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Vague Memory.2817

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Posts posted by Vague Memory.2817

  1. If you want to experience frustration and other players blaming you for losing 500-50 because they think it is a good idea to 3v1 a near unkillable tank when the other team has the other 2 caps then sure go ahead. Don't expect serious competitive play though. Some people will deliberately afk and make your team lose for not playing the way they want. I wouldn't actually recommend it to new players. sPvP has changed a lot over the years, for the worse, especially since ANet lost interest in PvP because their eSports idea was a complete failure and all those $$$ slipped out of view,

  2. I disagree. There are many forms of being OPness. Certain class specs are OP in a particular area and others are OP in everything. That's why having two of the same class specs in a team usually wreck the other team. Two Scrappers/Holos have a ridiculous amount CC that is pretty overwhelming if you have a team comp that that has little stability. Two Scourges/Reapers usually leads to a bad day for the other team especially at mid. The melee specialists specs are overtuned compared to everything else: the sustainability and dps output of one just Spellbinder or core Guard is absurd, two obviously even more so....and so on and on with other specs. I think the biggest problem is the move to zero counterplay skills or combos that can't really be defended against while simultaneous nonsensical dps/sustain.

  3. Anet deliberately wrecked Chrono with nerfs. Those of us that mained Chrono are still baffled as to why they made the class practically useless especially in PvP. A lot of people playing other classes were complaining about Mirage, and then for no discernible reason they just wrecked what was left of Chrono which was already nerfed several times before to the point where I and the majority of people maining Chrono in PvP had already and reluctantly swapped to Mirage. The last big changes (changing the F-skills) were imposed after the Chrono population was already very low. I've still not heard any good reason why they did this. It was actually illogical and cemented my mind that the current class developers are either fresh out of college or truly have no clue what they are doing. Barring that there is a pattern: introduce powerful specs then before introducing new elite spec with a new expansion you degrade the old ones to presumably to increase sells of the new expansion. Even Mirage is pretty now mediocre compared to some other class elites now.

  4. They should just increase turn speed. One of my pet hates of the game is I have to bind a key to turn around quickly. It's quite unintuitive, and all other PvP games I've played doesn't have this bizarre slow turn speed. If they changed that one aspect PvP would be much different.

  5. @Xstein.2187 said:

    @Vague Memory.2817 said:Prediction: after 2 years of people complaining about the changes they'll release a patch reverting the shatters back to thte original citing we believe that the changes we made were a little harsher than intended. Classic brainless ANet. They do this all the time.

    Except that is not the way it works. Since the last patch there were multiple pages streaming with people complaining that the new Elusive Mind was a worthless trait. As a result, nothing was changed, it was left the way it is, and the next patch they just slapped on a term calling it a 'defense-focused' trait.

    If anyone working at Anet actually took such suggestions as the OPs seriously, we would have at least seen changes or a revamp to Elusive Mind.

    I have a lot of respect for Countless, but over the past several patches I have realized that he is likely just wasting his time on this one.

    Give it time, it hasn't been two years yet.

  6. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    @Vague Memory.2817 said:WoodenPotatoes is right, and I've only watched a few of his streaming. But he has been the greatest cheerleader ANet will ever have. It's obvious he has put his heart and soul into GW2 content creation, and I'm sure his enthusiasm alone has added a lot of players and hence money to ANet coffers. I'm glad he has decided to cut his losses. Like him or not, what he said is true. Just look at the PvP forum topics. Most of them are people frustrated with total lack of communication from ANet, severe class spec balance issues, and ever increasing toxicity in and out of the game.

    The only addition I would make is the strong link between very bad balance and toxicity. The tortuous imbalance and non-commication are the main contributors to the toxicity. I'm surprised at the massive drop in standards over the years in Gw2, it's like no one is at the rudder and everyone is just watching a huge iceberg heading towards them in slow motion.

    That's not WoodenPotatoes. That's Jawgeous a different brittish GW2 content creator.

    Oops. Thanks for correction. His voice sounds a lot like WP.

  7. (Name edit) Jawgeousis is right. Ive not watched his streams, but he's obviously put a lot into GW2 content creation, and I'm sure he's added a lot of players and hence money to ANet coffers. Like him or not, what he said is true. Just look at the PvP forum topics. Most of them are people frustrated with total lack of communication from ANet, severe class spec balance issues, and ever increasing toxicity in and out of the game.

    The only addition I would make is the strong link between very bad balance and toxicity. The tortuous imbalance and non-commication are the main contributors to the toxicity. I'm surprised at the massive drop in standards over the years in Gw2, it's like no one is at the rudder and everyone is just watching a huge iceberg heading towards them in slow motion.

    • Like 1
  8. What the Op describes is exactly what eles and revs players do. I seriously doubt there is a program that can determine what map is being played at the start and walk/run them to a exactly to the centre of a cap and then start doing unkillable rotations. That level of sophistication is beyond a simple program. I would say that would require A.I. and since the largest companies and militaries on the planet can't even produce A.I. that people wouldn't laugh at, I doubt some basement dweller could.

  9. Rip Mes. I used to play power chrono, they nerfed it in several rounds into the ground until I found to be unplayable in PvP. Recently I switched to Mirage, and I dislike condi playstyle, but I did it any way only to find that it's damage output is very weak but has slightly better survivability. Seems I like I came in on the tail end of the death of the Mes. They have even nerfed a bunch of core mes trait for no real good reason, making all specs much weaker. A prime example is blinding dissipation. they turn it into 1 blind every 3osecs. It is totally useless now. No one in their right mind would choose this. A total over nerf. They literally don't want anyone to play the class. But when you compare other classes power and condi specs to Mes they are monsters, but apparently that is fine. What we've witness is what happens when interns are let loose on balancing classes. Behold Mes is dead!

  10. It's been in decline for a long time now and is still in free-fall.

    They tried to make money through sponsorships from Esport. That didn't work so basically its fuck sPvP. I seriously think that is the attitude. Unfortunately a lot of the the things introduced for Esport were actually bad for for in-game sPvP, and players are left with a hangover from that with a broken system and philosophy. There are basics that have been overlooked from the start of the game, like too much map clutter (e.g. Eternal Colosseum new changes - I mean...what the hell is that all about) , atrocious FoV and camera view, and intentional imbalances between classes. But the worse elements have been badly implemented elites and throwing the rule book out the window for little to no counterplay to various skills/builds.

  11. @"polvere.2805" said:

    I'm saying one attack as in in being attacked from stealth and being downed in about 2secs, maybe slightly less. The fact I said 2secs was the clue. The pic was taken in PvP in Battle of Kyhlo during a match as I already said. He wasn't buffed by anyone.

    Lol, oh I should mention that those are cropped pics. Here are the originals (full sized) proving I was on the Battle of Khylo:

    1st Pic:

    2nd Pic:

    So before accusing people of lying with no evidence maybe you should think first. In fact you are the one spreading misinformation. EAT CROW buddy .

    Feel free to apologise....I'm waiting.

    The only things i see in these pics are:1- You are playing an ultragutted spec that as of right now is underperforming. Also it is one of the most braindead specs (could play it and i don't even play mesmer as my main class) with a shitload of defensives and you are even running some underwhelming utility.

    2- You facetanked 3 full three round burst (when you have a shitload of defensive: Shield 4 with echo, distortion, sword 2, dodge, decoy), then proceeded to facetank death's judgement with full malice charged and got killed which is totally fine because that's what it's supposed to happen in pvp when you facetank a full burst spec without even trying to mitigate his damage. What i can say is that you are clearly new to the game and to your class, also the burst is executed in around 3 seconds (he has also to enter stealth to get off DJ) which give you plenty of time to react even assuming that you have bad reflexes.

    I mean if we should follow your proofs for nerfs then anet should probably nerf every class that it is able to deal high damage, so let's nerf warrior, holosmith, ranger....oh wait every class in the game

    Just the fact that you claim that the burst was executed in 2 seconds (which is quite a large margin honestly, you probably never met a burst mesmer huh?) means that you don't know the deadeye spec and how it works.

    Now ask yourselves why people can't take these threads seriously.

    Not sure what point you are trying to make. But people doubted that DE in sPvP could hit that kind of damage. I just presented the irrefutable evidence. You tell be a spec that can defend against some hitting them from stealth out of the line of sight, when you are not aware they are there for 32.5K dps. I'll save you the time. There isn't one. Got some ridiculous people in this thread trying defending that kind of dps from stealth. Let me guess you main deadeye because you like Ez play classes, because most others take skill.

  12. @Legatus.3608 said:

    @Vague Memory.2817 said:The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

    1st gw006

    2nd gw007

    Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

    I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164

    Averaging to approximately 32,582dps

    Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

    Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.

    Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".

    The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS


    Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this kitten 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this kitten

    This is not how pvp works people, stop with the kitten obvious misinformation

    @Vague Memory.2817 said:The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

    1st gw006

    2nd gw007

    Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

    I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164

    Averaging to approximately 32,582dps

    Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

    Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.

    Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".

    The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS


    Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this kitten 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this kitten

    This is not how pvp works people, stop with the kitten obvious misinformation

    I'm saying one attack as in in being attacked from stealth and being downed in about 2secs, maybe slightly less. The fact I said 2secs was the clue. The pic was taken in PvP in Battle of Kyhlo during a match as I already said. He wasn't buffed by anyone.

    Lol, oh I should mention that those are cropped pics. Here are the originals (full sized) proving I was on the Battle of Khylo:

    1st Pic:

    2nd Pic:

    So before accusing people of lying with no evidence maybe you should think first. In fact you are the one spreading misinformation. EAT CROW buddy .

    Feel free to apologise....I'm waiting.

    Conveniently leaving out the thief buffs, well done sir

    I guess you were too busy raging to click the thief and show his buffs?

    If you want an apology you're going to have to post the NORMAL damage of a deadeye and have it be 30k dps ( impossible), not this crap.

    Regardless, I didn't come here to argue with you, but it is a fact that 38k is the max dps snow crows got out of this build, meaning if you were taking 38k dps (or near it) the thief was basically raid buffed. This isn't an opinion its a fact.

    I might agree that thief does too much burst, but what you've posted here is a joke. I'll check it out myself when I get home.

    Lol, Nice try. You were wrong. Just admit it, instead asking for dumb things. You can clearly see it is during a real match and not a raid. You called me out and I proved you wrong. What else is there, except for you to eat crow...hmm...tasty.

  13. @Legatus.3608 said:

    @"Vague Memory.2817" said:The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

    1st gw006

    2nd gw007

    Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

    I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164

    Averaging to approximately 32,582dps

    Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

    Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.

    Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".

    The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS


    Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this kitten 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this kitten

    This is not how pvp works people, stop with the kitten obvious misinformation

    @"Vague Memory.2817" said:The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

    1st gw006

    2nd gw007

    Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

    I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164

    Averaging to approximately 32,582dps

    Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

    Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.

    Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".

    The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS


    Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this kitten 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this kitten

    This is not how pvp works people, stop with the kitten obvious misinformation

    I'm saying one attack as in in being attacked from stealth and being downed in about 2secs, maybe slightly less. The fact I said 2secs was the clue. The pic was taken in PvP in Battle of Kyhlo during a match as I already said. He wasn't buffed by anyone.

    Lol, oh I should mention that those are cropped pics. Here are the originals (full sized) proving I was on the Battle of Khylo:

    1st Pic: https://ibb.co/fBgFp8

    2nd Pic: https://ibb.co/bJR4hT

    So before accusing people of lying with no evidence maybe you should think first. In fact you are the one spreading misinformation. EAT CROW buddy .

    Feel free to apologise....I'm waiting.

  14. The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

    1st gw006

    2nd gw007

    Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

    I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164

    Averaging to approximately 32,582dps

    Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

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