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Everything posted by Clyan.1593

  1. This BLC loot slot changes every few months. I think somewhere around winter they put PvP/WvW reward track tonics in it. Noone complains about that either, despite the fact that it let's you gain PvP / WvW exclusive skins and rewards like Gift of Battle without ever playing those modes. There are no Sub Fees, so I guess they somehow have to make money via the gem store. Really, that's not an issue.
  2. They just added it to the Black Lion Statuettes. Thx Anet
  3. No, but they suspended me from creating new posts for talking about hackers on the forums
  4. I have 11 of these skins, the Wiki states you can have 10 max, so I don't know why I have more, but the actual queston is: Why don't you add these to the Black Lion Statuettes?I really would like to complete the collection.You added the Immortal Weapons, so why not the Gold and Onyx Skins too?It's also strange that you started another collection with the mythic weapons skins before letting us finish the former one.
  5. class balance is trash. let's face it. but to be fair i havent come across a pvp mode / game that wasn't utterly bad in terms of balance in many years. unless u have these generic shooters where classes dont really exist, then - sometimes - its bearable. beside that this game suffers from the same matchmaker nonsense as overwatch does. every now and then i wonder why anyone plays this mode at all.
  6. Anyone else having this issue in PVP? It just freezes for a moment, but it happens constantly, like every 5 seconds. Sometimes the ping goes up to 600 and higher...
  7. Yeah, the poll is structured that way, you are right. It's just that S1 and S2 haven't left much of an impression to me.Both of them were based around central tyria. Only 3 new maps: southsun cove, dry top and silverwastes.GW2 launched in august 2012 and HoT in october 2015. That's 3 years of central tyria, which - at least to me - felt all the same. With HoT we got masteries, elite specs, gliding, raids, legendary armor, 5 new maps in a new setting, new creatures and finally killed another dragon.Before that the game was just the same all the time, S1 and S2 were just layers on top of it, which is why they feel like part of the core game / vanilla.
  8. I dont care about it. To me it's meaningless whether these items or mats or whatever cost 999999999 gold or are for free. I roll with the flow and I for sure keep on rolling. Im a roller and you can't stop me.
  9. Im surprised vanilla era has the most votes. I think it was fine, but 3 years without an expansion was really getting boring as hell.
  10. This game is not niche at all. How do you come up with such a claim? Among the sea of WoW clones it's the perfect solution for those who are tired of the copy paste MMOs. Why would this MMO be easier to drop than any other?It took 3 years for an expansion to drop. Until then the vast majority of players was already bored with central tyria since a long time. It was lacking content. And PvP and WvW both were not good enough to compete with PvE. Fractals when they released didn't have a great progression system and also were lacking content. Originally there was no ascended gear, and since exotics would drop way too often soon people had nothing else to work towards. Dungeons were a joke, just speed runs for skins which back then you couldn't unlock in a wardrobe like today. We didn't even have a LFG. Raids also were introduced way too late. And finally when most features were integrated PvP and WvW both went even more downhill. Edge of the mists was completely cut out, and with the addition of elite specs balance never got any professional care.GW2 never recovered from its early problems, not because it might be niche. You missed the point entirely, it's niche because there's nothing that plays like it. If you want to argue that due to mechanical differences compared to other MMOs it is niche, alright. But it's a really vague definition. Many games are mechanically unique (unless we talk about shooters) and are doing fine.In the end GW2 is just another MMO: you still kill trash mobs, do quests, farm mats, acquire gear and get XP in order to lvl up. There is nothing niche about that.Mario's Picross was niche. Or Stardew Valley. Or Superhot. Even Tetris is more niche than GW2.I think it is obvious that ignoring critical issues of a game/ its modes and failing to implement important features or content is a much bigger deterent to stablizing player count than it being just "niche". All my friends who loved GW2 when it came out stopped playing it because it didn't offer enough content or had too many internal problems and this holds true to many others who left.
  11. This game is not niche at all. How do you come up with such a claim? Among the sea of WoW clones it's the perfect solution for those who are tired of the copy paste MMOs. Why would this MMO be easier to drop than any other?It took 3 years for an expansion to drop. Until then the vast majority of players was already bored with central tyria since a long time. It was lacking content. And PvP and WvW both were not good enough to compete with PvE. Fractals when they released didn't have a great progression system and also were lacking content. Originally there was no ascended gear, and since exotics would drop way too often soon people had nothing else to work towards. Dungeons were a joke, just speed runs for skins which back then you couldn't unlock in a wardrobe like today. We didn't even have a LFG. Raids also were introduced way too late. And finally when most features were integrated PvP and WvW both went even more downhill. Edge of the mists was completely cut out, and with the addition of elite specs balance never got any professional care.GW2 never recovered from its early problems, not because it might be niche.
  12. People with experience might be able to run off meta builds and make it useful in raids. However if you have no experience in the first place and also refuse to run a meta build im aifraid all you'd do is leech. And I think it's obvious why people don't want that. Gather a squad of 10 inexperienced people running offmeta builds and try to kill a boss. You will see how it goes.
  13. Yes it definately gets better after central tyria story line. However it has some steep up and downs in between. LS2 clearly is an improvement. HoTs is about on the same level, maybe slightly better due to a wider variety in comedy, drama and action. LS3 has a bit less of that, however manages to be quite interesting by adding a sense of mistery. PoF sometimes is good, sometimes not. LS4 too had up and downs, maybe a bit unimaginative, but overall still alright. The Icebrood Saga in my opinion is quite lack luster, both in story telling and lore, but it might pick up, who knows. The big downside to mer personally is always the lore. It seems to me the hunt for Dragon's and other foes is too dominant. It all feels a bit like a movie rather than an epic saga within an epic world. And often the story mentions something that later on is completely forgotten - at least for now. I still absolutely recommend buying the XPacs because the story telling and gameplay content in it is far superior compared to the base game.
  14. There is no way this is a serious attempt of creating a balanced and fluid experience. Nothing really makes sense in it. First of all while climbing there is no increase of difficulty until up to mid gold. Everything from bronze to gold is a total mess in which winning or losing isn't based on the players rather than the comp. It's pure luck. You stomp or you get stomped. And you either win win win win or you lose lose lose completely unrelated to your personal skill level. Then somewhere around that rank the absurdity of what is supposed to be "balance" kicks in. Like what even in the hell is the powerlevel of certain classes? Some professions hit like a wet noodle, you can run defensive stats and stall troll them on point for all eternity while others down you within seconds. And what is this CC and condi bombing on certain specs? Chain cc and condition spam have zero counterplay. Cleanse a full line of conditions and BOOM another full set of condis in your face. You can't tell me this is refined balance, it's clearly not.And then the cast time of certain skills... For example what the heck is mace 2 and elite signet on guardian? In what mode or universe would you ever use these? No wonder everyone runs the same builds, there is zero viability and hence no variety for something else.On top of that this mode is infested with bots that never get banned. One would think since most of them are so easy to identify they would get banned immediately, but no, you encounter the same account every other day for months and months to come. It's not even subtle, they stay to artificially lower queue time so they can avoid improving this wasteland of a PvP mode.Last but not least when it comes to unlocking skins, minis and whatnot there is almost no content, just a grind that goes on and on until you finally hit lvl 100 after which you reasonably decide to never touch this mode ever again. You can't tell me a mode so devoid of quality just randomly receives no communication from the devs. It's obvious they have given up on it and don't want it to have fluidity when it comes to progress and consistency of experience. It's easier to extend play time and keep up player count by making it a frustrating mess you can litter with small "balance" changes that essentially do nothing.
  15. I still hope that we will have future raids. There is still much to squeez out of it. With the new Xpac there should be new opportunities to tell raid stories and maybe even beyond that. I still hope that we can one day get back to the fissure of woe, even if it is more like a tunnel as underworld gw2 compared to underworld gw1 was.There was also Urgoz and Kanaxai - which both are dead now obviously, however I still think there should be new enemies or events that could lead us into raids. As someone who never was into raiding due to its difficulty in other games, I loved how I was easily able to get into it in GW2. So for me it would mean a lot to return to it. (I have unlocked 100% everything from the current raids instances, skins, minis, legendary armour and all achievemnts.) Btw, since I never mentioned it: The maps of W5, 6 and 7 were absolutely goergous, let the mappers know that pls.
  16. Never gonna happen. Stop making threads about it and trying to make it a bandwagon.
  17. Got no time to talk when you are hunting achievements, skins, events and whatnot
  18. Guild Wars 2: Bubble Jade LandGuild Wars 2: Wrath of FeathersGuild Wars 2: More DragonsGuild Wars 2: Naga's RevengeGuild Wars 2: The Edgelord-Hippy War Nah, something like Guild Wars 2: An Empire divided Release: Q1 2021
  19. Lem and Lovecraft have nothing to do with each other in the slightest, and comparing them doesn't give you much credibility.And simply because you can't grasp something doesn't mean that there is "nothing". Really you're just trying to act hard and smart by ridiculing others to compensate for your lack of insight. It's called a metaphor and of course you can endlessly argue over something if you don't understand it.The point is that to Cobb reality and dream have become the same; unlike the people from The Matrix, he doesn't care anymore. It's a statement about his final stance in the movie. Just that it isn't "super remote" at all. There are human settlements and a tribe of Tengu lived there before too. Goro's Journal underlines this. On the coast side there even is a lighttower. And yet we have no historical context for it. It's as if all of it suddenly popped into existence over night. The girl and flute thing was a hint at young Gwen's quest in GW1 and I didn't give any suggestion for how to execute these sidequests. It's again just you assuming too much and thinking you somehow are a step ahead of everything.
  20. That is not entirely true, however I'm quite sure that it is the case for most fictional creatures.In the book "Solaris" Lem very intriguingly describes an alien creature that is beyond human understanding.[spoilerS!]The study of that creature is a focal point of the story, but since communication is impossible and the creature's behavior seems lacking any recognizable logic, at least from a human standpoint, it becomes obvious very early on, that there is no real way of gaining any meaningful insights. And so all left is a simple and naive fascination of that "thing" you only can have scientific theories about - of which there are many.[spoilerS END]Though I don't think most players expect ANet to create a story that complex or philosophically demanding and it's not what I meant when I said that I find Icebrood Saga's story boring, for me it's just too romantic, too "hollywood" if I may say so. It's designed like a movie rather than like a historical event within a fictional world. It's too much based on what should happen to further the narrative instead of enriching the world and its lore. Most of what happens around that narrative is based off of the narrative itself; the Tengu book in drizzlewood coast is based on Bangar and his legion invading their land. But there is barely anything historical inherent to the land itself. Nor do we see anything happen that isn't linked to the narrative itself, like for example a little girl having lost her flute by a nearby river...
  21. Well, still bugged. Sloppy work there Edit: It seems like Pepperseed can be on his second event, where u have to escort him back, while the forgotten event still keeps spawning. I think this is very confusing. It would be better if the forgotten wouldnt spawn while Pepperseed is stuck on his second location
  22. It got moved to the Living World Forum section and closed on the Discussion section. I purposefuly didn't post it on the Living World Forum because for me it's more about what is to be avoided in the future. It's not specifically about the LS itself, rather than its mechanics and its formalities. But I see now how maybe my wording in the title isn't chosen precise enough, and so I'm not surprised it got moved.
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