Firstly, I'm sure we'd all like objective proof of you actually outskilling top players. Secondly, where did you get these damage figures from? PVE raid hero’s. Ask any of them. They will tell you rev power damage is the lowest by far. ...right but you are sayin that Rev has "pvp specific damage and CD nerfs to even further lower this damage." Which is the only relevant part of your statements since nobody cares about PvE damage. If you go to Vallun's balance thread, you'll see Bryvanent commenting on how certain things could be changed around to balance out Rev damage.Rev is very vulnerable to condi but overperforms versus almost all direct-damage specs; ideally it could have more defense against condi but not be quite so slippery against direct damage specs. Ahh yes Bryvanet. He is good rev but he is farm from the greatest. I'm going to be real with you and say he's NOT the sort of Rev Vallun has in mind when he is crying for nerfs in his thread.Considering I've beaten and matched every single "top revenant" in the game. To name a few: Toker, Zollec, Helio, Lora, and Sin I'd love to see what you think is keeping me far from the greatest. And if you think Vallun isn't thinking of someone like me when he discusses revenants current burst and how strong it is I'd love to know whom.