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Everything posted by Clyan.1593

  1. I dont care about anything. You can have 1000 mounts for rent in my opinion, it's absolutely meaningless to me.
  2. Is GW2 still a thing in china? I mean is their playerbase big?I know that ANet is concerned about releasing Cantha because of how badly it was received from the asian community in GW1.They seem to be super touchy when it comes to their culture, even tho this is a fantasy game and everything should be an option.
  3. For those who bought the endless extractor it would actually BE a scam if this thing could 100% extract upgrades.
  4. I can see how arcdps has its value, but honestly, i don't think its needed anymore, raid bosses go down as long as you understand the mechs and wear the correct stats.you dont even need ascended armor. so it seems to me its only there to spy on each others dps and provide a little toxicity. biggest problem however is how it keeps crashing on people who didn't update it. I'm personally sick of wasting time in raids because of someone crashing 3 times in a row.
  5. While your suggestion is appreciated, and please don't get me wrong, this suggestion has been made before and has been shot down before. There are a lot of insta kill mechanics in raids as it is, you cannot balance around those simply by "reducing damage". I mean how does one reduce something that kills you instantly regardless? Also, if the damage thresh hold is too low then why bother avoiding mechanics anyway? I mean if the green on VG only does 10% health damage instead of the current 70% (or somewhere around that number) then why ever bother going for the green circle? Might not be the best example since even with 70% damage it gets out healed anyway, but i hope you get the point i'm trying to make. See simply reducing damage in order to force people to learn mechanics is a bad suggestion in and of itself since it promotes nothing but lazy game play. Imagine someone coming from super easy mode to normal mode and then suddenly finding out he actually has to run around Sabatha's flame wall since he can no longer face tank it? Or finding out that the green @ vg actually does quite a bit of hefty damage? Or what about Slothasor's poison? I mean if you get super low damage anyway then you might just as well drop it on top of the group if it doesn't really matter, right? Oh how i imagine people would react if someone from super easy mode comes into normal mode slothasor and just drops the poison smack dab on the group because hey: "uuh, that's what we always do in super easy mode". Sounds a bit silly, but guaranteed that this is going to happen. And as a final small example, how does one reduce damage on Dhuum's soul split when you need to do a green circle? If you don't grab enough orbs that's game over, at least that's how it currently works. How would one go about fixing that kind of mechanic for an easier setting? You either can't, or you need to remove it all together but then the point of having people learn mechanics on lower difficulties has failed. Of course one shot mechanics should stay, as for how they function I'd consider them to be more mechanical than just a simple dmg output. I don't think you can't balance it. For Sloth just reduce the green poison dmg but keep the dmg from the poison you drop the same. Yes you can balance it, the idea that this isn't possible derives from the radical stance against the idea of an easy mode. For Dhuum it's the same. Just reduce the dmg on things that are not mechanical. Failing in collecting enough orbs will still be game over. And so on. Personally I feel like you don't even try to wrap your head around it. Claiming the bosses can't be balanced in any other way as they are right now is just silly. It's not about the possibility of a satisfying balancing it's about the amount of work they'd have to invest to get this done properly. Here is the thing, the actual release cycles for raids and fractals are still too long and also bugfixes need too much time. I mean they can't even release living stories within the mentioned 2-3 months. Overall the investment is not worth at all while we have bosses like MO, Escort, Samarog, Cairn and some others that aren't really "hard". Yaya, now the time schedule is the problem. People like you just trigger me. If you don't like the idea of an easy mode then just say it. Don't try to make up new arguments just so you can stay on course.The developers' don't have enough time blablabla. Fact is if the majority of the community wants something they will get it. They want the money, we want the content. It's just that easy. That's how it has been ever since money was invented. Some of you might think differently since developers have integrity too, but this is not about interfering with lore or visual design, it's purely technical.And yes, not every boss needs an easy mode, I agree, that still doesn't mean there can be for other bosses.
  6. While your suggestion is appreciated, and please don't get me wrong, this suggestion has been made before and has been shot down before. There are a lot of insta kill mechanics in raids as it is, you cannot balance around those simply by "reducing damage". I mean how does one reduce something that kills you instantly regardless? Also, if the damage thresh hold is too low then why bother avoiding mechanics anyway? I mean if the green on VG only does 10% health damage instead of the current 70% (or somewhere around that number) then why ever bother going for the green circle? Might not be the best example since even with 70% damage it gets out healed anyway, but i hope you get the point i'm trying to make. See simply reducing damage in order to force people to learn mechanics is a bad suggestion in and of itself since it promotes nothing but lazy game play. Imagine someone coming from super easy mode to normal mode and then suddenly finding out he actually has to run around Sabatha's flame wall since he can no longer face tank it? Or finding out that the green @ vg actually does quite a bit of hefty damage? Or what about Slothasor's poison? I mean if you get super low damage anyway then you might just as well drop it on top of the group if it doesn't really matter, right? Oh how i imagine people would react if someone from super easy mode comes into normal mode slothasor and just drops the poison smack dab on the group because hey: "uuh, that's what we always do in super easy mode". Sounds a bit silly, but guaranteed that this is going to happen. And as a final small example, how does one reduce damage on Dhuum's soul split when you need to do a green circle? If you don't grab enough orbs that's game over, at least that's how it currently works. How would one go about fixing that kind of mechanic for an easier setting? You either can't, or you need to remove it all together but then the point of having people learn mechanics on lower difficulties has failed. Of course one shot mechanics should stay, as for how they function I'd consider them to be more mechanical than just a simple dmg output. I don't think you can't balance it. For Sloth just reduce the green poison dmg but keep the dmg from the poison you drop the same. Yes you can balance it, the idea that this isn't possible derives from the radical stance against the idea of an easy mode. For Dhuum it's the same. Just reduce the dmg on things that are not mechanical. Failing in collecting enough orbs will still be game over. And so on. Personally I feel like you don't even try to wrap your head around it. Claiming the bosses can't be balanced in any other way as they are right now is just silly.
  7. In general I think there should be a super easy mode, meaning you take very little dmg, but everything else is the same. You get NO reward for it, except, you can learn the mechanics.
  8. I opened my GW2 account February 2018, and I have 3 fully ascended geared characters, that latest one completed back in September. I only do T4's on one of those characters so the others have about 100-110 AR, but I have about 60 +7 Infusions in my bank ready to trade in for +9s if that should change. Ascended gear is 'grindy' as far as GW2 is concerned, but a flat out joke in comparison to other MMO gear treadmills, and that's a good thing. GW2 doesn't use gear as the main driver for players, and one of its best strengths. First of all I didn't compare GW2 to any other MMO - so you are right but your argument isn't an answer to my statements.Secondly you ignore the cost factor which I, along with the time investment, did compare to exotic armor. So yes, the time investment and cost investment for higher gear compared to other mmo games is very low, but that's not what I was talking about at all.I'm talking about these things within the boundaries of GW2 itself, nothing else. You could go on to explain how the cost investment is meaningless as a factor since it's up to the player if he wants to spend money or start farming and grinding or not - however not spending gold on the items will increase the time investment. Now I opened my account when the game released and I have every class fully equipped with ascended gear - but that doesn't mean anything since no one knows how much time I actually spend playing the game. The same goes for you having stated you started in February 2018; that doesn't help me to validate the time or cost investment in ascended gear at all. And even if you did give us the needed information of how many hours per day you play, it's still a form of grind. Certain gear with stats like viper for example require items which are account bound and drop based on a chance, so that's another indication for grind. But none of that matters for what I originally said: That in comparison TO exotic gear crafting ascended gear needs disproportionately more investment from the player and that this is the result of a design issue from ANet. Anyone who has been around since release knows that, it was a problem that the vast majority of the community did complain about, because in the beginning there was no ascended gear and after one week you already were fully equipped with max stats gear. So just to be sure you understand what I say: You can get white, blue, green, yellow or orange gear with almost zero time or cost investment, while on the other hand ascended gear in COMPARISON is grindy and/or expensive as hell.
  9. The only problem I see with AR is how - in comparison - crafting ascended gear is extensively more expensive and takes extensively longer to get than exotic gear. That alone shows how Anet tried to make up for the easy acquisition of exotic and lower gear.You would expect that from one tier to the next the upgrade will take proportionally longer, but instead you can get exotic gear just as fast as any of the lower tiers. That - imo - is why ascended gear and AR is so grindy. Way more grindy than it would be if only exotic gear wasn't such a mess from the start.
  10. I had the same issue with some of my Gem codes, what I did was open the redeem window, wait, wait, wait, then select the language, wait again, wait, wait, then type in the code and wait again, then finally try to redeem it. For some of my codes this worked, except for one.
  11. Well, now that I see my GF play the game I can understand that some people just aren't that good.Mordremoth on normal mode is just a joke to me, but she was more than happy I helped her out on him.I did Migraine last week and with a good group even that one isn't really difficult.
  12. Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering Tools!Would love to have them, any chance you bring them back?
  13. Nah man, kill off Braham and Rox. They're both too edgy and boring.
  14. I haven't started raiding yet, but as soon as I have finished my legendary backpiece it will become a thing for me. Mostly because I want legendary armor. Now it really saddens me that my RL friends won't participate because they find it unfair you have to get ascended armor. Now I know for a lot of you this sounds rather like a joke, because getting ascended armor isn't big of a deal anymore. In fact, I myself have every profession fully equipped with ascended weapons + armor, and all of them even have over 150 AR. But I can totally understand that some people don't want to invest time into items in order to enjoy something big like a raid instance.One could ask why you need ascended equipment and the answer is probably obvious: Because you need the defense and the damage. Raids are supposed to be hard, but honestly I don't see why difficulty is connected so heavily to stat numbers AND to mechanical skill instead ONLY to mechanical skill. It seems a bit to me like the devs were trying to shoehorn you into a grind or buying gems in order to secure more playtime / money. Even today, without legendary armor, you have to play certain builds and some of them don't even are viable on every boss, forcing you to either play multiple professions or going for multiple ascended sets (or mystic toilet changing stats). Another problem of course is the necessity of a meta for those bosses because this again forces you into playing certain classes or stats. I would totally welcome different difficulties, of course with less good rewards, simply to have more content I can enjoy with people that are very dear to me.
  15. And those of us who have been here since the start should have to do w/o new content just to please those that came too late to experience S1 (excuse why doesn't matter). Anet needs to keep doing what they're doing....make new content FOR ALL. Watch the brilliant vid to catch up, it's quite good. Many agree leave S1 in the past and keep moving forward. Huh? You can play the new content as well of course. What are you talking? I cannot follow, maybe you didnt unterstand. I want the old content to come back, maybe in a new fashion, so it fits the game in its current state. You dont have to repeat it if you got the achievements already, but if you want to, you can of course.
  16. the old content was contructed in a way that allowed you to play anything, so obviously you would always take highest dps output.before hots I'd run zerker on every class, but today i play my main (ranger) on vipers. however it was fun playing zerker. join lfg, enter dungeon, completely annihilate bosses in a few seconds. lol
  17. LS1 definitely should return, there's too much content and story lost. I'd even pay for it.I didn't play for achievements back then, but now I'm willing to go for it. So bring it back pls. Just make everything an instance, change boss and event encounters so you can play them solo and so on...Yes it's a ton of work, but Anet could gain quite some money from that with all the new players that came after the expansions.
  18. oh pls no rifle / pistol. I want more druid based stuff, like a focus, not that peng peng crap.
  19. Uff, I started quite the argument I see. Well, I don't think much of terms like "mary sue" and stuff alike. Those are just words, and you can put them almost everywhere in fiction. It mostly comes down to you liking or not liking a character. Throwing those words around like it means much shows a lack of understanding why you really hate something or someone. I think your personal story is your personal story, no matter the circumstances. There might be someone else beside you getting credit for your victory, but it's still your personal story. Just like in your real life. You're not the star there all the time either, in fact, you're never really the star. And yet it's still your life, your personal story. Trahearne's voice acting was terrible, I agree. But even if there had been aspects about him one cannot enjoy or like, if you find satisfaction in killing off a fictional character because he was badly implemented into the story, then maybe you just have lost track of the real issue and let yourself get too emotional. That said I still think the community killed him, and not the story / mordremoth. And that's really sad, because it means the writers had to go out of their way and satisfy the community by their own terms. As if WE had written the story based on our personal feelings. That's a bitter taste.
  20. That's how things go. There's a hierarchy everwhere, even in your daily life. Until you're the big boss noone will give you credit's for anything. I have no issue with that, I never cared about it. I mean it's just a game and what the NPCs "think" doesn't matter to me.
  21. I remember me and my friends making fun of him, generally making fun of everything in the story from lvl 1-80, especially the fight against zhaitan was just too goofy and cheesy for us. But now, with the game developing and getting better (imo) looking back Trahearne's death feels kind of bad. Almost like the community killed him, instead of Mordremoth.The same goes with Scarlett of course, however, I personally feel Scarlett died a good death.Trahearne totally got mutilated. That guy was a firstborn, he belonged to a rare line, and probably was destined for big things. He's big thing however was to get entangled by Mordremoth, consumed and then being forced to sacrifice himself to end the Jungle Dragon. Poor guy.
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