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stone cold.8609

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Everything posted by stone cold.8609

  1. I noticed the same thing recently. I was able to fix it by equipping and unequipping the helm.
  2. Hi all, I remember seeing a post with some images of armor dyed with shadow abyss with polyluminescent black and polysaturation grey infusions but can't find them with the search. I seem to remember that they weren't very visible. Can someone help me find the link or post a couple of images if you have any of this combination? Thanks!
  3. "Fixed!", BadMed Until such time as someone comes along and manages to break the game with some crazy new build that ends up beating you constantly... Then it will just be the same old crying about Mesmer again. Core issues of Mesmer will always end up making players like you call for nerfs endlessly, we want the profession actually fixed as much as the next player, probably more so... tired of getting nerfed for things that are not even the real issue at all. Players like me will keep calling for nerfs as long as unskilled players keep hiding behind a broken spec and pretend that it's been nerfed to the ground. Mirage is ridiculously broken even after the CI temp change. Redesign or nerf, I don't care. I just want Mirage to loose some of its capabilities. It does way too much in terms of ability to spike damage, spam conditions, endless CCs, endless escape mechanics to engage at will along with excellent mobility. A purely subjective post that ignores that every profession currently has a build with way too much of everything you are singling out Mesmer for. Also, Mirage has limited CC capabilities, actually gaining nothing over Core Mesmer in terms of CC at all. You are always crying for nerfs on Mesmer... without at least providing clear numerical example of how they are overperforming. You seem to just have the same issues of many players, dealing with clones through use of environment and AoE. They are doing the same to Mesmer what they were doing to necro come join us sit by us. And Engineer. Have you noticed what was done to Scrapper and Holosmith in the latest efforts at "balance."
  4. I'm still optimizing, but have had really good luck so far by taking the meta power rifle holo build, swapping in scrapper line, hammer, plus 3 or so gyros: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFACncoCtpitoC0ehlRk67UWlWh+LzyuEsWylAA-jhRBAB4pDAgLAAlq/Y8DAwMlgXt/o8DA-e The third utility can be bulwark gyro, rifle turret, battering ram, or whatever you need at the moment. Feels and plays very sturdy for a full glass DPS build. It does have a better burst than I would have expected (no where as good as holo, however), but does rely on keeping targets in your fields for this. The new gyros actually work now and don't die instantly or get lost due to awful AI pathing. And best of all, I can use my Juggernaut in the build!
  5. Great job! I would buy this expansion if ANet goes in this direction. One small suggestion - as an Asura Engineer, could we please get an updated set of kit/turret skins as part of this? The current ones are just so crude looking for a race that is so technologically advanced.
  6. Just completed the first story step and instead of taking me to Thunderhead Keep, I was transported back to the Priory. My story shows a green star there, I can't figure out how to get back from the Priory. EDIT: same bug as was reported by Princess Moonlyght above. EDIT 2: I had to use a teleport to a friend to get there and was able to continue.
  7. The only problem I have with arcdps is that it is a 3rd party program. I don't want to deal with the hassle of updating/troubleshooting bugs after every patch. If a dps meter was offered from Anet, I would use it all the time.
  8. Sorry for your experience. Toxic people exist in game unfortunately. Dungeons used to be one of the places where you saw this kind of behavior. I still routinely run dungeons and I haven't seen this in a while (4W + 1M, 5K AP zerk or kick, anyone remember this from 2012-13?). It is so hard to get a party to run any of the paths now a days, people generally are much more accepting of any warm body to get the run going. Where I see more toxicity is in T4 fractals, esp CMs, and raids. DPS meters aren't going to change this behavior since some other more arbitrary metric will then be used. A raid geared character kicked from AC path 2 for low DPS doesn't make sense to me. I'm fairly certain that any DPS you were doing would be much more than the combined output of 2 (or even 3) fresh low level characters that I carry through the paths on a regular basis. Two fully geared level 80s DPS builds that know the fight are more than enough to carry a full team.
  9. I've got this bug now too. Have key in inventory, at 4/10 on my 3 time through the achievement and none of the chests are reset. Any word from ANet about this? Anyone find a way to resolve the issue?
  10. I blame the hobo sack appearance that the kits had when the game first launched. Anyone else remember these? I know that they put me off engineer for a while!
  11. Agree with the OP as well. There are a couple of mounts that I would pay for, but I will not buy any of them because of the locking them behind an RNG gambling adoption license scheme. Count me as another player disappointed by this.
  12. I still have the enlarged launch screen. Unchecking the DPI in the game (after I finally got my changes to not revert on logging out) does not affect this. Can the launch screen also be set to ignore the DPI?
  13. PvE comment only - Didn't like the direction that Dragonhunter took the Guardian. Really like the direction that Firebrand is going.
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