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Posts posted by razaelll.8324

  1. @Sombra.3246 said:

    I see that pvp balance changes are done very rarely and in my opinion that is the main reason people get frustrated. I believe that if you do small frequent balance updates , more people will participate in pvp.

    Best regards and be healthy!

    This exactly the problem, good eye buddy, but keep enjoying the game it's still great

    Thanks buddy!

    Wow I want some love too buddies <3

    Love you buddy <3

  2. @Marxx.5021 said:There are simply not enough player left to form matchups in all skill/expirience ranges.

    I think you are right, there are not many ppl playing spvp and the matchmaking is promoting high ranked players to carry low ranked ones, which is probably very frustrating for the high ranked players, but if the matchmaking system is changed to match you with people only around your rating then, i think the wait times specially for high rank players will be too long. I am not sure what is the right solution to this problem except trying to attract more players to play spvp by more small frequent balance changes and a new spvp mode.

  3. @Avatar.3568 said:

    I see that pvp balance changes are done very rarely and in my opinion that is the main reason people get frustrated. I believe that if you do small frequent balance updates , more people will participate in pvp.

    Best regards and be healthy!

    This exactly the problem, good eye buddy, but keep enjoying the game it's still great

    Thanks buddy!

  4. Hello Anet devs,

    If you read this i would like to congratulate you for the combat design. I am playing the game from about a month , mostly doing pvp and learning the classes and i must say i never had so much fun in a fantasy mmoprg pvp in the last 10 years. The combat design is really dynamic and interesting in my opinion and player skill and knowledge really matters which is something which most of the mmos dont have. I was a bit sceptical about how would 3v3 work , but so far i love it. I believe that 2v2, 3v3 should be added permanetly not only as off seasons , because in my opinion the only thing which gw2 pvp lacks is a bit more variety in terms of pvp modes.

    I see a lot of people talking about the pvp balance, i am still too unexperianced to talk about it in details, but from what i have seen so far it looks like gw2 has the closes thing to an actual balance which i have seen in a mmorpg, all other mmos which i have played like wow,bdo,eso,tera and so on have much worse pvp balance. I see that pvp balance changes are done very rarely and in my opinion that is the main reason people get frustrated. I believe that if you do small frequent balance updates , more people will participate in pvp.

    Best regards and be healthy!

  5. @Lucentfir.7430 said:

    @Azure The Heartless.3261 said:Movie incorrect, headbutt crits for 7.Spar with me though

    Herbert was using Zerker statsI'll see you in the ring B)

    @Shao.7236 said:So the reasoning is, make everyone overpowered so nobody can be underpowered because tipping the balance in equal match ups is too difficult?

    no, the primary reasoning is to make people giggle in these trying times

    @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:Also imagine bringing some argument about fighting against holosmith, which have a bit overtuned sustain as an example lol, the spec screams "dmg af" and it still have pretty decent/high sustain available at it's disposal. kekw


    @Ghos.1326 said:Honestly though, if you want to play a game where everything kills everything really fast, including tanks, play BDO.

    I'm good. I don't hate myself

    Prefer an equilibrium personally where tanks/bunkers can be very disruptive and punish hyperaggressive play, where high risk DPS builds carry high reward for smart/risky play, and where the supports in my Discord are encouraged to work very hard on their friendship. ?

    I play Paladins for this. I used to play PvP in a game called Guild Wars 2, but its something else now.Overwatch before, but what happened to that game isn't too dissimilar to what happened to this one.Paladins tried to do the same thing at one point, but completely undid their massive patch because most people didn't like having all the fun stripped from the game for some balance farce.

    Guess which one I play the most now

    When it comes to other games It's really weird to also see WoW having a better pvp state than gw2, it's like they swapped places, and GW2 is having it's own BFA disaster(probably worse) right now in all aspects.

    I can't in my right mind even recommend friends to play Gw2 for pvp because it's in such a awful state.

    In my opinion you are wrong here. I quitted WoW 3 weeks ago because of the PvP state and in my opinion WoW PvP balance is much worse than Gw2. Also in WoW you have gear gated behind rating and gear mater much more in pvp now than ever before and skill start to matter less and less. From what i have seen so far GW2 has much much more skill based combat and i am glad that i switched to play GW2 and left WoW, because i am having much more fun in here than i ever had in WoW PVP during BFA and SL. Also the toxicity level of wow PvP is beyond bad. I will give you an example. I was playing healer and found a team for 3v3 arena. We played 2 games , won both of them and then i got kicked of the party. I asked why i got kicked and they started flaming at me that we DIDNT WIN FAST enough because i am a bad healer. Some classes there are so forgiving and others if you do even a small mistake you are dead. Some specs in WoW are not even playable for PvP Healer monk for example .... and there are so much mroe issues with WoW pvp that i dont even want to talk about. My point is that GW2 has much much better PvP where personal skill matters much much more in my opinion and I am disappointed that i didn't started playing it earlier.

    4 more friends which we played WoW together came with me in GW2 after i recommended them the game and they have the same opinion as mine and for now having much more fun in GW2.

    Best regards and be healthy!

  6. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @razaelll.8324 said:Hello ,

    I am new player, playing from 3 weeks. Currently at 1150 rating. I wish to share my opinion on the discussion. In my opinion pvp should be balanced around high skill players , because skill should be the main factor of who wins and who looses a game. I am playing mmo rpgs from 17 years, and GW2 has unique combat design in which skill really matters. The game cannot be balanced around low rated ppl like me which dont know what they are doing. If a person is not willing to put effort in learning and improving thats not a problem of the game designers. If a person is mainly loosing and dont put eny effort in understanding why he is loosing then he deserves his low rating.

    And on that day there were words of truth that bombarded the forum like an avalanche coming off a mountain.

    I am not sure do you agree or are you surcastic, will be happy if you can clarify that. Thanks in advance.

    Best regards and be healthy!

  7. Hello ,

    I am new player, playing from 3 weeks. Currently at 1150 rating. I wish to share my opinion on the discussion. In my opinion pvp should be balanced around high skill players , because skill should be the main factor of who wins and who looses a game. I am playing mmo rpgs from 17 years, and GW2 has unique combat design in which skill really matters. The game cannot be balanced around low rated ppl like me which dont know what they are doing. If a person is not willing to put effort in learning and improving thats not a problem of the game designers. If a person is mainly loosing and dont put eny effort in understanding why he is loosing then he deserves his low rating.

    I am also a developer and i am pretty sure that the game designers dont balance the game around top 100 players and they consider much wider range of players participating in pvp. The pvp have low population because of many factors in my opinion and "toxic" builds are very small portion of them, becuase if you really want to counter this builds you can and what is even better you dont need to farm levels and gear in order to jump on a different character to do that.

    One of the main factors for low population in rated pvp in my opinion is that there is only 1 mode which also depends very much on your team skills not only on your personal skills and i believe that is much larger factor than "toxic" builds another biger factor in my opinion is boting and hacking.

    The main problem i have as a new player in pvp is to learn to recognize the build which my enemy have and how to play aganst it and that takes time, also reaction time is something which i am working on. To get good in any competative pvp you need time , practise, knoledge and patiance....

    For me and from what i have seen so far GW2 has the most fun and skill based pvp in fantasy mmorpg out on the marked and i hope it would continue be that way

    This is my 2 cents.

    Have a great day and be healthy!

  8. Well i surely do not have the experience yet to comment the state of balance in gw2 , but when i tryed it forfirst time back in 2016 i didnt liked it much, but now i am having a lot of fun.

    "What's been happening to gw2 is basically a slow dismantling of that combat fluidity...by annihilating build diversity and gutting skill usefulness and functionality which just makes it less hands on...a slow killing of the game."

    The same thing is happening in WoW and every other mmorpg i played, but gw2 pvp is the most enjoyable for me at them moment. Or atleast for now i feel like outplaying enemies actually makes difference.

  9. Hello guys,

    I got back to play gw2 recently coming from WoW and i must say that in my opinion gw2 pvp is in a way much better place than WoW pvp. WoW pvp is a real clown fiesta and way more toxic. Imagine joining a team in a ranked 3v3 as a healer do 2 wins and after that you get kicked, because you didnt win fast enought, that what happened to me. So far i really enjoy gw2 pvp and the community and from all fantasy mmorpgs which i played recently i think that gw2 is the one in which skill matters most.

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