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Posts posted by AzuritaBlues.3206

  1. I think they don't make Elementals permanent because of the Glyph trait that generates boons.

    I actually don't mind that they only last for 2 minutes, what really bothers me is the fact that they are obliterated when you mount. I mean, it's been 4 years since we've had mounts and nothing was done about this yet? lol

    About the boons, Air and Fire elementals already do that with their attacks, and I think the intended gameplay was the Elementalist buffing it's own pets via combo Blasts, Aura Share and Arcane att swap. You can't give them too much features, they're already walking turrets and we know how anet feels about these.

    The taunt on the elite would be great tho, it fits the theme 😄

    • Like 1
  2. IMO, Celestial is great if you want to be versatile in your roles. it's easy to change builds and adapt to situations using celestial. You won't do as much damage as Trailblazer, but you can fufill support roles while keeping a decent amount of damage. It's specially good with Arcane, Tempest and Water traitlines, thanks to the boons and healing these traitlines can provide + the boon duration from the set itself.

    It's also great for WvW!

    Just keep in mind that while using celestial, your damage output will be Hybrid, so you should consider power coefficients as well while building for it.

    I used a Celestial Weaver to get all of my Twisted Marionette achievs. I've built Water + Arcane + Weaver and my average DPS was around 9k~11k while the healing output was around 3k/s in the lines with the squad. I felt I could do enough damage to solo the Wardens if I happened to get in the platforms alone, while also providing enough sustain to my Line during the defense phase (perma regen and prot + nice bursts of healing).



  3. 2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    What blinking are you talking about?

    Now your skills with combo finisahers are highlighted when your are standing in a combo field

    CC skills are also highlighted when there are breakbars on the target. The blink looks almost the same, so in the majority of the multiplayer encounters your skill bar flashes constantly. OP is asking for a way to better differentiate between them, because they look too similar right now.

    • Like 4
  4. I think the damage + hitbox on Fire Grab could be increased and Ring of Fire could Burn more. But everything else feels really ok.


    Updraft is not instant, but at least it has an Evade frame, and overall the launch is not THAT hard to hit and IMO the delay actually makes it easier to combo with Burning Speed when the launch lands . I agree that it's easier to dodge the stun in PVP modes, but in PVE is not bad at all.


    Ride the Lightning is awesome mobility, and if you hit something the cooldown is halved, which helps with combos.


    Cleansing Wave is honestly my favorite Healing weapon skill, it's fast so you can use it on demand, the radius is nice, it cleanses 2 conditions and the healing is not bad.


    Frost Aura is really nice to have on Aura builds and the transmute is also an extra AOE cleansing if you trait either Smoothing Auras or Cleansing Waters.


    Earthquake serves it's purpose as an AoE knockdown, and is very realiable in PVE environment (PVP wise it's good in outnumbered fights and against Pets, Clones and Minions). Disables are very important in arcane boon generation and Lightning Rod builds, so i don't mind the "Massive Damage" tool tip much.


    The only thing that I feel kinda off about Churning Earth is the telegraph+vulnerability while casting (which require either stability or quickness to be more reliable), thus why I agreed on making it Unblockable. But this skill still pressures A LOT when it Hits, especially against multiple opponents. The 12 stacks of bleeding + Cripple + 3.5 power coefficient (2.5 in pvp) are no joke. It's a nice AOE cleave, it just requires the right timing to use (and it probably feels best in Hybrid Builds).



  5. 31 minutes ago, MrForz.1953 said:


    It looks... Guardian to me strangely enough.

    hmm, true tho, it has a glimpse of DH's icon with the sharp angles.


    The arrow head on fire interpretation also makes sense to Ele. Either way, I guess we're going ranged Ele, which pleases me 😄

  6. 41 minutes ago, Casnik.6913 said:

    Where is this linked? I am trying to find it on a build site.

    I don't know any metabattle-alike links, but i've put a quick example of a dire variant build here: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGABgit3lZwUYVsLGJOqOmrXA-zxIU8onPQKSg8QIpCcmFI+1A-e


    You can go with either dagger/dagger or scepter/focus. I went with Elemental Surge arcane trait, but you can swap it for Evasine Arcana. The rotation is pretty forward, just bounce between Fire and Earth attunement as needed, and use signet of fire off cooldown.


    Cast your lesser elementals on Fire Attunement, since they give you might when they attack, and your Elite one on Water if you need an extra healing source (otherwise fire for more DPS). You can swap the lesser glyph for Arcane Blast or Glyph of storms if you don't like pets

    • Like 1
  7. On 7/8/2021 at 4:20 PM, Casnik.6913 said:

    Starting my elementalist back up. Can anyone help me with how to get through the game solo buildwise pre-HoT and PoF? 



    Most builds with celestial gear work just fine for Open World, but it's a harder prefix to get and if you don't have the gold or the resources I would reccomend a Condi Core build using either Dire's or Shaman's (if you enjoy healing). Fire/Earth/Arcane for the Dire variant and Fire/Water/Arcane for the Shaman's. You'll survive just fine with both gears and the damage will be decent (better with Dire).


    For utilities, Glyph of Lesser Elementals set to auto-cast helps a lot in open world. Then if you want more survavability go either arcane shield  or cantrips. For more damage, Signets, Glyph of Storms and traited Arcanes. It also depends on which traits you enjoy to use (Fun first!).

    • Like 1
  8. I don't know guys

    I feel D/D ele is already the most fluid weapon set of the class. Maybe not on weaver, but on Core and Tempest it feels natural and strong.  I think what prevents weaver for using it in the same fluid way are the attunement cooldowns. Core and tempest can instantly switch to a new attunement and access all of it's skills so it's easy to keep the flow going without the need to even auto attack. Weaver doesn't have the same feel to it, but it has access to other features to make up for it. (more damage, barrier, stability, perma regen + swiftness, crit chance on weakened foes, superspeed, etc.)

    • Like 1
  9. the problem is the cast times, projectile speed and animation lock, really. Staff has HUGE utility. Air and Earth have great AOE CC skills which are much fun to use with Lightning Rod, water has the best healing potential of all ele's weapons, the overall damage of staff is okayish, the problem is how fast you can get that damage out and most of it is really easy to avoid. The animation locks/roots make stability a necessity to cast those skills safely and our only Core source of stab is Armor of Earth... Also combo fields are not as relevant as they used to be.


    They need to make staff faster or make it hit HARD to justify the slow use skills. 


    Also, weaver dual skills feels even slower and more difficult to land than core's staff. FIRE/EARTH and FIRE/AIR being the biggest offenders here, but also EARTH/AIR. So clunky...

    • Like 5
  10. 13 minutes ago, Zoser.7245 said:

    Illusionary Weaponry could be amazing or a complete crap.   Imagine if they give us  an illusionary version of the engineer's turrets... easily killables and static...  💩😱  What a terrible nightmare only by imagining it.   I would prefer them as illusionary items that creates damage and/or combo fields.  More like scrapper choppers but ranged or something else but not like turrets ()  lol.  

    not turrets, i think it will look like Ele's Earth Scepter 2, which make stones float around you as a buff, and you can shoot them by activating the skill again.

    I guess your clones could become the floating daggers so you could throw them with your shatters for different effects.

  11. Anything with as less attunement lockout as possible, so you can react to things instantly and actually take advantage of the ele's range of skills (unlike weaver, that has to wait 4~3sec to access half of it's weapon skills, and tempest, that locks you out of a attumenet for a longer cooldown to gain value out of it). Similar to core, but maybe with access to alac or something  to allow burst swap.


    I think pistol probably fits the best, but I wouldn't mind rifle/bows. Just, PLEASE, a ranged one.

    • Like 1
  12. I would love to see another way to get SELF quickness as a Core Trait or Weapon skill other than Lightning Hammer's skill 2. But it definetely shouldn't be a Elite Spec feature, the power creep is already big enough as it is.


    I think the long cast times of some skills (especially Staff's and Earth Scepter) could get a revision as a alternative to the self quickness. It's just so frustrating to get rooted/locked into cast times of skills that often miss. It makes me wish some ele's weapon's skills received the same treatment as mesmer's staff had, with decreased cast time/animation lock and increased projectile speed. 


  13. Quickness on Core is needed, but a cast time revision is welcome as well.


    I don't think weaver should be nerfed, however I would like to see the 10% Condi Damage from Weaver's Prowess moved to Earth trait line (so both Core and Tempest have access to it as well) and replaced by something else, maybe self alac. Or either have Elements of Rage reworked so it gives valuable AoE boons such as quickness and alac when fully attuning to a element.


    Also, ele self-sustain is fine. Just don't be afraid of Water and build for it.

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