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Everything posted by Gorem.8104

  1. I still never really understood why they did that. I was using healing signet all the time and then the nerf comes and I am like "well what about healing signet, Warrior is not a forgotten class right? RIGHT?"
  2. Considering your reply to my comment, may I just say... hahahahahaha...... hahahahahahahahahaha KNEW IT
  3. What they want to do is basically take server pride away, a key driving factor in wvw (the thing that actually in part killed Warhammer online when they gave defenders rewards so it made more sense to lose on purpose downgrading your main city and hurting your side so the top got rewards) and replace it with "guild" pride but then also guilds are not big enough to fit all the people that would be required in the mode, so multiple guilds are needed anyway. This feels like it defeats the purpose of alliances and every change they have made since they announced it would release years ago, has made wvw worse for everyone who wants to play the mode. They managed to kill off pvp quite fast, obviously their continued failed attempts to kill wvw hasn't been good enough so they are doing this now.
  4. That instant realisation that Warrior is not allowed even a single good thing about the class
  5. I honestly just feel its kinda hilarious how I can have no idea how to play other classes and never die and kill things faster then my Warrior, which is a few days younger then the games release date that I play as hard as possible and as best I can that I have put all my effort into learning. Or just log over onto my Ranger or Engineer, fight the same targets and can close my eyes while pressing buttons at random. If they were gonna give us dps elite specs I was honestly hoping for something like that, a dual greatsword wielding Warrior, ya know something fun. I cannot believe that we got an elite spec that on release was just another way for us to root ourselves.
  6. This is such a bad take. Like its amazing how anti-consumer this take is. Did all the people who want this game to succeed quit? Is that why we are left with just toxic people that want this game to fail and upvote an incorrect opinion about players trying to actively play the game, dying and then being unable to be rezzed because the game kicks them before you can rez them? I don't understand when and where this happened, that we are left with people upvoting comments from people who want this game to die forever, and putting confused emotes on comments from people who want this game to succeed, its honestly, really confusing. Who on Earth thought an auto-kick dead players who are actively waiting for someone to rez them was a good idea, lol.
  7. unless you are actively playing and get kicked because of the system being broken
  8. Oh did they buff greatsword back up so that just auto attacking is not a dps increase over using its supposed to be skill that roots you? Does it not root you anymore? Does it actually do more damage then auto attack again because they unnerfed it? Have they let us dual wield great swords that doubles Greatsword damage which would still be less damage then most other classes?
  9. Return Warrior to the state it was in at the games launch 😛 We'd gain a ton of dps but would for sure be more squishy as what they have done really is make us hit like a wet noodle so that we can slightly live longer
  10. Some of the fondest memories playing this game in the early game area's is coming across people who have died from a mob respawn or pathing while they left to get something and needed me to quickly rez them up after I cleared the area of mobs over their body, to which they replied Thanks and then joined me for the quest I was on in that area and helped me clear it. What this does, is hurts active players. Players who are abusing the system already, will not be effected by this. They are taking away everything that made GW2 a great game once. Ruining all the fun runes, ruining daily logins, ruining pvp, ruining wvw, and now ruining memories and fun experiences with new players who get kicked for playing the game. I'm actually really curious at this point to what they can come up next that makes this game objectively worse then it used to be, they keep coming up with new things to make the game worse like the jade bot which made the game worse and its quite an amusing watch.
  11. Its amazing still seeing some old Warrior names here from years ago. People who just don't want to let go of what Warrior once was back at launch. I am amazed anyone still plays this class today. At one point, surely everyone will just give up and play the other classes? Every time I pop back in or want to play gw2 again, I am just reminded as to both how weak warrior is and how strong other classes are.
  12. To me, GW2's story ended at the end of living world 4. That was the perfect place to end the story. Tied up all loose ends in an epic way, an extremely epic way that even created an entire island as the final area. Where the pact is fighting above ground WHILE you go inside. It was just epic. Perfect conclusion. Then everything after is fan fic level quality. Dragons are amazing to look at and big and menacing bringing the entire world together to beat and having to rely on corruption to control other beings to being on their side. "moving on" from dragons is not something possible. IBS could have been good if it wasn't cut in half and rushed out the door to get finished. We didn't really get anything story wise on an entire dragons side of the story that people had been hoping for since GW1. And then that was followed by another rushed EOD expansion that again retconned a bunch of stuff already setup as if to pretend GW1 never happened. Not entirely sure why they thought their bad writing was because of the dragons when lw4 and Path of Fire are written so well with dragons in mind. So it makes sense, following the fanfics that are IBS and EOD, that all story elements afterwards would pale in comparison to what has come before. The best Dragon fight to me will always be lw4. The games true ending.
  13. So no more popping cd's and repairing something to end the tide when outnumbered forcing them to do some more quick sieges to get back in? One of the best ways was getting the wall back up when defending to clear out the enemy. Making this harder sounds like they just want defending to be pointless and not done by anyone. Do they even play their own game?
  14. I quit this game awhile ago when they nerfed roamers the first time by basically removing rewards from repairing walls and sieging and various other anti-roamer/recon player plays only to come back and see its only gotten worse? I am actually amazed that they have made zerging even more the only way to play this mode. I used to defend and scout places for my server all the time, holding back the tide and interrupting captures long enough for people to arrive and clear, and then that entire way of playing was removed when preventing the tide stopped giving rewards entirely. (I really do want to come back to GW2 one day..) Now I hear they making even repairing destroyed walls only reappear much later on repair, so you can't even yolo it and cut people off anymore. Just like changing the outnumbered buff to be much worse then it was because we were not supposed to be outnumbered anymore due to "alliances fixing this" when that never happened. Everything I read about wvw looks like they have only made it worse over the past 3-4 years since deciding to change it over to alliances that never came. From the sounds of it, the best way to play wvw now is to just have everyone ignore everyone else, no one defend, and everyone just boon blob from objective to objective from map to map and just make sure to never do any actual pvp as much as possible.
  15. I was very surprised to see them update the games engine instead of working on gw3 However Anet is a very small team and a smaller team works on gw so unlikely to see anything besides what the few people working on the game now want the game to become, different to how it used to be.
  16. after quitting and forgetting to login due to them massively nerfing the daily logins we used to get, its interesting to see the current Anet mostly dead dev team still keeping features the majority hates while a small minority on the forums defends the bad design choice
  17. This one being the most interesting to me, that not only did they take something away that we all worked for and spent time on and it had been in the game for a decade, but you can't even earn it back by playing because its out of the game forever. Which means without knowing it Runes were FOMO 😄 And new players can never experience the fun we once had with them as they are forced into the Inferior forced in Relics
  18. The best part about them doing beta's is we know they will ignore all feedback and any testing we do is pointless.
  19. So one of the things that made HOT Great, its hard HP's that were a skill check for people or trains setup, can now just be bought past with RL Money. Another stab to GW2 amongst all the recent stabs the game has undertaken. The best part about GW2 was that it was different to other MMO's and did things differently. Obviously they don't want that anymore and have not since EoD. Ever since that Expansion launched we've had so many of these changes that no one asked for.... At least buying them with WvW currency still required you to actually play the game. What about those people whose ONLY defence of the Wizards Vault is "you have to play the game, wow!" where are they now? If I could play a version of this game that's in the state it was the day before EOD released, I would play GW2 for the rest of my life.... It was always meant to be a mmo different to other mmo's. It was never meant to be compared to them. Why are they doing this.
  20. Good luck! Not entirely sure why they decided to introduce these "relics" without it being a complete system that had replacements for all rune effects we currently had. They literally took something we had, changed it and then made us have to go get what we already had back and then did not even include all the rune effects anyway. Such a bad new system
  21. Why did they do this? Why fix what is not broken? Because dailies could not be monetised?
  22. This math is not exactly correct, you give a random base amount for GW2 which would be 1,000% incorrect depending on the person and when they started playing GW2. Sure you could make the argument that you can technically unlock all the living worlds for in game currency but so can you buy sub time in WoW with in game gold. You could have played and owned WoW for years and have not paid a cent. But for example new players, they won't have paid anything near that for either and well the true reason has nothing to do with money but entirely because GW2 has a skeleton crew of devs working on it whereas WoW has a studio. Anet devotes as little as possible to this game.
  23. Coming back after a break from the game and for the past decade many things have stayed the same. By the looks of things a bunch of things that were not broken were fixed for no reason. Where's Dailies at now? Chest of Loyalty? For the past decade you could quit and come back and nothing would be fomo but this feels like the devs have tried to force it into this game for no reason. Now you are forced to keep doing this new thing to keep up. And what on Earth happened to runes and why are Relics so dumb and worse in every way?
  24. We said so many times in the thread: "Relics are fine and dandy, but only release them when the system is FINISHED" Did Anet listen? Of course not. Why design something to completion when you can half bake it and release it then with many features missing while also forgetting that legendary items exist?
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