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Everything posted by WhoWantsAHug.3186

  1. The entire problem with ranger downstate is that if you CC the pet, it still continues rezzing the player. WHY is this interaction still like this after 13 years??? Simple logical fix. The fact that pets continue with the action that HAS A COOLDOWN even after CCd makes 0 sense
  2. IMO this is completely a non issue. Different game modes will give rise to different meta games. Game modes that are more simple and straightforward will have a more simple, straightforward, less nuanced meta game. This means less build variety. High mobility builds are much less relevant as is the strategy of mind gaming with stealth. Straight up combat prowess will be superior everytime. Doesn't make sense to critique this fundamental reality of metagames developing around a specific gamemode. This is just the fact. Many thief builds rely on mobility to gain value both in map pressure and being hard to kill, thus wasting time via kiting. This is unfortunately the case, but there are some thief builds that can succeed. This is what happens when you spend 13 years buffing and nerfing for conquest, but then implement a new game mode like Push. Not saying conquest is 100% balanced, or that 100% perfect balance can ever be achieved, because it's objectively impossible. There's just more or less balance. It's a spectrum. Push will inherently be less balanced than conquest because conquest format is what's pushed in balance patches. Push is also way less nuanced which means even less build variety because what's strong is more narrow in scope I think it's important to understand the philosophy behind game development, mechanical interactions, and the subsequent arising of a metagame. Push can't be flawed or critiqued from the notion that some builds will perform better than others in any given scenario. That's like saying basketball is bad because tall players dominate the scene and short players are disadvantaged. It's irrelevant
  3. Push should exclusively be a mini season along with 2v2 and 3v3. It's braindead, which I guess some people want. Conquest takes more brain powers and people tend to play games to veg out and be mindless. That isn't for me, and unfortunately push is exactly for the person I'm not. Conquest is overall vastly superior, more mentally stimulating, and more fun. If push is the gold standard, then more people will leave the PvP community as boredom will set in quickly. Not going to lie, I don't find push fun at all, but I'll set my bias aside to try and cultivate constructive criticism. Kiting is pretty much pointless, instead you "push" people away from the node. This is the single most important factor of the game. Chasing for kills is less relevant which is so meh and the map is like totally flat. A core aspect of gw2 is movement and kiting vertically. There is nothing in the map to promote kiting and there's nothing to kite on. People find kiting and outplaying solely with movement enjoyable. Things should be implemented to make kiting and moving around a map more meaningful. Map shouldn't be 98% the same elevation, otherwise it gets boring. Conquest allows for so much more than a mechanical outplay. Theres strategic outplay via time(wasting people's time from kiting them around, or recapping, forcing a recap, etc) or rotational outplay, or even outplay with secondary mechanic. Like in skyhammer if the enemy is capping the hammer, but you have no nodes, you can just ignore it and let them cap. You're outplaying with the secondary mechanic by wasting time essentially. Same thing with stalling node captures. Conquest is a great game mode because it promotes strategy. Maybe push can be reworked to do the same? I'm not sure, so regardless some people want gamemode that requires less thought process, but push should remain a mini season exclusively. It won't have longevity otherwise The single biggest issue with push is the game length. I'm sitting in a 2-6 min queue for a 3-5 minute game. It's just blehh. What's the point? Game are too short.
  4. Yea everyone complaining about these buffs is a fool. Everything buffed is currently non meta and buffing non meta, seldom ran things will only help the game. The GW2 community is a literal joke. Anet should nuke the PvP community for all its years of toxic garbage. Anet trying to appease the PvP community is like trying to babysit a tyrant child
  5. This is totally not true at all. Support chrono is S tier mAT support and S tier solo queue pick. Also your entire comment you continously bring up player skill. I'm not talking about skill at all, im simply pointing out that an OP meta mAT spec will inherently be OP in sPvP. That's just the facts. Case and point, FA and signet cata mAT class stacking. This happens for a reason, bud. Because broken OP 0 counterplay builds transcend both formats. Ill give you the main reason why mAT builds will always be OP I'm both formats. People play random non optimal builds in ranked. This is exactly why and how the non mAT meta picks can be good in sPvP. If you are in a plat game and everyone else is a mAT meta pick, you're going to get dominated on your B tier spec. sPvP and mAT are the same game format, 5v5 conquest.
  6. You aren't conceptualizing the idea of balance properly my friend. It's true, there are ranked noob stompers that have no business in mAT. They excel in what they do, but are flawed in some way. On a fundamental level, anything that's considered a top tier meta pick in mAT, will inherently translate equally to ranked play, if not be more dominant. That's how it works. The best builds with the most busted mechanics and interactions that have the least counterplay will be used in mAT because they're the best builds in the game. There are OP builds in ranked, then there are OP builds in mAT which will always be OP in ranked. A square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not necessarily a square.
  7. Mate when u 5 stack cata in a mAT, there are no solid counters. You say mAT vs ranked. But mAT is a much stronger showing of what's OP. Anything broken in mAT will be broken in ranked by nature. People try everything they can to win mAT.
  8. That sounds like a small change on paper, but it's super massive. That fundamentally changes stealth so much it would be a daunting task to rebalance effecting classes. Game is like 12 years old. This will never happen
  10. Yea that scepter fire auto spam was legit the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Warrior staff is definitely up there though for an unhealthy weapon design
  11. Yea idk about that. Druid only "sucks" cause it's kit only works with sustain and condi builds. Much like warrior, ranger condi weapons by enlarge suck in teamfights. If ranger got a couple busted condi weapons like warrior got busted OP power weapons in staff and spear, then it'd be way better. If Druid could run sages ammy with actual viable condi teamfight weapons, it would be strong. Rangers working with weapons like shortbow and offhand torch(lol druids super iconic offhand weapon(sarcasm)). Honestly, even if hammer was like actually good in teamfights, Druid could be better, or if staff autos and like 1 more ability had any kind of condi damage. If Druid got a 1 to 1 mirror of warrior hammer, that would be siiuckkkkkkk. F1 included Full counter has always been super strong, especially in teamfights. Spellbreaker is a power elite on a class that has historicaly had kitten teamfight weapons. Think about it. Greatsword 2, 4, 5 all do jack kitten in teamfights. Dagger = clunky in teamfights. Warrior weapon skills all have these obnoxious after casts that make them booty to land in teamfights. Rifle is the most memeable weapon in the game. Like seriously WTF is even is that? Hammer is decent in teamfights, but is obviously countered by stability, on top of the usual blind, Aegis that typically plagues warriors low volume of melee attacks. I personally have had great fun playing GS/hammer teamfight spellbreaker, which was decent(maybe still is), but that's beside the point. I HATE WARRIOR STAFF. ITS DUMB AND NEEDS AUTO DELETE IMMEDIATELY. Okay, that's my rant. Druid could be so much fun to play if ranger weapons didnt SSUUUCCCKKKKK. I loved that SpB build, it was situational, but had a lot of fun with it considering it's meh power level. Full counter will inevitably get nerfed and kill my build. Boohoo. That's the GW2 balance cycle. One nerf to target one thing effects all others. All they need to do is remove staff from game and nerf warrior spear and we Gucci
  12. Yea. Reveal needs to be 8 seconds long IMO
  13. Does deaths judgement even have an audio, or are you confusing it with deadeye's mark? The way they handled judgement was a great idea, I'd agree. It's the visual line coupled with an immediate reveal at the start of its cast. Other stealth attacks breaks stealth only if it lands. I've always though that interaction to be strange.
  14. I don't think that's correct. MAT teams were also playing core warrior. The entire issue with warrior right now revolves around staff and spear. Warrior weapons have historicaly been clunky as kitten. That's why they've only excelled in 1v1s. Their skills are slow, or their movement components aren't fluid. Warriors are countered by blind, stability, aegis more than other classes etc. These things don't manifest on small node in a 1v1. What's given rise to the warrior meta boils down to staff and spear. Staff was meant to be a support weapon, but was given solid damage scaling. When compared to something like guard or ranger staff, the difference is obvious. Since warrior has reduced weapon swap aswell, it gets really good at abusing the sustain numbers from staff, both in 1v1s and teamfights. Its just too strong, especially with SpB kit. Spear provides another strong teamfight weapon that was previously lacking on warrior. Previously, warriors best teamfight weapons were greatsword and hammer. That's a solid combo that I enjoy playing, but it doesn't compare to the effectiveness of staff/spear. SpB definitely makes the best use of these, considering full counter was already ludicrously strong in teamfights. Now warriors have the weapons necessary to facilitate a strong teamfight presence.
  15. Same, but like 10. These people just like to complain and like it when their comments get hearts. Easiest way to do that is talk a bunch of negative nonsense. OP has clearly just picked up the game, because condi scepter ele wasn't even that long ago and that kitten was by far the worst balance I have seen.
  16. Don't think you're really getting what I'm saying. Not every spec has high uptime on stability or resistance. When I say "across the board" it's just about the specs that can spam it. I play plenty of specs that don't have either and am perfectly fine avoiding CC with gameplay, ie dodge, postioning etc. If I don't dodge them, then I didn't play well and will get CCd. Not sure how long you've been playing this game, but close to a year ago, ANet reduced the CDs on a ton of utility skills, including many stunbreaks. Trust me, if there was less stab and res in the game, it would be for the better. Even things like aegis need to come WAY down. When GW2 was released in 2012, guardian was THE ONLY class with aegis and the only class that could "spam" stab, so to speak. Also resistance didn't exist till a later expansions. Am I advocating for the complete removal of these? No. Should there be more stab access now? Probably. More weapons have more CC now, so it makes sense. back in the day, people had to dodge CC or worry about being immobed. Now you can just spam boons and forget about it.
  17. Support id say is always good. The real question is picking which support to play. Let me first say that it's harder to hard carry on support, and impossible some games, but you can still climb. Support chrono - always strong, but kinda boring and lacks a rez. I don't play it, so don't have anything else to say. Support tempest - OP vs heavy projectile, gets owned by creapers. You can play vs 1, but not vs 2. Support tempest also sucks vs spellbreakers that like to teamfight and your shock aura is obviously bad vs stab spam. Hilariously strong vs axe thief, but gets owned by other condi thief specs, such as scepter specter. You actually can play vs two necros if they don't have a support, but I'd only do it if your team has high mobility melee specs. Granting a willbender shocking aura = dead necro. Highest CC support spec, so in general has great synergy with willb. Core guard - your best bet vs heavy condi teams or heavy burst teams. Also strong vs multi necro teams because you can couter their CC with aegis and stab. Support tempest can survive high power damage teams aswell. Firebrand - high healing throughput, super versatile, tons of stab and great when you start timing your mantras to provide quickness at opportune times. More mobile than core guard. Extremely bad vs multiple glass cannon assassin specs or multiple condi spec. Basically it's good vs a well balanced enemy team comp and tankier teamcomps, also is pretty map dependent, as you need kiting vectors to survive. For example, bad pick on Capricorn if vs high dmg team Both guard specs are strong vs tempest because you negate shocking aura. Also, you need to play different with guardian and tempest based on your own team comp. Great example - granting fire aura and granting teammates bonus burning attacks from guard will increase your condi teammates pump. Some specs like spellbreaker are hard to kill, but will fold when you're providing burning sources to your teammates.
  18. Power engi sucks right now. Tools holo is still decent but that's it. If you're trying to play engi, you need to go a condi variant. It's real easy to get creative with the builds IMO, because you can run shortbow and forego running Firearms. I'd say condi engi and especially condi holo is in a pretty kitten good spot ATM. There are literally so many build options.
  19. Nerf resistance and stability across the board. Those two boons promote braindead gameplay
  20. . Bro you wanna read this one out loud to avoid confusion? Thnx and plz stop with the condescending attitude
  21. Creaper isn't even an issue TBH. Hammer vindi, staff warrior, and deadeye are the strongest builds in the game and support chrono is maybe slightly behind those three. I'm purely talking about ranked play, not mAT balance. Hammer vindi and staff warrior need some obvious nerfs. Deadeye needs a slap on the wrist(but a meaningful nerf to slightly reduce its strength) and I'm not convinced that support chrono needs any changes ATM I'd rather see other specs buffed over any necro nerfs
  22. You're thinking about it in terms of win or loss, but the glicko 2 system is way more nuanced and complex than that. It takes everything into consideration. How many people are currently rated, who is on your team/enemy team when you win/lose your placements etc. As the population shrinks, it's less and less likely to get placed in plat after placements, because less people are ranked. You're incorrect mate. Just accept it. I know it's hard to understand, but you're wrong and just making yourself look worse
  23. Uhh cause you're insulting my intelligence, even though you're incorrect
  24. OMG WOW I WAS CORRECT ALL ALONG. The glicko 2 system uses past ranks to influence your initial placement, mean AFTER PLACEMENTS. Jeez I can't believe I humored your ignorant take on this
  25. DUDE even if that's the case, IT DOESNT MATTER AFTER PLACEMENTS, WHICH IS MY ENTIRE POINT AND CONTRARY TO WHAT THE ORIGINAL POSTER THINKS. we're literally having a semantics argument right now. I don't care
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