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Posts posted by Clyan.1593

  1. @coso.9173 said:How is it unpopular when most people who comment on it say the same?I've personally enjoyed it a lot. I just wish each chapter was longer to do. It takes like 1 hour to do each one at most.

    Honestly I hear a lot of praise for it ingame. The forums are generally more negative. I'm usually positive, however I really feel like Icebrood Saga is a let down, at least from my personal perspective.

  2. @"Trise.2865" said:You can't tell the difference between the warrior caste, the builder caste, the spy caste, and the magic caste? and the final surrender and subsequent integration of the traitorous and hated mages undermined immediately by a new rebellion of the disenfranchised (and a new war on two fronts) isn't doing anything for you?

    Well, "to each his own", I guess...

    lolwell, i can tell, but you don't feel any of that. At this point you could mash them all together, would be the same thing.

  3. @Kylden Ar.3724 said:

    @"Clyan.1593" said:Next Xpac is cantha. Get used to it.

    PoF was already a flaming pile of disappointment.

    The story was yes, but not the maps. They are by far better than any other maps in the game.Especially PoF LS maps were genius.People seem to forget that. It's not the continent, it's the story that was bad.Also people keep saying "i have played that in GW1" even tho the maps in GW2 have exactly ZERO to do with the ones in GW1.Beside the obvious changes to the world itself exploration also changes everything. You couldn'd jump, glide or use mounts in GW1.You couldn't even enter a building. I recently got GWAMM, and not a single time did I feel like I was revisiting a map or a place from GW2.These comparisons make no sense at all.So yeah, cantha or not, that has nothing to do if it will be good or not.

  4. The first map was great, apart from that I personally see not much good in the Saga.The story is boring as hell, masteries are meaningless, and the achievements... an overwhelming amount of them are just grind.At least i would have hoped for a few new enemy types, but not even that. Just the same old in green, red or blue.Bjora marches in design is really weak compared to last season's maps. Drizzlewood is a bit better, especially to coast side, beside that it's not interesting at all.And then the strike missions... I'd rather have new dungeons where I can at least travel through a map than just speedfarm a single boss for a billion times.I make an exception for the Steel & Fire mission, that one was really great.

    I know a lot of people rooted for the charr "campaign", but imo it offers nothing special. Yay, we now have charr lore, but what about it really?What did we learn of them? We have 4 legions and they don't feel distinct at all. Not even on a political level. One of them went rogue and is evil.Let's go chase him down, that's about it.

    And the norn? Isn't this supposed to be about them aswell? Seems like they only get a really tiny spotlight in this whole thing.

    Yeah, overall I'm quite disapointed with Icebrood Saga so far.It's also the first time I really feel like this. There had been weak moments in the past of this game, but this season is really really bad.

  5. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:ppl complain waaay too much about bots. i'm sure they're there, but the majority of the population are not bots. then again if you're bad, you must be a bot, right?

    what are you even talking? did you watch the video? there are bots everywhere.i play 3 matches every day and there is ALWAYS a bot in one of them. today i had the same bot twice.

    improve and overcome, the higher you go the less bots, in 1550 rank I have seen 1 bot in 30 games.if you dont climb it means you are at the level of the bots

    That's not the point tho. Bots are bots and they need to get banned

  6. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:ppl complain waaay too much about bots. i'm sure they're there, but the majority of the population are not bots. then again if you're bad, you must be a bot, right?

    what are you even talking? did you watch the video? there are bots everywhere.i play 3 matches every day and there is ALWAYS a bot in one of them. today i had the same bot twice.

  7. @Raknar.4735 said:

    @"Aizza.4950" said:Strikes aren't raids. They're an absolute joke that bring no true challenge into the game. They don't teach people how to get into raids at all

    Changing their name to Strike Missions doesn‘t make them not be raids. Else ESO would not have raids.Also those „absolute joke“ raids are there to bridge non-raiders into raids, so making them as „challenging“ as raids is unreasonable.Jokes also seem very fitting for this circus.

    You can call them whatever you want, fact is they don't help transitioning into Raids at all. And why? Because with the exception of the chains on WoJ and the green circles on certain bosses you can ignore any mechanic all together. I have literally never seen a squad doing torches on Boneskinner. You can just stack on the boss and overheal. WoJ in last phase is just another effect overload without any substance. Freanir is Shiverpeak Pass 2.0 with a few extras that make no essential difference. Fallen and Claw are dangerous only in the last phase, but it's rather a dps race than a mechanic. And cold war, well it's basically open world trash mobs with some champion bosses and a legendary that again is just an overheal dps sponge. CMs on Forged Steel are the only thing that requieres a bit of coordination, but it's hardly something that makes you better suited for raids.

    Upcoming Strike Missions might become more challenging, who knows. But in terms of teaching you how to do actual raids the current instances won't help at all.

    Another funny thing is how many casual players avoid the "harder" strike missions completely. So again it's less a question of beginner friendlyness rather than honest ambition to improve. There are enough videos and guides out there on how to do Wing1-7, and if you are truly interested in doing them Strike Missions are redundant and useless.

    It might feel conciliatory for a casuals to think Strike Missions are an alternative to raids, and that is nice, but really their gap in difficulty and mechanics is so significant that to this day any raid training still takes place in an actual raid wing. And that certainly speaks for itself.

    Strike Missions will not work as a bridge.

    Yes, they could. But they have to be crafted completely differently. First of all these fights need to have slower pacing (exception Cold War), but with mechanics you have to respect and that actually punish you if failed. They have to be slower because many casual players have bad combat movement. With enough repitition that will improve, and so the requiered mechanics will become easier and easier until one realizes that the time has come to try an actual raid wing / boss.

    For example while WoJ is a bit more difficult than other Strike Missions it is by far too fast paced. It's a barrage of information squeezed into very narrow time windows, it's almost impossible to properly process it. And some mechanics are meaningless, like the spikes or the winds the boss casts. Whats their point if they hit you like a wet noodle? Then in the last phase it unloads gazillions of huge orange AoE balls into your face, but all you have to do is finding a safe place on the outer part of the platform. It's childish design that doesn't help a player acquiring new insights on how to play better.

    And overall the bosses should have a little less health, so that dps rotations do not dominate over learning mechanics.

  8. @Raknar.4735 said:

    @"Aizza.4950" said:Strikes aren't raids. They're an absolute joke that bring no true challenge into the game. They don't teach people how to get into raids at all

    Changing their name to Strike Missions doesn‘t make them not be raids. Else ESO would not have raids.Also those „absolute joke“ raids are there to bridge non-raiders into raids, so making them as „challenging“ as raids is unreasonable.Jokes also seem very fitting for this circus.

    You can call them whatever you want, fact is they don't help transitioning into Raids at all. And why? Because with the exception of the chains on WoJ and the green circles on certain bosses you can ignore any mechanic all together. I have literally never seen a squad doing torches on Boneskinner. You can just stack on the boss and overheal. WoJ in last phase is just another effect overload without any substance. Freanir is Shiverpeak Pass 2.0 with a few extras that make no essential difference. Fallen and Claw are dangerous only in the last phase, but it's rather a dps race than a mechanic. And cold war, well it's basically open world trash mobs with some champion bosses and a legendary that again is just an overheal dps sponge. CMs on Forged Steel are the only thing that requieres a bit of coordination, but it's hardly something that makes you better suited for raids.

    Another funny thing is how many casual players avoid the "harder" strike missions completely. So again it's less a question of beginner friendlyness rather than honest ambition to improve. There are enough videos and guides out there on how to do Wing1-7, and if you are truly interested in doing them Strike Missions are redundant and useless.

    It might feel conciliatory for a casuals to think Strike Missions are an alternative to raids, and that is nice, but really their gap in difficulty and mechanics is so significant that to this day any raid training still takes place in an actual raid wing. And that certainly speaks for itself.

  9. @Deeyra.1476 said:

    @Deeyra.1476 said:How about they add actual content insead of some new gemstore item ?

    Didn't they just recently release a new LS episode?Also a new Xpac is coming up. So I really don't know what you're talking about.

    and that new LW episode offers you whole 2 days of content. very nice

    Yeah, I can buy a game for 60 bucks that has been in developement for 4 years and play it through in 5-6 hours on average. 2 days of content after developing it in 3 months on average, including creating a whole new map, textures, voice acting (with the exception of this episode for reasons everyone knows), storywriting, new masteries, strike missions, minis, skins, achivements, often novelties too, new NPCs and of course all the coding involved - is quite passable if you ask me. You don't even have to pay for it, it's free content, but of course some people will always find a way to be snobby and sassy about everything. Since this episode involved tracks you had to grind a bit for completion I know for a fact that the only way of getting the Meta Achivement done within 2 days means one has to rush the content exessively. So maybe don't do that if after it all you are left to do is come here and complain about lack of content.

  10. @coso.9173 said:

    @robertthebard.8150 said:I have an alternative theory: I just don't care. I don't care if someone is LGBT, I don't care if they get a cape, or if they don't. I don't see not having the cape as some sort of abuse either. I did, however, accurately predict this response, thanks for demonstrating my point so clearly.

    @coso.9173 said:just wanted to add that there's no real neutrality when there's a situation that involves abuse or discrimination. if you take the supposedly neutral side, you're already taking the side of the abuser.

    I never said having or not having the cape was abuse. but some people said they should stay neutral in this topic, as a whole, that's why I said it. If there's racism or sexism or homophobia, and someone stays "neutral", then it's not really neutral, that was my point. not about the cape.

    The fact that equality, decency and tolerance universally and morally are undisputable doesn't suffer from neutrality.However it suffers from those who fight without civility. If you want support you have to make sure to stay credible.

    I might stand for and believe in the same values as certain communities or parties, minority or not, but if they politically and morally cannot upholdmy personal standarts of communication and actions I will choose to sit it out.And I am not obligated to fight along a specific "group" if their behaviour makes everything worse. In fact, I am obligated to ignore them.And let's not forget that what you said can always at any time be reversed by those who oppose what you strive for.Neutrality is not a cloak for silent support, but certainly a cloak for complete opposition. Everything else is hypocrisy.

    Simply put, if all parties involved are beyond what is good for the cause, then choosing neutrality is a step towards the cause.

    That said, I personally don't mind haveing a cape that lets me dye it into the pride flag. I don't see any problem with it.

  11. Why would you want fishing? Why? Its utterly boring and nonsensical.If you want to have some RP chill time put down a bonfire and have some rest, seriously.What do you want with fish anyway? Craft another 100 buff foods noone uses? Feed a quaggan? Taunt a kodan? What will the achievements look like? Get a fish of each map? Be fishing for onehundret hours in total? Craft a legendary fishing rod?

  12. @Turkeyspit.3965 said:

    @Clyan.1593 said:Not a big fan of this system either. Its just painful to have currency linked to a timegated tick rate just so you can artificially inflate playtime on a mode the vast majority finds boring. Thats not how to solve the problem. It makes you play it less rather, except of course when you need the tickets or the reward track.

    Inflating playtime is one part of it, yes, this is an MMO afterall, but compared to Raiding and PvP where you actually have to 'win' to progress, in WvW you get pips just for standing in a map and moving every few minutes so you don't get booted for AFK. All you need to do is maintain participation so you keep getting pips, and then you get your reward.

    And considering maintaining is as easy as attacking the walls of an enemy tower/keep with a Treb, or just tagging a downed enemy player that was fought by your team, it is possible to earn a full set of legendary armor by literally doing nothing of importance. That is why (I believe anyways) it takes the longest to complete in WvW as compared to the other two game modes.

    I didnt say it isnt easy, and difficulty is not the issue anyway.Then again in between all the activities the game has to offer it is mind boggling to me why the skirmish tracks reset after a week already. Obviously the best chest is the last one with approx 90 tickets in total, thats around as much as the first three grant together. If i play wvw every evening i can get all of them, even as a lvl 1 with a worst case minimum of three pips per tick, but most other activities will have to wait. (My evening schedule right now consists of 3 pvp matches, some minor achievements and fractal cms+dailies+recs.)Now i dont have to reach the last chest of course, i can just get as many as my time allows me to, but why has it to be so much more demanding to reach the last wvw chest compared to the pvps final chest for example? It would be better to let the track last longer with much more chests to open than what we have right now. That would make it less stressful and as a long term goal much more balanced.And if your guess is correct then it is even more questionable that i can do - as you say - literally nothing of importance to earn pips and so the drawback is that i have to play wvw much more concentrated or longer than anything else. Seems like really bad design to me.Its also a non-argument, saying that mmos generally have to artificially inflate playtime and therefor anything that consumes time is well designed. I have envoy and gwamm, both were fun to achieve. Even fractal god, which i am working on right now, is more exciting than keeping up participation by destroying walls, roaming back and forth inbetween locations in maps that almost always look the same anywhere you go or following the blob to mindlessly tag enemies that get overwhelmed by a bigger force. Its just not fun, and tbh i find it astounding (and admirable) that there are people who actually enjoy this game mode.

  13. @magnusthorek.8027 said:The only purpose of Shatterer's Defiance Bar is having a nearly impossible achievement to get associated withDone smash the dragon last week. There is a commander who does it frequently, even daily he told me. Its still hard tho, i agree on that, and the backpiece skin isnt that cool.The fight itself is pretty lame and needs another revamp imo.

  14. People love to oppose things. It's fun. Especially when there is clearly nothing to get from it.It's also called white knighting, something people do so they can feel important because their stance lines up with what the people in charge supposedly want.The best of the best then say stuff like: WeLl, I dOnT cARe, sO I aM aGaInST iT, yOu sEe?In reality they just want things to stay difficult for others.I remember when the wardrobe was added how some people got stinky because some skins were brought back to the game - like that S1 tentacle backpiece for example.It's just people being dicks.

  15. Not a big fan of this system either. Its just painful to have currency linked to a timegated tick rate just so you can artificially inflate playtime on a mode the vast majority finds boring. Thats not how to solve the problem. It makes you play it less rather, except of course when you need the tickets or the reward track.

  16. So I recently noticed that I already had a drop of the enhanced mighty gloves box, however I did not equip the content.Now I have checked several times if I maybe have the item somewhere on my toons, but nothing.And so I started farming...My god, 7 hours in and still no drop. Why is this so rare? What exactly is the point?I will equip it and then delete it. I can see how valuable items or skins have to be rare, but this is just a ultra low lvl item noone will ever keep...What's especially mind boggling about it, is the fact that after you unlock the achievement it won't drop anymore.So it's not even a problem to keep the droprate the same. Seems to me as if it's just some evil joke.

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