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Posts posted by Poseidon.1839

  1. I don't think they are uninspired, i think the main problem is one that this is only a beta it's not the finished product there might always be changes, tweeks and reworks.. also the elite specs meant to give a different play style some might like it some might not, i for one really was and still an disappointed with the ele spec, but that's just me, i remember in pof i really hated mirage because they didn't have dodge anymore they would just stand there, but now it's one of my most favorite spec.. 


    My point is let's wait and see the final product...


    Anyone excited for WvW??

  2. 23 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    I don't mind long posts, but I think that's the longest run-on sentence I've ever seen. Could you try breaking it up into smaller sentences and paragraphs?

    I will just summarize it then to make it easy so basically when I'm saying is that the hammer skill 3 should not be specific skill it should be an skill that is shared with all weapons so whatever weapon you use you would still have that ability kind of like the weaver alt...


    And the second thing I was talking about was the well instead of having a cool down on the well which is long I think it was 20 seconds if I'm not mistaking it would be less and if you turned off the well it wouldn't automatically consume all the energy it would run on a short cooldown but then you can reactivate it on the place you are or have it similar to that of an engineer where it would be around you and wherever you go the well would also be...


    Another thing I was trying to talk about was the fact that as an elementalist you tend to be more mobile than an other professions due to the fact that you die faster so you tend to move around a lot and use your skills whether it's with the sword too or dagger 3 we basically move around like that's what I'm trying to say so having the hammer be mid and short range it's an interesting concept but at the same time it fails with the elementalist due to the fact of how weak they are which I don't mind if I do more damage than the rest I don't mind being more of a glass cannon however when we do switch up the talons to be a traits to be more of survival we lose out more than any other profession so having the hammer be more of like a revenant hammer range would make more sense even if it is slow....


    Lastly I want to mention is that the whole elementalist spec feels like a mishmash of multiple ideas kind of got squished into one and they weren't sure what direction they were trying to take this elite specialization so instead of presenting it now as a second group of elite specialization they should have left it to the third and try to work more on balancing it and making it more reliable and playable and to be honest the way I see how they made the elementalist makes me feel like they haven't even tried to play the new spec and they were more hoping that we would like this whole confusing aspect of it which from what I'm reading in a lot of forms and comments that we don't weaver was/is confusing enough..


    Arena net should reevaluate how they did the elementalist redesign him and then reintroduce him again because as it stands The gameplay is more punishing than rewarding and the thing that I feel like they do not understand is not all gameplay needs to be punishing and rewarding...


    Sorry about the long post...

  3. So I'm going to share my thoughts and I know a lot of people might disagree some might agree but here are my thoughts on the matter..

    The way I see it is that it feels like they had multiple ideas but didn't know how to execute them now I didn't mind the whole hammer thing because I thought at first it was going to be like the revenant hammer however seeing it now as it is I feel deeply disappointed and the fact that hammer skill 3 seems like it should be a skill shared with all weapons so it should not be a specific hammer 3 skill it should be out there with you can use it as any weapon you want and in terms of the wells they are nice idea but I prefer if they were similar to scrapper where they kind of went around with you wherever you were and I don't mind the fact that they changed depending on attunements that's fine I can live with that however when turning it on and turning it off punishes you by depleting the energy that is the problem because one I am just leaving it as it is and it's not that impactful and it's on the field and doesn't even move around so when I choose to close it to refresh the cooldown or something I'm being punished by depleting the energy so I have to recollect energy again and also the fact that it has a 20 second cooldown I think I might be wrong so the fact that it has a cool down which it shouldn't if it has energy and second thing is that it's on one area or which makes it easy and PVP or world versus world or even PVE where bosses or moms tend to move around and you just basically lose them Man they can step off of that area of effect and then you have your utilities which give you bonus effects if you use them on the field which let's be honest never going to happen because elementalist can't survive that alone for it to work at least just go down fast so you need to be moving a lot so even when me playing Weaver and I play dagger focus I tend to be moving all over the place simultaneously dodging using the three skills to dash and I'm never in one place for too long because I know if I do stay in one place I'm just going to die faster than everybody else so without making this as long as it is I feel like they should reevaluate how they did that at least spec the new one and that they should really give serious thought as to how they want to do the elementalist spec and I think that they should have left the elementalist till the last just so they can have more time to readjust tweak the numbers do the designs properly check it and then show it as a semi-final production of how the elementalist elite spec is going to be not what they introduced I know a lot of people have been complaining or disliking the mesmer elite spec however compared to the elementalist I see that the mesmer's elite spec is way better and way more polished than the elementalist...


    Thank you and sorry for the long post

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  4. Deeply disappointed in this elemental elite spec and to be honest I don't mind the range part even though I wish that I could get arranged hammer or other weapon however fact that this whole spec in general feels clunky and unorganized a mixture of trying to be both a tempest and a weaver but not doing any of either specs jobs better lack of damage everything just seems disappointing with this rest in peace elementalist...

    • Like 4
  5. I'm disappointed Anet very disappointed... I thought we were getting some kinda enhanced / elemental shaman but what we got was total and utter failure...


    As an ele main I am deeply saddened and disappointed...


    The three skill on hammer should not be only on hammer the F5 every time you activate or disactivated you lose energy with which takes a long time to generate so I am being punished for no reason and the impact from F5 skill isn't even that significant I found myself playing catalyst 99% of the times without even using the F5 skill was just felt like playing core ele....


    If you want an honest opinion like many others before me have said you should rework the whole thing....

    • Like 3
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  6. The vindicator is pretty interesting, however I don't understand what is the point of the ult urn, its worthless, if the healing also effected and you can have it activate to heal you and allies I would understand at least then there would be a reason to use it and it would pulse heals to you and anyone around you, but having it damage me and heal allies, not even that much I don't see the point, I tried it in fractals and raids it is not that impactful and it just causes me to die fast and even if i was to reuse it the healing isnt enough to survive or do anything might as well not even be there.


    generally looking at all the 6 specs that have been shown thus far, I would say that it seems like Anet had some good ideas, but are not sure how to execute them they don't feel as exciting or impactful as the previous two.

  7. On 9/19/2021 at 2:23 PM, Knuckle Joe.7408 said:

    The demonstration showed us that when you drop a well, it changes as you change elements. That's really bad because if you wanna do a DPS rotation, you most likely will want to drop an air well for the quickness, but then it changes as you change elements... let's say you go to fire for that hammer 4 aoe explosion... what benefit are you gonna get for 3 seconds you were on fire... 3 might?

    Or if you go some kind of healer spec, you put down water well and expect to blast it with all your other finishers throughout your elements, but nope, it changes.

    I get you devs wanna encourage people to switch thru elements, but please make the well you placed be the element you used permanently, or at least give us the option. The wells themselves are fantastic, but only if you put them permanently (and that would mean sticking to one element). If your wells is changing every 3 secs with your attunement, there's hardly any advantage to these..


    Honestly a lot of people maybe interested, i for one am disappointed, the hammer abilities might seem cool but in general the elite spec doesn't seem like fun and the wells are with f5 isn't helping... Sadly i know that won't change, so I'm still going to be playing weaver...

    • Like 1
  8. On 9/19/2021 at 9:38 AM, montecristo.1324 said:


    All people saying that hammer is amazing, I can understand that, but why build an entire mechanic on the hammer 3??? Use that thing as class mechanic!!! It's just stupid to put so much effort on a weapon that maybe it will not even be used if it's not balanced enough...


    I just think that the entire design is flawed

    I totally agree i was excited for that hammer just because i was like oh enhancement/elemental shaman, but the f5 and the hammer 3 i totally agree i am disappointed...

  9. I know that a lot of people are disappointed about the whole hammer ele, but other than the name I'm actually excited about the hammer reminds me of like a shaman like thrall, so i can't wait to see if it is how I'm picturing it or no and I'm just gonna stick to weaver... I also agree with a lot of the comments regarding health pool, as an ele i wish that i had more survivability, not necessarily like most other classes but some survivability where I don't get one-shotted and at the same time do decent damage and not feel like I'm giving up either doing damage or giving up survivability.

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  10. I'm not really active on any socal media accounts, however I do agree that we should spread the word guild wars 2 is a way better game compared to wow, eso etc, I'm with you and will do what i can I'm already trying to do as much as i can in YouTube comments, i love the game and really want to see it become a titan if there is anything i can do I'm with you

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