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Posts posted by Grunties.6178

  1. On 9/23/2021 at 3:50 PM, Healix.5819 said:

    Are you sure? Most people who have complained about this simply didn't realize that their password was being saved because it doesn't actually show it in the box - it shows ****** in gray. If the checkbox is checked when the launcher starts, it's saved, and the login button will be purple instead of blue.

    If it's actually not being saved, start by deleting Local.dat (under %appdata%/Guild Wars 2), which is where it saves your login. If it's still not saving, it's a problem with your user account (in Windows) or Windows installation.

    You place the cursor in the very beginning of the password field indicating you are expecting a person to type something there. If the username and password are prefilled, the focus should be on the login button. If not there, at the very least at the end of the prefilled text, not the beginning. Making the login button purple does not help in this regard as that isn't a universal color for "go", "ready", etc. If everything is prefilled, then the user hasn't seen what the color previously was. Blue/purple is meaningless if you aren't used to seeing the two states. Green would be a much better hint, but for me it's still overridden by the cursor placement and asterisk color.

    The asterisks are the light grey that most UIs use for example text, and when you start to type in that field you then overwrite the grey text. It looks to me like an example password. That seems like a weird thing to use as an example, but not as wrong as placing the focus/cursor in the beginning of the field and having the prefilled text a light grey.

    • Confused 2
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  2. You all have been really great about giving us options to deal with annoying sounds and such, but a new one has popped up.

    Would you please flag the sounds that minis and tonics make so that we can turn them off with "Other Player's Unique Item Sounds"?

    The Halloween tonic(?) that changes someone from skeleton to spider, etc. was annoying enough, but the new Ghost mini sounds for the Jade Bot are driving me crazy. If I turn them off with the "Effects Volume" slider, I lose all action/spell effects as well.

    I really think that extraneous fluff should be on a separate channel from important sounds like combat effects, the way environmental sounds are separate. On that note, I'd love to be able to eliminate the repetitive NPC comments without losing story dialogue. As it stand, if I want to hear new story dialogue, I also have to listen to "more violets, less violence" over and over again. One of the big reasons I bought the Mistlock Sanctuary was to get away from all the noise, but now the ghosts are everywhere and I've lost that peace. I can't even use the mute key on my keyboard as that kills the sound from Discord, etc., so I have to go into options over and over again.

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  3. 11 hours ago, Missrawrtastic.3156 said:

    I noticed 2 large bumps on my car battery.
    I had them tested and one came back positive. Google says it’s terminal.

    Ok, I have to admit that's a good one.


    Just wanted to say that, even though I've only been a member for a few days, I'm really happy! There's always someone around and lots of group activities, but I don't feel lost in the crowd. 😄

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  4. Hello. I joined back in Beta, but my guild didn't stay long. I played solo for a while and then took a long break. I came back a couple of years ago and have been quite active since. I've tried out a couple of other guilds. I'm on a NA server, but since I had to retire early on disability, I'm on a lot during the day when they aren't very active. They're great people but tend to schedule events for the times I'm not available (Tues & Thurs evenings, most of Sat). A large guild will probably help mitigate that. I'd love an invite to see if we sync up.

  5. Has anyone been able to get credit for the "Star Fishing" achievement in the "All or Nothing" mastery in Thunderhead Peaks? I've been able to land at least a dozen fish in the basket without triggering the achievement. Some land on the rim, but I just had one that landed nose-first right in the very center of the basket and still no credit. I just need one more achiev to complete the mastery, and this one *should* be the easiest for me to get. I'd be done by now.


    edit: When the fish landed dead-center, it disappeared for a second and then reappeared laying on the rim.

  6. 9 hours ago, BlueIce.6951 said:

    I think it would also help to adjust the color of the text. 

    Like with a lot of UI/UX design, that gets tricky in a non-obvious way. For a UI, it's usually best to keep the same color for the same function unless the change in color imparts some additional information, like the name changing color to denote rarity. The brain likes consistency in general, and especially when looking for something quickly. If you mean choosing between light text on a dark item background and dark text on a light item background, that's solved by having a consistent light text with a dark outline* that hits all edges of the text with a sufficient radius, since you get contrast from the light text and dark background when on a dark background (where the outline blends into the background), and from the text and outline when on a light background. Plus you aren't left with a mushy look on a medium background where a light or dark text doesn't create sufficient contrast without an outline.


    *You might go with a dark text with a light outline instead, but that will depend on if your overall UI is designed to be "light on dark" or "dark on light". Going with the opposite from the rest of the UI usually denotes some information, like a very important header. It's often improperly used to denote a chosen option when there are only two to choose from, which gives you no good way to tell if it denotes "active" or "inactive". (I've seen it used both ways.) You need at least three possible options to deduce the odd man out. Sorry for the ramble. Proper UX has become a passion of mine. Waaaay too many companies fall flat with this—even ones that have become huge. (I'm glaring at you, Google.) I've actually been rather happy with GW2 and some of the changes ANet has made in response to user feedback, like Other Players' Unique Item Sounds and Disable Player Item Chatter.

    • Like 1
  7. If I hear "More violets, less violence" one more time, I might go mad. You can hear it in her voice just reading it, can't you?


    I can't go near the bank in Lion's Arch anymore with the volume on. I really wish we didn't need to hear every NPC interaction that other players have. I'd be fine if these limited phrases were played when just I interacted with the NPC, but to hear it over and over and over and over again while sorting my bank inventory is aggravating. Yes, I turn the volume off if I need to be in an area like this, but I'd like to not have to do that. (This isn't as bad as the unicorn-bow whinny was, since volume is important during combat. Thank you for giving us the option to kill that!)


    I'm guessing there are code limitations to fixing this, like turning off sound for other player's NPC interactions might also turn off sound for NPC dialogue if you are in someone else's story instance. Or maybe the timing or chance that a response plays is hardcoded rather than a variable, but I'm guessing the number of random responses and the corresponding audio file locations are stored in a database. If a high-volume NPC like a banker has three possible dialogue responses triggered by an interaction, adding nine possible responses that all point to a silent audio file would drop the play rate of the current responses to a 1/4 of what they are now. We'd still hear them here and there, but the reduced frequency would go a long way towards sanity.

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  8. Oh wait, which achievements are you talking about, Ra Ra? If you mean ones like Sneaky Sleuth during Party Politics, then yeah, can't be done on first playthrough. I thought you meant the "Return to" achievements.


    From the wiki:


    None of the below achievements can be obtained on the first play through of the story on a given character, and may only be obtained on subsequent visits on that character.


    I just realized that this is similar to the line Inculpatus cedo quoted. Someone must have updated the Wiki.

    • Confused 1
  9. I completed Return to Gates of Maguuma and Entanglement and Return to A Crack in the Ice on a new character. I played the story to level 10 then used a level 80 booster. I'm wondering if the booster sets a flag that allows this. I don't feel like putting the energy into playing a chapter with a level 80 character that hasn't been boosted. Is your character level 80? That alone might prevent it.


    Inventory numbers can be very difficult to read.

    Some items are fine, but others I find almost impossible. I can't tell the difference between 7 or 17 Master's Salvage Kits most of the time.

    Simply changing the typeface effect from dropshadow to outline would go a long way towards making the numbers legible on all item backgrounds.



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