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Everything posted by yanniell.1236

  1. I'd like to at least try a few days of no downstate in pvp.
  2. I am gold 3 with this ftp alt acc. How is it possible for me to lose 12 points facing TWO duo queuers, one of them being the #12 and #15 on the rankings? I am genuinely curious about how do I even lose any points for a match we had ZERO chance of winning from the beginning. How long until we get a fairer system? gw206.jpg (1920×1080) (ibb.co)
  3. There is this guy in top 10 NA playing core mesmer and he can have 3 or 4 distortion without almost any CD whatsoever between them. What is this build? He ALWAYS has distortion available.
  4. And remember you guys are not even considering duo queues. It straitgh up f the already bad matchmaking.
  5. At this point, I dont even care. Imagine having the same half dozen maps for almost ten years now. What kinda game does that...
  6. gw185.jpg (1920×1080) (ibb.co) This is just silly at this point LOL. I am low plat with this acc and for some reason I am against top 10 player duo queuer with no duos on my team. Guess there is no logic behind the matchmaking after all.
  7. That is just asking people to abuse it. What is stopping high ranked players to duoQ with a friend in an alt acc who threw a lot of games and is in silver or smt? 1800 player and 1250 alt friend = 1525. So the legendary player and his friend in an alt acc who is also a very skilled player are now farming 1525 rating people.
  8. That would be ideal, but I gave up on hoping for it. We had a few seasons where duoQ wasn't allowed above 1600 ratio and, at least on NA, not a single player got legendary on that seasons. That shows how much of an advantage duoQ gives you.
  9. LOLANET.png (916×319) (ibb.co) How hard it is to put one duoQ on each team?
  10. True. It is the last match though. 2:43:00 I guess. I almost cried from laughing.
  11. Ok, the last game of this RIP's stream is the f perfect example of what I was saying. LOL. Rank 1 EU | mirage ranked matches - Twitch Go to 2:59:20. Watch it. It is priceless OMFG.
  12. Yep. Welcome to pvp. It wont change. Have a nice stay. To OP: just change your presence to invisible and dont mind chat.
  13. There is like two builds that use those LOL Looks like you just want one dh and one ranger builds to go.
  14. I don't know. Neither do you. Transparency isn't ANET's forte. What we do know is that their matchmaking is far away from perfect. Maybe they could use the matches' final score to adjust wrong matchmaking predictions.
  15. wtf.png (932×369) (ibb.co) That was the best match I had all day. We were always behind, and at some point we were 200+ points behind. I had to give my very best and even had to win a 2x3 at the end. It was such a hype game. And then... +7. ANET, have you considered taking into account the teams' final score for the points given/taken? It makes sense to lose less/win more if the match is close. As it is right now, it makes absolute no sense that I can get more than the double of what I got for that last match in much easier matches.
  16. TWO duos on their team, more than 200 rank points difference, less than 2 minutes in Q. Serious, what the actual duck? Could some dev explain how that happens and why they think it is healthy to the game? Again, I cant even start. Jesus... https://imgur.com/a/5MVKlAd
  17. I don't even care about the time people play, just make it solo queue only.
  18. It is not fun to anyone involved. Just stop. Everytime I have to friend the premade and wait for them to get in a match so I can queue and try to have a fair match.
  19. Is stupid. Your duo queue is stupid. Fix it.
  20. Coming back after a few months breakSees duo queue is still a thing*Immediately turns around
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