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Legionnaire.9478's Achievements

  1. Guardian Balance: Firebrand: "Weighty Terms: This trait no longer reduces the mantra charge-recovery times. Increased pages granted from 1 to 2." Please do not touch this trait at all. Why are you still going after the corpse of Firebrand. This basically kills off support firebrand (QDPS/HB), as it severely cripples our ability to keep quickness up, and slows our ability to use our mantras, we already got forced out of using mantra of liberation in order to use Feel my Wrath for quickness uptime, unless we need to swap in liberation in certain fights to help with the group stunbreak, or more stab. Now you wanna kill off more of our ability to generate quickness and keep it up. What's the purpose of giving us a page increase, so we can proc our tomes faster, page costs are already absurd currently with the past changes. Certain Tomes like Tome of Virtue are proc during heavy hitting boss effects. That's a not a good tradeoff to lose the ability to reduce the cooldown of our mantras, mantras are extremely core skill for most Firebrand builds, taking away our ability to reduce the CD and not even adjusting the CD will make mantra way worse than they already are. You already ruined our mantras by making it so we have to precast them to activate them now you're going to slow our ability to recharge them and force us to proc our mantras more. Leave Firebrand and our mantras alone. We may not be as powerful as we once were and basically corpse of what we were, we don't need any more changes to harm support firebrand. We're in an okay spot, please don't kill off more of the class. Willbender: Oh wow no changes to Willbender at all, so alacbender remains in its bad spot. Can you stop going after firebrand and instead fix Willbender? Support Willbender is not in a good spot. Scourge Changes: No Scourge asked to have alac given to them. You are basically killing off an entire class just to give them a little alac boost. Honestly this change to scourge is just awful. Not every class needs to give every single boon anet. Alac Scourge will just be in a bad spot like Alac willbender is. Ranger: "Spirits have been reworked. A spirit will now grant an initial effect when summoned, slam the ground for a secondary effect, and then grant boons to nearby allies for a period of time." So basically, you're killing off spirits and making them useless by taking away their alac, and going back to how exactly they were but this time instead of earth spirit generating periodic protection like it was before the change, it's just gonna give protection when you summon it and then activate its effect. There's so many ways to generate protection, might etcs that spirits give, taking away alac just makes spirits utterly useless. Druid: "Grace of the Land: This trait now grants alacrity instead of might." Please no, do not tie the ability for druid to give alac to our CA form. That is not what a Healing Support class should be. CA is already takes a little time to fully max out, now you're gonna force druids to jump in and out of CA to keep uptime of alac which is an awful change especially in heavy hittings fights like Sloth/VG etc. Like we jump into CA during those time to offset the massive damage from the explosions, and the hard hitting conditions when Sloth shakes among other bosses. This in turn is gonna make our alac time even worse. If you want Druid to be a primary healing class and be in a better position, why not move Alac to our glyph as boons or instead keep it on spirits. I get you wanna make Druid a better healing class, but tying our ability to give alac to CA is just a bad decision imo. And harms us more than it helps us, I rather have my alac tied to glyphs. Or left on spirits. Specter: "Traversing Dusk: This trait no longer grants alacrity to allies when using a well skill" Are you taking alac off specter's completely? If so, you just killed Alac Specter for no reason. Can you elaborate if alac is gonna be moved elsewhere? "Shadestep: This trait has been reworked. It now spreads the beneficial effects of your shadow shroud skills to allies around your tethered target, and it additionally grants boons to yourself and those allies when you use a shadow shroud skill" Ya how bout leave this alone. Most classes have an ability to instant rez a down ally, and this skill carries hard. And can help save a group from being wiped or not being wiped. Deadye: Getting quickness is a letdown. Like it just feels like you are just handing out quickness and alac to every class just so they have it. once again not every class needs to do every boon, each class shoudl be unique. Berserker/Bladesworn: I don't understand why you once again tieing the ability to give quickness and alac to an Elites special action skill. I just don't understand the logic in this at all. You removed quickness from base warrior with the banner change, and now you want to give Berserker quickness and Bladesworn Alac, but base it's on their special action. Why not give Spellbreaker Quickness or Alac, I feel like overall it makes more sense. Herald: IMO 100% this. Leave Quick Herald alone.
  2. Played it for a little bit. I will have to do more testing, but here are things that need to be improved: 1. Please fix the keybinding, I loss access to some keybinds I have on my pet. 2. Why does every pet have the same unleash skills? They should follow the route you did with Soulbeast: each type of Pet: Deadly, Versastile, Strout, the last one I can't remember. With each group doing something different. 3. The hammer is way too slow, while I get the point, a hammer is supposed to be slow and you need to use your CC to keep your opponent down, then swap to your Unleash Ranger hammer skills, the wind up for #5 takes way too long, and easily able to dodge in pvp/wvw. We have no way to keep generating quickness as well as other classes so this is a big disadvantage. It kinda reminds of the condi berserker/warrior where you just knock down your opponent, cc them to death, and throw as many condis as you can on them before they get back up. Definitely benefits the trapper playstyle. 4. Why are you shoehorning us rangers into only playing hammer to fully enjoy this specialization? No other elite spec suffers from not using their new weapons. There is literally no synergy with any of the core ranger weapons to use with this elite specs. That's just poor design from a game that allows you to weapon swap on the fly. I think each of our weapons outside of hammer should be given at least 1 or 2 unleash skills. You basically made us base Ele, but way worse because eles can at least have access to 20 different skills among the 4 elements. While we get 10..... (16 if you count the pet skills, but I am talking about weapons). And only benefit from using hammer. 5. Hammer also gives no benefit besides CC and Damage. We lack any sustain to really be a melee bruiser using this spec. We get no blocks, no protection, no quickness, nothing but CCs and damage using a hammer. For a specialization that is based on a "Bruiser" Design we should at least be able to stay in melee range and do some damage, but as it stands now we lack sustain to do that. 6. The healing skill is also not good, it needs to be reworked. We heal on hit, and then we drain half our pet life force to heal ourselves. Putting out pet at risk of dying which pretty much kills the whole "unleash mode" while when you do pop it, it heals them back up to full. It still won't matter in wvw or heavy aoe areas. Also once again as with core ranger, when we lose our pet, we lose our damage capabilities. And none of the skills seem to offer any type of buff to our pet to keep them alive long enough. 7. Auto-attack enable for 1 pet skill please that we get to choose. Having to constantly hit the lowest cooldown for my pet to do something besides auto-attack sucks. I'll keep playing it some more and really zone in on the traitlines, but right now this elite spec is underwhelming.
  3. The real issue is the loss of pip bonuses with outnumbered. The +2 flat rate pip bonus is nice, but taking away outnumbered pip bonuses well before alliances are even ready. That 1) Punishes lower population servers especially during non-peak hours and 2) They should wait till alliances are ready to monitor if outnumbered is needed. Currently there is a huge server imbalance which is what alliances are supposed to change to make things fairer. Don't even know why they feel like removing certain features was the right call with how imbalance it is.
  4. I do kill a player and cap things. Maybe not every 10 minutes. Because there are variables at play that can stop that from happening especially if you are playing during non-peak hours. And if you get into a really good fight, I have had fights last 10+ minutes. Once again joining a zerg will maximize the gains you get with reward tracks. Because you are constantly running around, capping things, fighting enemy zergs etc. It still hugely benefits the zerg/blobbing style. Not sure how you can deny that.... But I am getting off topic. The reward track can be changed after restructuring. The main thing I am against is the outnumbered pip loss.
  5. Interesting cause when I roam, My reward track gain is incredibly lower compared to when I join a zerg. Because you are able to capture more stuff with a zerg, and keep activity high compared to roaming. So it definitely favors joining up with the zerg to maximize reward track. But I don't like following a tag around, and due to that I do suffer from less participation rewards.
  6. Okay but how does punishing a lower server population by taking away outnumbered benefit them in anyways? Why are we punishing low population servers before alliances are even out? If they want to monitor the effects of outnumbered, then they should wait till alliances are released to see if outnumbered is needed. Not take it away now when alliances are probably a year out. All you're doing is making it less incentive for low server populations to play during non-peak hours. Also who cares if people chase the outnumbered pip bonuses? They are still capping camps, and taking sentry points, repairing walls and stuff for their server. The +2 pip bonus is great, I support that idea due to how low pips are to get now. Maybe instead of removing outnumbered completely they just bring it down 3 extra pips. I also am one that doesn't actively hunt down outnumbered pips being a roamer, but getting it while roaming is pretty nice. I enjoy that extra bonus and dopamine rush. Reward Tracks are also pretty terrible the way it stands right now. You either join the zerg or have slower overall progress if you are a roamer or run a small havoc squad. In all the honestly the entire wvw rewards need to be changed, but that can be addresses after they finish restructuring wvw and get alliances out. It's amazing how many people are like "Ya take away extra rewards for playing a game mode that already suffers from bad rewards and real life time it takes".
  7. I don't agree with the outnumbered pips being removed. It's already incredibly slow to gain pips. While I think the +2 pips overall is a decent change it still doesn't help with how long it takes to get pips and/or also complete tracks. This seems to favor heavily populated servers before alliances are even out, and punish smaller groups and roamers for playing WvW the way they enjoy to. Which goes against anet's philosophy with GW2. As someone who really enjoys roaming; it helped to be rewarded a bit more for going into the back areas of an enemy territory to capture camps/sentries, cutting off supplies. Not to mention jumping to a BL that needs players and benefit even if it's only for 15 minutes the increase pips. This intended change also punishes players who aren't able to play during peak time WvW in NA times and EU times. This also shoehorns players into blobbing instead of doing their own things. It's already incredibly difficult to complete a reward track, max out pip rewards, and rank up by roaming over joining a zerg. This in my opinion will be less incentive for players to join less populated borderland because there is no "reward" for doing so. You instead are better off sticking to one BL than jumping to help in another BL once outnumbered is removed. The overall way pips are gained needs improvements as it heavily favors blobbing objectives over linking up with smaller groups and/or roaming by yourself. I also feel like until Alliances are polished and fully released it's not a good idea to punish players on low server populations by taking away their outnumbered pip bonus. I believe if you want to make this change, you need to do it when alliances are live, and you are able to monitor if outnumbered is effective at incentivizing players to play WvW, when "balance" is achieved with alliances. Out of all the game modes, WvW is the slowest, less rewarding, and the most tedious to do. Not to mention the GpH for WvW compared to PvE is awful. I think this will just make new players less likely to play WvW.
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