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Everything posted by Uete.3805

  1. Its dps is fine, but relies on always hitting (and critting) with your 5 skills. That's a bit unreliable on moving targets, but so is lava font and meteor shower.
  2. Since this idea has come up, I don't know if it'd be too oppressive in pvp, but having a ranged aa could do wonders to keep pressuring any enemies trying to escape. Maybe #2 and #3 getting increased ranges solves the problem, but I keep being unable to poke some people in pvp with the spear. #2 is great on downed players, mind you, but anyone with a bit of sense backs aways asap. An option would be to have a 600-900 range aa with vuln that does less damage than the aa chain currently does. That way I could see it as an alternative to sw/sw in PVE too since I've grown fond of the flexibility its range gives it.
  3. Definetly something needs to be done with Cata energy. I'm guessing removing it comepletely would fix and simplify it's playstyle, but maybe it screws up balance in competitive (though I haven't played Cata there, so I could be wrong). If that's the fear, then maybe it'd work better in PvE if any hits generate energy no matter how many Spheres you got up. In any case, if energy is a keeper I just wished the UI for energy was better implemented. My top hope is for the UI to change to something similar to the Druid's Astral Force bar: Big and clearly showing the amount of energy for a Sphere you've generated so far. A simpler option would be to change the F5 button, showing 3 bars like the one we have, each filling up with 10 energy. Whether the Devs remove or rework the Catalyst energy system, its UI needs to change as well.
  4. After looking at the event calendar, we can see that there are no weekly events until September 10th and that the Halloween event ends on November 5th. Given that the new expansion update is set for November 19th (according to the Wizard's Vault, but it could change) that essentially means Anet has 2 possible periods for PvP's new mode beta: either next week (doubt it) or from the 5th to the 19h of November. Therefore, I'm guessing we'll have the beta (if it's not pushed to the next quarter) between November 5th and November 19th.
  5. So you don't want any new niches for a new weapon? Besides obviously having the same damaging conditions the OG condi weapon provided. Mallyx used to give confusion on boon removal. Condi rev had access to all condis except for bleeds and that's your reasoning to add another bleed weapon? Lore? Poison's good specially for competitive and makes sense alongside burning for demonic reasons. Let it be.
  6. It seems like it could ease some piano antics and it feels rewarding to use, but I'm hoping the devs review both its damage and its sinergy with the elite specs. Damage in pve is a numbers issue. As others have pointed out, dual skills aren't as impactful as they were in other weapons (although hammer dual skills had a similar issue). For dps Catalyst, however, I think it could work really well and become an alternative to the other more melee-focus weapons, but it needs to be able to provide more energy. A good option, I think, would be to give a small damage to fire, air and maybe earth etchings.
  7. You mean like in Mace auto? Or the Corruption GM trait? Poison makes total sense on a demonic-based weapon: It decreases healing. The weapon pumps (benching 50k Ren with double spear xD) and has a great flow to it mechanically and energy-wise. Also: love those skill icons.
  8. What new condis will it provide though? I was hoping for something more exotic than burning or bleeding for the rev kit, like poison or confusion. However they could even go with vulnerability or slow... We'll know in a couple or weeks but I was expecting a longer explanation than what we've got. Also, i would have liked if it got something more interesting than more condis and faster cast times. In any case, the pull is really nice and maybe it ends up being the infernal murder dos weapon its animation suggested. Fingers crossed.
  9. Ok, that explains A LOT. Thank goodness I asked before trying! Cheers for that bit of info ^^ And more generally thanks for the Relics suggestions too!
  10. Hi there! So I've been playing heal chrono for a while now and I'm in love with the rifle (obviously). However when most rifle skills are on cooldown I change to scepter/shield in order to boost up the might and swiftness and get some double phantasm out of the shield. Healing goes terribly down but that's when I use wells and shatters. In any case, I'm not sure why scepter is preferred over sword. I'm guessing it's the clone generation, but I don't see any other benefits. Has anyone tried Staff or Sword/Shield? I'm asking because I think I could provide more healy boons with those weapons since, on paper, they synergize better with my traits (aegis from sword 2 and regen from staff's chaos auras). Or should I just not weapon swap and keep pew-pewing my team mates after starting on scepter/shield? As a side-note, what relics do you use for this build? Thanks for the help!
  11. I started playing in 2013 with my necro main. A couple of months later I created a new character (engi) and found out what finishers were and that they could interact with fields. Basically, necro has been very lacking on finishers from the get-go. Maybe it's a good design decision or a bad skill legacy from back then. I don't know. What I do know is that Harbi's shroud is good enough as it is. Some more finishers would be nice and flavourful, sure. However I wouldn't want them if they meant nerfing the current shroud, or if all skills provided finishers. That's my personal opinion and I think what OP is saying should be taken into consideration, nonetheless. However, Harbinger's got bigger issues, like the GMs being uninspired and samey. Maybe they could change one of them so that it gives all shroud abilities finishers and does more damage or condis when comboing? PS: Initially I thought this post was about the underwater Harbi shroud. Now that one HAS been in beta since EoD. The 3rd skill doesn't practically move you and the 4th skill is bugged and useless (it essentially gives you weakness and calls it a day).
  12. Yikes! I do believe we encountered the same individual, since I'm in EU too. Pretty sad indeed. I think Anet should aim to implement something like what you proposed to keep this behavior in check. Fingers crossed with the introduction of the new mode they decide to overhaul how they manage abusers and afkers in pvp (yeah, at this point crossing my fingers is the only hope I have left xD)
  13. The other day I had someone in my team abandon us at the tail end of the match (after obviously talking kitten in chat because they have unresolved issues I guess?). We got negative rank (weird but ok) and immediately went into queue for the next match. The horror: The leaver was back in my team. Shouldn't they get dishonor and be unable to queue if they left mid-game? It gets worse though. Apparently they are a streamer and I saw them in a VOD changing characters when their team was losing and queuing right back then. Is this the expected behavior of dishonor?
  14. I think Spear needs to have its own niche and cover condis. One option would be to give confusion on top of torment. Or they could make the 5th skill giving more damaging boons the higher its stacks. Or give spear some boon removal. Anything the other weapons don't provide already.
  15. After trying it out for a bit, I find the movement in air 3 a bit wonky. I think the skill might work better if it was the other way around: you shoot, then can do a full dash. Either that or make it a mini-lightning flash, so that we have more control on where to land. The main issue, however, seems to be figuring out whether you have a magic bullet or not. I think adding a bullet marker (like the bladesworn ones) on top of each attunement could do the trick. If you have a magic fire bullet, show it above the F1, etc. The rest seems alright, although giving it some small cone like spell ala engi pistol 4 might allow for some more variety in its skills visuals.
  16. I've got no idea regarding numbers (especially with the bugged Thief Relic thingy), but they are lovely for mobility and range damage. Not a fan of reaper so I'm using them with Harbinger and they feel great as a mostly ranged kit. Might try them out on T4s and easy strikes as quick harb once arcdps is back to see how they perform.
  17. I don't know... for competitive modes it seems a good move, since it means that Kalla *can* be balanced more easily. I'll have to properly try it in pve to know how it feels, although they improved both damaging skills, which is a good thing. I'm only worried on how effective will the heal and Darkrazor's ability be: Resolution isn't as good as the ability's initial effect (albeit we now can have barrier, so it might end up being better as well) and we'll see how big is that daze on Darkrazor. If it significantly hurts its breakbar damage maybe they could add extra breakbar damage for pve (like necro's warhorn 4)? I'd also appreciate if they could change the coloring of the spirits a bit. Without the animations and the fields they all look kind of samey now. From the preview it says they are no longer targeatable, but from the live demonstration it looks like they still are (which is a good thing). I wouldn't mind if the energy requirements could go down a bit so that it's easier to use the band together mechanic with the Ofelia elite skill.
  18. I'll just pop in to tell my fellow forum users: yo, stop targeting specific devs and give useful feedback for a change xD as in specific ideas, with actual purpose and with kinder words. Devs are human beings for kitten's sake...
  19. Before winter break Game Director Grouch gave us this amazing interview (https://wccftech.com/guild-wars-2-qa-arenanet-on-switch-to-yearly-expansions-secrets-of-the-obscure-learnings-and-2024-update/) where he states: "We plan to focus on weapons for our next expansion, but we have a fun surprise in store to keep things fresh and exciting." What do y'all think that "fun surprise" will be? They've kind of confirmed we aren't getting elite specs (yet), but I'd be glad if they added new Utility skills. I could see them going with: Adding the missing healing and elite skills to some type of utilities (for instance Ele's conjure weapon or Mesmer's glamour healing skills). This could mean getting a new 4th utility option for each Revenant legend to give some needed flexibility to their kit. Adding a new type of utilities (including healing and elite skills). We could finally get glyphs for Necro, that could be used inside of shroud for a different effect, or a new legend for Revs (Jora, Snaff or Gwen could be fun). Since they seem to be adding a new weapon for each profession as well I doubt they'll do both, but I can still dream. Future expacs could add a new utility set for each elite spec, Willbender could get manipulations, Catalyst wells or elixirs, Untamed could get minions, Vindicator could get another double legend in Jora and Svanir, etc. Or maybe the surprise is just an overhaul of underwater combat (kidding! or am I?)
  20. I really like the idea of a trait that makes you drink an elixir when using your utilities. Mechanically, however, it should work a bit more like the other major adept traits: giving you extra stats to boost your playstyle. I think it could affect either concentration or healing, depending on whether they want Harbinger to have a healing option or not. Nonetheless, and as pointed out by others, it competes with dps traits, which makes it a bit irrelevant for qdps or dps Harbinger... With that in mind, you could make it a trait that shares the healing effect from Alchemic Vigor with your allies (which increases with your blight), alongside drinking the agony elixir.
  21. I think adding a water field to skill 2 (at least in pve) could be a good move to make it more of a support weapon. Could even add another blast to skill 5 (in pve only since this one is busted as hell).
  22. I LOVE BOTH SWORDS! And the theme is quite cool as well. Might be time for a slight rework to both dagger and staff to make them the group healing/support weapons now that swords provide ranged strike damage and self-healing. Reaper's gonna be scary, but hopefully the swords bring good numbers to have them on Harbinger as well, specially since they fit with the ranged playstyle of harb. Kudos for the aesthetics, the theme and the choice of role Anet!
  23. Do all bullets get consumed when using a matching elemental ability? As in, if we have fire and earth bullets using a fire skill also removes the earth bullet? From the trailer it looks like it does, so it would make little sense to accumulate different bullets, no?
  24. After seeing the preview for Ranger and Thief I'm convinced Rev's Scepter will change based on the current channeled legend. It'd be cool if it also changed the color of the skills, but we'll see whether it's a more fleshed-out trident situation or just as plain as that one was. I could see them having a projectile aa, a channeled 2 skill and an AoE 3 skill with different effects: Assassin: Vuln and extra damage Demon: Torment, Poison and Confusion Dwarf: Barrier and Weakness Centaur: Healing and cleansing Dragon: Regen and other boons Kalla: Bleed and Burn Alliance: Damage and Healing This might be too much hopium, but I'm high on it right now xD
  25. Yeah, after seeing that both Ranger and Thief have gotten weapons with special mechanics attached, I'm feeling very hyped for the rest of them. I still think that some Necro weapons deserve a slight rework towards being more support oriented (looking at you Staff, Dagger, Focus and/or Warhorn), but looking at Anet's mindset of filling holes in roles I'm very unsure what role either sword will provide. In any case I think a cool mechanic could imply that rather than the Necro holding the sword, sword abilities summon a minion (or 2 one for main-hand and another one for off-hand) that fights in our stead. The minion would only auto-attack unless commanded to do another ability (2-5 skills). Therefore we wouldn't be bound to melee or range, but our minions with swords would fight for us. I think it'd be hilarious.
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