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Everything posted by Armanius.6741

  1. I've mained deadeye for ages in pvp. While I understand that the class is hard to catch, it's still extremely squishy once u catch it off guard. removing the reveal cleanse form the elite is like taking away the one thing it's good for. If they were really interested in "balancing" deadeye, they should just remove the second ammo skill, let it still remove reveal and give it a lower CD. That way, they can't just spam it. Like what others have mentioned, how is a deadeye supposed to kite off once they have used Death's Judgement? The balance team specifically made it so that the skill auto reveals u even when u have not landed the hit yet. They balanced it around the fact that deadeye CAN remove reveal. So what now? Such an awkward nerf. They did not even add anything to the skill to compensate for the huge nerf. Sounds like someone in the balance team is getting farmed by deadeyes and hates it. I love how the balance team just decides to basically make an elite skill useless when literally no one has been complaining about it yet they barely nerf FA ele. I've went through a lot of metas but the spamming of blinds, reflects, weakness, and superspeed is way too busted and annoying. It's hard to kill and does way too much damage. This season has not been fun at all.
  2. hi! Mind if I join your guild? still fairly new to the game and your guild advertisement piqued my interest! My IGn is as on my account name here, send me an invite anytime!
  3. Greetings! I've been playing for about 2 months now and I'm gonna be transferring to an EU server. Wanted to join active guilds in the EU server since my interactions with my current guilds will be very limited due to them being mostly NA based. I also mostly play casually but is currently getting into pvp a lot recently. Any guild is honestly fine as long as there are no (or at least not a lot) of toxic hardcore players in them. I have the expansions if that matters. Haven't transferred servers yet since I'm trying to find a wvw guild first and join their server.
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