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Everything posted by Michram.6853

  1. Dialogue driven episodes are hard to pull off because they can easily lose a lot of players, but this fitted really well and there were lots of really nice touches like the increase in snow (or at least I didn't notice the weather change until I was meant to even if it was already there) and the realisation that this was all cleverly being pulled together by the dialogue from various ambient npcs should one care to pick up on it. Even without the twist at the end, it was clever to build into a possible new world order, with s snapshot of what Tyrians could be fearing in Aurene and making the Charr seem more nuanced than they have been since their watered down versions at launch. Yes, a good prologue for me. Didn't expect that this so much! I want to just add a note about the music, that made it so immersive, and in the end of the episode it turned very creepy - first signs of lovecraftian atmosphere.
  2. As long as I have fun playing Guild Wars 2, I'll continue :) My primary reasons I play is the Music and the Story. I also really enjoy WvW, PvP and Fractals. Basically I am open to everything this game has to offer as long as it brings joy to me. Also I love the Community :)
  3. some of the community makes me: :# Keep up the amazing job Arenanet! No matter those pitiful reactions, don't care about them, just do your work. <3
  4. But I shared that observation on my Guild's discord, not here, though...(written on Jan, 11 2019) Aurene is freaking Jesus, guys...1329-1332 - she died after 3 years - as Jesus - she was asked to do something beyond her - saving the world, and wasn't sure about it, but she did, and Jesus before his death actually prayed to his Father to let this fate not touch him, but he did, he sacrificed himself, made Satan win temporary.and now let's hope Aurene will rise up... But in what form, and in what circumstances...and actually hearing the first ever choir singing in such "churchy" way...And making the commander and Caithe as st John and Mary...I think they actually used the Bible motif.
  5. Jesus Aurene received a vision of his her death by his father her mother. Fearful at first, he she lashed out, but soon came to terms with his her death. Upon a struggle before death, he she resurrected after three days months, and would shortly after ascend to the heavens as an Elder Dragon, leaving behind his disciples her allies. His her death and resurrection would spread a faith known as Christianity Order of the Crystal Bloom, a religious and sometimes militant organization. Honestly, the only thing the parallel is missing is the betrayal of Judas. Aurene is literally a bad and overused trope. Might as well have lampshaded the whole thing instead of trying to pass it off as serious. Well, I was aware of that since January LOL
  6. Just to save the rest of the thread from another wall of text, I'll stick with this point. I thought Joko's speech was one of the best parts of the season. I myself was beginning to get a little frustrated with where the Commander was going, as the big dragon-killing story achievements were steadily being portrayed as an unbalancing and unsustainable course of action. The Commander (and everyone else, really) didn't know what to do with the Elder Dragons outside of killing them or beating them back into a coma, and just kept doing the only thing we knew how to do. I don't think Joko really had a long term solution for the dragon situation either, but I thought he had a valid point when it came down to stopping the Commander from just doing the same Commandery thing until the world blew up. I have a reasons to believe his "majestic, great, wow" speech didn't make sense, unless they wanted to make Joko such a hypocrite. I believe they wanted to make our minds twist, but failed completely with Aurene. They call me a monster and you a hero. The world expects Palawa Joko to dare to throw reality into chaos. No one expected him to dare to throw reality into chaos, he was just wicked, killed for pleasure - that's why we wanted to take him down. If he actually wanted to make the Commander feel bad, he would actually play with us, but he was being a massive hypocrite all along. And when he started to preach us about how horrible we are... It would make sense, if Joko would actually care about Tyria, if he did, he would leave his Bone Palace and run to the Commander while attacking Maguuma or Orr and shout: WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?! KILLING DRAGONS IS BAD! And then he was just sitting there, talking that he twisted people's mind to believe that he defeated dragons etc. But why would he do that? Like... the whole Joko's plot was really stupid. But surely no mortal would be so monumentally STUPID as to destroy a dragon, the life force of this world. Thousands of mortals stood against Zhaitan and Mordremoth, because Zhaitan was threatening the whole Tyria, Risen's horde attacked everyone. Mordremoth twisted Sylvari's mind, made them do unforgivable things, we had to STOP them for the sake of Tyria's future - yes, we caused chaos after that, but that is just how chaotic Tyria is, no matter if we did or didn't kill the Dragons, it would lead to something even more bad.What Joko should have done is showing compassion towards the Commander, because the Commander wants to repair Tyria and has a lot of people behind him, that support him, but no matter what we all do... it turns against us - it's dramatic, Joko, if truly was a good and deep character, he would be able to leave his own 'shoot' and just stop being a hypocrite. Let alone two. And a god to boot? Perhaps they will finally thank me for luring you to me... Except, he was the one that teamed up with Balthazar in the first place - to cause chaos, and before that he just says: "The world expects Palawa Joko to dare to throw reality into chaos", like WTH? He was talking some crap, that wasn't based on any wisdom. So meaningless...
  7. Nothing, I expect nothing to not get disappointed
  8. And then, badda boom badda deus ex machina, it turns out "never mind; I'm still alive." On the whole, I think it's a good thing that people have these differing reactions. Good story telling does involve us getting emotional about what happens, and it would be odd for everyone to react the same. On the other hand, I also feel there's some happier medium that they might strike. couldn't agree more
  9. This is the thing I hated the most. How the hell could they leave her like that when they loved her so much? maybe because they were petrified by fear? have you ever felt depressed? No? Then it makes you want to do NOTHING.
  10. I liked Blish and Gorrik's introduction, don't get me wrong. I also quite like Joko's speech until you know... D&D happened as we now call a bad written plot. I was really just so INTO what Joko was saying and made my mind twist, and then it was just so ruined by this Aurene trashy moment. I mean... Anet has means to make their story so immersive, but then it's just quickly ruined, as later Aurene's ressurection showed. I believe there is still a lot coming up for Aurene and Caithe's connection in Season 5. I still believe the Pale Tree can have a role in building the balance. Could she be "Mother"? Who knows.
  11. No, teeth are not bones. The two have a very different tissue structure compared to each other, if teeth were bones, they'd be able to heal from cavities, cracks or chips on their own. Not that that says anything about Sylvari teeth being wood, I'm not myself aware of any plant tissue that is harder than wood. yeah, right. you make a good point.
  12. What I LOVEDFirst of all the variety of music in every major situation during the story - for example Blish's Sacrifice composed just for the final chapter of A Star to Guide Us, every single cinematic had a unique music to enhance the mood of situation. I loved Taimi's development actually, no matter if something bad, good or villainy (wink wink) will come out of it. I really felt chills and urgency when Taimi was kidnapped by Joko in Daybreak, it was really heart-wretching to hear such pain in her voice, begging for help... The writers proved they don't need death of a character to cause some powerful emotions.I don't think Blish and Gorrik introduction was the best, but Zafirah's introduction to the story was in my opinion THE BEST character introduction EVER. Various different reasons for that, but most importantly - her connection to Balthazar was just so unique, so intimate, and actually she showed what I wanted in Path of Fire from Balthazar - also good side of him, he wasn't bad and she helped us understand that sometimes under the highest pressure and pain you can change totally. Hats off for Zafirah. Caithe's communion with Aurene was the best moment I could have ever wished for. So intimate too. "Speak through me" it just sounds so powerful to me. Seeing Caithe coming out of the shadows... Really powerful moment. Eir' and Snaff' return - oh my... that was just so amazing!!! I've always wanted to meet Snaff! That was so surprising to see him. Aurene's Ascension was just the masterpiece, the whole building up for Aurene to ascend into Dragonhood in Descent was just really well written, the dialogues of Kralkatorrik and Aurene were just so pure, full of understanding... "I want to share it with you. All of you." Those lines... chills. No other words could describe more perfectly the whole history of her life.What I hatedJoko's speech and Aurene eating him out of nowhere - the worst thing to ever happen, the problem with it is that it had a lot of sense story-wise with Aurene's resurrection using Joko's magic, but the way it was all presented was just... bizzare. Joko's speech didn't have any sense. The whole Joko's arc was so bad... Cringe all over. And in All or Nothing trying to make Joko's death meaningful by Ogden's saying about some signs so the prophecy could be fulfilled... Cringey...Aurene's death was the biggest D&D ever... The way it was showed was just so wrong. Playing with the people's emotions so hard, and then Tom Abernathy in War Eternal's Celebration Live Stream saying that he had no idea it would cause such shock... I mean the whole building up to Aurene's body was just to cause shock!!! Going 10 mins hearing Taimi's screams. Then they even made a presentation talking about how to make a character's death something meaningful, and then just revive it later in an episode within few screen-time minutes... Bad, really bad writing with this Joko-Aurene related stuff. Really bad. What they were most proud of in my opinion are the biggest lay-downs of the Season, Joko's speech could actually be meaningful if he wasn't eaten in the end of it, Aurene also should not have died, and I believe near-death experience would actually be the better idea, so she would be in coma and in a really bad condition, but something would stir her out of it. And Requiem stories would also be quite meaningful so the characters would be talking what would that be if Aurene died... And talking about hope and family and finding purpose would actually be equally meaningful. But hey, if you want to cause some cheap thrills, then you have a great example to how you can do it. Season 4 was to me 7/10. GW's story was never about cheap thrills, since Season 3 till the first moment of War Eternal the writers tried to do something like that, which in my opinion should never be repeated again - GW2's story should be sentimental, more characters' development, less action. GW2 has so much to give philosophically and can give so much valuable observations on the modern world it's unique among any other game. And hopefully the later parts of War Eternal and Aurene's beautiful ascension and cherishing empathy were the signs of Anet's story to truely come back to its roots. Take your time, writers. Be perfectionists. <3
  13. their bones are wood. Teeth are bones. ta-daaaa
  14. I have finished War Eternal achievements, and PvP reward track... Worth noting I completed all of War Eternal achievements (Skyscale excluded) within a week, so my blocking progress is like over 1 month long......
  15. I don't know how you see pinata in your mind, but it's supposed to be squishy :D
  16. Well, you may be surprised that the Dwarves from Thunderhead Peaks were actually Norns at first, so they are just very short norns. :D
  17. The secret garden in the Grove. Its just beautiful.
  18. Aurene's FateAurene, Dragon Full of LightThe End of WarSanctum SprintTaimi's GameHere be dragonsEye of the BrandstormFar from homeSands of TimeMordremothBattle on the BreachmakerThe Newly AwakenedThe Nightmare CourtDemmi's ThemeFear not this NightThe AllTomb of Primeval KingsBlish's SorrowSylvari themeSaga of NornA Land RestoredCharr TriumphantAll Hail King Jalisthe SeraphRaven SpeaksVigil goes to warthe tengu wallZhaitanRata NovusFaren's FlierDragon's VeinsHighlands KraalThe InquestHigh RollerZafirahThe ProphecyThe Olmakhan ETC ETC ETC
  19. I am waiting inpatiently for Kormir's Outfit. I'd pay any price to look divine-ly great :)
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