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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. 8 hours ago, Clementine.3896 said:

    Actually, yesterday there was a thread about necroing threads, I cannot remember which sub forum. Today not only has it been closed, its been completeley removed from the forum altogether. I have no idea if that means necroing is banned, because i cannot read the responses! But yeah the megathread surely should still be going

    The thread was also started by Gaile, so i'm even more surprised they just did that. 

    I thought it was one post we were allowed to keep going. 

    14 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

    We been saying that for like 3 expansions now. Maybe 4 but I cannot remember that far back.

    This, the game makes most of its money from cosmetics anyway, pretending expansions brings them more money is funny. 

  2. On 8/13/2023 at 2:03 PM, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    i don't remember when, maybe it was in one of the blog posts, but they said alliances will be done this year (or early next year). many players have been speculating that means a december release, given that the next quarter will be focused on the expansion.


    i do believe they said they wanted to do at least one more beta with alliances fully enabled just to clear everything.

    Uhhh my sig links to their July 2021 post stating that, so don't believe everything you read 🙂

  3. 34 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Agreed. This is a bad design. I assumed the bonuses we know would still be available, but all published examples so far tell us otherwise. 😒

    Yeah not every build pops their elite skill (or heal skill which they had mentioned) on cd, and many have very different cd's on their elites. If every relic is like this, it feels like they actually taking away the customisation we used to have. Rune of the pack for example is a rune I really like, and I like how passive it is and how it doesn't require the use of any skill to activate. the same effect only on elite use would be useless. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, Wolfyno.2704 said:

    The fact that, in an unusual way, they emphasize that in their blog post seems to kind of support that ... the only beef I have with this xpac is the new relic system as it is now.

    This is exactly it. If they did this relic system right, we'd not have reached 28 pages and there would be no complaints or criticism. Instead they doing it in a way to sort of beta test it directly on live servers while making us have to work for something again we already have. 

    Delay the relic system until its finished, it will go down so much better.  

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  5. 23 hours ago, PyaKura.4895 said:

    Let me preface this by saying I don't share the same skepticism as "many" here (no matter how little of a vocal minority this term designates), because I am not affected by what you (general you) perceive as bad changes. However, as someone who works in the gaming industry, and has also spent upwards of 10 000 hours playing another MMO - namely FFXIV - and grew into a jaded veteran of that game who essentially "hates" almost everything about it nowadays but still keeps a subscription running, I do think I have some insight in both sides of the conversation.

    The harsh truth of game development - doesn't matter if you're making a standalone 5-hour long adventure indie game, an AAA blockbuster coming from a multibillion dollar company, or a live-service game - is that very rarely do things go exactly the way you plan and you have to make a lot of concessions that involve complex balancing between several key components (anyone who's even remotely done some project management will be familiar with the following):

    • The scope of your project: how "big" you want the game, or part of it such as a DLC or in this case, an expansion, to be. Making a bigger game or expansion comes with higher costs, and requires more time.
    • The development time: self-explanatory, but it can go 2 ways. Either you don't grow your team to keep costs low but you get things done slower, or you grow the team and reduce development time and costs go up.
    • The development costs: money and everything closely tied to it such as manpower - you gotta pay those salaries, and how much manpower you have directly impacts how much you can get done. Also includes how you split and allocate your resources to various tasks.

    Add to that the complexity of running a live-service game with continuous costs subject to global inflation, ever-increasing expectations from the playerbase on a single game (instead of sequels/several standalone games), and staying competitive with the competition (not just MMOs, but other live-services which aim for high user-retention) and most likely many other aspects of game development I can't think off the top of my head (pleasing a certain Korea-based publisher, perhaps?), Anet has a huge behind-the-scenes mess they have to deal with on a daily basis.

    To get back to your post - and you might not like what I have to say; every decision the devs take has a good reason behind it. The devs are aware how risky a "bad" decision (as perceived by the players) can be to make, but I can assure you they made it with the interest of keeping the game running with all the aforementioned constraints in mind, and likely grow the company beyond GW2 (like it or not, not everyone want to be stuck working on a game for this long - sticking around for a decade on a single product is nothing short of a miracle).

    Yes, you might not like some decisions and have every right to express your discontent, but no, you cannot pretend to "see a path where the game doesn't succeed" and everything this entails long-term. Sure you might not like what you get right now, and Anet could go your way, but what good will that do when the game - or worse, the company - shuts down a few years down the line?

    Yes, you might think added development time on IBS and EoD might have resulted in better products and that's all the game needed to succeed (even more than it does), but no, development has a cost, Anet gotta pay bills, and sometimes you simply cannot do otherwise if you want to keep operating the game comfortably. In other words, making a better product - no matter how much the devs wanted it - was never an option. And devs care much more about getting a finished product out than you might think.

    And to whoever else reads this: yes, you might ask questions and wish Anet was more transparent about how they make their decisions, but no, you won't get every answer you seek, especially regarding the way Anet operates internally. Don't get me wrong, every blogpost and staff reply you get is carefully written and more often than not are marketing deeds, but I think they're great at what they do compared to the vast majority of developers. Getting a clear message across on the first go (especially in written form!) is harder than you think no matter how many times you proofread it, but fortunately Rubi is already here replying to the most frequently asked questions to clarify some of the more obscure aspects of the new feature.

    I for one am happy to have to engage with an endgame feature that allows me to progress towards whatever goal I want to work on on a daily basis, instead of the endgame wasteland that FF14 offers beyond the first 8 weeks of a new raid tier coming out every 8 months. The point of a game is to play it, isn't it? I might not like all the rules that make the game, but I like the whole thing enough to play it which I think is the bare minimum you can ask out of a game.

    I understand the frustration, but I wish people didn't act like entitled brats blissfully unaware that there is a lot more to GW2 development beyond making them happy, and think they could do a better job at developing the game than, I don't know, professional developers... If you've been contributing to the conversation with hard facts, examples and/or numbers combined with your personal opinion to form constructive criticism (not that there's much to "criticize" right now when we haven't got the expac in hands yet), or have been politely asking questions, then cheers to you!

    Tldr? Like that's a big post with a lot of "I don't know how to respect other peoples opinions" and btw, quite often dev choices are not what they want to do but what they are told to do by higher ups. What some suit tells them to do or say. Their vision only matters until higher ups step in because what they originally intended was going well enough to get notice. The team working on GW2 is not large, its a part of something bigger that they don't devote much resources too. 

    There's a reason  IBS went how it did, and EoD how it did, with both leading to massive disappointments. Its hard to be "happy" as the thread puts it when a game you love disappoints you when it could have so easily not disappointed anyone. When you have a passion for something and you can watch it without glossed over eyes and can see people leaving and less returning. IBS needed to be twice as long to flesh out its story and its story needed more to it regardless, certain characters died that led to nothing. I had more attachment to the Vigil then most characters in the story yet that's all we get and it leads to nowhere? It was so pointless, no narrative reason to happen. There is so many examples of this. 
    GW2 could so easily be the greatest game on the market. But they are choosing to make it not and doing things that people who are currently playing and paying are against. That doesn't make any sense to me. The Ball is in Anet's court to make this expansion right and do good, if they continue to ignore people, well GW2 was good while it lasted. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

    I really do, but there is nothing to be hyped over. Don't get me wrong, the maps look great and the wizard vault seems like a great addition but there is nothing that pops out to me. We don't know any of the combat mechanics, don't know how any of the bosses look, we barley got a glimpse of how the regular mobs will look. There is only one week left and I can't get myself to be excited at all. 

    The saying "out of sight, out of mind" is a saying for a reason. You need to get your player base invested, not only to have a great launch but to also spread the message word of mouth. What would I even tell/show someone to who doesn't play gw2 about soto? There isnt really anything worth mentioning that would be a selling point. No epic trailers, no in-depth blog post about new mechanics added, no teasers of big baddies. It's just sad tbh. I'll be playing soto on launch and hopefully will enjoy the hell out of it, but please Anet, just give us something juicy to salivate over until the launch. 

    Even just recently with EOD release I remember all the hype streams and the class beta tests (that proved pointless as they didn't do our suggestions to fix the classes) but it was quite hype building to play test everything. Had those new characters spawning into lions arch and you saw quite a lot of people doing it. 
    But as we know this is a paid for living world that starts with 2? maps with more to come, with no legendary relic with that to come, with not all current six bonus rune buffs with more relics to come, they kinda have to be vague about it. 

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  7. 52 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    What does "battle pass" or "seasonal pass" actually mean? I don't play any recent games. Last time I really gamed was probably 10+ years ago. Mainly playing GW2 and some indie games nowadays. From what I have seen on Steam it is usually that new games are already designed with the option to later sell a ton of DLC (if you want everyhing you have to spend hundredds of dollars or euros) and the "seasonal pass" only is a kind of prepurchase of the next few  DLC at a discounted price. (Where it still will be cheaper if you hit a "real" steam sale with huge discounts at a later date if the game is a bit older.)

    For GW2 it just changes the daily login rewards + daily achievements into a system where you can get more customized/useful rewards. With the "seasonal" thing being maybe a reset on currency accumulated and not spent and a swap in the special rewards they are going to add ... I guess. (Not all details fully known yet.)

    More like the expansion itself is a battle/seasonal pass lol. With it being sold diretly and then released in several steps. (Only that the later people can not buy the individual steps separately but only the full expansion as well.)

    A battle pass in games like Apex legends for example: 

    Complete objectives to get points towards rewards, a free tier and a paid for tier. Missing some goals means you cannot cap out the pass unless you pay money to complete the pass. Also once this pass ends, that's it. You can never get whats on this pass ever again. Unless you earn it then, its gone forever. 

    A Season pass in games like Destiny 2: 

    Constant FOMO. Like constant. Miss something its gone forever, including content. For example the game at launch had a story and 2 DLC that new players can never experience as it has been removed from the game "Vaulted" as they put it. Voice lines you can never hear again, missions gone, entire zones/area's you could explore gone. 

    This is why people fear it. A pass usually means content you have to be there to experience. 

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  8. ......... of all the things they could do to kill this game, adding a battle/season pass is so high up there its... I just... 

    I don't actually know how to respond to this one. The season pass in D2 is why I hate that game with a passion, the fact that if you played Destiny 2 now, you are playing a different game entirely then when it released because ALL of the content from release and 2 DLC's that came after have been entirely removed from the game so that no one can ever play it again for the rest of humanity. 

    If they truly add FOMO to GW2 after its existed for 12 years as a game you can put down at any time and return too at any time and not miss anything (besides lw1 stuff but that's already back anyway, and besides their relic system which already messes with this) It will start to prevent people returning entirely. The game is living on people who return to it, if people stop coming back, no one will replace the people quitting. Please. Do not go the FOMO season/battle pass route. 

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  9. 8 hours ago, Sereath.1428 said:

    So are all Relics going to be the same "Use x skill to trigger y" gimmicks?

    I just noticed that the Zephyrite relic you showed has absolutely nothing to do with the current Zephyrite runes which alot of players enjoy, such as engineers.
    Relic = Summon crystals that apply protection and resolution to allies when using an elite skill. Cooldown: 30s
    Runes 6th bonus = Superspeed you grant lasts 33% longer. Using an elite skill grants you superspeed for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds

    What happened there?!

    That just makes me think that you are just going to completely delete similar runes such as Runes of Speed: Increase movement speed by 66% when under the effect of swiftness.
    Or even things like Antitoxin runes: Incoming condition cleanses remove an additional condition.

    My joy for playing this game would actually die if you were to homogenize that many runes to work the same way. I just wouldn't want to continue playing WvW or even Open World if things like Fireworks runes current 6th bonus boons were gone: Gain 6 stacks of might, fury and vigor for 6 seconds while in combat. Triggers every 20 seconds.
    Same can be said for Pack Runes.

    Spamming your elite skill on cd is just bad.
    "Not everything will require you to use your elite skill! Others will instead trigger with your heal.☺️"

    I'm actually holding off on buying the expansion now. Unfortunate.

    Seen this concern from a lot of people, also myself. Rather disappointed in the ones they showed and how you will need to buy the expac to get access to more... to get access to a feature we already had in the game since its launch what 12 years ago? Runes have been such a staple and I quite often use non meta runes. 
    Which we already know with this update we may never see again for the rest of the games life if all these require you to use your heal or elite to proc. 

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  10. On 8/13/2023 at 11:57 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Nine more days until the "ANet, don't do it!" threads will be replaced by "ANet, how could you?!" threads. 😄

    We hope really, as if the latter doesn't happen, it just means more people have quit, as most quit without saying anything. 

    Its funny how its a sign the games healthy when there's people showing disappointment. 🙂

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  11. 3 hours ago, leila.7962 said:

    First of all, criticism is needed for things to improve and it shouldn't be taken as a toxic behavior from the playerbase. The hype would be there still for more players if ANet didn't decide that in this expansion they would take things you had and have you work for them again. Instead of making people happy that it's coming, people are upset about it, and honestly, I think it is right that people complain. I don't remember people being upset on HoT and PoF releases.. People started to be upset with an expansion release on EoD, because it was being developed while IBS was coming and we all know how the quality overall went down.

    Why I'm not happy? Hmm let's see:

    1. New expansion old assets:

    When they advertise a new expansion people expect more new assets than old ones.. It should be something we are excited to see because it's new, but instead, we are getting a lot of old assets being reutilized over and over like we saw on EoD and now on SoTO. It really shows some half-assed work there. I'm really not excited to see a burning version of the Wizard's Fief that was copied in the sky. Idk, maybe they could have made the tower be a fake cover to a portal that lead people to somewhere new?

    When I saw this post from that_shaman I had to laugh because it just really represents how it feels the new expansion: 

    2. New gear screwing up old gear:

    I and a lot of people worked hard to craft legendary gear and runes so we'd never have to bother with it again anymore when the meta changes. Now, not only they will remove part of the legendary runes, they will also put it somewhere else (relics). If it wasn't enough of a hassle, people will have to work hard AGAIN for a legendary item in the future, just to have their QoL back. Which wouldn't be so much of a hassle if people could work on it right away as the expansion releases but the legendary relic isn't coming this year, but sometime in 2024.. (from january to december.. who knows when). Meanwhile, people will have to spend more, to craft temporary exotic relics for every build for every character. That is hassle that I, and a lot of players decided that we didn't want to have when we spent so much time, effort and gold making legendary gear. I do feel that part of my QoL is being taken away with this change. They could have added relics without messing with runes.. Either changing part of the 6th runes effect (like they did previously over the years) or just adding the new effects on relics only. I'm sure people would gladly accept the new feature if it was like that, because then it would be something no one had before and that they now have to work for it if they want it, instead of being something we had before and we will have to work for it again if we want it back.


    3. New system screwing up with old system:

    Just like #2, we had daily login rewards that were ok for what you earned, being taken to the new system that now will make you do tasks to get what you used to get before. Why can't they both exist? Why take it with one hand and give it back with the other hand? It's a pretty f*ked up decision in my opinion. Before anyone says anything, no, I'm not one of those that abused the system with hundreds of accounts. People complained that people benefited a lot because they abused the system.. but that is not what happened for the majority of the players, most people have 1 account.

    Daily login rewards were something that made people that weren't able to play for too long to come to the game every day because they would still get something for showing up even if it was for a short time. For the people that have a very limited time to play, it will surely be missed, because now they will earn very little of the Astral Acclaim (the Wizard's Vault currency) for logging in, and I'm pretty sure it won't be enough to get the same amount of mystic coins, laurels, clovers, tomes of knowledge and the account bonuses. These people will be hurt the most in my opinion, because of a few abusers.


    4. The right idea behind a bad decision:

    I understand they want people to actually play the game but let's face it, GW2 isn't a game that people play religiously and part of it is the QoL of no gear grind with every expansion like on other MMORPG's out there. GW always had a concept of  a game that people wouldn't feel forced to play if they didn't feel like to just because of X or Y is happening at the moment. You could always quit for a while and come back at the same point where you left. The Wizard's Vault is said to be thought as a way to direct people to do things and get Astral Acclaim as a reward.. but wouldn't that mean that they will only play X or Y now because of the reward so they could get the mystic coins, laurels etc.? Because if it wasn't these being taken away from the player, they wouldn't play said contents.. either because it's not fun to play, it has bad rewards on it's own or because it requires more time than they can actually spend on the game (like Raids and long-kitten metas such as Triple Trouble or Dragon's End). Instead of fixing that, they put a carrot on a stick to "guide" players and make them play other parts of the game that no one plays anymore. Why not make players play X or Y because it's fun ? Why not fix the reason why people aren't playing X or Y content?

    I remember that on GW2 betas weekends events (waaaay back in 2012), everything you did on the game had a small survey at the end asking if it was fun/rewarding. What happened to that concept? When did ANet started to think that taking away things from the player and put it in some other content would actually make them do it and that players would think that now it is fun?

    This post right here is perfect, a perfect example of criticism like we have been seeing, its truly up to Anet to fix the disaster that will be relics if they release it as they said by only giving us a choice of 3 and not adding everything back at launch and holding the legendary back for a year instead of it being rewarded upon the craft of six legendary runes. 

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  12. Before a mod locks this obvious troll post, I really don't understand this take. 

    If people are against something and unhappy, that means the devs are doing something wrong, not the people are doing something wrong for being unhappy. 

    We are in the minority using these forums, which means you already must love the game to be here. Which means you want the game to succeed. Which means if you see the game taking a path where it doesn't succeed when it could be doing so quite easily then you say something. 

    They didn't even remember about legendary runes before the post and only after it was pointed it quickly threw something out there to try to calm people. They are too focused on their own changes to the game instead of actually improving said game. GW2 didn't even need anything past IBS and it would have more people playing it today, especially if IBS was done right and they took their time with it. GW2 would be a better game for it. If EoD was only released later this year for example, there would be more people and they would be earning more money. Especially as it would give them the time to actually balance classes for once and give us something for pvp and wvw players instead of promising wvw alliances soon to end 2 years ago. 
    That's why people speak out, its because we know how easilly this game could be improved or better. And yet they keep choosing the path that makes it worse. 

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  13. On 8/11/2023 at 9:56 PM, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

    What is that "huge powercreep" of jade bots again? must have missed a memo, or dozen....

    Ahem, what? Did you even read my comment at all? 
    They want to put in horizontal power creep in every which way possible, how exactly is extra health for everyone, which is already an objective buff, not power creep?, especially for classes designed with low health in mind? And that is not even mentioning the fact that it was a Requirement to use Jade bot buffs in the final meta zone, you were forced to pick up the defence and attack buffs provided in the area for many groups. And then they made these buffs effect the entire games open area zones, how exactly is every single class in the entire game having access to every single boon at the start of every single fight not creep? 

    If it was just extra movement options, fine, but the stuff it can do did and has made us all stronger in combat. Especially as evidenced by the fact that the final zone had it as a requirement to be used. Choosing to not use it means you are choosing to play with less stats. 
    I feel the only reason there was not as much uproar about this fact is just showing how dead this game has become after their expansion releases which has only hurt the game not helped. 

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  14. Ya know, its probably not a good healthy game stance to see someone trying to get new players into the game and they are greeted with 14 downvotes. 

    The game does have sales and every now and then the LW's do become free which is nice, been awhile since the last free event. The real kicker though is if you see a GW2 pack advertised as "Unlocks all content" what it actually does is gives you everything but the living worlds. 

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  15. You know things are bad when even the people trying to defend bad dev choices and them reusing assets more obviously then before (I mean, did ya'll see all the clipping in Kaineng city?) are having to defend GW2 by comparing it to other MMO's.... when its never been like other MMO's. If GW2 is becoming like other mmo's then that's a really bad thing as other mmo's have been dying and have had many servers shut down, some mmo's died entirely and you cannot even play them anymore, or like Rift which died many times over, died when it went f2p and you could literally cash shop into end game gear and upgrades to stats you can't get outside of it to being sold to the game killing company. 

    GW2 has always stood out and been different, not entirely sure why there's this push to make it comparable? Then again with Jade Bots which shouldn't exist already giving such a huge power creep its like they are trying every step in the book to put vertical progression into the game instead of keeping it balanced and horizontal. 

    Give us something good to talk about, we all love this game right? If we not talking about the good stuff, if there is even a single "Controversial" thread then things are going poorly. There is no such thing as "doom sayers" when all of us here on this forum are here because we love GW2 and want to see it succeed. Watching it fail and denying it failing is just you going after other people who play the game just like you do. PoF did so well because it was seen as a return to form. Back then with PoF and living world 4 sure there was a few with concerns but the general consensus was a great outlook, if they kept that going the game right now could be so much better. WVW needs an update instead of being told they would get an update back in July 2021 that never came that was promised that year, pvp has been neglected for so long i'm amazed the games pvp even still exists in any form and has not bugged somehow preventing matchmaking. 

    There's a lot they could be doing to make this game so much better, but instead they are copy pasting and making us pay for a living world. 

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  16. On 8/9/2023 at 12:19 AM, Gibson.4036 said:

    It’s too bad it didn’t go as far as reverting some of the “balance” changes that were motivated solely by said dev’s dislike of a particular weapon or mechanic.

    We’re still suffering with some of those changes.

    Good point there, I'm surprised they didn't fix the many issues and mistakes caused by him and instead just kept them in anyway. Though maybe that was their plan, to get the terrible class balance choices through and then used him as a scapegoat to deflect? hah. 

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  17. On 8/8/2023 at 11:09 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

    They removed guild functionality in order to package it with guild halls for HoT's release.


    On 8/9/2023 at 8:09 AM, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Yes, and the backlash for that was absolutely massive. So massive they eventually stated nothing like this will ever happen again and there will be no gear progression in gw2 in the future. Unfortunately it seems they are reconsidering now.

    Hah so I stand corrected and was proven wrong there, interesting. Though I bet at least for the backlash on the exotics are concerned back then the game was popular enough that they had to actually care about backlash compared to now where they have shown time and again as to how little they care about feedback, or rather, no care at all since EoD released as we saw with the "beta" tests where they listened to none of our feedback and everything else that followed with the meta where they continued to listen to no feedback and now even "controversial" posts have gotten a lot smaller and less active. 
    Which means you know unless they actually do something about this terrible way they releasing Relics like one of the worst ways possible they could do it and just do it anyway it'd be entirely true that this entire forum both positive and negative sides is just an echo chamber that exists to voice our concerns heard by nobody in the hopes people stay and keep giving them money. 

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  18. But how else can you play GW2 on hard mode besides playing the games weakest class that once had unique features that Anet decided to nerf and remove with three elite specs that all are dps with one literally preventing movement? 

    GW2 Warrior, the game on hard mode. I still stand by my stance that the last time Warrior was good was at launch, when I played Warrior and was hooked into this class. 😛 Every time I pop my head back in its amazing to see how things have actually managed to get worse. Like you think "surely they are done basically removing Warrior from the game" but nope, they still come up with new ways to screw Warriors over. 

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  19. 4 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    If I, presenting myself as a representative of my company, attacked my company's customers, yeah I would expect to be fired. If a cashier at a store started verbally abusing a customer in line for asking a question they would be reprimanded at least and most likely fired. I dont see why a game developer should be considered to be above standards set for every other worker in every other field.

    Reminds me of that leaked discord conversation with the lead balance dev at the time calling for salt and ignoring helpful suggestions. Before suddenly they stopped being the lead balance dev. 

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