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daredevil the first.6548

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daredevil the first.6548's Achievements

  1. They can be sold/bought on the TP. Other than that I don't know of a way yet.
  2. Okay, that makes sense. I was thinking it worked like an unlock able achievement where you get the credit and then could do what you wanted with the real.
  3. Right but with the legendary armory you could maybe store the slumbering version, then pull it out craft the full version and get credit legendary armory credit for both.
  4. Cause you can craft the slumbering versions and then if you could pull them out you could craft the full versions getting credit for 4 legendaries instead of just the two.
  5. I am almost done with both of the legendaries. Do I need to craft them into their final form before the armory or can I wait till after and get 4 legendaries for the armory instead of 2?
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