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Everything posted by razaelll.8324

  1. In my opinion you should not get discouraged by toxicity of some people and focus on improving your self. Even when you are in bad team try to do your job best , because aways there is something which you can learn and improve on. If you want to try hard i would recommend you to film some of your games and watch them after that, look for mistakes which you have made and where you can improve on. Also i think it is good to learn to play different builds, classes and roles so you can adapt and be more useful for the team. Most important in my opinion is to have fun during the process of learning. Have fun and good luck.
  2. I think you know my stance about numbers and that i disagree with Justice on that topic , so i am not sure why you quote me
  3. There was a bit of toxicity here and there, but overall it is very constructive thread with a lot of interesting things and ideas mentioned. I hope to see more threads like this. Balancing a game is not an easy task and the typical nerf/buff threads many times are actually doing more bad than good for the game in my opinion, thats why this thread is interesting to me , because people are trying to find a better approach to that complex problem.
  4. Unfortunately most of the people get bored when science get involved, but this thread is truly awesome in my opinion, because it is constructive.
  5. Hello dear Anet, Today for first time i got disconnected in pvp match and i saw that many people today had problems with getting disconnected. My last game for today i got disconnected 4 times, another team mate got disconnected 2 times and an enemy player also got disconnected 2 times in the same game, we won that game but i got dishonor and deserter and lost points for winning the game. In another game today 3 allies and 2 enemies got dced at the same time.. and i had few more disconnects during other matches. This happens for first time for me. Are the server getting DDoS attacks or something? Hope you can find and fix that issue. Good luck and be healthy.
  6. Hmm.. i am sorry but i still dont see where the problem is to use evolution algorithm to find the optimal state. The idea of EA is optimization and finding optimal state. May i ask you are you familiar with EA and how they optimize/find best solution for specific problem?
  7. yes i understand the idea, what i fail to understand is how is that related to this :
  8. Not necessarily . In my case i used it to optimize 3 coefficients, which is much more simple task than finding the optimal builds in game as gw2, so in my opinion it can be used without any kind of a problem.
  9. Exactly. Or you can also use evolution algorithm to find the best build as i gave example in my prevous post "This also i have seen in another test which i was working on few years ago. So i used a bacteria evolution algorithm to optimize the performance of line tracing robot car on a specific race track. The output of this algorithm was few parameters(settings) which needed to be setup in the car. So i made a simulator and physical model of the car and a map of the track and let the algorithm to give me the best settings for the car for that specific track. What the algorithm was doing simply is generate the settings put them into the simulator , run a simulation and see how fast the car finishes the track and then compute some changes generate new settings and so on. i started the algorithm 5 times with the same initial settings and all of the times it gave me the same optimal output at the end but the time needed to find that optimal output was different between each full test , because of some randomized changes between each simulation, because it could do more than 1 simple operation between this simulations. So maybe the conclusion here might be that finding the optimal builds is more like an evolution process then an complexity computation, I was think about that after out last discussion namely: the process of finding the best/optimal builds can be modeled as an evolution process. At least to me the more i think of it more it looks like an evolution process than a complexity computation one."
  10. He is a bit too agressive some times, but he have some interesting points and the discussion it self is very interesting one in my opinion.
  11. Got it thanks for the explanation. To be honest i agree to his statement and the reason is the following. From our conversation we talked that to go from State A to State F it requires fixed number of computations(operations) depending on the complexity, while for changing the build the case is not that , because you can find the optimal state from the First try or from the n-th try. So the number of tries to find the optimal build of a specific class in not fixed and it can be a random number between 1 try and Maximum number of changes possible to the build. To be a bit more clear on what i mean lets say for Necro build F is the best option (optimal build) and you are currently using build A you can change the build randomly to build F in the first try (because you can make more than 1 operation between tryes/tests). SO the number of tries(tests) to reach the optimal build is not linear to the complexity. This also i have seen in another test which i was working on few years ago. So i used a bacteria evolution algorithm to optimize the performance of line tracing robot car on a specific race track. The output of this algorithm was few parameters(settings) which needed to be setup in the car. So i made a simulator and physical model of the car and a map of the track and let the algorithm to give me the best settings for the car for that specific track. What the algorithm was doing simply is generate the settings put them into the simulator , run a simulation and see how fast the car finishes the track and then compute some changes generate new settings and so on. i started the algorithm 5 times with the same initial settings and all of the times it gave me the same optimal output at the end but the time needed to find that optimal output was different between each full test , because of some randomized changes between each simulation, because it could do more than 1 simple operation between this simulations. So maybe the conclusion here might be that finding the optimal builds is more like an evolution process then an complexity computation, I was thinking about that after out last discussion namely: the process of finding the best/optimal builds can be modeled as an evolution process. At least to me the more i think of it more it looks like an evolution process than a complexity computation one. I am interested on your thoughts about this, also i will be happy to see Kuma's , Kolzar's and Crozame's thoughts too.
  12. Exactly , this is not an easy task, specially for classes which are not very interactive as thief for example. The more uninteractive the class is , hardest to make counter to it. Thats why i said previously that it is not good to combine stealth, frontloaded burst and mobility in the same class. Please dont get me wrong i am not saying that thief is OP , i am saying that such classes are hard to balance properly, because they dont have many interactions with others. Also here the synergies between classes has to be taken into consideration and also the mode you are playing , because they reflect a lot on what the meta (optimal setup) is. So the connections and interactions between different builds are very important which makes the balance task even harder and more complex. (Example scourge on its own is not that big of a problem, but when you combine scourge with another support it becomes dominant) I am not sure that i understand this quote correctly , can you please give me a bit more info about what you mean. Thank you in advance!
  13. As far as i remember i said the same thing couple of pages ago, basically you have 2 types of balance. 1. Homogenous where everything is the same; 2. Heterogenous or with other words diverse with everything having a counter. (Rock,paper, scissors) Higher complexity only increases the time needed to find the optimal builds. Atleast that is my understanding and oppinion on the topic. The problem with the second type comes when 1 build counter many others (Overpowered build).
  14. Hmmm... To me it looks like you make fun of your self ..., but what ever you say ...
  15. Thief has the privilege to pick his fights , so in order to kill it you need to catch it out of position or to try to lure him to overextend and waste his CDs. Most of the times when i have to deal with thief i try to use as much as possible "No Port" terrain and force him to come to me instead of chasing him. About mirage i cannot give much of advice, since i have very limited experience against it as warrior. Hope that helps you a bit. Have fun and good luck!
  16. Please STOP removing options from the game!
  17. Are you okay , buddy? Ronald is right about ele. Tempest is good support at the moment and weaver is one of the best duelists currently. You are insulitng his intelligence , but you are the one being toxic which is not the smartest way to defend your position ....
  18. I believe that toxicity can bother you only if you allow it... You cannot controll how other people act and react to stuff, but you can controll your actions and reactions...
  19. The funniest moment i had is when a guardien acused me for being perma immune and using damage hacks as fire weaver when he ate full pyro vortex and then i weaved to fire earth and used earth focus 5
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