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Everything posted by BunjiKugashira.9754

  1. Sadly the stereoscopic 3D option only works with an NVidia 3D Vision setup. I have an AMD card with TriDef 3D and can only play with the 2D nameplates.So in theory you can use anything that is supported by NVidia 3D Vision.On that note: Does someone know if 3D Vision supports VR Headsets?
  2. Here is step-by-step what you need to do: Upload the image to https://imgur.com/Right-click on your uploaded image and choose "Copy image address"In your forum-post click the image symbol and past the addressThe forum only works with links of images. The normal imgur link is to imgur's website, not to the image. You can check if you got the correct link by looking at the ending. Example: https://i.imgur.com/OijXd3k.jpg ends with ".jpg". A direct link of an image always ends with the file identifier. Good luck. Here is a diving Moa:
  3. Oh I would love underwater mounts. The amount of underwater mounts that I can think of right now would be enough to fill another expansion! Dolphin: For jumping big distances out of the water. Necessary to reach the top of some sea-side cliffs.Turtle: For riding underwater currents. Kinda like underwater ley-lines.Jellyfish: It envelops you and protects you from venomous sea anemones. Necessary for some passages.Angler fish: Illuminates dark places and keeps whatever is out there to kill you in the dark at bay. And as we've learned from the underwater fractal and that one place in tangled depths, there definitely is something that wants to eat you in the dark.Shark: It has a charge that can break thin walls. Useful for looting pirate-ship-wreckage or clearing paths that are overgrown with corals. Lurking in the depths there is a threat, unseen by anyone, waiting for its time to strike. Largos and Quaggan tell of giant horrors dragging anyone unfortunate enough into the darkness, never to be seen again. But the deadly silence is about to end. The surface is no longer safe as Lions Arch faces it's biggest post-Scarlet challenge. Prepare your diving gear, the next submarine is heading for the Depths of Steve (DoS).
  4. I guess I'll test the image functionality of the new forum with this thread.http://i.imgur.com/8QRT4o2.jpg
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