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Eli Fereta.5970

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  1. How about visual bugs? All of my new tattoo armors look really glitchy especially when my character is zoomed out. It gets really pixelated and it's like glitching in and out graphically, but when its out it's replaced by this super bright white glitchy effect. It's ruining this super nice armor for me.
  2. I just really love the modern GW2 metas. And I think there would be a lot value in going back and modernizing the event chains in the older games.
  3. Because the existing older content is so dry. It would breathe new life into the game. and it's not like to replace new content, but just like something to add to whatever already exists. Something that like adds to the new player experience and somehow rewarding enough to bring back other players. for the older core maps just kinda like restructuring currently existing events into the modern gw2 format mostly. it would really enhance the player experience. It's just like rearranging your furniture. making it more fluid and functional after you've learned what works better where, ya know?
  4. I don't think that that's exactly the case with the "if they could fix it, they would have." Sometimes they do just have other priorities that they're focused on. You're missing the point of my post. The population thing is true though, but that's why they could consider certain rewards to draw players in. and they could do it in a minimally committed ways, event chains squeezed in between major metas for those who just want to do something quick, and pick up a quick reward such as important crafting materials or whatever. The real response isnt if there was an answer they would have done it already, but just more so if they wanted to they would have. lol but again that's not what my post was about.
  5. Do you think that's just because the events surrounding them are just so simple and lack the immersion of newer event chains? A lot of the times I feel like the early events in core tyria are so basic and quick and boring that it's hard to pay attention anyways. There's no engagement needed. A good dialogue edit might help a lot with that, for lore building at least. As for the conservation of magic thing, that's more of an achievement list talking u from one map to the next. it doesn't particularly help build a maps like "soul" for lack of better word. Like those events don't really encompass the map as much as they do encompass the achievements. I wasn't really considering adding like a new antagonist and spreading them onto different maps, but more so taking the current lore and uniqueness of each zone and building upon that. My goal was to kind of feel more engaged with the specific map and making that map special for that reason. The inquest can be anywhere. but like how I mentioned the desolation, i would like to see an event chain that helped grow that maps cool features. With its unique geography and bestiary. Like were really getting to learn about that region as opposed to just like throwing Aether blade enemies in Caledon forest as a new event chain. , but more so something relevant so sylvari issues, that can add to our relationship with that race and have us engage with the old maps more. Ya know? haha
  6. What do you guys think about, maybe alongside a LW season, or just as opposed to one, Anet would add more life into older maps. There are such amazing places in the GW2 older maps that are just so sadly under-utilized. Sometimes I'll just be roaming around and doing map completions, or whatever, and notice how so many areas which seem to have taken A LOT of work to create, and just artistic masterpieces be so dead when they have such great potential to hold some unique events with cool/challenging mechanics. (I always get a lot of people dragging me for being so idealistic on my posts, but I can't help it, that's just my personality haha.) I think meta map event design in GW2 is actually so great and well thought out, and really fun when you can get a population working on them. They wouldn't have to be crazy long 1–2-hour map metas like Drizzlewood Coast or anything, but just something that could be done with 10-15 players and less than an hour, scaling up in difficulty with more players around. I'm thinking older maps like the desolation, taking players through the sulfurous wastes and rivers to hunt down a giant Jujundu world boss or whatever people come up with. Or something that utilizes that beautiful giant frozen palace in the desert highlands. HoT maps I think have enough large-scale events, plus some of them are miserable getting around but I think they do a good job with large scale events in general. I know PoF is more focused on bounties, but they're just not as fun as like drakkar in bjora marshes for example. And I also know core Tyria has world bosses, so it doesn't need more world bosses, but like some maps could use a fun chain of events that might give the world a little more life. Just because these things already exist doesn't mean we can't get a couple more things that could add to the game if implemented well and were rewarding enough. Also, the excuse for having more reasons to visit not commonly ventured areas kinda peaks my interest. In some instances, maybe instead of adding a new meta over what certain maps already have, it might make more sense to combine certain events and create a semi map meta event chain that leads up to a bigger event. Especially in core Tyria. For example, in the starter maps for each race. Such as Queensdale, where there is that event that you have to protect that very first keep from waves of centaurs. It could be similar to the human starting tutorial where you have to protect the city, put out fires, build barricades or whatever. Taking you through the farms to that keep where THEN you could protect it from the waves of centaurs. the past that into the battle fields where u have to destroy catapults, then finally leading up to some fight with a centaur boss, or giant that giant stone hand boss summon that u fight in the tutorial but more challenging and more mechanics and steps to defeat it. (this is obviously a rough quickly thought up as I type idea so don't get too caught up in these details cuz it could be done in any way). Like all these events kind of already exist within the maps and the game but just reorganized into a larger scale event chain. This could promote activity in the older starter maps and teach new players about map metas and stuff before they reach the grand scales one that appear later on in the game. I feel like Map meta chains were kinda abruptly introduced after core that I never really knew what was happening until I like made it a point to sit and pay extra attention to what was happening. It's a huge feature of the game and giving it more attention would help people understand what kind of mmo GW2 is. Also, with the new underwater action takes that EoD had with its trailer, they could actually utilize all of that unused underwater space in the core game. (Along-side some underwater combat updates haha). I believe it would add so much to the world building of GW2 and it would be a way where Anet could put out new content without having to build completely new maps for them so it wouldn't require a lot of work or resources for the development team. They wouldn't have to be too tied into the main story and they could just be "side quests" type events. And I'd just love to see more of these beautiful maps utilized better. What do you guys think? What problems could occur because of an addition or update like this? What kinds of rewards do y'all think would bring higher level/more seasoned players back to early maps to do event chains like this? If ya'll were presented with an opportunity to restructure some older maps, how would yall go about it? I like to hear people's insights and creative ideas. XD Side note: if you're just gunna comment something like "anet won't do anything like this so this is a bad idea" or "anet needs to fix this other thing first unrelated to your post" or something along the lines of not really expanding on the idea then you don't really need to waste your time replying. If that's your first instinct for a reply then you're missing the point of my idea entirely. XD This is obviously a hypothetical 'what-if' scenario that I just want to discuss, on a discussion board lol.
  7. I love items with special effects, but gw2 is kinda messy about it. i wish there was a little more moderation.
  8. It’s my post from offsite. Didn’t feel like typing it all out again lol
  9. Why is it a terrible idea to want the ability to customize you skills furthermore? My hypothetical would improve the game in a healthy way. Based on the idea that all the skill implemented are well thought out and carefully balanced. Like my post is a very “if they could do this is a healthy way would y’all like it?” And your answer is no? That’s weird. Like why wouldn’t players enjoy more skills if they added value and were effective in giving people more customizability. Regardless, I like my idea. Lol
  10. Instead of new weapons, they should add more weapons skills (skills 1-5) for the weapons that already exist. The way you have options for utility skills. It doesn’t have to be as many as the utility skills and they can be locked to each skill, unlike utility skills where you can use any utility skill in any slot 6-10. Each skill could have a specific 3 or 4 skills you can switch in between. One issue I’ve always had with GW2 ( I love this game btw I’m not complaining) is that the skills aren’t very customizable. For example, every ranger with a bow had the exact same skills 1-5. Where as in gw1 (I know they aren’t supposed to be the same game) a whole team of 8 rangers can use a bow but all carry COMPLETELY different builds. And a fully customized skill bar. I miss feeling unique in that sense. That freedom with the skills made me feel set apart from my party and an important individual. i feel like they could give each weapon skill slot a couple of options that the players could switch through and combine differently so that everyone feels like they’re doing something a little different. It gives people a chance to feel like their skills are a bit more interactive and like feel like their character is really there own and not just like any other ranger on the field. I know elite specs are supposed to do this. But there needs to be like 10 elite specs for each class for people to even start feeling a little unique. Idk what do y’all think?
  11. I am soooo HYPED. The trailers look sooo great and all those people who were so pessimistic can finally s t f u. This look soooo good ahhhhhhhh. I can't forking wait.
  12. Yea, haha, I edited the post right after I posted it. 😛 That would be cool tho.
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