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Everything posted by BunjiKugashira.9754

  1. I really like W1Z2. The trees add a really nice vertical element and if you fall you don't immediately loose health, you just have to find your way back up. The enemies have clearly telegraphed attacks. I don't really like the disappearing leaves in W1Z3 since they make carefully exploring the map difficult. Also I don't like the owls in W2 because there is no way to shut them off. They just make it impossible to stand in an area and look around. I don't have any particularly strong feelings about the weekly vendor. It always felt like a work-around for players having amassed too much currency, so you try creative measures to prevent them from flooding the market with the new goods. For future levels I would really like it if you could consider adding mounts into the SAB. Kinda like Mario has Yoshi from time to time. And in tribulation mode the poor mount gets sacrificed so you can make that jump and reach the cliff.
  2. You asked for one of the builds that get blown up by retaliation and I gave you one. It's a shame there's about 1/3rd of a map in the entire game (60+ maps) where I can't play that build. The build is tanky enough for the rest of the game. Sometimes when mob density is low and I feel like the mobs aren't dropping dead fast enough I switch to a sword weaver with a better spike. The fresh-air tempest is perfect for clearing up huge groups of trash mobs. Most of the time I don't even target any particular mob. I just walk through the group while the mobs are dropping around me. The new map has a pretty high mob density. Especially in the camps. So staff weaver would be an interesting choice, however it suffers the same fate as my build when facing retaliation. Of course I adapted... by not playing Elementalist on the new map anymore. Having Mesmer Illusions take most of the retaliation is so easy, it's the same as if the boon wasn't there in the first place. It takes 0 skill to deal with retaliation. It just takes the right profession. And I stand by what I said before: Retaliation in its current implementation in PvE is a bad mechanic. It promotes auto-attacking over using a variety of skills, because it punishes players for any lingering effects. Counterplay is limited to a few select professions that can use boon-strip or cause indirect damage via minions. Skills that apply the deadliest boon a mob can have in PvE are telegraphed badly or not at all. And you can't even wait it out because it just lasts so kitten long.
  3. [&DQYfHSkrMBknDycPywDLAL4BcwBCAU4BmRKWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]Equipment is full Zerker with Scholar runes. Dagger + Warhorn with Sigills of Force and Cruelty.You overcharge air, switch to fire or earth to cast skill 5, immediately switch back to air and cast air 5 or glyph of storms or LH 4 until you can overcharge air again.For healing water 5 + arcane brilliance should fill you up completely.CC is on water 4 + air 4. I do realize that this is possibly the worst build you can use against a mob that has retaliation.
  4. Quite aware of how Ele skills work... There are other ele weapons, and other builds... Its too bad we dont have templates for that...Oh, I'm sorry, It seems I've forgot how to store additional weapon sets in my build templates. Can you please remind me how that works? My second gear slot is occupied by my healer-gear, so you'll have to do it with only one gear slot. /S I forgot, the only ele skills that actually damage opponents are multi hit........Please show me an elementalist rotation that has NO lingering effects and does more damage per second than staff-fire-autospam. So joining another player in a MMO is out of the question? Teamwork?? Maybe? They should also get rid of Breakbars too because I don't want to have to change my skill bar before engaging a champ to CC them..You're comparing apples to pears.First of all all professions have plenty of cc skills. Most builds don't even need to be adjusted to have enough CC for champ fights. Most of the time you can just use a CC elite skill since those would be wasted on trashmobs anyway.Second, breakbars are prevalent enough to actually warrant building around them. Something I can't say about retaliation.Edit: Third, you have plenty of time to react to a breakbar as opposed to retaliation, which kills you for something you did in the past.
  5. Thank you... I guess it’s too hard to pay attention to your surroundings for some. It’s not like retal is present in all areas...> @BunjiKugashira.9754 said: Really? THIS promotes 111 play style in PvE? It’s all you need for any area in PvE with maybe the exception of Raids. It actually encourages you to pay attention instead of facerolling the keyboard. @Strider Pj.2193 said: Thank you... I guess it’s too hard to pay attention to your surroundings for some. It’s not like retal is present in all areas...> @BunjiKugashira.9754 said: Really? THIS promotes 111 play style in PvE? It’s all you need for any area in PvE with maybe the exception of Raids. It actually encourages you to pay attention instead of facerolling the keyboard.Yes, it does.As an elementalist just the possibility of a mob applying retaliation to themselves prevents me from using most of my damage skills.Meteor shower? I'd be dead.Air overload? I'd be dead.Lava font? Has the potential to trigger retal 5 times.Lightning Orb? Eats about half of my hp.Wildfire? Same.Glyph of Storms? I'd be dead. All of these attacks are multi-hit attacks that linger for a while after casting. Once they have been cast, I have no control over them. Thus I can no longer cancel them if the enemy gets retaliation. The only counter-play to retaliation is therefore not to use these skills. Which leaves me with almost no damage skills besides my auto-attack.
  6. I don't like it.We don't have enough boons (including retal) on PvE mobs to make sacrificing a utility slot or weapon sigill worthwhile. On top of that not every profession has reasonable access to boonstrip. We don't even have enough retal in the game to make looking at the enemy's buffs an obvious reaction when you're taking tons of damage. The first thing you check is red circles on the ground and if there aren't any you check your ping next. If that wasn't the case, you check the area for invisible mobs, mobs that didn't get rendered or far-away snipers. On top of that it promotes 111 spam-style playing. If I only use auto-attacks, I can cancel my attacks once I take damage. No problem. If I cast spells with lingering aoe-effects, I will be dead the moment that mob pops retal. Even if I don't use a single attack after the mob has retal, I will still die. So 111 auto-attacks it is.
  7. Overall I like the atmosphere of the new map. However the events feel repetitive really quickly. Kill this champ, clear that camp and the occasional collecting stuff event. My biggest gripes however are with the final story mission. Architecture: Why does the raven shrine have dwarven architecture? Did the Dwarves live there before the raven moved in? Were dwarven artisans hired to build it? Only questions and no answers. It looks like someone just re-used old textures without knowing what they were.The trial: Why is it human-centric? The first trial is ok, but the second one contains a book about the time before humans came to Tyria. Why would the Asura care? Why would the Norn care? At this point it's just another old book that's obviously so bad no-one bothered making a copy of it. And the last trial about the queen and her son? The Norn don't have the concept of royalty. Neither do the Asura or Sylvari. The closest thing the Charr have to a king would be the khan-ur, however the title is not hereditary, so the comparison falls short. The trial being human-centric in this setting just makes no sense at all!The passages between the trials: The dark passage where you are attacked by shadow figures is especially bad imo. You activate the raven statue and it guides the way up to a certain point. Then it just stops in the middle of nowhere while your protection buff runs out, letting you crawl to the trial alone. If you aren't completely confused during the first play-through and crawl back to the beginning where you at least know where you are. The poison passage is slightly better, but still feels kinda boring.The boss fight: We got Tequatl-waves, jumping around, the rush attack that you have to use against the boss... I'm just surprised we didn't get the washing-machine mechanic as well, since that seems to be pretty high on the list of annoying mechanics ANet likes to use.The achievement: A hide-and-seek achievement that you get by knowing where the opponent will hide or just being nearby accidentally instead of actually seeking? Really?
  8. Hi @"DAVIDISWIN.3182" and welcome to the game, one of the most repeated advices for gw2 is to level your first character manually. I know, using the lvl 80 boosts is tempting and all, but you'll quickly find yourself overwhelmed. Every race has a capital city and Lions Arch (short LA) is the capital of them all. Your race's capital city is close to where your character first starts and has a portal that leads to LA. This is important to know since it allows you to get around and to other low lvl maps quickly. Don't try to level by killing mobs, especially not above your level. The best way to level is map completion. Take part in events you come across, unlock waypoints, vistas, etc. and help NPCs by completing the yellow heart quests. If you've completed your map and still don't have the level for the next map, you can travel to another race's starting area and level there. Being a higher level than the map's level cap is no problem, you still get full exp. Currently in LA there's our annual Halloween Event running. I recomment participating there, since it has rewards that are only available once a year. 3 Candy Corn Cobs for a 20 slot bag is a really good offer. If you feel you're getting around too slowly, take one of your boosted lvl 80 characters and start the Path of Fire story line. In the very first mission you'll get a raptor mount. Likewise if you feel you're falling to your death too often, start the Heart of Thorns story line and get yourself the glider. The expansion content is a lot harder than core Tyria though. Mobs are hitting harder, have a greater range and sometimes have special mechanics to defeat them. Once you're lvl 30, the game will show you where the first dungeon is. Dungeons are not required in GW2. In fact they're rather dead content. You can still find groups via the looking for group tool for the dungeon paths that have a farm status though. If you join such a group, tell them you're new and they'll most likely explain what you have to do. Don't stay silent hoping no one will notice, people really don't like that. The real "dungeon" experience is found in LA and is called Fractals of the Mists. So if Dungeons were your thing in the other games, try Fractals.
  9. Elementalist There are many good points for Mesmer, like invisibility, clones and accelerating or decelerating time...But I don't think they beat summoning your own personal mini-volcano in your backyard. You have it nice and warm in winter, cold in summer and you can heal people by splashing around with some water. And don't forget the elemental glyphs! Now excuse me while I take my snowman for a walk.
  10. For the ability to swap traits and skills: 0 gems.The low amount of available skills and traits just doesn't justify paying for this feature. For the ability to store additional gear sets: 200 gems.A bag slot costs 400 gems and can easily hold 20 items with a rather cheap bag. A complete gear set consists of 19 items. However due to a lack of underwater content and balancing, underwater equipment should not be considered in this calculation. Also if you use a 2h weapon, you need 1 slot less. Let's say 15 slots on average. Since the gear set is not capable of storing everything, it should be cheaper than general storage.
  11. I would like an octopus mount. The engage skill would pull enemies together (up to 8 opponents since the octopus has 8 arms) like the raptor swipe, but in 3D. This would make underwater combat so much less tedious. Edit: If ANet decides to raise the limit to 10 opponents, should we call it a decapus?
  12. This part made me think... I'm using ArcDPS myself and the program clearly exceeds these limitations. You have statistics on buffs, debuffs, failed mechanics and a lot more. Furthermore if you activate logging and paste your logs to dps.report you can get a complete combat review including the positions of all major entities.
  13. Please no more no-mount-zones. I'd rather see them give all the map border terrain collision, add some terrain where there are currently holes, and remove most of the invisible walls.
  14. @Vancho.8750 @Randulf.7614 I already have different keys set up for each mount. With the addition of the warclaw that will be 7 keybinds. With a potential underwater mount it will be 8. And for what? For the functionality that you could have with 3 or 4 keybinds. With my suggestion a single keybind would suffice for most situations.
  15. GW2 allows us to choose a default mount. When you press the mount button you can use that mount and ONLY that mount. However there are situations where only specific mounts are usable and the button does nothing. Wouldn't it be great if the mount button automatically chose a different mount if your default mount is unavailable? This means: When normally pressing the mount button your use your default mount.When pressing the mount button in the air you automatically use the griffon.When pressing the mount button on the water you automatically use the skimmer.When pressing the mount button in WvW you automatically use the battle cat.When pressing the mount button underwater you automatically use the potentially upcoming underwater mount (we can dream right?).
  16. Damn, that would be epic. Instead of summoning the weapon at the target location, make it a projectile that damages anything it passes and then "sticks" in the target location.Allies can then pick up the weapon the same way they work now.Press the button again to call the weapon to you, which is another projectile like the first one.
  17. What @ZDragon.3046 said. Also: Don't run around killing mobs aimlessly. Killing stuff is one of the slowest ways to level your character and doesn't give you any progress besides what little exp and loot the mobs drop. At lvl 30 I recommend focusing on completing everything you can find on your map. Visit vistas and points of interest, complete heart quests (this works best when there is an event nearby) and collect some hero points for your character. It doesn't matter if you are a few levels above the mobs of your area. You won't get any less exp and the dynamic scaling makes sure you're not op. Also remember to complete your personal story whenever the next chunk is available. The PS is a good source for exp and gear.
  18. Living World updates come with their own set of achievements, skins, minis, etc. From Season 3 on you also get a new map with each release, new masteries and some interesting gadgets. It is entirely possible to play the game without any living world update even at the highest level (ranked PvP, top WvW servers / guilds, raids, etc).
  19. Wait, you get shot faster when your're not the instance opener? I did this together with someone else (he opened) and had no problems getting through. I had done this story step before, so I knew what was coming. As a sword-weaver I used perma-swiftness, dodge-rolls and ride the lightning for longer distances. If you want a real challenge, try traversing the field on a mount!
  20. I was actually thinking about trying cele in raids. The theory is that most raid bosses don't continuisly deal huge amounts of damage, but rather have 1 or 2 attacks that need to be healed up again and are pretty docile the rest of the time. A cele would be able to deal damage to a certain degree and switch to water for healing only when needed. Though I guess as long as the game favors 2 druids, all other healers will continue to be pushed aside.
  21. Guys, it's coming! Or at least being worked on. Who knows what twists and turns this project might take in the future, so don't get your expectations up until it's on the GW2 frontpage.https://twitter.com/AvanderMeeArt/status/1015145215542382593 I'm seriously intrigued by this Southsun Project. I always felt that GW2 needed a nice place for some relaxing activities. If Southsun became the holiday-resort the Konsortium marketed it as, I would be really happy.
  22. Summarising the arguments I've read in this and other threads: Cons: Reduces the need for player interactionGameplaywise there is no need(Depending on implementation) Clutters mapsAffects content difficulty greatlyPros: Satisfies an emotional need for human interaction better than random players doCreates a new sink for gold, gems, mastery pointsAllows for fidgeting with tons of synergies and tactics requiring multiple classesImmersionUnintrusive way to dump some lore on the player
  23. I don't think companions are necessary gameplay-wise. However they don't need to be. Look at games like Skyrim where companions are totally unneccessary and sometimes (stealth missions) even detremental. Still there are hundreds of companion mods. Companions fulfill a purpose besides gameplay (especially combat). A good companion feels like... well... a companion. When you meet a random person in open world, they are a total stranger to you. Even if you happen to do an event together. It's just meet, part and forget. I bet you don't even remember what class the last random was you did a duo event with. In that sense a companion NPC feels more human than an actual human controlled character.There are so many mechanics in GW2 that work really well if you have a partner who synergyzes with you. One class has a lot of combo fields and limited access to finishers while another has tons of finishers but no fields of their own. One class has a ton of minions while another has venoms to share with up to 5 allies. One class has a ton of clones that look exactly the same as them while... ok, let's not add another identical looking mesmer to that.Some notes about a good implementation:Combat: Make a formation grid where the companion tries to stay at a certain position relative to the player (in front, behind, at the side, etc)Combat formation is activated when either the player is in combat or has their weapon(s) drawnThe companion dodges when the player does (if enough stamina and not hindered otherwise) and tries to stay in formationSkills are used following a priority list depending on situation. The player would be able to set priorities for several different situations including: Default, Affected-By-Hard-CC, Affected-By-Soft-CC, Affected-By-Damaging-Conditions, Low-Life, Player-Low-Life, Enemy-Low-Life, Player-Down, Far-From-Formation-Spot, Active-Enemy-Break-Bar, Enemy-Has-No-Break-Bar. The companion would pick the highest priority list that applies to the current situation and tries to use the highest priority skill. If no such skill is available the next list is chosen until the default list is reached.Traveling: Include the option to have the companion run ahead of the player a bit. This means the companion shouldn't try to follow the player's position but rather a position to the front and slightly offset to either side. This is actually what makes a companion feel like a companion instead of a simple follower.If no valid path can be found to the player and there is enough space around the player, the companion is teleported to the player's location. This solves the problem of jumping.Idle: Make the companion wander around a bit and make them interact with their environment when the player is idle. Make them use chairs, crafting stations, talk to npcs or just sit on the ground.Don't make idle obnoxious. Don't make the companion repeat the same line over and over or have them perform the same action over and over.Dialogue: Make the companion comment on their environment. But add a rather long cooldown on each line so they don't repeat themselves too often.Make the companion talk to other companions they meet.Make the companion comment on the player's behavior like jumping around or running around for a long time.Diversity:I would love one personality for each race and gender. However I realise that this means 10 personalities from the get-go, which is, considering the insane amount of dialogue necessary for a good companion, too much. Maybe we could start out with one human male and female and add the other races step by step?
  24. All the more reason to introduce a green-themed dye kit with lots of vibrant greens.
  25. I finally finished the achievement because I found a node I hadn't harvested before. Searching places I don't visit that frequently payed off. For everyone else I hope the bug gets fixed soon.
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