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Everything posted by Gorem.8104

  1. considering GW2's pvp system would be dead if it wasn't a daily, yes, there is not many doing it.
  2. I mean, its literally the only way to break out of the forced 50/50 ratio, either that or play super meta builds and duo que as the games matchmaking is among the worst out of any game in existence so duo que's fight solo groups, easily some of the worst pvp I've ever seen due to incredibly unbalanced elite specs and trapper runes. Sometimes I wonder if I should throw on purpose for awhile to see if I can break the system that way, I wanna see just how hard the game will try and get me a win, maybe put me on teams of 2 duo's against 3 afk's
  3. Main issues with Roaming and scouting and playing a bit of sabotage or distraction or solo defending has been nerfed with the last update that removed grace period from wall repair and siege use, so on maps other then EBG I hope you are getting a kill every 10minutes. Does seem like Anet only wants us to play by zerging. Might be good to not mention good roaming tactics on their official forums before they nerf that too.
  4. Its honestly a bit iffy. Still needs some updates to work. Like, we still ending up with stacked guilds, and soon will be stacked alliances, which doesn't work in Beta tests, but will when we have the tier system in place for alliances, that way the stacked ones all fight at the top while the rest of people play in the lower tiers and fight smaller less organised groups. Right now beta testing is just showing us how bad it can be when there is no tier balance. And of course, if you don't get the 500 names you can recognise in your wvw, can still keep the community if everyone is in the same alliance. Right now its like when WoW added x-server and auto-join to dungeons, utterly decimating the community feel. But yes, you do need to form/join a guild with your community, if you try and solo que now you will hardly ever recognise anyone every reset being with different people. Other updates to wvw I still hope we get is removing the ability to follow enemy squads by blocking them, and Returning participation to wall repair and siege use.
  5. Oh yeah I mean, it is nothing compared to the pvp scene I remember from Warhammer online, pvp battles you could que for that had 10-20 players in a match with healers and tanks and dps all going at it where teamwork mattered above all us and good healers could carry a team, or me on my IB and using my team shield which was such a broken ability for so long. Always will miss my groups and playing pvp in warhammer. GW2 doesn't really have that at all, 2v2/3v3 is too small for deathmatches. True though that even now, this game doesn't really have pure dedicated healer classes, people can heal but nothing like the pure only heal no dps classes of the past in other games. Mainly because gw2 healing is so different, in warhammer you could heal your group with no los and not need to target or aim. Still, it'd be nice if we had 5v5 options outside of conquest forever. But maybe we'd actually need to see pvp stop being a dead game mode that only exists due to dailies being done.
  6. Bounties? maps that are not populated anymore? When it was their week and everyone got the chapters free sure, it was quick and easy, now is the opposite. The only thing that takes the same time is the story. On the less popular maps the meta's are often not progressed yet alone completed, and you need to complete a lot of events in each zone, again taking longer due to there being a lot less people around. Doing the jumping puzzles again, was a LOT faster when there was thousands of people doing them. Also again, what if you don't have everything unlocked? Remember you need them ALL unlocked. Missing one means you can't complete it. So if you started the game now with no living worlds unlocked, you either need to wait months to a year for it to all be free maybe again, or pay thousands of gems. Which is thousands of gold. Both avenues being more expensive and/or time consuming then crafting a new T1 Legend. Even missing the week by a day it was hard to complete some of the meta's. Combine that with you not being able to play during prime time, which means even if you try and use your commander tag to get a group doing anything, and still end up failing, some maps just doing a single meta might take a week before a successful one is done when you can play. A single one. I missed the Isle of Istan week by a single day, and to get a successful meta with destroying the boats in time and then beating the boss in time took the entire week of trying the meta multiple times to get people to show up, so even during the excitement It was annoying to complete. Don't just assume someone else is wrong without even having proper facts. The fact is, The accessory is hard to get and is something earnt that is not free. And Jewelcrafting could easily fill that gap if they updated it to do so.
  7. Give us Team 5v5 deathmatch already where only kills matter.. and let us que as a 5man again already...
  8. GW2 matchmaking is terrible because the pvp scene doesn't exist. It'd be extremely dead if not for the dailies. Only having conquest as an option, only being able to duo que, and filled with win traders. Been like this for years now unfortunately, only reason I bet we don't have posts like this constantly, is just an example as to how dead the pvp scene is.
  9. I wouldn't say that at all, if you started now the legendary amulet is something that is going to take weeks, maybe months to complete, it could take longer to complete then crafting a legendary would take. The Jumping puzzles especially are alone multiple hours of work unless you find someone to teleport you through all of them. And the story itself contains a lot of unskippable scenes with takes many, many more hours. Plus of course, even doing the meta on some maps may take days and days as some maps may be empty, looking at you Living world 4 episode 1. Not to mention you need every single living world unlocked. So, they could add another avenue through Jewelcrafting quite easily, and really should have added in asc, as if you do not have living world 3 unlocked then they are a lot harder to get.
  10. Yolo mouse stopped working since a recent update that bugged out cursor swaps, at least its effecting some people (such as myself) I made a post in the bug thread about it.
  11. Games hard in the same message as Warrior main? Facts check out. Seriously, Playing Warrior in HoT is playing the game on hardmode. Use Hizen's solo build specs, he did one for Warrior it can help a lot, just search for Hizen Warrior on Youtube. Its just funny cause, HoT is a hard place, probably the hardest place in the game, and yet when I play non-warrior classes, there's no issues and can solo champions without a sweat. Man, I do hope they buff Warriors one of these days
  12. More cool idea's, can make Untamed actually sound like a cool class. Compared to what they gave us haha. Considering how bad its been I do wonder if by EoD it turns out to be really good, its just all a "Psyche!" moment for Rangers
  13. Imagine the meta shake if they gave Untamed the ability to give out unlockable to up to 5 allies in your group. Combine that with making Sic Em also effect up to 5 allied targets around you including yourself and your pet, and suddenly it'd have 2 unique uses that can't be filled by other roles. (Aoe stealth sniff pet break too). I mean, there is so many cool things they could have done with untamed but nope, instead its our worst E-Spec by a large, super large margin
  14. Problem with Venom Outburst is it doesn't work with Range pets, as they were lazy and gave Range pets melee skills, and all it does it let them get one hit off and the pet ai disengages or misses the second hit anyway. Also good luck keeping it alive at all in wvw, unless they make it not take aoe damage in pvp like it does in pve all the pet's good for is having a bad ai and then dying as its doing less dps then outside of untamed as you have to manually use its abilities. The 2 abilities are fine, but the class itself is so weak and has no purpose its kinda pointless for them to exist. If you see a Ranger playing Untamed you already know they are gimping themselves. As Infusion stated, the class should get a aoe stealth reveal or break, or be able to see through it. Imagine Untamed being able to stick to a theif when they think they are safe, because their pet remembers they have a nose that is stronger then their eyesight. And some group support like aoe damage buffs and boon spread would be great and actually make it a useful class to play in wvw instead of it being the most selfish spec we have making it entirely pointless to play.
  15. It was nearly incredibly epic to have Bladesworn come on as easily our top dps and survival spec to play open world in. Could max stack Fury and Power and then focus on tank stats with no need for precision. And then they removed the ability for the Vision sigil to proc on DT use by making it a bundle instead of a weapon swap, destroying the spec entirely. I was so looking forward to playing my Warrior again, before the 2nd beta hit. As expected they nerfed the class cause it may have actually been a viable class for EoD. If 2022 does see a massive buff and rework to warriors I'll be pleasantly surprised for sure, as their track mind for warriors is "why does anyone even play this class".
  16. Sort of amazed even a single person voted yes (one vote yes, literally everyone else no) Untamed is a selfish spec that relies on a pet. So 100% useless in wvw. It Maybe, maybe be a spvp spec but literally excels at nothing else and again, the pet ai is horrendous in pvp. It has no real purpose - would need massive changes to actually be a useful spec. Immob SB it is. At least we can dps, barrage, and immob groups multiple times over while giving group Stab. Already, so much better then anything Untamed could ever bring.
  17. Did the clean install work? Yeah, that's what I miss the most, is it changing for enemies. NPC's too/ Siege in wvw was also nice to be able to see far away. Went from being able to tell if enemy siege or our siege to it all being the same from a distance.
  18. Yeah, I noticed it a short while ago, saw some reddit posts but not many here. I do see others are experiencing it, and see that it is essentially a bug. Hopefully there is a fix for it in 2022 🙂 Cause once you notice it, its so hard to stop noticing it.
  19. Side effect of them adding the blight mechanic. The health's the same as it was before (mounts have less hp in wvw, mount the warclaw in pve and it has more hp... not that I have any idea why you would ride the warclaw outside of wvw). Would be nice for them to remove the graphic but gameplay is the same as before.
  20. There used to be match rewards right in the form of a bonus chest you could earn for your server which would give 2 chest drops on a wvw rank up, I still had some of those bonus levels even when I had logged back in many months ago now after quitting for six years. Which means that its still in the game, we just can't earn them anymore. Surprised they don't bring them back too with alliances, give more incentive for winning. On that note this thread reminds me of a time when I got pm'd by the enemy saying "thanks for the pre drop" so there is that 0.0000000001% chance of happening apparently ;D The rewards could indeed do with a touch up, but my guess is their focus right now is just making sure alliances works, hopefully after that is done we actually see something worthwhile added.
  21. One can only hope for a lot of these things ay, would make the game more inviting and fun for everyone. Would see even more people interested in wvw which would be nice. Now its as you say, best to only really play during wvw bonus weeks, cause it feels like its closer to how the base rate should be. Just get your wooden chests done and some dailies each week and only worry about going further when its a wvw bonus week, cause by playing wvw, you are actually choosing the path that gives less rewards then nearly everything else in the entire game for almost more effort. I mean we've all done this now for thousands of hours already, actively choosing to play an un-rewarding mode with our time. And Anets last response was only to make it worse for outnumbered people and made Grace period harder to obtain. We don't have alliances yet. So right now its worse. This "cornerstone" of the game as they put it, better see some more major updates.
  22. Exactly really, that entire last wvw patch that we got really shouted out loud "hey, you play wvw by zerging and ppt'ing, you get more pips! It is now the only really way to get pips, get your rank up in the zerg for more pips while you get more pips for having higher points! better get zerging!" Whereas before that patch, you could defend a tower or keep with a few buddies outside of EBG and actually be rewarded for it, for playing on an outnumbered map where you fight against odds in the enemies favour. But nope! Anet doesn't want you playing solo anymore, or scouting or roaming, better get to K-training! I just don't understand why Anet suddenly decided so many of us who actually play wvw actively, were playing wvw wrong.
  23. Never tried the DX11 until today, hoping it would fix it, but it didn't,. game looks nice now though. But yeah i've always been on the dx9. Doesn't seem to have any effect on the mouse cursor icon changing
  24. Something i've noticed recently, as of a update/patch or 2 ago is that my mouse cursor has stopped changing icons nearly entirely. For the speech bubble to appear I now have to be on top of the target, same deal for the cog wheel. I used to be able to tell allied siege in wvw from far away due to it changing into a cog wheel, but now it doesn't until you are basically on top of it. Also notice the red sword attack icon for fighting enemies just disappeared entirely. now if I fight a random mob the cursor entirely refuses to change to anything. Click on enemy siege the cursor appears the same as everywhere. What's the current fix for this new issue? I hear its even effected Yolomouse as of course, its an issue with the game gw2 itself that is a new problem.
  25. Hahahahaha IF ONLY I could just imagine that week of wvw, all the people who rely on broken skills complaining while the rest of us just have fun. This is like a personal attack to them, they need this stuff in order to succeed at anything in game, take away their life support and they will complain a lot.
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