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Everything posted by razaelll.8324

  1. Haha yea, recently i got acused for being cheater too for playing a fresh air tempest build with a lot of stability and mobility.
  2. He is good , i do not deny that just too toxic, i mean he acts like the world is spining aroud him. Anyways back on the topic , i think ele is very fun class to play i am experimenting with different builds and to me it is just very very fun.
  3. I didnt watch many of his videos since i saw him AFK at AT , where he play with teapot and complain all the time... He is blocking people just for killing him...
  4. I fully agree with you but isnt Grimjack a bit too toxic?
  5. Well i disagree with that, mate.
  6. I have to disagree here. There is a significant difference between continuous and discrete domains. discrete domain is a set of input values that consists of only certain numbers in an interval. continues domain is a set of input values that consists of all numbers in an interval. discrete function is function with distinct and separate values (meaning the values of the functions are not connected to each other) continuous function can take any value within a curtain interval Continues function always connects its values while discrete function has separations ... Ofcourse you can transfer continues function in discrete one , but they are not the same thing
  7. How is that a problem? This is temporary efect as invunurability for example
  8. That is far from true in my opinion, the community in wow pvp is way worse in LoL too and many other pvp games. Every competitive pvp has toxic environment gw2 is not special in that regard , to be honest the toxicity level is acutally on the lower end of my personal experience from all of the games i have played.
  9. May i ask you why exactly all barrier skills/traits need to be changed? I mean what exactly is the problem with barrier?
  10. Complitely agree with this the way it works promote uninteractive gameplay
  11. Not exactly but as i said , dh is not overpowered in my opinion, and i am very well aware of how dh works i play it my self sometime and yes thief , mesmer and ranger (depend on the build) are also uninteractive. Why do you think they are nerfed so much. Thief and mesmer are the most hated classes because they are uninteractive. Please dont get me wrong i dont want to procced in discussing about the mechanics of the DH, because i am on your side and i am against Trevor's crusade against trapper rune.
  12. Damaging from stealth that uninteractive , getting 1 shoted by invisible traps also
  13. This would affect also other builds which use barrier as fire weaver, engi healbreaker and e.t.c, and they are fine in my opinion, so i think this change is not the right one since the problem is scourge specifically not barrier in general.
  14. I didnt experianced the pre 2020 patch combat, but from what i heard about it it was too bursty (please correct me if i am wrong) ... I have tryed gw2 at the begining of 2016 and i remeber back then what drove me off was again the combat being too bursty. What i am trying to say is too bursty combat is very unfriendly to new people and often they leave before even learn as i did back in 2016. The current state gave me the chance to learn and have fun while doing so. Please dont get me wrong since i dont have experiance druing the period you are talking about i am not saying which is better or not, just saying that if it was as some people describe it (too bursy) then that probably is not much better than bunker meta I definitely agree that removal of options and amulets is not the right way.
  15. got it, thank you very much for clarifying i was a bit confused.
  16. Exactly! The removal of mender/marshal amulets which targeted self sustain of support builds as scrouge and support guardian actually affected duelist builds as weaver and decap druid which need the healing power much more than prot holo to survive , now when the self sustein is reduced prot holo got "unintended buff" , because it does not count that much on healing power to survive.
  17. I think people dont like it because the rune makes DH very uninteractive..
  18. I agree with all that. Thats why i said the both of you are right, but arguing for different things This is exactly why prot holo became meta duelist currently (the builds which kept it in check got nerfed).
  19. I am wondring where the arrogance came from? If i sounded arrogant please excuse me that was not the point at all. Look like i didnt chose the right words to explain my self, let me try again please. I never said nor claimed that balancing is easy, nor that there is simple formula to it. If i left that feeling in you i am sorry that was not my intend. What i tried to say is that sometimes Justice is overcomplicating his explanations on some simple topics and not using the correct words to describe his point, which leads very often to him not being understood correctly as it happend in this thread again. I agree with almost everything which Justice is saying and we had pretty big discussion with him on balance too, i disagree with him on just few minor things which i have stated. If you readed my other posts too you would see that
  20. The synergy between guardian and scourge is better imo thats why they are played a bit more i believe, but my point is tempest has a ress same as guardian, so why you target only guardians signet? Also warrior has banner... But this abilities has pretty long CD so i think they are fine and the problem is more in the ress healing it self and scourge tankiness while doing so than in this skills.
  21. Healbreaker and support tempest both can revive pretty well too, tempest can revive while immune, just this 2 are not that viable at the current meta. I dont think guard signet need to be nerfed. It pretty obvious that the support guardian is going to yry to use it if his aly goes down and a big simbol over his head appears when he do.
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