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Everything posted by Michram.6853

  1. I don’t quite agree...buuut I certainly lean more towards something more than being just another ED. Jormag says: Terrible things lurk just beyond the horizon. I guess I put too much weight to "beyond", but well, there is definetely something bad coming.And the way Jormag speaks about Aurene, it sounds like Aurene leads some conversations with the Elder Dragons, maybe sending a warning to the Dragons themselves. "All this war. All this pain... Aurene wants to end this [...] I want to help her" I feel like the commander saying: "right" in the end was because the commander wants to contact with Aurene first to make sure Jormag is not playing with us. (Jormag obviously is playing with us, but maybe to really stand with us against beings that "lurk beyond the horizon")I think it's obvious we won't have anything about fighting Elder Dragons in the nearest future, I think it's safe to assume, we will go full Lovecraftian - cosmos full of chaotic, strange beings. Story similar to the vibe of Old Gods in WoW.
  2. Sounds so like Mordremoth too. Nah, I'm not a fan of the HoT score at all. Doesn't capture the essence of a jungle and supposedly scary undead forest dragon minions for me. Most of it sounded too "military" (except for Tarir, which sounded okay for a peaceful theme) rather than eerie or anything remorely scary. Added to my not being impressed but rather bored by Mordremoth and its creations.I can't argue with your personal experiences. And I'm not saying Boneskinner's theme is the same as Mordremoth, just I felt a similar vibe. I just have been listening to Lena a lot tecently, and it's just I have Mordremoth's theme in my ears when I hear this woman vocalization. That also appeared in other of her works like "Confronting Myself" from Celeste. So it's just Lena Raine thing :D And I consider Season2/HoT the best music GW2 ever had with "Leaving Tarir", Mordremoth's theme or HoT's theme or Attack on Tarir. edits: clarifying
  3. Sounds so like Mordremoth too. If Lena worked for Anet still, I'd be pretty sure she composed it, but I have no idea who is composing the music now, aside from Maclaine that isn't the main composer anymore. Stan LePard was a producer of Metal Legion songs, maybe he took the charge?
  4. such is life, Almorra of course didn't deserve it, but I know it's cliche, but life is brutal. As I said life will not grant you a warrior death because you were someone great. This episode was so mature with Almorra's death, taking responsibility by reckless Braham, choosing something that may as well turn all bad while passing the Raven's trials, and then this weird cinematic with persuasion of Jormag. It's all very interesting and so mature.
  5. Copy from another post concerning the same topic: No one is talking about sharing memories about her, just ranting about how she died. If you really like your character, you would honor his/her memory. I think that was a brutal death, and shows that you just won't get death according to your deeds, so it broke some stupid habit of writers that would make the whole episode just to kill a character for the sake of honorable death... So happy they broke this trope.
  6. Well, I can't say I agree totally, because I felt like he didn't do GW2 justice musically, and the experience wasn't as unique to me, like when Maclaine took the charge. My interest in GW2 lore and music didn't begin in Personal Story, I enjoyed traveling on the maps, but core music never clicked for me. Season 2 was where my true GW2 journey began, and everything about the music made me love GW2, music like The Shadow of the Dragon or the Nightmare court were just so deep and emotional to me. I feel like it's because I didn't start with GW1 and I feel like Jeremy's music is outdated. It's just... It's just my personal experience and I can see why you like Jeremy's music more. I came to GW2 later, so that's why I appreciate post Jeremy music much more. And personally I think they nailed it this episode, the sound team I mean. I absolutely love the music from the final cinematic. It's just so scary and pretty. I appreciate your comment, though. It brings a new light and opened possibly a good discussion.
  7. I think they gradually will add new things, now when we know the atmosphere and we were introduced into the story, I think with Episode 2 we will get the new character select music.
  8. I think my long speculated theory is going to become true this Season! We go BEYOND! The way the cinematic starts with the shot at the starry, astralaria-like thing above us, as if hinting that the true problems lie not on Tyria, but somewhere else.
  9. I want to change my vote. I pick Jormag. :D
  10. WoW philosophy is a lot like the old content matters very little in the future, and the main reason is leveling system and addition of new lvl cap every expansion. So they can do big changes in the world, Because the live in the moment, not planning to make something accessible forever with no changes. It kinda changes, but there will never be a storyline that will tell: repair the Deathwing's damage on Azeroth, in GW2 we have it everytime.
  11. what did you expect? that santa Claus would come and magically fix everything. I know Christmas are coming, but some things aren't possible to be fixed within few days. Also Rubi made it clear it's a process, and should be very carefully executed. It's going to be a little bit more than month, so saying "next year" is misleading.
  12. Thanks for the update and listening. Hopefully everything will be sorted out and I hope you will reconsider the price for templates and either take it 50% off or remove it completely, and refund those who bought them, that would be fair, because QoL updates should not be monetizied, they are updates to make the game fun and accessible for everyone despite any circumstance. I am fine with the templates and I like the implementation and I knew there would be some work to be done, as Arenanet made us aware before the release, but I am not fine with monetization of templates.
  13. https://twitter.com/GuildWars2/status/1196489473313259520 A small teaser of the tomorrow's episode and there was one of music tracks teased during the livestream, if you want to listen to:
  14. there were some dialogues if you picked Kormir or Balthazar as your god, but not too much. But you know, if you play lore-wise, then you want to know every single detail, I like to go for theme so there is a big chance I get something extra, like as a charr in the Prologue I got a different letter from Bangar for example. There are small easter eggs that I learnt I don't want to miss, it builds immersion for my experience and brings more value to the story.Hopefully my Raven-blessed Norn will get to hear more from the Raven spirit or something. example: That's Kormir! She blessed me at birth, but I never thought I'd—hail to you, Goddess of Truth. (Facing the Truth as Human blessed by Kormir)
  15. I wont be, my Norn sits abandoned at level 10 cause i cant bring myself to level another Character xD ill be playing as my Charr! Sounds good to me :)
  16. Are you guys going to play this episode with your Norn? I have a Raven-blessed Herald Norn that I created a long time ago, and she has Stag racial armor and Nevermore too. Anybody else does something similar to kind of get in mood? Or you just go with the shiniest Ice Encasement Asura or something? :D I also particulary want to play for 2nd time with my Sylvari to see how they interact with the whispers of yet another Dragon.
  17. I think it's safe to hoard like 500 of them, no more But each map will most likely get another currency that will be needed in the final episode for the mount or legendary trinket.
  18. April Stewart (Human Female) because of her insane performance throughout the Season 4. Her emotions and care about details was exceptional.
  19. So far Jormag is the leader, and we will see if rightfully :) I like Zhaitan because of his appearanceI love Mordremoth for his strange Bacchae vibeI am amazed by Primordus, because he has the power to reshape the ground by the fire and rocks.I can't wait to learn who Jormag is.I love DSD for his mystery, weird vibe that surrounds him.I sympathize with Kralkatorrik because of his chaos and showing that sometimes the pain can make you do horrible things and you have no control over your own body.I adore Aurene, because she embodies everything that GW2 is all about - fighting for hope through darkness.
  20. Primordus means he was the first Dragon to awake, doesn't make him the oldest.
  21. The reason why I love Tom Abernathy :D https://twitter.com/Michram142/status/1194336729353854977 Me be like: okay, Aurene gonna save the dayHe be like: .... yikes. r u sure? but then he wrote this really interesting post after I kind of compared A Bug in the System trailer and Whisper in the Dark one: there's definitely some of that same horror movie vibe-but where ABitS turned into Cronenberg body horror, WitD's tone is more Blair Witch Project/Halloween by way of Stephen King. Body horror: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_horror Blair Witch Project: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blair_Witch_Project To which I responded that he makes a good point, because ABitS trailer was more physical - thanks to the Scarab Plague, the experiments etc, this one is much more psychical - strange, creepy-unknown, when the stuff get just: AM I SANE YET?!
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