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Everything posted by acapela.2468

  1. Same here. Attempting to enter Sun's Refuge to dialog with Gorrik to start "Saving Skyscales". The same error is generated: InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036; Product=9; Module=18; Line=624. Subsequent attempts to enter Sun's Refuge result in the instance load screen sitting without any -mapinfo progress changes. FINALLY got in, had to restart the game and attempt to enter repeatedly. Took about 90 seconds to zone into the instance. Perhaps there is a hard upper limit on how many Sun's Refuge instances can be active at a time? Will I be able to return to Gorrik when "Saving Skyscales" is complete?
  2. Jacaranda, in particular, seem to have impossibly huge aggro ranges and impossibly huge ranges on their annoying "root slap" ability (which the veterans spam on short cooldown without warning, precluding evasion/mitigation, at ranges greater than 1500, beyond the range of a trait-enhanced ranger longbow). Sand portal to the the top of the mesa for one of the griffon roosts in Desert Highlands, you end up among normal and veteran Jacaranda, along with a tempting rich orichalcum vein camped by a veteran. You can't just fire stability, ignore the damage and try to gather the orichalcum. Every Jacaranda on the mesa pulls to you, your stability ends, you get thrown around continuously by "root slap", and burned down in seconds by multiple overlapping AOE. If you decide to work towards the orichalcum gradually, clearing the normal Jacaranda from the edges inwards, finally tackling the camping veteran, in short order every remaining Jacaranda on the mesa will join in. They don't do so immediately, suggesting they are not linked. They seem to aggro at range, one after another (off of each other, perhaps? a kind of linking?), until suddenly you are dealing with half a dozen or more. And they respawn quickly enough that the supply even in a very local area is for all practical purposes infinite. Have to kite continuously, try to interrupt... and like as not be ground down. A task for 2+ players, it seems. A suicide mission for many solo builds. A lot of forged and branded seem to work the same way. Tangle with one, safely to begin with, and you end up attracting many, again with ranged AOE, and the dead respawn quickly. And I have lost track of how many times I have been one-shotted off of my mount by ranged branded attacking in unison, often at ridiculous ranges. Have not had too much trouble with Harpies... just haven't had much need to travel in those areas.
  3. Agreed, extremely frustrating. 1) the timer seems to be global (I seemed to receive a brief pause in countdown after throwing him an ingredient, that was it), not reset or increased per ingredient, you have to complete the whole thing before the timer runs out, including most of your own transit time 2a) he spends more time in transit, running around, than there is time available on your entire (global) timer, which requires you to throw ingredients at a moving target 2b) hitting him while moving is almost impossible; for instance, even if you lead him properly, you have no idea (necessarily) where he is going, he can change direction while your throw is in transit; this would require his route/timing through the room to be memorized in microscopic/split-second detail by the player (over and above learning the locations of ingredients) 2c) throwing across/through ANY of the furniture in the room does not work, even a corner of a table, and lag affects this; you MUST have a clear target as far as the server is concerned, regardless of what you see on your client viewport, and if you lead him you have to all of this into account and hope he doesn't change direction to place furniture between himself and you 3) he asks for ingredients like "marinated salmon", which I could never find; throwing him the "shiverpeak salmon" resulted in "better luck next time", after which I ran out of time on multiple attempts trying to find "marinated salmon"... is it only intermittently present? 4) ingredient labels are not visible except during attempts; there is is no way to familiarize yourself with their locations except during an attempt At least (almost?) all of the ingredients are always present, and do not change location from one attempt to another. This would have been OK (more or less) as a an "adventure", along the lines of Verdant Brink "Shooting Gallery" (i.e. requiring hours of practice before even having a hope), but as a straight mastery point, IMO its really unpleasant. Glad to hear there are plenty of mastery points. I will skip this one without a second thought.
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