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Posts posted by Asra.8746

  1. 19 hours ago, Asur.9178 said:

    To summarize my thoughts; while it might be good in PvE against mostly stationary mobs (130 range on everything except 1 skill btw 🤣), I'd be lying if I said I wasn't highly skeptical about its performance in anything PvP. It lacks a ton of things you'd expect to see in a weapon which would make it good in PvP; including defensive options and raw damage output to offset the lack of defensive options. One of the main reasons S/D chain on skill 3 works in PvP is solely because it's unblockable (so you aren't giga punished for everything running around spamming evades, blocks, invulnerabilities, blind spams, and movement abilities) - spear chains are not unblockable (you also lose the chain the instant they fail - have fun with that; especially against any mesmer/guard).

    Glad to see I wasn't the only one who saw its glaring flaws when it comes to the potential viability of the weapon in PvP.

    Let's see if the beta changes my perception; but, I doubt it as well.

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  2. As has been pointed out by myself (and others) countless number of times over the years; the balance team does not have a dev that actually cares about thief.


    You're expecting logic and proper balancing for thief from the balance team that doesn't play, understand, nor possess any level of passion for the class. - source

    It's so bad that they forget their own plans (one of countless examples) when it comes to thief like it's nothing, because thief is an afterthought for them.

    When they decided to reduce shroud in that same patch where they mentioned the removal of the tradeoff, they forgot about necro's base HP (compared to thief) and necro's shroud base damage reduction (PvE & PvP). It's been over 2 years since that btw. Thief shroud is still obliterated in a single critical hit/tick (massive condi stacks) even with stacking a ton of vitality (therefore losing out on other stats).

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  3. Only decent changes:

    • Shadow Shot: The unblockable shot from this skill will now pierce targets if the Deadly Aim trait is equipped.
    • Venom changes:
      • This is something that should have existed in the game since day one. You can actually play multiple condi thieves now, instead of being restricted to 2 or doing some weird coordinations. Having said that, I don't see Basilisk in there and that elite skill takes like 1.5s to fully cast.
    • Shadow Portal: Increased the number of uses from 5 to 10 in PvE only.
      • This is how it should have always been.
    • Shadow Sap: Increased the splash effectiveness of boon duration to allies from 50% to 75% in PvE only.
      • Okay, but why isn't this applied to all the skills? That's such a weird oversight. Also, since it's PvE only, why not just make it 100%?
    • Well of Silence: Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds in PvE only.
      • Why not just make it 20s like the rest of the wells...it's a PvE change afterall. Why balance so overly safe with support thief when things like firebrand, druid, herald, and chrono exists?

    Sword changes aren't good enough for PvE. Sword 3 skills are way too slow. PW locks you in place...it's worse than WC spam. Nothing changed for PvP...even the auto attack is overly slow for how little it does - it's such a wet noodle that people just stand and eat it like it's nothing.

    For them to claim this next patch was going to bring up underused weapons and skills, they did a poor job making adjustments to sword (PvE and PvP) and some utilities, like Well of Tears/Sorrow, Scorpion Wire, and preparation skills. The changes, while something, is not enough...and they even admitted it on stream. So, it begs the question: why didn't they go further and try a little bit harder to make it enough?


    We’re primarily focused on improving the usability of underpowered skills, utilities, and traits and bringing in outlier builds where necessary. - Studio Update: Guild Wars 2 in Spring and Summer 2024

    Finally, Kneel shouldn't cost any initiative...period! Movement penalty is already restrictive enough. cVirt is a thing.

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  4. 18 hours ago, Liewec.2896 said:

    i'd choose greatsword over anything, lets get Samurai elite spec up in here weilding an Odachi!

    but i would also be happy with a focus for my Shadowmancer (Specter) 😄

    because it looks quite silly at the moment with my shadowy spellcaster carrying a pistol around!

    Go play a Bladesworn. That's the elite spec that fulfills your class fantasy...stop trying to turn thief into a worse class than it already is. This is the same mentality that lead to that garbage elite spec (Deadeye) being added to the game - cause people with this level of mentality wanted a "sniper" thief.

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  5. 18 hours ago, Ilusenn.6420 said:

    I can't agree with you on high initiative costs as a main mechanic. I understand your need to reduce the number of skills (and it's important to make it possible in viable builds for accessibility) but I don't think it would be wise to make a costly skill in a main rotation. That's why I suggested party aegis, a powerful but situational boon that currently lacks in pve heal specter builds.

    It was sarcasm. I thought I was clear with the exaggeration - I guess not.

    Specter will always be garbage as a healer compared to other healers because core thief does not support healing builds, and target based heals doesn't work in a game like GW2. Adding a weapon will not change this - it will merely be a useless addition to the class.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Ilusenn.6420 said:

    A torch casting shadows instead of light, with defensive skills like barrier and protection when targeting allies, and the scepter/torch 3 giving aegis to the party (at high initiative cost).

    High initiative costs are my favourite.

    Using 1-2 skill(s) just so I can't use any other skills is the best feeling when playing a given class. Only bad classes, like the other 8 classes, need to rotate through skills  back-to-back;  I can't imagine why people enjoy doing that.

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  7. It doesn't matter since the new weapon will be a 2-hander or main hander since the team is too lazy to design too many dual skills for thief.

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  8. Axe by design is terrible. This is not a surprise to anyone.

    They basically tried to implement what sounded "cool" in their head into practice and it failed...as it was bound to do.

    They will now take this failure and lessons learned and implement a better type of weapon with similar style of mechanics on one of the other 8 classes. This is what they have been doing since 2015. Using thief as the testing class to try some weird stuff and implement better versions of it on other classes later on.

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  9. 14 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    Bolas so weak we get it for free and still don't use it 🫣🥶

    I guess my definition of "free" is completely different.

    I guess I put more value on initiative, considering that nonsense costs 4 initiative with an absurdly slow cast time for 1.5s immobilize with insignificant damage. That's like using a complete trash skill to add 4s cd to every other skill. Pass!!!

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  10. Keep dreaming for a fix. Thief problems are at the bottom of the ever changing pile and will remain there.

    Add Steal bugs in general regarding LoS, Specter bugs, and now Axe bugs to the list.

    It's been 7 weeks and counting that Axe was introduced with the same bugs that were reported in betas. All they did after release is make it feel worse to use with a couple of changes and nothing else.

    I've lost count how long it's been since Specter betas (and honestly, I can't be bothered to look it up); but, the same bugs exist to this day.

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  11. 29 minutes ago, Zacchary.6183 said:

    Here's an idea: Make Quick Pockets baseline, like with preparation.

    Woah buddy. Slow down there.

    Preparedness hasn't even been made baseline in over a decade; and you're asking for a lot more than just that.

    Chill out. Wait for ANet's balance team to start understanding thief problems first, before asking for actual logical changes. Give them another decade or so...maybe they will finally get a thief main in their team that has a passion for the class.

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  12. If you enjoy running away and only playing like a "+1" (I'm sorry, but this is a joke role...being balanced around the fact of needing help from others to do anything is a joke), then sure.

    You also need the other 4 players to rotate properly and pick up proper matchups in order to be effective at any relevant level. No other class requires the other 4 players in a team to perform their roles near perfectly to be useful. Thief is the only class whose effectiveness basically depends on the other 4 players in PvP. Ie: it is terribly designed and balanced.

    Also, if you enjoy weaseling around with stealth and being just annoying in wvw, sure...thief is ok (but remember...wvw has mechanics that prevent you from stealth abusing too much). If you enjoy non-stealth gameplay, there are significantly better (stronger) choices.

    Does ANet's balance team know how to balance thief? No.

    Does ANet's balance team know and understand thief problems? No.

    Does anyone in the ANet's balance team play thief at a relevant level or have a passion for the class? No.

    Does ANet's balance team actually care about bugs regarding thief things? No. For example: deadeye bugs that have been reported for years still exist to this day; specter bugs that were reported back in specter betas still exist to this day; axe bugs that were reported since betas still exist to this day...all with zero communication about fixing them from the team.

    Has Trickery been touched in over a decade in a meaningful way that makes it non-mandatory in any kind of PvP? No...in fact, it's become more mandatory than it ever was over a decade ago thanks to clown level balance changes over the years.

    Should you come back only to play thief? This is subjective. It is your choice; but, my recommendation is no if you left for the above reasons before, since nothing has really changed that will make you feel a different way.

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  13. On 3/22/2024 at 6:30 AM, Myror.7521 said:

    @Jugglemonkey.8741 i mean....  in my eyes the perfect profession to get a Power build with good self sustain, some Mobility, good dmg would be specter........ but for some reason Anet want it to be straight up played as conditions build. Rn specter is sadly too glassy.

    Actually, the perfect profession is this one...thanks to this.

    On 3/22/2024 at 7:52 PM, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

    See, I don't like this argument because while it's true thief is the stealth archetype, it's not the only class that has stealth. Ranger, engi and mesmer all have stealth, they have decent mobility, decent tankiness when built for it and critically they can all build to one shot people with much higher damage than thief cranks out these days. So what's the difference? 

    Frankly I don't have a problem with this either. 

    The difference is that they decided to make a traitline and some other traits in other traitlines specifically dedicated to stealth gameplay for thief; only to turn around and use that as an excuse to pigeonhole/holdback the class.

    EDIT: Giga meme: ANet's balance team still sees nothing wrong with giving necros perma quickness in the year 2024.

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  14. It's been almost 7 years and this is still a 60s cd passive trait. At least it's not 300s, right? 🤡

    Just goes to show how well aware and in-tune the balance team is with thief problems and issues.

    Extra meme: guess what traitline it's in.

    EDIT: For the less aware, as some below correctly identified, I am indeed talking about this trait.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Blind.4162 said:

    So either embrace the class and stop the continual nerfs or get rid of the class.

    They will never do that. Know why?

    It's quite simple actually; because they want the class there to act as the archetype that attracts those players who like that thief/stealthy/rogue archetypes...it's all about numbers.

    More players = potentially more gem sales = more potential profits.

    It's the whole reason they added the stealth mechanic to GW2 and added a class that's supposed to specialize in it, even though GW1 never had, nor needed stealth. They had Assassin; which, imo, was/is a significantly better designed class. However, ANet will never admit it, nor correct it. The game is over a decade old - that ship sailed a long time ago.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

    The only axe change was how skill 3 for the Axe/Dagger setup handles Malice

    I'm finding the DPS is roughly the same so... not really any difference except the rotation is simpler.

    You're finding it the same for your skill level. This is not to insult you or something (not everyone is of the same skill level); but, the dps for it has dropped by about10k from initial testing on just golem.

    The worst part of it being the fact that it completely butchers any kind of smooth rotation/gameplay loop. So, if someone thought axe was awful to play with before, they will think (and realize) it is even worse now after this patch.

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  17. 57 minutes ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

    I thought this change was really good for PvE.

    • Condi Dagger/Dagger Death Blossom build is 3-3-3-5-1(stealth attack) repeat
    • Axes
      • Before Patch: 2-2-3-5-1(stealth attack)-2-2-2-3-2-2-3-5-1(stealth attack) repeat
      • After Patch: 2-2-3-5-1 (stealth attack) repeat

    Don't have to worry about skill 3 screwing up the rotation for Malice generation. And having a simpler rotation makes it function better in PvE since you don't have to think too much for the rotation. Sure, the damage may not be as high, but it's much more consistent and easier to master.

    Am I missing something?

    Yes, you are. You are slow.

    That's the only reason those rotations work for you; which also means you perform worse than others who are actually better players with faster reactions and apm.

    Also, they literally didn't address any of the bugs and issues plaguing axe, instead of just nerfing it first. This is the most backwards logic in balancing I've seen in games.

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  18. 16 minutes ago, Elxdark.9702 said:

    Deadeye still plays the same way, with the exception that now you actually need to use a bit of your brain to play it efficiently without dying.

    Actual good changes, the synergy with SA was disgusting and needed to be removed from the game entirely since it was incredible annoying to play against.

    The moment I see someone claim initiative cost increase is a "good change" is the moment I know the person either doesn't know what they are talking about or is trolling.

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    Quickness deadeye was significantly overtuned when it was introduced but got brought down a bit too far from that point. This update includes a few tune-ups for the build's damage to hopefully bring it more in line with other options. We've also made usability improvements to some traits in the critical strikes and daredevil specializations along with some minor improvements to acrobatics.

    New Changes

    • Meld with Shadows: Reduced the superspeed duration from 1.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds when the Silent Scope trait is equipped in PvP only.
    • Shadow's Rejuvenation: Reduced the initiative gain on enter from 2 to 1 when the Silent Scope trait is equipped in PvP only.
    • Death's Retreat: Increased the initiative cost from 6 to 7 in PvP only.
    • Death's Advance: Increased the initiative cost from 4 to 5 in PvP only.

    (March 19 Balance Update Preview)

    • Double Tap: This skill now pierces.
    • Three Round Burst: This skill now pierces.
    • Tactical Strike: This skill now dazes for 1 second instead of blinding when striking from the front. Increased the power coefficient from 1.0 to 1.33.
    • Larcenous Strike: Increased the power coefficient from 1.3 to 1.4 in PvP and WvW.
    • Shadow Portal: This skill no longer breaks stun.
    • Keen Observer: Reduced the health threshold from 75% to 50% in PvE only. This trait now gives base critical chance that is increased above the health threshold.
    • Twin Fangs: Reduced the health threshold from 90% to 50% in PvE only. This trait now gives base critical damage that is increased above the health threshold.
    • Deadly Aim: This trait no longer reduces damage and now increases damage from pistol and harpoon gun attacks by 10%.
    • Vigorous Recovery: This trait has been reworked and renamed to Pumping Up. Gain might when you dodge.
    • Upper Hand: This trait now additionally restores initiative when you dodge.


    (March 19 Balance Update Preview)

    • Havoc Specialist: This trait now gives a flat damage bonus when your endurance is not full instead of scaling with remaining endurance.


    New Changes

    • Malicious Tactical Strike: This skill now dazes for 1 second instead of blinding when striking from the front. Increased the power coefficient from 1.0 to 1.33.
    • Malicious Cunning Salvo: This skill can no longer consume malice when recalled.

    (March 19 Balance Update Preview)

    • Stolen Skills: Increased the power coefficient from 0.5 to 1.25 in PvE only.
    • Shadow Meld: Reduced the count recharge from 45 seconds to 25 seconds in PvE only.
    • One in the Chamber: Increased the damage bonus from 10% to 25% in PvE only.
    • Mercy: Increased the ammunition count from 1 to 2 in PvE only.
    • Collateral Damage: Increased the damage coefficient from 1.5 to 2.5 in PvE only.


    More initiative cost increases.

    They literally NEVER learn.

    Trickery continues being MANDATORY in PvP.

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  20. 13 hours ago, bq pd.2148 said:

    given current axe deadeye benchmarks we will likely get some nerfs to it in PvE at least.  what are your nerf predictions?

    personally i think nerfs should shift some of the damage from axe 2 to the AA and potentially make the recalled malicious cunning salvo only be a cunning salvo (no malice reset).
    otherwise the axe would have to be nerfed to useless on anything but deadeye or m7 would have to be nerfed which would hurt non axe builds.

    My predictions are that they will nerf it, but not fix the actual bugs and issues that makes the weaponset basically the most irritating and garbage thing to use.

    I also predict that they won't buff power axe (A/P is kinda bad); even though they claimed it will be good as a power build as well - which it isn't.

    There's no reason for them to touch M7 since M7 is not the problem with the benchmark.

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