MMOs is just laughable. But again, it's this way by design not unbalance.

    You miss the point: sunqua cm is easier than normal.

  4. Yeah, ill probably get some hate for this, but imo the final boss on cm has like... no mechanics except for these 2 or 3 spirits that appear. Compared to the normal mode it's much much easier.

    For example, the fire phase in normal mode drops huge meteors onto 2 players, so that alone forces you to coordinate. Plus you have to get behind a rock. Cm doesnt have that.Or the last phase where the boss would cast big water orbs everywhere - purple laser hitbox in cm is nothing in comparison.Or the super confusing blue glue thingy you have to get in while the floor is littered with water lines. Cm doesnt have that combo either (yes the spirit of grief but no water lines or anything similar).

    All that cm does is increase the aoe on players, so you have to run away further apart from each other. A laser show, thats basically it. Its also 1000 times easier to understand whats going on in cm, because in normal once again the final boss is just a bunch of effects cluttered all over your screen.

    (Beside that i love the level architecture)

  5. I wish the entirety of human race would have played it from the beginning.Yesterday I was stumbling around in the desolation and at one point when I stood still for a second I gazed upon a landscape and sky so beautiful I thought it's actually amazing some people dont recognize it. This game has some incredible art and design in it. I agree that on certain spots it's sometimes a bit too much, but overall it's truly awesome.

    Oh, and hi.

  6. It was always obvious that after the dragon story the story would still progress. Dragons are fine, but in the long run I personally feel like it was a big waste of potential when it comes to world building. Everything right now is so heavily centered around the dragons when actually tyria has a big history of guilds, gods and many other things we haven't seen much of in GW2. Imagine killing the last dragon and bang - the story is over and the game goes into maintenance. Just doesn't add up to me.

  7. Since the trailer shows the jade sea wouldn't that also mean the echowald forest has not reverted back either?If you think in straight lines that is of course - maybe there is more to it, we don't know the new canthan lore yet.

    But yeah, I'm kinda worried we won't see echowald forest, since it is not shiny, happy and colorful enough for GW2.What do you think about this?

  8. "I grinded the same content for hundreds of hours and so this thing / skin / pizza has prestige value.""I went to the military, so the next generation has to too."

    Oh no! ...Anyway:By lowering the requirements the acquisition of these skins actually have become way more attractive and therefor can draw in much more people into wvw, a mode devoid of new content and anything interesting. I have some long time achievements myself, and I don't bother if other people can get them for less work. That's not what it's about and if you don't understand that I can't help it but you're a sad sorry person.

  9. Because you dont actually have to win to obtain most things. You get ticks for losing anyway. You get pvp lvl XP and you can do the reward tracks simply by losing. Winning is just for showing your nice tag, titles and achievements. Of course there are a few things like the legendary amulet that require you to win tournaments, but generally speaking you can honestly just play lowkey and no efford, eventually you'll get whereever you want to go.

  10. @Bingus.4236 said:

    @Clyan.1593 said:There is zero point in defending the state of Engi. Even a 20 percent nerf doesnt help, thats how broken it is.Fact is spamming flame 1 works, you can literally down an enemy and stand there spamming it. If someone tries to revive that guy, you just get behind him and spam flame 1. You will kill both. That's how rediculous flamethrower is.Engi has to be looked at and nerfed substentially. And the nerf has to hit hard so you guys finally learn how invest some skill into playing it. Spaming a single skill has to go.

    Why would someone try to revive an ally that was getting attacked by another player? Also, I wouldn't stand there flaming a downed player if there was another enemy about, I'd use the function gyro or the flame wall instead and then carry on fighting.

    I often get highest damage stat on my team but I have to supplement flamethrower with scrapper actions to get it. Certainly can't get it by spamming 1.

    Just that spamming a single skill doesnt usually work when someone is reviving. You miss the whole point going in full defense of a very obviously broken build.Also I dont care about stats, that's not the issue here, another one where you clearly try to derange the thopic into a defensive stance on behalf of engis.Engi is far too strong, the whole pvp section knows, except of course some people who accidently enjoy playing this prof.

    You try and res someone when there is an enemy attacking, you die. I don't even know why you are talking about spamming a skill that slow. Have you even used it yourself?

    Ok, I repeat. Other classes cannot spam a single skill and kill both the downed and the reviving player. You again are missing my point. Seems to me you are either stubborn or just in total denial because I call out the nonsense of engi "balance".

    Beside your question is completely stupid. It's not like rezzing midfight is the rarest thing in pvp, it's actually the opposite.

  11. @Bingus.4236 said:

    @Clyan.1593 said:There is zero point in defending the state of Engi. Even a 20 percent nerf doesnt help, thats how broken it is.Fact is spamming flame 1 works, you can literally down an enemy and stand there spamming it. If someone tries to revive that guy, you just get behind him and spam flame 1. You will kill both. That's how rediculous flamethrower is.Engi has to be looked at and nerfed substentially. And the nerf has to hit hard so you guys finally learn how invest some skill into playing it. Spaming a single skill has to go.

    Why would someone try to revive an ally that was getting attacked by another player? Also, I wouldn't stand there flaming a downed player if there was another enemy about, I'd use the function gyro or the flame wall instead and then carry on fighting.

    I often get highest damage stat on my team but I have to supplement flamethrower with scrapper actions to get it. Certainly can't get it by spamming 1.

    Just that spamming a single skill doesnt usually work when someone is reviving. You miss the whole point going in full defense of a very obviously broken build.Also I dont care about stats, that's not the issue here, another one where you clearly try to derange the thopic into a defensive stance on behalf of engis.Engi is far too strong, the whole pvp section knows, except of course some people who accidently enjoy playing this prof.

  12. @"Sigmoid.7082" said:"Fix it" is incredibly unconstructive when you haven't clearly stated what the problem is besides "I lost" and also you haven't suggested anything as to what there is to fix besides "I want to win games".

    This is a really hard post to follow and get anything from besides you being upset about losing.

    If the matchmaker doesnt work you can only point on it saying it's broken. Im not a software engineer or a programmer, thats not my job.And I have no problem with losing in a fair matchup.

  13. both of their tempest would heal whatever point we were trying to take. the engi was spamming mines and knockbacks. all 3 of them had either tankyness or sustain. it was a pointless match which we lost around 100 to 500.

  14. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @Clyan.1593 said:There is zero point in defending the state of Engi. Even a 20 percent nerf doesnt help, thats how broken it is.Fact is spamming flame 1 works, you can literally down an enemy and stand there spamming it. If someone tries to revive that guy, you just get behind him and spam flame 1. You will kill both. That's how rediculous flamethrower is.Engi has to be looked at and nerfed substentially. And the nerf has to hit hard so you guys finally learn how invest some skill into playing it. Spaming a single skill has to go.

    I mean, flamethrower scrapper finally has become kinda viable (pretty sure it still isn't in high tier PvP, tho).Scrapper got several traits to ensure the synergy with that kit and also we can finally really utilise the juggernaut grandmaster trait, since camping flamethrower is not such a big no go anymore.

    I can agree that the damage could get toned down a bit, but I would like to still preserve flamethrower scrapper viable.

    Its broken, not viable.

  15. There is zero point in defending the state of Engi. Even a 20 percent nerf doesnt help, thats how broken it is.Fact is spamming flame 1 works, you can literally down an enemy and stand there spamming it. If someone tries to revive that guy, you just get behind him and spam flame 1. You will kill both. That's how rediculous flamethrower is.Engi has to be looked at and nerfed substentially. And the nerf has to hit hard so you guys finally learn how invest some skill into playing it. Spaming a single skill has to go.

  16. This class in PvP is absurd. Can't fathom how broken it is compared to other builds. And it's been like this for a very long time.Just spams so much buffs on itself, has unbelievable dmg output, even gets shields and blocks and everything. Sustain equals out dmg with no efford. The range on holo sword is beyond reasonable too. And nades, what even are these dmg numbers.It's so obviously broken, tanky and strong at the same time, why is this not fixed since yesterday?Some people don't even bother with playing something diverse, just spam flamethrower 1 and running around. Then go into tiny form and troll on point.Seriously what is this rubbish balance?

  17. @Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    @"Clyan.1593" said:Yes we saw a spirit of the wild fly over the map. Wow. Big lore i guess.

    I'm sorry, but we had some
    major lore revelations in this last episode alone, let alone having some in Episode 1 as we. Raven flying over Bjora Marches at the end of the meta? Not really a lore revelation. Owl being alive and corrupted? Finding the Lost Spirits and learning they were corrupted? Finding where the Spirits of the Wild first contacted norn? Meeting Wolf in person? Being tested by Raven? Seeing where Raven Havrouns go through trials to become a Havroun?

    Those are all
    major lore revelations.

    What lore revelations about charr have there been? Bangar was behind the Renegades' finances, and father to Ajax. Expansion on the Flame Legion in-fighting post-Gaheron, leading to Efram's promotions. Getting to meet Malice at long last. And... That's rather kinda it. Only the first one's a major lore revelation.

    Not only that, while we're beginning to get plenty of norn history now - particularly surrounding Aesgir, Jormag, and the Spirits - there is pretty much no charr history being developed. And norn history has been lacking for a long time (asuran history too), so it's also a much needed development.

    As for screentime - Norn have now gotten two and a half episodes dedicated to them and their lore. Charr might have cameos in Episode 2, but otherwise have the same two and a half episodes dedicated to them, plus an intermission. The next intermission, the "mountain fractal" is probably going to be very norn-centric, evening it all out again.

    Screentime-wise, while there are fewer norn actors, the norn have gotten as much screentime as the charr.

    Lore is not screentime, neither is it story progression. The Norn in this season have nothing interesting going on for them. Don't be silly, this is clear as day. The major story nodes are clearly bangar, the relation triangle with bangar, rytlock and his son - and Jormag itself of course. Now tell me what the norn have to equal this? Braham trying to get his bow back?Again, I ask anyone to mention a single norn name beside Braham that had any significant screentime, story involvement or relevance to the story of Icrebrood Saga.

  18. I havent played the new episode jormag rising yet, so take this with a grain of salt.

    But to me the norn leave almost no impression in their supposed episodes.

    What did braham do so far? Get drunk and lose his bow lol

    How many norn can you name that have been involved in this living story so far? That shaman guy in bjora marches at the meta event shouting shallow phrases? Where's knut whitebear or for that reason any other norn who could be sort of a leading figure in this season? Seriously i recall that kodan dressed like a roman soldier better than any norn that had an appearance in this story.

    Yes we saw a spirit of the wild fly over the map. Wow. Big lore i guess.

    Let's be honest here, the norn have almost no screentime compared to the charr in this season. They basically do nothing and are a total joke when it comes to be active in any sort or way.

  19. @Kurrilino.2706 said:

    @Clyan.1593 said:This BLC loot slot changes every few months. I think somewhere around winter they put PvP/WvW reward track tonics in it. Noone complains about that either, despite the fact that it let's you gain PvP / WvW exclusive skins and rewards like Gift of Battle without ever playing those modes.

    There are no Sub Fees, so I guess they somehow have to make money via the gem store. Really, that's not an issue.

    You are right, that's no the issue. The issue is they expose children to gambling addictionsAnd yes, they have to make money............. what about an expansion every 6 month?

    Alright then, but this thread is not about gambling, it's about the precursors.

  20. the meta shifting is a culture that has ruined pvp across many game types. it's the lazy way out and always is backed up by the idea that actual balance will make the game stall and boring. i would argue that it has done much more damage to specific franchises than good, because for me it's clear as day that after reaching lvl100 i won't ever touch pvp again.

  21. @zealex.9410 said:

    @Clyan.1593 said:This BLC loot slot changes every few months. I think somewhere around winter they put PvP/WvW reward track tonics in it. Noone complains about that either, despite the fact that it let's you gain PvP / WvW exclusive skins and rewards like Gift of Battle without ever playing those modes.

    There are no Sub Fees, so I guess they somehow have to make money via the gem store. Really, that's not an issue.

    Then sell cosmetics in the gemstore. It was their choice to not go with a diff monetisation.

    Correct. And it's their choice to put in the BL chests whatever they want.

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