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Everything posted by Broxxgar.6801

  1. You take exactly the point of Builds. Lineage 2 was and maybe will ever be the main MMO on the aspect of PvP and politics,history and other things. And I agree with you when you say that some great build should not be shared. The meta game in all Online game is the main problem. The lack of creativity,intelligence and of course balance patch will let things to situation where the game is now.
  2. You just destroyed everyone on the forum complaining about Bladesworn and open my eyes to a totally different perspective. I saw Berserker as more close to this, but Bladesworn even surpass Berseker on concept of mastery over versality. Well done. I like this argument.
  3. Just try to play a condition Spellbreaker. And them try to fight against a Condition Berseker I'm 100% conviced that SPB will win. 😂. They are the same 😎.
  4. I know, but from my researches on the wiki, its stated there (4 of dmg * coefficients.) I thought they locked this 'dmg'. You know , they are crazy on Balance release. I don't doubt anything, this game should be in a better state. But at least AA dmg is better than 1 or 50 of dmg.
  5. And I thought they would increase the dmg of Earthshake and Skull Crack, but it was just power coefficient. 😒 1 of dmg to 32 of dmg with a awesome critical of 50! They should fix this skill from SPB: Sight beyond Sight - We should become immune to blind for at least 3-5s
  6. Might Signet is a must on Rifle/GS Core build. But you will need STR instead of Tactics. There so many variants of this build, each situation you should apply some tweak to work around. When I put Def trait is for the Cull of The Weak and Cleasing Ire and adrenal health.
  7. Very well, I also play Core War Rifle when I want to break my opponents' minds. Core War is still less aggressive than Berserker, but synergy is better. Endurance generation is high and with a good knowledge of skills you can probably make SB and other top class builds go down. I liked the Sythwave's songs hehe. That build is hard to master. You can dodge to much with Rifle/Sword.
  8. I don't even read, just re-work it !!! Everything that is different from which we have now, should be automatically implemented. Mace is by far the worse weapon that Warrior has.
  9. Something strange is happening. For me the lack of communication with their player base is kind awkards.
  10. When you see that Rifle weapon doesn't work with Bladesworn them you will understand what is happening with this spec.
  11. @Fueki.4753 Oh sorry, I didn't remember that has a bundle of skill, when I come back years ago it was already without those bundles. The wiki also says that: March 05, 2019: Banners no longer have skills and are instead destroyed when they're picked up. But this should be the way that the skill was intended to do. Any deviate from the main ideia will impact in the entire Warrior System. So Arena net is suffering with bad design concepts. And to finish , is very strange for a company of this size bring this kind of updates. They are messing everything up. I keep not understand why MMOs has so much flawn design. GW2 has a awesome history, but a poor relation with their player base. And the game just got a DX11 update on this Exp. Is kind hard to find a MMO where everything is balanced. Or you have decent Graphic, with poor combat and lore; decent combat with poor lore and graphic; decent lore with poor combat and graphic.
  12. @Lan Deathrider.5910 @Grand Marshal.4098 @CalmTheStorm.2364 (ERROR - I didn't Remember that the bundle was removed, bad decision to remove it from banners) Hello Guys I was watching you from afar. Hope that everyone here is well and I don't know if you a remember me or not. I kept my eye on the forum. Warrior is a class that I play and I like the most in any MMO. But here in GW2 we have a differences against the common tab target combat that we experience in Majority of MMO's. So I came here to bring some thoughts and News to you. I had been look for this for a long time. I'm without time to play , so today I take a break and look for a thing that many of you was talking about that was the Banner. This thing I discover when I was doing a quest years ago. This ideia is already on the game its juts need to be plugged on Warriros Skills. This is how banner should work when picked or droped on the ground. https://i.imgur.com/e8gJ3uW.jpg This should work when we grab it. Now what each skill does: And each Skill has action. I don't know why Arena.net or the devs didn't take from this mission. https://i.imgur.com/yZGLMVu.jpg https://i.imgur.com/dhRyLFL.jpg https://i.imgur.com/KZhd2fU.jpg https://i.imgur.com/rqJk2cW.jpg I did know this for a long time but kept in silencing just watching what Arena.net would do with the current change on Banners. Sad but they really don't know to much about their own game. For other who want to take a look this is the mission on the map (Metrica Province): https://i.imgur.com/N7qm6Vu.jpg I like the way of Bladesworn was design but the self-root and the total desync with core special weapon skill broke the entire class a part. Bladesworn is almost a new class trying to surviving with warrior core skill. @Lan Deathrider.5910 may you could contact I think CMC. My images don't save as should be saved... don't know why.
  13. Hahahaha. That is the way. But for majority strategy is difficult, requires a I thing that most people don't want to do. 'Think' and 'Study'. Better Copy and Paste the Meta build. I could tell many tales of my adventures with the many builds that I have. Power Berseker I played Long ago, I even had a build With Hammer and GS. Was so fun delete the Spellbreaker from earth. 14k of dmg, I think it was that dmg that he received from my combo.
  14. @Grand Marshal.4098 take a picture or record it and post it on the bug thread of forum. I'm sure they will see it. That was a player that did it and Arena.net solved the problem, because it was a bug.
  15. That answer was awesome. But what happens today is that majority of people/players do not indentify themselves with a class, they want to play the popular class / meta builds, once the meta builds changes, people move to the new class and new meta builds. So in the end the lack of self-identity with a class/profession on the game make people really not understand in general what the purporse of the class, their weaks and strenghts points. That why you see a lot of warrior player that really not understand their class. Is warrior in a bad spot today? For some player 'yes' for others 'no'. The most common thing nowadays are the ninja anime players, that want to be the hero. They live in a illusion world, hiding in the shadow with stealth and other things. But when they are grabbled by a good warrior player they suffer. And they still think that Spellbreaker is a Thief and I had the displeasure here on the forum to listen someone saying that a good Thief pvp player in a tournament match changed to Spellbreaker and loose the match, so this attested that Warrior are indeed in a Bad Spot. First thing, Warrior Play style is not similar to Thief even when Spellbreaker use 2 daggers. Warrior doesn't relly on stealth. So Thief players don't try to play this class as you were Thief. The truth is that GW2 engine can't represent very well how warrior should fight. So this limitation impacts on the Warrior play style as other class too. The GW2 engine sometimes will favor the fancy class with their fancy skills. But everything still playable and can be manageable by the Devs.
  16. For me Support Tactics Build should already be a core build from the beginning of the game(even with the major changes). It should stay as standard build where you can built new ones as the new expansions comes.
  17. They have many things to bring WvW for a better state. Once a time I was talking with people there on WvW about having the Alpine, Desert and another one that could be a deep rain jungle, like the Tarnished Coast of GW map. They could have like 6 different maps that shuffles between the weeks and they could put weather effect like winterstorm, rainstorm and desert storm. Everything depends on the Devs.
  18. Shout and Banner Support Warrior Could be a good step to implement a new Support role to Warrior. Would be very unique to Warrior, hope that this banner is attached to Warrior hand or his back, so he can keep moving with the flag, shouting and increasing the morality of his group. This would be fun.
  19. I hope they listen all your advices @Lan Deathrider.5910 and @CalmTheStorm.2364. I just use one banner, Battle Standard , the other are terrible. And don't try to find me on PvE.
  20. You mixed Bleeding and Burning with a good strategy and inteligence. Burn for the pike Burst and I think bleeding for a slow dmg over time, quite silence to the oponnet, but it can take more than 24k of HP in 16s if all stacked.
  21. @CalmTheStorm.2364 Warrior farming on WvW:
  22. @CalmTheStorm.2364 to Master War is even more hard than people thinking. I passed must of my time playing with dual sword, which I really like. Change the shield or the Warhorn for another Sword is to adapt the mind and the movements for really different style of combat. Take a read on this: https://www.warriorsandlegends.com/gladiators/dimachaerus-gladiator/ The Dual dagger of spellbreaker came out of Dual Sword and a little a bit of the concept of Dimachaerus style of fight.
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