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  1. God...... this forum is so full with crybabies...........😒 Nice Monatge Elf!
  2. I mean peoples really still cry about thief these days? When there are Pepe Mesmers around, Willbenders and Celestial abusers? Pepe Renegades spamming their Shortbow and instagib thiefs easily.. Thief is a joke. It is good at roaming and that was it. Funny when some blobbers cry because thief runs away when they come with blob for killing 1 thief. 😅
  3. So making literally warrior 2.0 out of it. 🫠 Makes no sense because Thief has middle armor and literally no fight on point possibilities. Ugh
  4. What annoys me about Vallun's video is that he speaks as if he represents the majority. He definitely doesn't represent the roamers (which are affected the most of it!) , because I don't know any roamer who thinks Cele is good or not broken. The argument that a broken set is needed in the game is also kind of hollow. How are newcomers supposed to become good if a stat plays the game for them? Especially since in the hands of veterans this set is just really idiotic.
  5. You guys write it so that only thief has all of this? When you use a Zerg Build or only copypaste them and don't build for it, then it is your fault. Why does alot of folks still have this mentality that they can beat everything in the game with 1 build? Thief is one of the least played classes in the game, why is that? When it would be sooo scary OP like you want to show it here ......then why not everyone is hopping on it like the scrapper tsunami lately in the pvp?
  6. Do you hijack now every thread here in the thief sub only because you need a big load of copium?
  7. Frodo & Sam was also waltz around in Mordor and the mighty Sauron didn't see it.
  8. What do you mean with indirect buff? The change is that u have to do the combo more and that u get punished when u want to sit in stealth. But there is no real buff to ini gain. Before SA change u gained Ini for sitting in stealth.
  9. It is about thief here. You said the ini gain was buffed but it wasn't. It was reworked.
  10. Where was the buff for ini gain? They reworked SA yes. But instead gaining Ini in Stealth you gain now when u enter it and leave it (2 for entering and 1 for leaving it). So it wasn't a buff more a rework to prevent "permastealth".
  11. So the game can only be played then with Gurdian, Necro and Engi. All other class users should simply uninstall the game. Okay.
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