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Everything posted by Michram.6853

  1. Guardian: Human, NornWarrior: Charr, Norn, HumanElementalist: Asura, SylvariNecromancer: HumanRanger: SylvariRevenant: Human, Charr and NornMesmer: HumanEngineer: Charr, AsuraThief: Human, Sylvari, Asura Human and Charr really fit to Guardian- honor and sacrifice are rooted deep into those races. Charr, Norn, Human are most suitable to Warrior- the most experienced races in battle. Elementalists compose the magic of the elements, Sylvari do it naturally by contact with the nature, Asura with their technology to obtain and weave those elements together. Necromancer to Human, because this is the only race that makes graves. ;D Ranger to Sylvari- pets, nature etc Revenant- fits to all of races but to those 3 especially. Mesmer- maybe because the greatest mesmers are Human? ;) Engineer- Asura and Charr- the most advanced Races in technology and inventions. Thief- the skinny races are the best, how can you even imagine a norn thief?? 3 meters long, stomping like t-rex. XD same with the Charr- their long tail is not much helpful in sneaking up. ;D So thats it.
  2. Druid- Harrier, Weaver and Firebrand- Viper. Other 10 characters- Berserker. :D Berseker is kinda most common and the best if you want to make the highest DPS everywhere. :)
  3. Too messy, if there would be World Chat, I wouldn't use it.
  4. From all we know I like Glint most. But can't say exactly which one is my super favorite dragon, because we didn't see Bubbles yet, but Glint is my #1 and I doubt it will ever change. Glint was so great. when I got to listen to her in PoF I was like: She sounds like a cute granny that wants to give everyone some treats. :D She is a really great inspiration to Tyrians and Canthans and Elonians to make these lands a better place and to fight for them and to keep everyone safe.
  5. I think it'd be nice to ressurect LS1, but it seems unlikely- First of all I want them to focus on making S4 good than spending the time on the old content.
  6. Largos are really interesting, and if it'll ever happen they'll add a new race, I hope it will be Largos.
  7. I just don't care, but if they are going to just "suck" your money for these unlocks I can't agree to this. I didn't even realise ANet would do such a thing...
  8. I want underwater expansion, not only because of that the underwater combat s*cks, but also it'd be the high time to introduce Deep Sea Dragon. :) I think there will not be any new race. I think Anet lost this chance in PoF so if they will introduce the new race it will be in like 2024 or so. 2017- PoF2018/19- LS4- heading to Vabbi2020- underwater expansion- attack on LA by Deep Sea Dragon, Tengu's wall will be destroyed2021/22- LS5- slow introduction of Tengu's story throughout episodes2023/24- maybe finally Tengu as the playable Race- Cantha and Dominion of the Wind will be introduced. :)
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