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Totalkill.8014's Achievements

  1. I mostly play OW but his my 2 cents, with Elite spec if I have enough experence on them. Ravenant: Lackluster weapons and really silly Energy system Also upkeep skills are just a pain, I havn't play this for years or for to long. Guardian: Sounds like a heavy def class but is DPS and franky I find very squshy. Also it Staff sucks. Don't get me starting on Whirling Wrath, stupidly designed skill. Warrior: Only Bladesworn actually makes it feel different and it has a lot of useless weapons and skills. Also its movement/damage skills are wierd.Thief: Squishy, boring and really poorly done. If you want to play Deadeye at range decently then you basicly just spam unload, every thing else is three buttons to win. Also the whole steal Mechanicis stupid and don't get me starting on how deadeye sniper is poorly done. Ranger: Not played much, Long bow is boring and pets are unintreasting. Also, needs better ranged weapons. Necro: Core is not worth playing, Reaper is fun but needs more moblity, scourge is best one. Not tried Harbinger. It needs some more intreasting weapons and The whole life force Mechanic needs a over all. Mesmer: Clones/phantasms are a pain, They should have been a skill or something you can use to distract but not a core Mechanic. Shatter should be detached from clones. Also there skills are a obnoxious shade of pink. Elementalist: Who though that you need to play the piano just to do a decent job was a good idea? Elements should have been for different situations and you can camp in it instead of having to either get carpet tunnel, rebind all or keys or invest in a new keyboard/mouse with multiple button set up just to do ok. Also staff is the wizard weapon so why is it a gimmick? Also buff it's defence. Good Ranged option WHEN? Engineer: My main and most played so I am going to really let rip: First, lack of weapons, it didn't get a melee weapon until HoT Which should have been a core weapon. Secondly, the kits suck and even with Grade kit it has this stupid manual aim Mechanic unlike every ability of its type. Gadgets are useless, Turrets are a complete joke. The Tool belt is implmenting in such a way that if you want to use a good skill on it you sometimes have to take a sucky utility. There is no power off hand and Shield just doesn't feel like it fits with the class. And there is only 2 of hand weapons, we need a new offhand. All I can say is thank goodness Scapper was reworked and we got holosmith otherwise playing engineer would be closer playing a Organ then a piano. Those mechaniset (despite being face roll easy) is a godsend and almost an apology from A-net, before they nerfed it. What all the Classes need is to have their identity back, to make sharing boons across greater distances possable and to make ranged builds outside of OW PVE possable. And of topic, why fo all characters have to share keybinds? they all play differently (some rely on there class mechanic more then others), If I am playing different classes it makes sense to have them bound differently without having to by a new keyboard/mouse to do it and get special software for it. Come on A-Net.
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