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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. Its sad this. I mean I had quit again now due to SOTO and all these changes that no one asked for as they ignored pages upon pages of feedback while they patted themselves on the back as the game progressively dies. I mean you can tell the difference from where they are doing things right or wrong just based on the server size counts. For years they had been reducing the size of the wvw servers, and the first time in years during the Return to event they had to increase the size of the servers as they were all full. I remember when there was only 2 options to choose from not labelled full. 

    Since then? Only a handful of full with them reducing them again. With "alliances" promised to be delivered years ago that supposedly to end this anyway as updates changed wvw to compensate for the alliances they never delivered as wvw was in a terrible state till the recent change... ONLY if you no lifed wvw and could camp out the final chest now. 

    The game was on such a high with pof and lw4, if they kept that momentum going there would be so many thousands more people playing gw2 right now. If they stayed with their design philosophies there would be so much more people playing. This Wizard Vault has already cost the game players. It doesn't matter if you as an individual like it or defend it when people are quitting over it. It means it was a bad design choice they put in on purpose while listening to no feedback. Whose replacing all the people that are quitting as you cheer for these people to quit because they want the game to improve and be in a better state as they know it could have been? 

    As soon as we start to see people compare GW2 to other mmo's, they have gone too far. And we've been seeing that with every announcement around SOTO. GW2 made a name for itself by being a different mmo unlike any other. If it becomes just like other mmo's, the many hundreds of mmo's that have died and gone forever, what exactly was the point of sending gw2 down that a path? 
    A good game does not need people defending it on the forums or other social media sites (That are not moderated with bias and use censorship tactics), people know its good. Word of mouth always is stronger then what you read online. Physical evidence is stronger then any defending forum post tactic. 

    I defended GW2 originally by just telling people to give the game a go because its not what they think it is. GW2 keeps this path, it will become what they think it is. 

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  2. On 8/25/2023 at 7:11 AM, Darves.6798 said:

    You took my companion Inquest Mark I Golem from me. Now the game is even more difficult than before. I got used to him, he helped me in the game. He was like a tank, he took aggro from the mobs and I could stand back and shoot the guns. Now he's gone and I'm dying all the time because all the mobs are attacking me. You made the game unplayable for me. Not only did you weaken my character's gear, but you also took my companion. Your worthless relics are supposed to be compensation? I demand the return of my golem companion.

    P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.



    Imagine trying to fix something that was never broken in the first place that has worked in game since its launch over a decade ago. 

    Why did Anet do this? No one was asking for this. Runes was not a broken system it was a system that worked flawlessly with no bugs that everyone relied on. 
    It just, doesn't make any sense to me why they thought Relics would go down well when they were fixing a system that was not broken. 

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  3. On 8/25/2023 at 11:59 AM, Razor.6392 said:

    Yes, I 've read the overview post a few weeks ago, mostly skimmed through it, and based on the perspective from a day 1 gw2 headstart player, this is what I know so far:

    1. New story: Now that the dragons are dead, we focusing on side stories, this time starring Zojja.
    2. Wizard tower (I thought that was located in base tyria?) or something is the main focus.
    3. There's a new UI icon for this tower next to the trading post and all of that stuff, most of the rewards are locked for non SotO owners.
    4. New maps, not sure how many.
    5. Relic system to help diversify armor runes (so far seems to be doing the exact opposite).
    6. Daily system destroyed.
    7. No new specializations because ANet's creativity has reached its limit (paraphrasing what that post said). Instead they're going to remove the weapon exclusivity for existing specs.
    8. No new mounts (correct me if I'm wrong).
    9. No new pvp or wvw content.
    10. No completely new system (HoT had gliding, PoF had mounts and even though EoD had garbage fishing, it was something at least).
    11. BONUS! Goes without saying but no new classes, races or anything of the sort.

    What exactly is worth $25 in all of this? Isn't it just standard living world + relics and other changes nobody asked for?

    I already skipped EoD because it didn't deserve to be called an expansion (mainly due to lacking in #9 and #10), why is this $25? Do your best effort in convincing me to buy it!

    It does at least give us a reason as to why EoD didn't have any class based runes, they were most likely planning this relic system for awhile (which makes the fact that it released half baked in a beta state to the live game even funnier). I had at the time only bought EoD cause I was hoping to get more story like we got with lw4, I should have realised what we'd actually get. 

    I mean experiencing EoD made me quit the game so going by that, I'd stay away from anything flagged with the expansion tag line. PoF set such a high precedent, guess it was truly impossible for them to give us anything close to that, ever again. 

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  4. On 8/23/2023 at 6:47 PM, GingeraleDragon.5804 said:

    I had a sinking feeling upon logging in today that there really was no leadup to this expansion. No big trailer, no promotional period, no obvious open plot thread in-game. Upon starting the story, I'm given fetch quests on maps I've already been on, only to be treated with a slog of a prologue instance, then patronized as if this weren't a ten-year-old game and we've been doing this sort of stuff for that long. Upon completing the first chapter, I'm thrown into the first map of a new paid expansion that's made up entirely of reused assets from other maps that I've spent countless hours on. I get the context, but as a first impression, it's not a great one.

    I began having my doubts with it once I thought about how good End of Dragons was. And my doubts turned out to be just how I felt. I mentally checked out and closed the game when they told me to learn about skyscales. The same skyscales I grinded out PvP and maps for currencies to get, the same skyscales the Commander themself witnessed coming into the world, the same skyscales I've been riding for like a year now.

    It's pretty obvious the writing team got fired again, but this one couldn't even be bothered to do more than skim whatever recap they were given. The characters treat the Commander like some new guy, some rookie who hasn't fought like 3 different wars and killed six elder dragons. If this was placed before Heart of Thorns, it would make sense, but it isn't. This doesn't feel like a Guild Wars expansion, this feels like a completely different game, but there's charr in it. I can look over a lot of flaws with the way this game handles keeping players busy, but when you're asking me to grind out a mastery on what is essentially a map that's just maps I've seen before but smaller snippets of them, it feels like a dishonest slap in the face. That's not even bringing up how the expansion isn't even finished yet. I couldn't shake the feeling of "This feels like Metal Gear Survive" while playing before I just logged out.


    If this is the new standard of quality for expansions, I'm really worried about the future of Guild Wars 2, and if half-baked maps, overly long and fairly boring instanced content, and patronizing and confusing dialogue is what we have to look forward to, I won't be pre-ordering the next expansion.


    This is just disappointing.

    I miss being the pact commander, in charge of armies and life or death choices, good times, good writing staff we used to have, I love the games story (though LW3 was still weird) PoF was Freaking amazing and LW4 delivered, IBS could have been good if it led to anywhere and then.... Yeah, we basically a tourist that is now an accountant doing papers at a desk as we sit and read a story. RIP Blish, you were the last well written character death. 

    Its high time to quit again, i've quit GW2 for six years before and came back and picked up right where I left off, but with Anet's new design choice, that's not possible anymore. I may Return to do another story run from start to LW4 finish but the game will never be as good as it could have been, which is the true shame. They could have made this game one of the greatest of all time, but Anet by choice has made it not. 

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  5. On 8/23/2023 at 5:07 AM, Kaibamon.7206 said:

    They removed daily login rewards which was a reason for many to login and surprisingly play a bit after only to replace it with a FOMO Battlepass! They removed much of the rune effects that were ok for a poor relic set. And they removed the reason for specializations since now everyone can use spec weapons.Not to mention the expansion itself is not even complete!. I have huuuge buyers remorse with this expansion. I loved my golemancy rune with my additional golem, why did they have to remove it? I regret buying this expansion and these new changes. anyone else feel the same?

    I find it rather hilarious that GW2 was onto a winning formula back during PoF/LW4 times, but instead of keeping it up the studio downsized and we got a rushed IBS so they could do a rushed EoD to lead into a rushed SoTO and other system changes. 

    IF the game got no expansions since IBS and instead we got a full IBS we should have gotten, even with nothing else happening, including no pretend Wvw update for alliances as every update to wvw has only made it worse since the alliance "update" beta cough and no pvp updates anyway to talk about the game would have more players and they would be earning thousands more dollars. 

    Instead they have chosen to make bad expansions and bad system changes to their winning formula they already had. It doesn't make any sense. If I could play a version of GW2 that ended at LW4 or maybe IBS Drizzlewood with no story (as it was terrible after how EPIC lw4 story was) I could play that GW2 for years and it would be more popular in those zones as it wouldn't have the almost always dead cantha failed expansion zones staining the game. Everything they have done since EOD launched has made people leave and they keep ruining their own game. Then Anet says thanks to all the people still giving them money ignoring all feedback, gotta love that. 

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  6. On 8/24/2023 at 11:43 AM, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

    Why am I not suprised, I hate the leyline mastery on Griffon.

    You are pulled, no matter what... no matter angle you hit it, no matter speed you hit it... ley lines now are litterly roadblocks for fun flight paths.

    They did not listen.

    I am not happy. Some maps are now no longer fun on a Griffon.

    Please ArenaNet, let the interaction with leyline and/or updrafts be OPTIONAL with an action key... "press to ride the line" 

    But your obsession of automation DOWNGRADED the flying experience. 

    I want to ride my Griffon, not be taken on a ride.

    Some of the games best content is watching those Griffon riders pull off amazing stunts to show off the games world. 

    Imagine taking that away from GW2 or hindering it in some way 😞 Really hope they fix this at least, not that they listen to feedback. 

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  7. 22 hours ago, Zephyrus.9680 said:

    I have thousands of hours in WvW and still don't even know the multiple triggers required getting credit on defense. It's something like: 

    1: objective was contested (has an X)

    2: some form of participation like killing an opposing player or siege(?) while near(?)/inside(?) the objective. Though repairing walls no longer works after they changed that a couple years ago. 

    3: you are in the zone when the defense timer hits 0 (?). Not even sure on this but there are so many instances not getting credit I assume this is a condition. 

    So all 3 conditions must be true to get credit. It's maybe not as bad as veteran creature slayer from the old system but it's not at all intuitive and more importantly, normal gameplay in WvW will usually miss it. They should just remove that from the daily and particularly weekly rotations. 

    It used to be a lot better before they continued to make wvw worse. if a wall was under attack, you could repair it and it would give you contribution, then when the timer ticked, that would count as you defending, no matter where on the map you were. But we can't have good wvw anymore. 

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  8. 22 hours ago, Areohtwo.7839 said:

    My golem is gone, my heal on kill vamp rune is gone.  They could have waited until they had all the rune affects done before taking them away and giving me NADA.  Nothing. Thanks for  you money, Now we take what you already had! Pfft

    This is the true kitten thing, because instead of releasing relics how they SHOULD have released, ya know, finished and fleshed out feature, they released them half baked with many things missing and no legendary variant. 

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  9. On 8/23/2023 at 4:23 AM, Stx.4857 said:

    Now you have to play the game to get rewards.  A bit of a shock to some, but it’s a good thing.  

    Logging in every day still makes you an active player by the way. 

    This is such a bad concept, Arguments like this just prove that people don't want the game to be alive and want it to die. I can tell this person wants GW2 to shut down and the servers turned off. 

    Ignoring what people are saying and just stating your own opinion helps noone. 

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  10. Instead of doing the correct thing and ya know, having both systems active at the same time... they did the incorrect thing and forced this on everyone, killing hundreds possibly thousands of peoples chance to return to the game as they cannot login and get their dailies anymore and log out. 

    By forcing everyone to be active, all that's done is cause the people who were already playing to have to now do the dailies. 

    Its like everything about this expansion release and new system updates is against people Returning to the game or even playing the game at all. Its a rather confusing concept to me. 

    GW2 has been a game where you could play first year, then return 10 years later and pick up exactly where you left off with no disadvantage or fomo or true grind requirements. Now its moved away from that pure and simple concept cause of Anet's new idea's. They are making it like other mmo's so people have started comparing it to other mmo's. 

    Stuff like this, will kill this game. Which is sad really. 

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  11. 3 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

       I didn't preorder since lately (in the last 7-8 years) I've been "voting with my wallet" and that has been extremely successful avoiding turds; in pervious expansion always pre-odered since they have something of interest, but so far I found that SotO has nothing to me:

    * Now new PvP map, game mode or content.

    * No WvW alliances or any new relevant feature.

    * No new specs, with the new weapons not available on release.

    * No homing, no relevant new masteries (I consider masteries outside Core Tyria, gliding and mounts largely irrelevant; also making EoD masteries soul bound killed my interest in playing alts in that expansion).

       Meanwhile, SotO brings up plenty of "loses":

    * Daily rewards disabled, replaced by a not fully revealed new system that probably would be either less rewarding, more demanding in time or a mixture of both.

    * Runes nuked from orbit, replaced by spongie "relics" with worse features and which had to be farmed again. And probably monetized, in some still undisclosed way...


       The expansion also arrives between Bardur's Gaste 3 (which already had) Starfield (which will look carefully and won't buy untill some weeks of full test from streamers after the release) and Lords of The Fallen (which will probebly pre-order given what they showcased pleases me a lot). So I can wait half year until they add some missing content...   If the changes in the dailies are bad enough, I maybe won't came back for a while. 

    True on BG3, almost every single person I know from all over the world is playing that game right now. Its hard to find anyone not. 

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  12. I think this topic has come at a rather confusing time. 

    Because most changes people are against, would happen regardless if you bought the expac or not. This is just a paid for living world, usually that wouldn't have much effect on your account. But stuff like Relics is something that could have come into the game at any point. 

    Edit: I love how I have a group of people following me to put confuse reactions to my posts, makes me feel quite popular 🙂

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  13. 41 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

    I don't think you understand what I ment:

    We loose the 6th bonus. In my previous example "Superior rune of mercy" I specifically use that for the faster rezz with more health on allies. It is specially handy in Open World where I can tank boss damage while I rezz somebody. The speedy rezz gives me less time in harms way and the extra health on the other player means they do not need to instantly use heal skill when up. 

    The core idea of relics is to move the 6th tier bonus to relics. 

    So again: will the relic selection box give me a relic with a similar effect as the current 6th tier bonus? 



    From what we have seen so far, no. None of the new relics effects are what we currently have as six set bonuses. 

    Also just realised the set I use on my Ranger, Undead, has a passive bonus as well that will be removed with relics, oh great xD I'll miss you condition damage based on stacking toughness 

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  14. On 8/15/2023 at 9:47 PM, Klypto.1703 said:

    Like all things they come to an end this game is just reached its ending which pretty much happened with the end of season 4 living world.  The EoD thing was just the last money grab before game officially went on maintenance mode.

    Fully agree to this, games already ended, it finished with LW4, its honestly the perfect ending the final zone is amazing both lore wise and story wise and everything leading up to it was perfect, a perfect ending to the game. EoD/IBS ect are just extra filler content you can afk through, I watched a movie instead of playing EoD, was more entertaining. 

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  15. 18 hours ago, Shade.8971 said:

    Haven't been following this news, or any SoO news for weeks after this annoucement. Are we still getting screwed over? Has there been any response?

    Yes and no. 
    No more clarification on if they will do the relic system correctly and actually have it finished before launch, no more news on what you actually get for having the legend runes, basically just don't play for a good year and you should be good to play like you used to a year prior before they took something away that we have already earnt in game that we will most likely have to pay for to get back as there is still no word if you will need to buy the expac to unlock the legend relic. 

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  16. 21 hours ago, Thelgar.7214 said:

    I'm kind of curious as to whether it is one person in charge that thinks tying things to when you use a skill that is on the longest cooldown and/or requires the most specific timing to use  is a fun way to do things or if there is some silver-tongued devil in the office that managed to sell it for both traits and relics. Either way, it's not a fun way to do things.

    I agree, cause it really doesn't make much sense. What about rune of speed as an example as well, how would that translate to only on elite or heal use? Some classes have elites that have over/near 2 minute cd's that require you to use it at key moments or to save yourself from death, any of these elites would make the new relics terrible if they are all like this. 

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  17. Its like when you think the Anet marketing team couldn't get any worse, they manage to just stop doing one of the avenues they did do for hype build up/exposure 
    Though quite often you realise the only people they advertise too... are people already playing the game. EoD was an expansion, this is just a living world we are paying for with other system changes that just happen to be happening at the same time. They most like don't want this exposed. 

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