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Everything posted by Dyfinz.2348

  1. This is not the first time someone suggested this. It actually may be the fourth...but for your sake...hahaha good one. B)
  2. I remember they had special PVP effects on a monthly or weekly (so rotating time frame) on players in GW1. One I rememeber somewhat was like "There Can Only Be One" and you did like 20% more damage to players of the same profession during matches. So what am I getting at? The developers were able to implement an active effect on players across the board.If instanced, or separate server hardmode is impossible, perhaps an optional HardMode effect could be put on individuals players that chose it so. A few ideas: HardMode can only be selected by level 80 characters.HardMode for any map/zone must be 100% complete before a player can activate HardMode on that map.A few ideas about some of the mechanics (they do not have to combined): Players under the effect of HardMode:Take double damage from all sourcesMove 10% slower, speed boosts have no effecthealing is reduced by 33%, this stacks with poisonBoons are reduced by 50% effectiveness or duration.If the list above is not likely or desirable:New harder faster, way deadlier foes in current servers are placed in the current maps. (Perhaps better AI?)HardMode Hearts that deal with harder tasks and foes can be completed by those under HardMode effects. Basically just redo with harder foes if it too much work.These foes are non-aggro to players without HardMode effect and therefor are invuln to non HardMode players, i.e. they will be perceived as friendly and unable to attack them. This is so HardMode players receive no help, and low levels don't get killed.Now the content should be able to be completed by all/most players but... It can not be forgiving for poor planning and bad gear/food/utilitiesLack of understanding what kind of foes and situational awarness should be punished in Hard Mode.Why would anyone want this? They enjoy maps, and often frequent some of the same ones everyday.Mentoring could still be accomplished because they are on the same map.Slightly better rewards.A new series of achievements and things to do without going full out expansion.What kind of rewards? 1-3 Gold for completing a map on HMAfter completing all maps on HM (HM World completion), the player recieves a special weapons chest (maybe get another design a weapon contest for these), and an achievement,~~ Legendary Hero of Somthinruther~~This idea may repopulate older/core maps, make new players percieve even higher population in the game, and ultimately drive them to purchase content from developers especially if they are FTP.Old dogs can show the new pups some tricks once again. I am full of many more bad ideas but for now......What do you think about that? (How about we focus on growing the idea of how it can be done, versus as to rather whether or not it should?)
  3. Rewards and a title are nice. Being elite would be great. I am not elite.; I'll buy fashion with real world money (credit to gems) if I want something special.But I love the core maps, (the atmosphere, ambient music, ect), especially Ascalon maps. and I think a hard mode of sorts would be invigorating. I like playing in those areas but they can quickly become un-challening. Even if the loot was the same, sometimes I just want to pass time doing something I consider enjoyable. ...in this case Hard Mode core maps.Also if this was a purchase from Anet or BL upgrade I would pay the full price as if it was an expansion, and while some forum regulars may doubt it, I am willing to bet others would also pay for it. I am not arguing as to why others may do harder content, but consider this: When you play a game on console that is not on the internet/online, do you choose the easiest mode? Do you ever consider the hardest, as a personal challenge?The hardest of modes are not for everyone, certainly, but an enhanced challenge for core maps would be welcomed, rest assured.
  4. No, just a little less ogre in the male Norns considering how nice the females look.
  5. I gave this idea some thought...and now it would seem pointless. Why? Just go to a higher level area as a low level character and wham...hard mode. Only thing missing would be better loot, and achievements, but it would seem that the "community" does not care to see it in any shape or form.I am out of ideas...for now.
  6. I thought about a few ideas to keep it all on one server, and not split up the population. With this idea the foes would not attack faster or move faster. How about an optional hard mode/heroic mode as an effect on the player that has reached certain level + AP points? Under this effect: Player would recieve double damage.Foes apply conditions/more stacks if already previously (on the player under this effect)Healing for the player reduced by 25%Allies not under this effect could not provide boons to the playerDamage from the player reduced by 25%All hearts, poi's, vistas repeatable onceDying more than x times under this effect will remove the effect and put on cooldown for x minutes or x hours.The reward could be just more APs or titles....maybe a AP grind reward?
  7. I did say the content would have to be acknowledged twice before entering, and it would be optional of course, and the players should be at least level 80.Maybe make an AP requirement to ensure some experience has been acquired and not just poof insta-80.Players might complain that content is too hard, but I do not think it should be made easier if the content is an optional more challenging mode. Sometimes accomplishments should have prestige that shows skill or at least dedication to a grind...sometimes not everyone can have the trophy, or something like that. For these two, I see them as one problem.Instances could work, but I am not sure how you could have a reasonable population. Would it work like dungeons? What about smaller population server like the mad king maps?Perhaps a hard-mode consolidating server across the game where players are redirected if they choose this mode could be a solution.Is the population so low? There might be a different issue here, without regards to hard-mode existing or not.
  8. Well I did say "great rewards" in my OP, but I was thinking about those being hidden behind a series of hard-mode achievements. Players getting better loot hidden behind more challenging content and achievements is core to this game, and so I do not think that is a valid reason to shoot the idea down. If the idea costs money and manpower that could provide better and more desirable content to the general player masses, then obviously it would be a wasted effort.I won't pretend to know what kind of work it would take. I am thinking of this idea on my own, and even I could shoot the idea down myself, but I am putting out a suggestion mostly to get some positive interaction from the GW2 community. It is not like if you respond with a good idea that makes the original concept plausible, that the development team is gonna go out tomorrow and change the game. I propose a challenge for this...or any other thread: If you see a problem with the idea, state it plainly, but also try to recommend a solution that could make it work. Now you are also a contributing artist.
  9. I can still outrun them, and they will drop pursuit...almost had it...almost
  10. Now I know there are harder, more exclusive areas for players who want a challenge and end game play (raids...higher tier fractals?), but those can be exclusive to the casual player who wants a more difficult challenge, especially if they do not have optimal gear and/or dps. Would it be possible for lvl. 80 players to have an option that they can choose so that when they enter a map, it asks if they would like a hard mode map. The events would have more foes, foes would have higher levels than the players, and have bonus damage. They would also take reduced condi-durations applied to them. Also they would always attack 20-25% faster and move 25-50% faster, and never give up pursuit until dead. Now this obviously should be an option they have checked, and also doubly agree before entering a map. Perhaps it may even encourage pug groups, or just regular formations of squads. (if they do form a squad...scale the difficulty even harder...hard mode damn it..for all group sizes) If it were to ever come about, I might think that new achievements (some say the AP well is dry), and great rewards. Someone hurry up and shoot my idea down....before i get carried away.
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