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Posts posted by razaelll.8324

  1. 5 hours ago, Crozame.4098 said:

    Of course there are many ways to address the same issue. But hard to say which is better. But its fine, because the next expansion will make everything worse.

    its true thats its hard to say which one is better, just from my point of view, necro in general dont have that many defencives in terms of evades, invuns, blocks so a projectile blocking is good for the class, but maybe the way that skill works in not the best , because that skill alone is okay , but combined with all of the other AoE fields which necro and scourge specifically has makes it very uninteractive. 

    About the next expansion, i prefer to have no expectations , because in that way i wont get disappointed , so i can enjoy it for what it is, not for what it could be

  2. 18 minutes ago, Crozame.4098 said:

    I mean, I am referring to that one skill that most scourge uses, its in the meta battle. 


    Scourges have no blocks or invul, you are right. But I think the reason I am voting for removing the block part is mainly because of ressing. Think about it, scourge put down the well, and the cloud, and maybe the elite on the body that it tries to ress. Then you cannot cleave from ranged because of that 8 sec projectile block, it will also put kitten loads of condition if you try to cleave in melee range. 


    Of course you can say that you can save stomp, but

    1) not many classes have save stomp. (stab does not work here because of the corruptions)

    2) even for the classes that have save stomp, it might be too late because of the insane ressing speed.

    3) Good scourges also can port the downed away, to deny the stomp.




    Yes thats the skill.


    I understand you point and its a fair one in my opinion, but i think its better to adress the ressing and aoe fields spam.

  3. Hello Anet,

    If you read this i would like to suggest to keep this ATs, because in my opinion they are very fun and bring some pvp game mode variety, which is needed in sPvP in my opinion. I dont know the usual team participation of conquest ATs, but yesterday in the 2v2 AT in EU there were 54 teams and it was very fun in my opinion. Cant wait for todays 3v3 AT.

     Have a great week.

    • Like 1
  4. 19 hours ago, Crozame.4098 said:

    Maybe you can clarify its corruption instead of wells. Instead of being a kitten.

    not all corruption abilities of Necro have project blocking , in fact as far as i know its just one and its called Corrosive poison cloud if memory dont lye to me(i assume this is the ability you are referring to). Since necro has no blocks or invulnerabilities and limited access to evade abilities i think the projectile block of poison cloud is okay and the problem with scourge is, the barrier application and that it can support allies with barrier while damage enemies at the same time.

  5. 4 hours ago, Faux Play.6104 said:


    Have to agree with this.  Matchmaking that puts 3 gold players vs. a bunch of legendary and pro leaguers should get this kind of reaction.  

    The match making is trying to match the average rating of both teams so its pretty unlikely to have team of gold players against a team of legendary or plat3 and if that happens the team of gold players will loose very small ammount of points or not loose any at all... Maybe people should stop blaming the match making aways and start analizing their games to see why exactly they loose.


    Edit: dont get me wrong the match making could be improved and has problems of his own which i made a thread about, but the scenario described above is very very unlikely to happen.

    • Haha 3
  6. 56 minutes ago, Tanbin.9402 said:

    It uses Glicko-2, which is used in a myriad of platforms. Would you be concerned about the RD (deviation)?

      <Rating default="1200" min="100" max="5000" max-change="300" profession-ratio="0.0"/>
      <Deviation default="350" min="30" max="350" period="3d" max-periods="20"/>
      <Volatility default="0.06" min="0.04" max="0.08" system-constant="0.5"/>

    RD is defaulted at 350 from GW2's configuration, which is standard for Glicko-2.


    µ = (r − 1500)/173.7178

    φ = RD/173.7178


    This assumes a player would play 1 ranked game and induce a deviation of 0.06 volatility over time, of course these calculations aren't updated after every match (that would be dumb). 


    µ = rating


    Playing against n opponents with ratings µ1, . . . , µn


    v =   Xn j=1 g(φj ) 2E(µ, µj , φj ){1 − E(µ, µj , φj )}   −1


    Reverse engineering RD from Glicko-2 is basically: rating change = function (game result, RD, rating difference)


    To visually see this you can do this in a sandbox, just npm glicko2's javascript package based on GW2's configurations. Make dummy matches based on the deviations -> New Player -> https://codepen.io/superkaratemonkey/pen/JjNdgME


    On paper and in the sandbox you can see the ratings work fine, and are good, if the population is good. With an inconsistent population, the matchmaker is forced to find and search players from different rank divisions to accommodate for the lack of rank you currently are at. This search is done on both ends, if you are in gold 1-2 and manage to find yourself in a match against top 5's. Or you are with top 5's and a few gold 1-2's and find yourself against all plat players like I mentioned. 


    The elo system is mathematically inferior to glicko-2 on paper, and they both obviously reach the same goal but Glicko-2 is designed to reach that goal faster, which makes sense given the amount of time a season is compared to LoL's Elo system vs GW2's Glicko-2 system. Faster rating computation is technically better for quicker seasons but comes at a cost with lower population.


    With all of this, I would say the matchmaking itself is indeed fine, and works as it should. With the given population, within the pseudo-code is where the issues arise due to lack of population.

    def tryMakeMatch(target, queue, config)

    It will attempt to match against qualified opponents, and then will use padding and a filtering process to find whatever they can after the fact. I could be wrong on this though. 



    I generally feel the padding is indeed more prevalent due to population concerns more so than adjusting to find you a better match in the matchmaking protocol due to being an "outlier". 


    With that I would say the system itself that's in place is fine, and works fine on other game platforms as well. But those games have populations that span far greater than ours with exponentially more members within their rank divisions to accommodate for the matchmaking algorithm.


    You'll constantly find in this game being matched with players that shouldn't be anywhere near you in the matchmaking algorithm especially during specific hours throughout the day/night. A lot of players will abuse this and que at night, because they know padding and filtering from the example code above will work in their favor to help farm up rank.


    Its highly unlikely to have 2 gold players in 1 team and all plat+ players in the other.. it is much more likely to place 1 gold player in each team, thats what i ment. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Tanbin.9402 said:

    its a decent matchmaker, its just there's virtually no consistent rank population in this game, its scattered, so often times you'll get 2 gold 1-2 players as a plat2 while your other team may have almost all plat players

    Acording to the algorithm published this is not the case

  8. 1 hour ago, Shao.7236 said:

    At least he comes around to see if it gets any better because he cares about it.

    He doesnt from all of his posts (rant and nothing constructive) you can see that he cares only for him self.

  9. 3 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

    why do you still play this game?

    i don't, and i don't even need mat to tell me how boring and bad balance game currently is after playing myself 


    i only watched 1 min of teapot footage to tell how garbage the game was.

    look at the teams, NA can't even find enough good players to make two decent team for how dead it is, not even going to mention the comps, necro is clearly incredibly over-tuned when stacked, thief is busted roamer as always, guard just used because there's no other option for support, rev and holo while being better then most classes, but get negated by stacking necros as it requires less brain.


    i haven't touched it for like month, except log on to see new skins for update and i don't even need to log on now to tell the meta for there's 0 changes happening.

    just wondering why u still play this garbage and posting this here after watching 2min of footage from teapot and off.

    Didnt you get tired of writing the same thing in the forums man? We got it you dont like the game.... Leave it and find something that you enjoy, but because you dont like the game doesn't mean that everybody else dont like it, there are many people which do .

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

    When a team coordinates, especially randos, coordinates to make kills, you don't demoralize that with insta res and teleports.


    You have no justification.


    Now, it would be different if the game mode was full team and comms, but it aint.


    Res traits need to go.


    If you want to res your ally, you need to use all of your utes and lose about 75% of your health if it is a cleave scenario.


    I swear to Balthazar that devs just sit in a room to troll and irritate.


    Make the dang game mode fun.


    Damage is low, and necros are on top.



    I started getting worried about you mate 

  11. 3 hours ago, Math.5123 said:

    Look at wow arenas, battlegrounds, eso pvp, gw1 ha, gvg and TA. All of them are dying without content. 

    I dont think their pvp is dying because of lack of content.


    WoW pvp is dying because its very unbalanced, unfriendly for new people, grindy , unfriendly for alts , full with boosters and win traders, also lack of good lfg system and soloq.


    ESO was very very unbalanced when i played it and also unfriendly for new people.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, vegetableknife.4561 said:

    I just started playing a few months ago so the majority of what I've seen on the forums isn't necessarily positive.  Was there a time when sPvP was "good" and people generally enjoyed it and the meta at the time?  Like, were there pvp guilds around or something.

    There is aways people complaining man, i wouldn't advice you to form your opinion based on forum posts, just play it and see if you enjoy it or not, because fun is subjective term. 


    If you need any help pm me in game i will be happy to share my knowledge about the game and the classes i know.


    Have a great day/night and have fun.

    • Like 1
  13. 55 minutes ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

    Not trying to be elitist just stating the truth. A lot of comments in this thread are very clearly coming from people who have never seen how the build is played past 1600+ or in ATs.



    I agree with that , but maybe choose your words more carefully if you dont want to be viewed as elitist.


    Grimjack is famous with his toxic and elitist behaviour, so many people dont take him seriously because of that.



    Also you said "People can say what they want about the builds actual effectiveness, but it's definitely a monkey build."


    Then this "Grim you forget that most of these peeps are permanently in gold and thus they are basing their understanding of MM on people who just sit there, they have never actually fought against an MM that bothers to properly kite. Cut them some slack."


    So by reading both either you are oversimplifing the build or saying that people in gold are worse than monkeys since they apperantly dont understand well enought a " braindead monkey" build.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:


    Grim you forget that most of these peeps are permanently in gold and thus they are basing their understanding of MM on people who just sit there, they have never actually fought against an MM that bothers to properly kite. Cut them some slack.

    People in gold are not braindead, i do not understand your elitist attitude.


    People are in gold because they are not on the same level as plat people that does not mean they are braindead and cannot think ...

    • Like 1
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  15. 3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    Everything you've said is exemplary of what I described in my post about misinformed & biased points of views.

    Nope its not, can you atleast try to address the concerns which i mentioned , becuase you didnt the last time also.


    As i said i am 100 % for trying it out, but i am concerned that the results will not be good.


    Also please let me know why you think my opinion is "biased" , because it is formed on already existing teamq systems and the result which we see in them is far worse than what we have now in gw2.


    "And as far as the wah wah wah goes about "I don't want to queue with teams to have a badge" I can say to those people that, well then maybe you don't want that badge badly enough if you don't want to compete for it. "


    You can compete for badge without being forced into looking for group by your own and let a system find the group for you, this statement is illogical.



    The system which you are proposing is perfect for your gameplay and the way you enjoy the game, but it is not for people which are playing more casually and cant play the game at very specific hours.


    Please instead of calling me biased explain to me how a teamq only system will fix boosting problems, match manipulating problems, afk players.


    Thank you in advance.


  16. 5 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


    So is the entire fractal CM T4 community. 95% of those players do not know each other. They just join LFGs nightly.


    I guess that's what I"m trying to point out here. Joining LFG for 5man pvp is no differnet than joining LFG for 5man fractal. Many people who are against the idea of "needing to form 5 man teams" are people who have never actually tried it more than once upon a time 4+ years ago. Things are different now. LFGs for teams in ATs fill up faster than T4 groups. It's just not a hard thing to do. I don't think people realize this. And those groups in LFG don't care if you go into discord or not. 9/10x they don't even bring it up at all.

    AT is once every few hours thats why the groups are filling faster. Yesterday a guildmate waited 40 minutes in lfg to find group for t4 fractial cms. So if ranked become teamq only what makes you think that you will not search for teams a lot of time specially if you are high rating? 

    • Confused 1
  17. 5 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    Like I said, TeamQ is absolutely fine. I'd prefer it to DuoQ in all honesty. But realistically i'm not going to play in a full TeamQ every day. SoloQ should still exist a quicker way to play Ranked, separate in both leaderboard and queues from Teams.


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