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DaVid Darksoul.4985

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Everything posted by DaVid Darksoul.4985

  1. The other day we stopped a Dev led zerg from taking bay by draining their supply with trebs and traps, bet soon those get nerfed.
  2. I salute your stance on commanding. I avoid exploits as much a I can, sometimes you see a port and take it not thinking it was a cheat tho. There is one commander whom used the AC exploit where you could target anyone in an objective and would do so even if he had a full squad against one person. Myself and other guild leaders called him out when his guild transferred to our server and they left. Playing fair is always better.
  3. What should matter is having fun, although I know that also many come to play so they can become what they can not become irl. It is hard to balance things so that all can feel a sense of accomplishment, so the game is skewed to nightly raid groups who have limited playtime. Attack have a quick fight, cap, move to next. That leads to frustration for those that pretty much live in WvW
  4. Good to see so many responses on the subject of defense, which I have centered my gameplay around since start..that and roaming. My statement of free siege for use at objectives was half serious, kind of a response to the countless nerfs to tactics and siege damage. I also have noticed what seem to be nerfs to skill usage against siege. A great routine I learned as a necro using spectral walk, wells and plague land to take out rams and catas seemed much more effective then it does now. Arrow carts are useless unless you have ten minutes or so of a couple pounding attackers siege. As it is now I mostly make an effort but usually wind up scrambling right before the breech, I get more of a thrill escaping while they try to catch me then just donating as a hero making a last stand.
  5. Not quite true there, I for one kitten about everything.
  6. Why even bother with the reset, all that was done was add points to one trait? I ran straight to NET to defend and got so pissed at not being able to try and defend with siege that I logged off wishing every curse I could on anet. Oh and Chaba the pushback was just from someone trying to make themselves feel superior, some need to do that.
  7. Tired of wasting time and gold on sieging objective when it no longer does any good for defense. if there aren't as many defenders now as there are attackers you just wind up feeding them. Tactics, buffs, structures, and siege have all been nerfed into ineffectiveness, and low- information devs think this is a good thing, ( a reference to the appearance that they only talk to attackers and not to mental capacity). Maybe a vendor posted at objectives that dispense free siege that can only be used at objectives would placate defenders, ya know like the increase in supply and the number of ewps "made a difference".
  8. Would rather have the boon corrupt on scepter 3 back.
  9. Oh sorry to hear that. The server I was on was Throne of Balthazar, they really could use help. Seemed like they were better at making degenerative comments in chat then gameplay. I am very happy to be where I belong with HoD, although my timeframe is constantly outnumbered and defense has been nerfed to the point where we just grab supply and wait to recap. No sense in handing bags out constantly. IT'S KINDA LIKE GIVING THAT kitten lOCH nESS MONSTER THREE FIDDY.
  10. Want to thank Anet for transferring me, I am now able to play with my HoD comrades.
  11. Not liking the way that this alliance thing works. Would have preferred that whole guilds could list with other guilds as an alliance instead of having to create and join a totally new guild. I was too busy with work and did not pay attention to what was going on, at last minute (late nite before reset) I saw a message from a guild co-leader to join a new guild and set as WvW. I missed deadline and now am stuck playing on different team. Tried to get switched thru ticket but no-go. It also puts too much power in the hands of one Guild leader, that can lead to a Matriarchal type of tyranny where individual guilds are subject to haphazard implementation of rules due to however the Alliance Leader feels .
  12. I stepped in here to see what changes were coming for Ele due to the extreme OP of catalyst right now and find peeps complaining that there aren't good enough buffs. As a dedicated necro main I have seen nerf after nerf on Necro with small buffs to things which no one uses. Ele seems to get awesome buffs as is seen in Catalyst playing WvW, takes more then 2 players to down them the majority of time. The boon corruption nerf has made that even worse. Just wanted to point that out....carry on.
  13. With all the buffs for other class elites this would be a great counter.
  14. It works well in WvW on npc and have encountered many players unaware that they were standing in it. Use it on downed players to prevent rezzing or stand in it to help against melee attackers. Overall I prefer it to flesh golem since minions die so quickly.
  15. supply and stealth traps disappears when you switch templates
  16. Hmmm wiki shows a half second activation and no cooldown for first grenade skill in the kit and after watching an engi continuously fire grenades at a trebber I can attest that it has no cooldown. Pretty sure i wasnt halluc, and engi had no skill on him like alac to speed it up
  17. But still the elite continue to play because GW2 is the best out there. These arguments seem mostly to stem from mmg (make me gud) attitude whenever palyers need to adjust to others being given a chance against them
  18. Wondering why kit skills such as Grenade have no cooldown just a half second activation. This makes it able to continuously spam the skill which given its strength and ability to target players on siege is kinda a stupid decision Anet made in my opinion.
  19. "cuddle, cuddle, words of reason, words or persuasion, cuddle, cuddle." Seems you either roam alone miserable or join the WvW family. Not all guilds require the use of comms but all promote it.
  20. I agree with everyone, condi needs fixed. I am constantly running into players that just seem to shrug off condi and then you can't applyy even one condi. After that they end up one shot you. Clone spamming trash mes and thieves and scrappers are the worst. Hopefully EoD will deal with the boon bozo meta.
  21. I thought this was a Valhalla theme, we fight cause it's fun.
  22. Please consider adding Condi/Precision and Condi/Power Ascended foods. Thank you
  23. I wonder if making areas like doors in the side of hills or embankments where you can enter and stand in a little room safe from harm would help. No more afk in the open where you get ganked, you can go in there and cool off or just get away from a stalker. As far as cheats and exploits, ya they suck.
  24. So is this groups of players or just single? Oftentimes I doze off while playing and wake up running against a wall parsecs from where last I remember being. also when a player DCs they might run into things.
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